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well everybody welcome to another episode of according to flint my podcast and uh as usual bringing you a little western sports and happy to welcome at taking advantage of the fact that we have some guys in billings montana and uh i will also take advantage of the fact that this guy said yes a man who you know i'll say used to do more been around you got he's got the old man pass is that what we call it they're calling it the old man pass two-time world champion i'm gonna say two-time world champion bull rider i'm going to say the the highest money earner in western sports how's that at rodeo bull riding can i say that yeah pretty close that's what they told me seven over seven million dollars riding bulls he is the two-time world champion mr jb mooney thanks matt you yeah you know we i do i do not take for granted the fact when i had a radio show all that if i call you you always answer your phone you always answer my messages if i say come on and say a few words you always did it on radio i called you and said can you come out yeah sure i'm bringing a beer he said so i appreciate that because i think there's you and i were talking before on our way out here i did have to be your driver yes your uber but there's a lot of young guys that'll say i'm like jb i'm not going to do all the interviews and that's a misnomer that that's not true you're 33 years old you've been around a while this month 15th year 15th year you got to do stuff well that's what i i told them i heard one of them say i'm just going to be like jb i'm not doing no interviews y'all no and i i heard him tell him that and i walked over there and i just tapped him and politely said there's one difference between you and i and he said what's that i said you weren't around for the 10 years i did everything they asked me to do when they asked me to do it every single time and never said no i said i have the right to say no you don't you know i you're you're never exclusive if you don't say no once in a while but it is um you know the we we're we're as we do this it's the billings pbr so we're you're in in my town and i told you i'm tired this week because when i'm in my hometown it's a you always got to be on i've done radio tv newspaper now i'm not complaining about it but it is you get to a point in your career you do got to sort that stuff out don't oh yeah what you what needs to be done and what they want you to do and you know it's just years and years of doing the same thing over and over in the four o'clock in the morning and getting up and i and i always wondered why they did tv at 4 30 in the morning because i figured the people that were up early enough to watch the tv at 4 30 in the morning were not coming to the bull riding that night no those are yeah but the great the good news for you in your day was you were still up yeah so that was a great advantage to have that was perfect like i would just leave from where i was at and go straight to the interview yeah but you know and we've talked about that and i've talked to other people you get to a point where yeah you had those days where you were still up when you had to meet in the hotel lobby at 4 30 in the morning and um you changed your shirt put your hat on and it concerned a lot of pr people but what what's important is when that when those lights come on and they point to you say we're out of commercial you got to do the right thing right that's what i've told a lot of young young guys you know i said you never let them see a sweat and they have no idea what i'm talking about that's part of it well i mean makes no difference my dad always told me when i was little he said when you show up you you handle your business and that's how i've been my whole life no matter what i was doing no matter if i'd been up all night doing whatever god knows whatever when i showed up i could switch it on switch it off take care of business go back to doing whatever i was doing they're uh i've told young guys when they say even when it comes to working out or whatever it is i i had a young guy not long ago say i'm doing the jb mooney thing man and and i put my arm around him listen there's only been a couple that can do what they do and be freaks in nature and still ride 90 pointers the next day you know what too one of them's you who's the other one justin mcgregor just make pride where do you think i learned from and that and that's what you told me that he was you know you everybody gets asked who would you look up to who was your role model mcbride i've been through the generations i've been through ted news and tuf edemann and then michael gaffney and tater porter and and luke snyder and justin mcbride and ross coleman and you and now this other generation and uh that it for one it's changed but that was your guy mcbride was your guy yeah it was you know i was fortunate enough i came around the time like brad was in his prime so i got to watch what he was doing when he was winning world titles and being the badass he was but then also i traveled around with guys brian herrmann tater porter yeah that had been there did that they knew the ropes and everything and you know it helped me along in my career a lot faster than it should have you know because i was one that was i was a loose cannon you know there was no telling where i was going to wind up or what i was going to do and they kind of corralled me you know they just kind of buff the issues i guess you gotta go to that line and then then you gotta somebody's gotta scoop you up and say oh grab the back of your shirt and pull you from falling off the cliff a little bit yeah because you know there was quite a few times i was hanging off that cliff but i forget you know you know what's funny is i've done i think i figured i've done 21 pbr world finals what they uh at the i believe the 20th was a big reunion and the 25th and there's guys that show up that i go i forgot about him oh leslie doyle reed quarter brian herman i shouldn't forget about him but there was some really great bull riders when you were 18 19 20 there were some guys that they were and they're a little different breed they're tough oh yeah tough i mean it was back then was more the cowboy mentality not so much the athlete mentality the working out and staying in shape and eating right it was just rough tough and do whatever it took to make the whistle man hate to say it but it it was kind of fun and and i said hey if we're doing if we're doing a podcast with jb can you sit here and sip a beer yeah yeah if i had one it was the wrong brand i'm not gonna put it sorry thanks a lot but but uh it was remember the days we talk a lot about it you'd go in in the arena it'd be midnight and the locker room would still be full because when it was the bud light cup you see it's been bud light cup billboard tough series now the monster energy unleash the beast when it was a bud light cup people may not know this there was tubs of bud light in the locker rooms waiting when we finished a show about four of them and so now there i do believe there was um some sorry or just my chair there there was some negatives to that in a sense maybe hey we're athletes we're this whatever i'll tell you i miss i really do miss that i'll come in after a show uh i'll kind of get cleaned up a little wipe the sweat off and i'll go up on the concourse and sign autographs for 45 minutes when i come back down i'm the last guy i'm the last one there oh yeah and there was a day when i come down and and i think there's i think there's some fellowship missing some camaraderie that's where we became friends cowboys sit around they drink beer they talk they hang out there's no campfire but there should be there's no campfire so nobody hangs around anymore yeah and you know i i think you know the pbr there's nowhere else you can go make this kind of money riding bulls that's by far their head and shoulders above any other association but you know i think they've strayed away from you know what makes bull riders and when you got guys that you're friends with and you hang out with you ride better when they're there every weekend they're helping you they're doing this and the guys i traveled with they're all retired so you know i kind of me i kind of sit in the locker room and i'm like well um i just sit back there by myself but you know i mean that's just watching westerns what you do at night build a campfire sit around talk yeah drink whiskey beer yeah yeah yeah and that's true and that's the nature i was talking about this today with uh in an interview i i did a deal i used to hang out you know the guys we all have that generation of guys that helped us the guy a couple guys that really helped me were lloyd ketchum and joe bumgarner joe b joe b i'll never forget we were at a rodeo and you always went to the stock trailer and had a beer and rodeos ground rodeos it was two hours after rodeo we're still sitting there and he looked around he said i love visiting just like that it's like a little kid and to that's you've been rodeoing lately yeah um you're getting on as many bulls as you can you love getting on bulls so you've been going you were killed here in north dakota and dylan and filer and blackfoot you're between billings and des moines you're going to some but there is no matter what my career does and i'm a loyal company guy for the pbr i love my job i love the shows we do man there's something about that rodeo oh man road isn't there yeah it's fun you know i was sitting there thinking because it's been quite a few years since i just took off and drove you know when we were younger when it was casey hayes brian kenner yeah all of us and i'm surprised we got anywhere but i'm surprised you're alive yeah actually i am too but you know it's a trucking camper and summertime i mean every three four months we stay gone i mean nobody you didn't know where we were at you didn't know where we were going and i mean we just drove and we bought that motor home the other day and i i put some anthony jagger in there and boy they were asleep in the back and i was driving and i thought man i miss this right here like it was just wide open no cars out through there and i was running about 90 in that rvs second yeah jb jb mooney rver yep i love see i love the rv life there too i'm a koa member now we stayed in koat hey when i started people don't know this when i started rodeoing i don't know if i was married yet but we we would travel we'd pulled koat and had a two-man tent and we had a camper on a pickup then we had a living quarters trailer everybody thinks you just jump right into this yeah they they don't that that's and that's another thing like them guys that work out and say they're gonna pull a jb you go to south texas and work for phil line for about two weeks that'll make anybody want to ride bulls good so tell them about your relationship your father-in-law yeah you're married to samantha line your father-in-law's phil line who the old movie great american cowboy it's larry mahan and phil line following him through a season phil line he's the only guy to win the average title and half roping and bull riding in the same year at the national finals rodeo i told him in an interview not taking anything away from anybody else it's one all-around titles but in my eyes that's the last true all-around cowboy you work both the engineering well you know in canada they have a high point and they have an all-around they all around both ends of the arena what is uh i won't say hey do you get along with phil line but what's your relationship that's a from everything i hear because and your brother-in-law shorty gorham same ranch uh it that's a tough man phil line that is a real tough man uh he's part camel uh one bottle of water luke warm bottle of water will last him like 14 hours so if you go with him you better pack your own beverages and you better and there's no telling like he might say hey let's run over here and check on something and you come back six hours later and there's one thing he works and he will work you and that's what he told somebody i i rode a ditch witch for 109 degree weather and dug about 7 500 foot of water line and somebody called him he said oh i'm just getting jb back in bull riding shape i said i don't know if you're getting me a bull riding shape because all i'm doing sitting on this thing smokes cigarettes right now but you're dang sure making me want it it you know what funny i'm an 80s guy not 80 years old but the 80s all i could think right there is karate kid you remember the original karate kid and he couldn't figure out why oh wax on wax paint the fence that's what phil line he's your uh he's yours i promise you if i'm up at a rodeo he calls me every day he does every day you know he wrote and he did everything and i realized real quick that bull riding was his that that's that's what intrigues him because me and him get in the truck and drive hour and a half and that's what we talk about sport riding like he loves bull riding and was just as good in the bull run as he was calf roping you know the other events but he liked bull riding and you know when i'm at home i try not to answer his phone calls because he's not calling to check to see how i'm doing he's calling a check to see if i'm not doing anything so he can work me so i figured out real quick i better find something to do yeah and uh but i like it down there i mean i like being around him because he's cowboy and he's cowboy to the bone there's no other way around it i mean you gotta admit 72 degrees in montana today felt pretty good though oh man i had i was doing that rv life had the tv going when you pulled up and picked me up had the awning out you did that the outdoor outdoor tv you know my kids we drove a motor home last few years i rodeoed and um my kids were little and i i lose track of what they remember my 21 year old daughter the other day said i don't remember that dad you don't remember the mood-o-matic clown act you know oh yeah and my kids didn't know what a car seat was till they were four years old because it is nice to put your kid on the back of the on the back bed how is that your kid's smiley oh i mean he is i'll give you credit that's a cute little kid yeah so you're traveling i really honestly the pbr's been really great but i discovered yearly years later that when i quit rodeoing it really broke that connection we had as a as a family traveling in an rv together that'll it's pretty cool isn't it to just have them all there that's another reason i started rolling on again you have never met a 19 month old child who is more ate up with rodeo bull riding anything to do with cattle than that little boy right there you pull in he sees a gate he sees pins and he starts whooping his hot shot shaft he takes everywhere with him around and starts saying hey bull hey bull hey bull and i mean it is just nonstop 24 7 and i told samantha and you know i i don't tell her what i'm thinking i just told her i entered some roads we needed my home you know the day watching him play around there and i mean he's non-stop wide open crawling up the back pins looking at them bulls them horses watching the rodeo i said that's one reason i did it you know the bull runs are great but you know you've been there i know they have to go sit in the stands you know rodeos is a little more laid-back not so much security and things like that he can go right there to the back pins look at those bullets and i mean he loves it he could use a haircut yeah he could i like the long hair yeah he's got a good mullet going right now he does he does i need to trim the front just the front you need around the ears create the jb mooney the mullet the mooresville the mooresville waterfall that's it um he uh it has i think it can go either way when you become a dad for like bull riders a lot of guys i think it puts an added pressure on him like now i got a ride to support this family the other end of the spectrum is it's really put things in perspective that it's just bull riding which do you have a way that's gone or is it kind of when my daughter was born i did it first right i was younger though yeah and i put a lot of pressure on myself when my daughter was born that there's somebody else i got to take care of instead of debbie but she you remember jaby when she was born i was like i remember jb then i was just hanging off that cliff over there quite a bit somebody had your belt loop and yeah and uh you know i i put so much pressure on myself to do good because i knew i had to support not only me but her it was you know before if i didn't ride for so long and i was the only one that was affected by it and once i realized and that's what i've told a lot of people you know you got problems at home when you leave that weekend to go to a bull riding those problems will still be there monday when you get home they'll hang with you while you're gone too okay well i said but that yeah that's the mentality that you got to have you know i said because if you when you crawl off in that buck and shoot you can't be worrying about something else that's going on in this world or what you got to do or anything else it's too dangerous for sport to not be 110 into it if you got something else on your mind you better not go and you know when jagger come around boy he has ate up with it and and mcbride asked me he said why keep going i keep writing i said man i said i know he probably won't remember it when he gets older because i'm not going to ride long enough for him to get old enough to remember it but just having him with me being having him around it at i think pictures just have pictures for him later yeah this is yeah but you know and everywhere i go people that's the next bull rider right there you want him to ride bulls i said i don't care what he did that was and i was going to ask you that so he's eating up with it which can go anyway he could be a rope or a bullet he could be he could play soccer and not really give a crap so he comes to you when he's five six years old i i picture you as one that steps back not here you're gonna ride a bull you're gonna ride a sheep whatever it are you good with him ever wanting to be a bull rider or whatever he wants to do yeah i was never pressured into it never my entire life but once i started it was something i couldn't stop they never made me do it they told me any day i wanted to quit we never had to go again and that's kind of the way i am i'm not going to pressure him into doing anything you know if he wants red bulls i'll be there to help him 100 percent if he if he wants to play the damn piano as long as he does it with a 110 percent i'll be there to piano recital listening to it piano is okay i mean you know you know i always said that about i have two girls and of course i wanted boys i was an athlete you know i was more football basketball all that but when i had girls i went it it seems like with girls the pressure's off a little bit hey if they don't play sports it's a girl they'll sing and play the piano oh yeah but my girls are way i mean they they rope every day every day but whatever hey that's what i told him i don't care what he does piano baseball basketball plays a flute whatever he wants to do as long as he does it really the flute i don't care i mean wholeheartedly 110 i don't have a problem with it he wants to paint if he wants to be an artist as long as he does it with 110 i'll back him 110. what about you when uh tell me i would rather not ride bulls because it's a real footage i saw you stand up out of your lawn chair oh yeah um what about you when you were 10 years old 9 years old what if i was to look at jb mooney as a little kid 9 10 years old what were you what were you already knowing you wanted to be a bull rider did you play other sports were you good in school i never have heard i was good enough in school to pass because i my mentality was you know i didn't want to be there anyways uh the rule at my house when i got home from school was i had to do my homework before i could watch bull riding tapes i studied bull riding 24 7 seven days a week i mean that's all i was worried about i roped i did everything else but when you know i played i have i played baseball for eight or nine years pitched played second base short stop had high school they wanted me to play for him i wouldn't do it because the rodeos were on the week or the ball games were on the weekends i was going to bull ridings rodeos on the weekend so i wouldn't do it like before right before high school coaches told me you got a pick of choose i said what do you mean they said either rodeo one or baseball i said i'll see y'all later you know i i like playing baseball played football and uh but rodeoing was like where was that my parents say they kind of lean more towards the roping and you can rope you're a pretty good roper my dad steer wrestled so i jumped my first steer off a horse when i was 13. and uh you know my dad and i am not built anywhere you are not built anything like your dad but he's the he's the full moon he's the full moon finally when you know i love bulldogging but i just wasn't yeah for it and i did it too look at me when i was 17 i told him i said that's it i said i'm done bulldogging he said why not i remember the last time i jumped the steer we were at a rodeo in south carolina them guys told me you got the best stare in the pen heck yeah i run him i'm like a four two four five or something i'm thinking i was bowed up i didn't place and that's when i decided that that yeah i said that's it and i was spending all my money hauling them horses and i said i can take my rigging bag and put in a little bitty car and save a lot of money did you high school like truly high school rodeo freshman year some more year i did uh went to the nationals my freshman year in the bulldog and the team are open and bull riding my sophomore year i made the nationals in the barrack ride and the calf rope and the team roping the bulldog and the bull riding but i didn't go you didn't why didn't you go i knew i wasn't going to college so i said there's no reason for me to go i'm not spending all that money get all them horses and everything out there and and let me tell you something my girls made it to the national high school rodeo you better have some money saved oh yeah to go where was it where was it nationals when you went as a freshman it was a gallop gallop i think yellow the junior i know the junior high was there oh wait farmington farmington yeah that was where the high school finals was because uh god dang what year was that i got out of school in 0-4 so around 2000 yeah yeah huh when you watch those bull riding tapes you come home and did your homework what tapes did you put in who did you who do you want i know mcbride later helped you but i still you can go in that rv right now and look there's a box sitting up there full of dvds and i got them i've got nfr tapes from the 70s and 80s and i've got nfr tapes and pbr tapes from the early 90s past about 97 i don't watch them i watch the old school ones what why what's the difference why why did why do you not watch the cowboy mentality i i don't know i that's the ones i like and i watch them over and over and over and i watch lane frost bull talk every day of my life when you know once i got older and i was living by myself everybody thinks that all i did to learn how to ride bulls and be good at riding [ __ ] stand on a damn ball but i would stand on that ball and watch bull riding tapes you know when i didn't have anything to do all my buddies around the house were working or whatever they were doing you know and and i like i was talking earlier that that part about them saying not working out they don't see what i do during the day so that was it you know we can't have a conversation without that people say yeah there's mcbride and jb they don't work out well there's a difference like okay there's a different kind the brazilians they'll most of them go to uh whatever place is indicated there's a big gym whatever that's fine but do you look at you there's some working out there for one standing on the ball balance nobody's out muscling a bull that's what people misinterpret it it's here oh yeah it's just like a dance they move you got to follow them you can't make them do what you want them to do and you know that's that's one thing i always said i said if i got to go to a gym to ride bulls that means i ain't working hard enough at home and you can ask my wife and jagger's just like me you i can't stay inside very long i'm up usually before daylight every morning and no telling what time i'm gonna go to bed a couple of guys that was rodeo and i asked him the night they were talking said something and they were asking about how old i was that's well how old are y'all when i was 24 though was 25 and they said how are you jbs 33. and i mean we stayed up till like 2 30 in the morning sitting around drinking beer visiting around the campfire and you know the next day they get up about one o'clock and they come out of their little deal over there there and they said what time did you get up this morning i said oh about 6 45 they said really i said i'm telling you you're waiting on me you're like here you know um i think that there's guys that don't live a real active everyday lifestyle but then go for two hours and really work hard at the gym i believe that if you live an active lifestyle and work out in the heat and really get up early your mind's focused the whole day oh yeah and a lot of it's here you're living an active lifestyle your muscles are working your it's a balance there i think an active lifestyle does as much as anything i think i ever got told me one time there's a difference between a guy that works out in the working mountain yeah you know there's a difference and that's what i do every day like whether i'm helping feel or whether i'm doing stuff on my own i'm working i mean i got cows i got bulls i've horses i said i'm always doing something i remember sitting somewhere with justin mcbride when he was still riding winning a world title and he says man and it might have been in the lobby of a hotel at midnight around the campfire that's our new thing now uh and he said man let me tell you something all those guys adriano marchi he was listening they go to that gym get all muscled up and this little skinny guy is kicking their ass he said and he was it was jokey you know mcbride he likes everybody but he's right he was right he was confident and you know how many people i've had tell me i need to quit smoking i don't go to a gym i don't work i'm about i'm same mentality mcbride had when he was younger except i smoked cigarettes and that was one other thing i tell people i said you know what then people tell me i need to quit all that and i said and then i hear i'll win them bull runs and i sit back and think hmm i don't eat healthy i drink cokes i drink beer i drink whiskey i smoke cigarettes all damn day long and i'm still whipping their asses and you know i never said that nothing but i always thought about it i said i'd like to tell them that you know when yeah somebody would say something about it but um is it kind of shifting gears a little isn't it something when you and i have visited about we visit about doing media stuff and as we get older you gotta sort it out and i've seen you a little on social media so you tell me i don't care i don't care what they say i don't but we all care oh yeah isn't it funny how well this is my job you have your job when we do the jobs we do that people really feel they have the ability to chime in and tell us about our job i mean the retiring thing no jb why don't you just retire you're washed up what is the fact you want to keep riding bulls have to do with them but you know what that's also people who have never i'll put it this way i use brett favre as my example every time he took heat because he didn't just retire farv just retired the people who haven't had this kind of passion to compete and win and the love don't get it do they no and what's it hurting them yeah i mean if i want to kill myself let me do it you know i mean that's just i beat my body all the pieces everybody says well you got a family you got a child everything like that and my first go-to is yeah that's exactly what i want them to remember about when i went going got tough i gave up when i'm done riding bulls i'll decide that nobody else will but i'll look on there every once in a while and i'll house read them comments and i'll say something smart ass back to them you know just to fire them up here's what i've discovered i'll try i'll look just for the sake of of this stuff and some things i do i'll get on a pbr uh post and and read the comments and my name will come up oh yeah well i'll chime in and comment you know maybe you should end up try to be polite they're more thrilled that i get on and respond so i always laugh when they say that jb is all worn out he should retire and he said i'll retire when i want and you know that person's going oh i hate jb and but i love him oh yeah it that retiring part it gets to me every time that's when you know you see a guy get hurt but you know samantha she always asks why don't she say anything there's older guys we ride i said yeah but how many of them were around as long as i've been they've watched me grow from the time i was pretty much 18 years old till now yeah and they've watched every hang-up ever stomping every bone broke that i've watched and they think well you need to give it up but i feel better now than i have in 10 years probably yeah and except if i sleep on that mattress your new mattress in your rv yeah jeez hurts your hips i know that one um you know j.w hart was like i i can't believe i'm older than j.w hart but it's the same thing um jw said one time how old he was and cody lambert i said something not all the older he is he said he'd been making a living riding bulls since he was 15 years old that's how he's been around for so the guys have been around for so long he got jealous ricardo vieta you use him i think he's 37 36 37 but to us he showed up when he was 30. yeah but you we've seen you in the time i buy a pbr permit till now yeah um 15 years i watched they had a uh there was a video floating around probably on mooney monday oh yeah that's sorry um the first qualified ride at a pbr i think it was portland oregon portland you and brian cantor weren't you both you guys were there together yeah godfather chad burgers oh you are you were just a a taut oh yes baby faced probably didn't even i bet you smoked oh i smoked man i've been smoking my whole life yeah that's what people when they told me that i was 14 i think 14 15 years old my dad told me he said we don't have the money for you pay for you to do this so if you want to ride bulls and rodeo you got to get a job so once i started getting a job and i supported myself i did what i wanted to and unfortunately some of it was smoking i guess but i mean not i'm not condoning it i'm not a smoker but i don't care because it's just it's just you yeah and let let me say this um and i'm pretty polite about it like you're not i don't smoke in people's cars you know listen if i didn't know you i wouldn't know you smoked no no that's those are the best kind but there's a uh the pbr who does a great job promoting things there's a lot of turnover in the organization so a new pr guy will come oh my god look at jb moody holy so it's look at this this is what america this is a guy and we're all going uh that's just dave jb that's it and there's moony monday there's this do you and and the big thing is nobody's just tough oh my god nobody's as tough i mean to me is your pain tolerance more than anybody else probably you and frank newsom probably i do know this because i share a locker room with frank newsome and have for years he hates he hates a couple things he hates when you say are you okay and he hates hearing about how tough he is oh yeah it's got it are you the same it to me it's just you that's just jb leave it back off i remember i walked out of the arena in vegas one year and a bull flipped over on top of him and i mean smashed me all the pieces and i was mad because i got bucked off i was hurting and i walk out tandy he's trying to stop me and i'm shrugging him off and uh i can't remember who was standing there and they said man you're tougher than john wayne's boots i said yeah and i'm about tired of proving it too i just kept walking and i was like man i would rather step off every bull on my feet and walk out of that arena like nothing ever yeah it's not it's almost gets to a point where people people think that's you that you know in football in football guys are tough because they hit somebody else hard so they can live up to it bull riding if you're if you're known for being that tough that means you've been in way too damn many wrecks yeah a lot of reaction but i i was taught to be that way you know when i was little it was always if you're hurt bad enough you need to go to the doctor you don't need a ride next weekend so i i wouldn't say nothing i just and you know the older i got and the people i hung around like riding them they were tough and you know it was just cowboy way like yeah you get hurt you get up you walk out of that arena you can lay in the back and crawl you want to but you don't do it out there in that arena and that's how i've always been i don't know why and people don't understand they how you deal with all that pain and getting hurt you get used to it after a while like it's normal that's why one reason i won't go to a chiropractor or anybody like that if i go there yeah i'll feel good you know they'll put everything all lined back up my hips and everything will be all lined back up boy i'll feel good until i get on the next bullet i get on and then it's all out of whack and it hurts even worse than when because if a guy can do that and realign you i always say that this is terrible i'll probably take heat for this i say that about horse chiropractors if i as a man can grab a horse and go up popped him back in it's going to come back it's gonna come back out yeah so and that's what i always samantha always asks why don't you go get worked on things like that and i said well if i leave it alone i'm used to it it's no different i said if i get everything lined back up for the couple days before i get on the next week you know i feel great and then that first bull i get on it's all back out of whack now hurts even worse keep it like if you had to take a cold shower every morning don't take a hot one it'll screw up your then you're crave that um i guess the word i always use when people ask is polarizing it's weird i felt like mcbride was polarizing and it's amazing now because the year he he retired um you know i remember i don't know if you remember mcbride and adriano retired the same year yep and the people were like well we hate to see him go but mcbride could learn something about how to treat people from age around i know adriana was a good guy that's not the point and i remember thinking if you really knew justin mcbride that guy would drop everything yeah to help you and i don't know what it is it's it's greatness it's swagger it's whatever it is why are you so you're a love you or hate you nobody's like oh jb yeah he's pretty good oh yeah jb that never happens it's either oh jb mooney or that's a [ __ ] god i just oh he i don't i guess i kind of get it because i've been around a while but i've never really found a reason to not like you it's weird how tv does that to people yeah and and we are we are in the entertainment business so we need a villain and there you go that's where people that i've never met a day in my life come up to an autograph and sign in i'll sign it and you know they'll just start talking to me and i'll just talk right back to them just carry on a conversation like a normal person would and you know when they get down there like you know until the day i hated you and i'm like why because of tv we thought you were cocky we thought you were this and i i same thing i always use there's a difference between confident and cocky completely i've never told anybody i was gonna do anything but by god i expected myself to do it and there's a difference there and you know and it's crazy how tv makes you look one way and then when they meet you in person they're like oh man you're a totally different person you're as big a turd as we talk you're just normal person yeah but you know where it started you were i think the first guy that they followed down the hall oh yeah and you threw your rope down the hall and kicked something i got it and that was more flack out of that that's minor nowadays oh i know that's those people i call more slack over there you need to quit pitching a fit like a little kid and i'd always tell them all right you go home you take forty thousand dollars of your money and you go put it on black or red on the roulette wheel lose it and tell me you're not going to be meant well that's different i said no it's not different it's what i do for a living when i get bucked off it's something i did that caused it so i'm at it myself i'm not mad at anybody else nobody else not judges not the bull nobody myself yeah and once i'd explained it to them then they'd kind of oh okay but you know i got a little better the older i got about hiding it there's bad [ __ ] still gets tore up i promise you well this camera doesn't see it uh our friend jerome robinson who's a hall of famer and was a great bull rider now in the arena with us he's a whole another podcast actor oh yeah but uh you know what he said the first couple times that happened everybody was oh they why do they show it why does why do the tv cameras follow them down the hall they should well why and jerome said you know jb's taking heat we all did it there was just never tv cameras you know i always told people they said why don't you smile when you get bucked off i said what do you mean i said you need to be a good loser i said you showed me a good loser and i'll show you losers or yeah i mean that's i prided them myself on my bull riding and that's all i've ever did my entire life so i wanted to win and when i did and i was pissed about it you know and i'm not talking win events i'm talking about winning against the bull if i didn't ride that's not a win you can only really in bull riding you're not competing i'm not competing against you you're not you know they they create i will say oh they start drama yeah i will say the greatest world not just greatest world finals the one of the greatest sporting events i've been to was here it was you and silvano and i wish people could go back to that and it was were you for who came in number one he did or you did savannah did because i pretty much had to ride every bullet got on win it so they came we'd always buck him in order and he was last and you were second to last so the first couple nights these guys in here i don't know if they know this either for i get goosebumps see i get goosebumps thinking about i was in thomas the first couple nights you'd come out and ride your bull on the crowded cheer next up silvano alves and there and there isn't any more and i don't know what happened that remember the one whole section was brazilians and they'd stand up and they'd start like it was a soccer game yeah and by about the third night when it got to you that we should talk about that yeah everybody in the arena would stand up and they all started bringing american flags and there was nothing wrong with that it was a and by the last night it was i do get goosebumps i mean it was the greatest thing i've ever seen and they created a rivalry but we need rivalries you know they tried to get me to say something bad about it yeah you know every time they do interviews they would always try to talk about the way he didn't take re-rides and this and that and i said look it's not my style but each to his own is an individual sport yeah that it was so great it was that was it was fun it was the greatest world finals ever i'm going to say it i've always that's why i always tell them i said that's what you got bullets for when you get down guy that road rides as good as savannah does and especially when he was winning those world titles and you're right there neck and neck with him when you crawl off in that buck and shoot you better in business that's the advantage that i will say i love the national finals rodeo had a big great career in rodeo still involved that's what the national finals rodeo is missing because they're in such a hurry to finish there's no drama and we're we're doing a tv show so when it gets that top five at the world finals we just take all the time we need slow down let the story bill story build we saw it last year on our little stand them when they say jaby you're next petition hold on there's a three and a half minute break right before yours or they're saying you know what they do a lot of times you know a lot of times they'll say hold on yeah and they'll say in my ear they're they got a minute and a half little feature they're running on tv and we take heat sometimes a long tv commercial but at the world finals man it comes we saw it with jose and jess last year we're in the entertainment business that's what mcbride and them did a deal with me and they were asking me about jose and jess's rivalry and all this and hell number one they were talking i was like man you guys are talking like i'm retired yeah they're asking you about yeah other guys like look i'm just hurt i'm coming back i mean yeah that's a good rivalry but when i show up i'm there to kick their asses too yeah and you know mcbride said something on tv the other day got me fired up real fired up he said i don't think we'll see him ride the rank bulls like we used to when he was in when he won his world titles and i turned around i told my wife i said they better look the hell out yeah because that's all it takes you say something like that and hey boys i don't know well i don't think you can no see i'm trying to get you fired up it's a trigger is a trigger in me somewhere that's like the pride deal i'm like okay all right you know what uh since i'm an 80s guy on the movie back to the future marty mcfly he hated being called a chicken not set him off that's why he punched biff yeah there you go same kind of deal uh all of this says and something i had written down i run into this a lot i do a certain job a certain way and i'm in front of people and sometimes i've even said it out loud you don't really know me oh yeah i think you know me i've even said sometimes with what the image people have created about jb it's almost like you're playing a character oh yeah in a way and you do you got to admit sometimes you play it up oh yeah you know there's been times i walked up on that shark cage to pick a bull and i'm thinking man that's an easy one they're not like oh you're gonna pick bushfire and i'm like yeah damn it and then everybody then you're a hero because okay breaking news jb never wanted to pick bush i mean it's inherent in you that you picked the rankest bull but yeah you felt like you had to live up yup to this sometimes you know because there's plenty of times i was hurting bad enough to where i thought man i should probably just pick a bull i need to i know i can ride and then i'd get up there and i was like i can't do it [Music] it cost me a lot of money but see you're you know what you're like shrek layers you have layers donkey i'm like an onion i have layers so that's funny oh dale and swearinger and andrew alvarez come to the house before the team deal and we i took him get on some practice bulls and stuff and got him on a drop barrel and stuff and you know that when they they interviewed dalen and andrew and them and kate asked him about coming to the house and getting on bulls and uh they said well he kind of keeps it short and sweet and then andrew said but i will tell you one thing he said it is crazy the amount of stuff that guy knows about bullard and he never says a word and andrew asked me so why don't you tell people i said they don't ask i said i'm not going to say unsolicited advice i'm not going to tell a man's business unless he asked me and just little things i switched with like daylan just little bitty stuff just tweaking on them and they're like man that makes a lot of sense i'm like that's all i've ever seen and jalen swearing daylen swearingen said uh-huh yeah yeah yeah yes sir yes yes sir yes sir i like darwin nowhere near like i was when i was here and andrew's a good kid too yeah there's some good young guy really there as far as quality of bull riders there's some they're really good you know uh i wish dalton castle the groin thing is a tough one uh uh mason taylor andrew alvidrez jalen swearingen there there's some guys yeah colt and jesse a little taller kind of a guy so they're pretty good hands really good hands coming up so um quickly because these are questions i get asked all the time every few weeks even on my live broadcast where people ask everybody always asks you know the great big question who's the best bull rider ever you're out of the conversation in your as far as you've seen or what you've you watched bull riding more than anybody who's the best bull rider ever that i've seen in person uh okay go with who you've seen in person brian kenner brian cantor so you're not going longevity uh world you're because you were with brian cantor when he was young yeah man that guy traveled around for probably two or three years before we showed up in the pbr and uh i was always sucking hind tit we'll put it that way i was it was first and second everywhere and i was always second uh probably the bull riding this individual i ever laid eyes on and watched him in person we got on boy and it wasn't like you were just going on the weekends like we got on bulls every day of our life every day seven days a week we got on bulls whether it was practice pins open boy runs bull runs rodeos didn't matter we got them both seven days a week and i think in a whole year's time i watched him get bucked out five bulls one year brian was small i i have i watched jess lockwood high school rodeo because he was with my girls and people come to me and say he's an xpbr star and i don't know if you know this but jess has grown five six inches he was tiny yeah and i said he's gotta grow five inches and gain 30 pounds or he's going to get busted in half brian cantor's body couldn't hold up i figured once he started getting hurt it would snowball on him yeah and it did but before then i mean it was i toted him around oh he was funny that was the best advice my father ever gave to me because me and brian didn't really see eye to eye when we first met because i'd been going brian didn't start but brian's a type like wakeboarding anything he tried snowboarding like he just right off the bat just god-given talent just in anything he did me on the other hand i'd wreck out and wipe out and drag and do everything like that well you know when he started we kind of started going the same rodeos it was kind of who was a bigger fish you know and i was like who's this little guy and he was so shy and timid he wouldn't talk so it came off like he just thought he's a bat you know he's just standing over everyone say no he wouldn't stand like that he was yeah and i'm thinking who's this kid and you know my dad told me he said look when you start going you only travel as good with guys as good as you or better because you're only as good as the guys that you go with and i got to watch him right now singing damn my little song on rise but he's an [ __ ] and finally one day i just hit him up and i was like hey you wanna go some bull ridings and he's like yeah and from then on it was me and him everywhere we went we didn't hardly ever ask anybody else to go with us until we got in the pbr but he was a cocky little fart later he was guys you want to talk about night and day when it was me and him in that truck driving 20 hours totally different person yeah like there's a few times like i snatched him up and was threatening to whoop him because the way he was acting like i always call it the little big man syndrome it's just me and him he's a good guy we'd get around a group of people and he had to be billy badass and like i'm like just shut up man like so true and uh i loved him like a brother but man there was a couple of times i want to just walk in we did enter prep remember we were on team enterprise for a while together and i felt like i was toting around an eighth grader come here brian we gotta go here we go and he'd stick his chest out yeah so that's in person brian cantor what about like when people think of world champions guys like the the the ones we know who do you think i'm always i always go old school with it but you know i watched rome because he lived right there jerome davis yeah davis i watched him because i grew up right there by him uh shivers was a badass you know you can't all up more i mean you strap that gold buckle on you're the best bull rider in the world you know my answer always is and i don't know if it was the way he treated me the friend he's become the situations he was in that he rose to the occasion i always say justin mcbride yeah in my in my career doing rodeo's pbr that guy stands out in my head he's right there at the top because i was i'm old enough i was able to be in the locker room with him i watched what he did how he did it and that made it even more badass than watching it on tv because i mean he he was all cowboy all the time well i will say as far as moments you were you're right up there in uh people people say what's the best bull ride you've ever seen and it was the moment it was the energy jb mooney on pearl harbor and sioux falls south dakota oh yeah your your elbow your hand went numb in the long round and couldn't get on your bull it was 15 15. jb is getting on yeah jb is getting on so it was again it was a it was one of those freaking stupid jb mooney moments like you do it on purpose it to this day jb mooney on pearl harbor now jose on chiseled the other day right up there but it was it was the moment the way it happened was oh yeah the atmosphere i did finally figure out what was wrong with that elbow just when tandy released me from my shoulder i told him when i went in i said hey i said x-ray this elbow while you're at it he x-rayed it and i got two pieces of bone floating around there that's why it goes numb because they get hung in a certain spot and it pushes on nerves or something i guess and i said i've been wondering that for a while now so in person through your career best bull ride you ever saw best bull ride i know i do and it's hard for me i pick you because of the moment but i don't know mcbride riding chicken on chain was pretty good uh mike white on troubadour yesterday was really good i don't know there's quite a few of them i can't just pick one because i i know i pick them apart you know like i watch them back in slow motion see what the guy would even though he wrote him in the same way with me like when i get home i can when i rode pearl harbor i got home the first thing i did was picked apart what i i could have did better what i was doing wrong when i even though i wrote him and you know i always pick it apart that's yeah you always learning um i'm almost done with you but okay here's the here's the kind of the jb we talk about the life you led and yeah smoke cigarettes and i did this anything when you look back on your career okay man i wish i would have done such and such different and i'm not saying you got any regrets i mean is there a path you would have taken a little different than what you did not a damn thing so that's so that's again you know i've thought about it i thought about it because there's been times i you know i could have won a lot more money than i did probably want to welcome you i think you could have won a couple more world titles yeah i do but the way i look at it is i did it the way i wanted to and how i wanted to and nobody can ever take that away from me i have you know we all do things in life but i'm believer in everything that does happen shapes oh yeah it's all a butterfly you might not have that little blonde kid right now yeah and that's what i always tell people do you think oh would you would you change it to when you picked bushwhacker all the time i said no or all them ranked bulls when you got bucked off because she went into events no and they said why because i did it the way i wanted to as long as i do it the way i want to i can live with it whether i lose win lose or draw as long as i try i can live with it i said you know if i if i'd have went and my biggest thing was if i'd have picked one i knew i could've rode i'd probably fell off some [ __ ] anyways because yeah probably actually that's it yeah i understand that my motor don't get to running like if i know like i'm um i mean you'll be 88 on this 186 on this one and my motor don't get to running but you run a bushwhacker pearl harbor in there and you're like man you better be on it and then you don't have time to think that's the problem as long as i keep my head out of my way i'm good to go yeah well i will say this about you and i we we talk on here about how i wrap things up and i've been i've done 21 world finals i mentioned that before and through my entire career the way i look at it we have done a good job the pbr has has taken rodeo bull riding western sports and made it a tv show we create drama we create rivalries we create the villain all of it and i look back on when i first started and there was some stars there was jim sharp and tough edam and cody lambert and ted news and aaron siemens and then you got justin mcbride ross coleman and all those guys and they were bull riders but as time has gone we've created all these characters and we have certain people and this is how i put it we have certain people in this organization in the sport that get clicks now it's social media but that it's a good way to put it they get clicks jess lockwood is one jose vitor lemme is one the pbr's told me anytime that they post anything on their social media with jb mooney's name on it he gets twice the clicks of anything else i thought you were gonna refer to me as superman or something no no but i will say and you know what i always say about those people when a guy gets hurt man jess got hurt six months ago in taurus hamstring i said that sucks he's good for business i always say he's good for business uh if sage kimsey decided to go to the pbr he'd be good for business and i will say this i'll let you go but in all the years i've been here and you've been here a lot of them you're as good for business as any guy that we've ever had and i gotta know and then you're done i gotta know bad to the bone we've created when we don't say a word when it's your turn we step out and that do you hear the song does it get your blood flowing and where did that come heck yeah i hear the song because jerome will look at me and say hey don't start till these stone starts play so they tell you that oh yeah like i'll be sitting there ready to get on my bull and drama look at me he's like when the song starts so who did it who came up with that i have no idea no somebody's going to step forward they played a lot of screwed up songs for me some bad songs when i was younger and then somebody just it all of a sudden start playing bad to bone and it's stuck and it's just bad and that's jay it says it right there on the lip on the inside just bad just bad just bad i did a lot of questionable things well you may think jb stands for j j stands for just bad but i know it stands for james burton mooney that's why i named my son jagger briggs little jb so i wasn't going to name james burton well listen i know you people think you don't do a lot of this but i appreciate it all right and uh anytime i'll do it i'll do it for my friends so i'm your friend yeah yeah i mean look you know hey i will say this people don't when i ask if people really know you and this will mean more of people on video but i brought this here to put on the wall or whatever people should know this will embarrass you probably i'll come in and this picture came from i walked into my locker room and on my chair in the locker room that picture was sitting there you didn't say anything you didn't do anything it's you and me and i grabbed you i remember that i grabbed you and said let's get a picture you just ridden a bull and we looked and thumbs up to the camera and you bought that picture from andy watson it says to flint thanks for the support jb mooney and it was sitting on my chair and when i say people don't really know you they don't know that you do stuff like that tater porter told me a long time ago he said buy every pitcher you can i said why because this don't last forever so anytime i see a picture like that that'd be cool not just for me for someone else like you know frank shorty jesse webster anytime joe b there ain't probably no telling how many pitchers joel b's got to meet him saving me but anytime there's a cool pitcher like that i'll buy it from andy and i'll sign and give it them guys i gave three of them the webster the other week so in that front pocket under that marlboro pack there's a heart in there somewhere somewhere it's just deep down in there i just don't show it yeah i know jb mooney two-time world champ it's um this is a good one i appreciate it yes sir i'll give you a ride back to the campfire i appreciate it because i've been drinking this beer jb mooney everybody uh thanks for joining us join us on the next episode according to flint thanks buddy yes sir
Channel: According To Flint
Views: 168,731
Rating: 4.8967271 out of 5
Id: aLAoAtueYeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 51sec (3711 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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