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three don't try these football challenges at home [Applause] [Music] that one come down [Music] so how these challenges are going to work is me and Harry both have to complete a good attempt or in this case to score a good goal before we can move on to the next challenge alright this one here is overhead kick from the trampoline ball gets dropped from the top room on my house and then we have to overhead kick it this is the goal we filmed this yesterday did but the camera messed up but here's a go like school I'm not gonna happen what you got come with your nicely [Music] now you're alright our form was good yesterday so hopefully we can continue with that let's do it you're in go hurry well it makes it runs up forward on the edge of the box horniness tonight oh you're a bad he would be [Music] oh my god I cannot believe you got away the top quarter right only thing you can do from one of them let's just get straight back on your feet and score another one well you didn't score by last one all right Cheers all right I reckon I could land the most awful way possible bomb so I want something you layers let's get rid of the trampolines on the floor no oh he fancies it never and over again close to the technique I think oh my now go on then I'll show his dole [Music] the problem was to our four of our cameras weren't recording and we also didn't get it in slow-mo so you can put those high fives away boys so the one Harry school yesterday we could count as his so technically has already scored one but it would be nice to get another one for you you know there are schools bicycle cakes he's like I've known Rooney its life expectancy is like five minutes right now how you remember you've got a properly shin it like Rooney that's gonna you've disgraced him those are some good attempt yeah for my grand this is how Harry thinks of his video do you reckon there's any chance you could do that I'm not like just want attention not break like at least three bones any one way to find out suppose I pick my granny Nets for a full time in one day good luck Perry she offers my ground oh boy oh boy jammie-jammie human being about the fences collapsing as we speak I swear to God keep us looking worried I'm fine Jesus right so many guys I nearly died I saved it and it's got into the back into the world that I'm sorry baguette top link my books going top language since I've been in the woods all right come on it's gonna go in off the woodwork Bahrein in yeah pretty much the bar for your jokes probably the F on the Forza ah he's gone for one he can't [Music] the sensible thing would be to bring it down and play it off to a teammate [Music] that was nice it wasn't brilliant but I think from your combined efforts now that's probably you tired all right Harry has come over here in my backyard and thinks he can just show me up like that it's not happening me go on / play / play on the corner as well we've both smashed it who got some gold yes oh no no I apologize yeah and on that bombshell [Music] there's no way on earth you're hitting it off my hair you joking me if you're not watch my YouTube video the second challenge features it's a bit of the second challenge is a bit of a trust so the second challenge is a bit of a trust exercise because me or Harry is standing on the edge of the pool and I'm gonna balance a football on top of my head Harry's gonna have an apple on the top of his head and we have to kick them off okay so the boss is standing here can't see what's happening and they're on the edge of the pool we've got mics on but everything I've already lost my phone in this pool ones I don't want to lose anything to it again if I crack you in the back like you're gonna go in Iraq yeah I think so until I swap it out for a yoga ball oh you know you've got first like I don't know play against you this is a test of trust and accuracy I have neither of those two qualities so prepare yourself grace he's gonna take everything with my power we'll just boost it at the backing off please Oh cold whenever you're ready Chris okay I'll give you a countdown all right three two Oh a little bad there's kind of close okay I don't think you can do this you know Apple is a lot more difficult in a football but you and this is that making [Music] that was right isn't here I got like a bark or anything feels like nothing you're fine at all such a bit of a shame would it be nice to you for clickbait [Music] oh that's actually amazing words I didn't know what happened my boy sounds like I clean yeah none of that hit my head is perfect he's standing for two hours with Apple my head all right how old stick your noggin up there let me come on leather it I couldn't ask for a better monkey sorry sorry it could've been killed not the scoop here well you're looking forward to these Oh Oh thing is if a brand came up to you in there like we've got this video idea how much would you need to be paid just sticking your head up bubbles well he fell down the back of my hair but hold it never know Harry sure try one on the volley ah no sorry I've just cracked you on the back there there's really no excusing it oh you're trying to get me in now you've given up on the Apple in trying to get me in the pool [Laughter] yes yes I coach you like shallow and coward you might have skimmed a little bit but our count [Music] we've smashed every challenge so far today announcer the final one it's a volley challenge okay so the ball is coming over the house this time Wow big thanks to my dad who's drawn the short straw today so the ball is being thrown over the house and you get two touches you can I've hit it first time use two touches too uh yeah pulling it straight to the goal and this one we need a good save for both of us okay so we can score some screamers but we need to save exactly yeah they called me Gordon skanks you saw that to bust up I'm just gonna throw balling in these hopefully crack hairy in the face [Music] okay it's not going over right so we need to say from your Harry so remember look alive keep it come on sort out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that was good I think I think you can always think though it please be I'll claim it is pretty good you know no no that was good I think it Martin for my grand oh wow nice great so I just denied your background for sure you are fine deny me a bit for men [Music] all right this one I'm harboring I'm protecting the balls beware of low-flying hammers the first touch of a I won't say I was gonna say go for them or go for more going you're gonna need it sorry said you're gonna need it that's what I thought he said last one my first time they've been good always come out fool's gold [Applause] [Music] burp lady that was nice that was nice okay so Chris is nearly scored well no he scored a beauty and he almost scored a beauty that's my turn god help me oh my goodness oh my one friend that takes some serious balls [Music] okay that's gone into the stratosphere and the neighbor's house I'm sorry what is happening I'm warning like a hundred percent there's at least two or three going about wall again like I can't keep them down I come on Big Boy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh my god [Music] you've got to stop just ruining me here [Music] this one on table [Music] I'm sorry I'm really really sorry oh sorry yellow jumper it's always like Pelley's attempting on here you know the sound white that comes next [Applause] that literally well you're on Bali he's gone for a volley again not maybe I can make it a quick accumulate enough average saves for it to be on the same level Bullock or byte [Music] get in there get in there oh oh how is that even happened yeah oh really maybe if I put like 20 in a row that'll be enough right this one just No [Music] [Applause] some minor this is one of the best dates I've ever seen like one it's safe from lawyer all mics weren't actually working at this point so to summarize and that was the clip we were looking for that was the save I wanted but to end the video I just wanted one more good goal this one I'm gonna take a touch I'm gonna wipe okay hit alright how is that gonna stand a chance [Music] oh no I just want to score one of these because these are let's say [Music] oh that's the one come on [Music] about as much yeah thank you alright that's the end of it [Music]
Channel: ChrisMD
Views: 7,760,287
Rating: 4.8748164 out of 5
Keywords: football, challenges, do not, try, household, gone wrong, skills, goals, prank, wroetoshaw, w2s
Id: rLMx0X3SeMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2017
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