Do I switch to short course? | Super League Malibu | Behind the Scenes | Lucy Charles-Barclay
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Team Charles-Barclay
Views: 55,159
Rating: 4.9838567 out of 5
Keywords: lucy charles barclay, triathlete, triathlon, red bull athlete, ironman, red bull, swim, cycle, run, swimming, cycling, running, fitness, sports, ironmantri, lifestyle, workout, sportswatch, ironman motivation, triathlongirl, triathlon training, triathlon bike, triathlon life, triathlon athletes, triathlon clothing, ironmantraining, strength, coretraining
Id: pbjdnirpPIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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