Do Good #75 Louise Kay (Spiritual Teacher) on living in the present moment

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hi everyone welcome to google podcast my name is bob watson and in today's episode i'm speaking with spiritual teacher louise k which is for those who are regular to my podcast will know that luis has been on there numerous times and this will be the fourth time i'll put links for the other ones i find it's a really great opportunity for myself and the listeners to kind of get tune in and take a bit of the pulse of what's going on at the moment and we were just joking then because i said them we you know i say we'll have to do it every year and that's like you know same when we'll be doing this in you know 50 years time and we'll be episode 50 odd or 56 or something like that so i very much hope that i'm still here on earth and um and connected to louise in that way i mean i'm kind of on the right path but firstly louise thank you so much for speaking with me today thanks for inviting me back on your podcast robin always very happy to chat with you and i hope that we're still doing this when we're 100. absolutely that would be fun that would be definitely fun so i remember last time we spoke i think it may be around last march april time and i remember saying something like oh well it feels like we know we're at the end of covert now and um it's kind of you know get your reflection on it but obviously it's kind of it's rambled on a little bit but i'd like to just get maybe your kind of if you can just reflect a little bit on uh on the time that we've kind of been in the past couple of years i think it felt at the beginning for a lot of people it felt like a sacred pause in many ways those first few months and i felt like a really unity it kind of doesn't necessarily feel like that now so much but i'd love to just get your perspective on it for me you know yeah [Music] yeah it's definitely been an interesting time a challenging time for many people many levels people have been challenged financially they've been challenged mentally like just having to be cooped up um people have been challenged on the level of health so where generally our our life brings challenges in in a more gentle way it seems like a lot of challenges came all at once for a lot of people and that really shook up a lot of people and on the surface it can seem like it's a bad thing but when we approach it from a spiritual perspective it can actually be a blessing in disguise because it's the challenges in life that resistance that push from life that gives us an opportunity for growth and also an opportunity for us to see where there's a part of us that's still immature that's still identified with what i refer to as the conceptual self and for people that don't haven't heard this term before what what the conceptual self is is the idea that we have about ourselves the story that we tell about ourselves about me and my life and it consists of a narrative and when there's identification with that there's also identification with thoughts so in the on the spiritual path we explore what lies beyond that and we go beyond the level of thoughts and beyond that mental narrative and concepts to discover a stillness that's here when we become present so when we're in the present moment and all our attention is here now we actually step out of the realm of suffering [Music] which is mostly created by our own thoughts in our mind and we discover that all right so in this moment right now everything is perfect everything's okay it's just my body's breathing and we become more here we become more intimate with life and this intimacy with life is what brings us a sense of fulfillment and connection and joy so for those people that are on the spiritual path they had a wonderful opportunity to use the challenges that have been presented in a way where they're able to grow and to not be shaken not be moved not be disturbed by external circumstances and that's when we truly discover peace when our inner state of being remains unaffected regardless of what is happening externally now if our peace and happiness is dependent on external circumstances and attachment to things then we're constantly pulled in all directions and sometimes we feel happy and we feel like life's going great everything's smooth sailing but then the tide turns inevitably because that's the nature and level of form it's dualistic so what goes up must come down it's ups and downs it's positives and negatives so inevitably things turn around at some point the challenges come and there's a feeling like my life's fallen apart everything's going wrong and if we're living life on this surface reality of these ups and downs it's very tumultuous but when when we discover this deeper beingness and we live in this presence then there's an anchor in a sense of peacefulness where we're not disturbed and we recognize okay challenges here i'll stay present and with that capacity comes the ability to respond to the challenge in the wisest way possible rather than reacting to the challenge which comes from a form of unconsciousness so what we've seen during the covey times as far as i'm aware is a lot of reactiveness there's been two camps one pro-vaccine and anti-vaccine pro-masks anti-masks and this is like an external reflection of the dualistic nature of the human mind and life often re reflects externally to us distortions or unconsciousness that's acting out inside of us individually or collectively because life is giving us an opportunity to bring more consciousness to these aspects of our humanness in order to evolve so if we look at what happens in that divisiveness then we can see that the mind identifies with the position and it takes the stance that this is the right position and the opposite position is the wrong position and then it only wants to hear um perspectives that agree with my position and our sense of self comes from that identification the conceptual me is built around my beliefs and what i think is right so whenever that's challenged it creates an upset in the system there's aggression or frustration or sadness and the person that has taken the opposite stance appears to be the cause of the emotional turmoil within and so often there's a reactiveness to try to make them understand why they're wrong and they have to see my point of view that conceptual self feels like it's threatened like if i lose this position then a part of me is going to die and it wants to hold on to it so it's not wise to identify with any position we can have a perspective and and express our perspective this is what feels true for me but to remain open with it and i'm very open to hearing other perspectives and if i change my mind that will be a wonderful thing then we're truly open and when there's not that openness we we tend to attract to ourselves aggression because we're fighting against something we're fighting against an opposite a polar opposite which is dualistic and we perceive through a filter or a lens of dualism where there's me this conceptual self and then there's the other or the others and they're seen as perceived as the enemy because they threaten my conceptual self so to understand to know this deeper beingness we go beyond that dualistic level of me and the other and think into the present moment let our attention withdraw from perspectives ideas about concepts and thoughts and recognize beyond all that i'm awareness and as we open to being awareness then and and deepen into that there's a recognition wow this awareness that's my essence is the same awareness that's alive in all the seeming others so they're actually me in other forms where one and the same from this perspective of oneness from this knowing of the true self there's no movement to argue to fight to to being in violence against somebody there's a natural recognition of oneself and the love begins to flow yeah i'm feeling that i'm feeling that um would you say in terms of someone on their own kind of um on the awakening journey um that there's definitely different layers to it but different phases to it like from my own perspective i shared recently that i felt like i had my first awakening in 2011 2012 and then on a really accelerated path and then i had even much deeper one last year so it's kind of looking like it was about a 10-year gap between even though looking back in those 10 years going wow so much change and i think with the levels of awakening you kind of well the ego goes right okay i've got i've awakened now and then oh no there's another level and there's another level and there's another level and each time it's kind of just shed in a layer of an onion just ah a new awareness and then there's a part of me that feels oh okay i know what this awakening's all about it's like oh no i haven't got a clue you know it just anything you can see that it's just been wet and again it's just another layer of my ego i think we've spoken in the past about the spiritual ego which will adapt along the way and that'll come on to you like a like a different entity um but maybe you know whether you share your own perspective if there's been layers for you or just a general reflection would be would be useful to hear [Music] yeah the mind likes to think that it has an understanding of reality it gives it a false sense of security to to think that i know how life is i know what is what's going to happen and and it transfers that into the spiritual world where it is looking for kind of a hierarchy we've also been kind of conditioned in this way if you look at our school system we move up through a higher rko or everything in our society really is based on hierarchies so we're always looking to go to the next level next level and it's very appealing for the mind oh how can i level up and you'll find teachings that say okay do this practice then you'll get to the next level when you've mastered that then you get to the next level and it's like a carrot that's dangling in front of us so we're always trying to get to a point in the future when i finally made it when i finally got there when i've reached the ultimate but the truth is that that ultimate that we seek is only accessible in the now it can only be known in the present moment beyond the mind's ideas of levels or trying to get somewhere and the plur the present moment is often uncomfortable because the mind doesn't have anything to hold on to there it doesn't have any concept so it doesn't have anything to do anything to try to get to achieve and so it's kind of left hanging and because of this discomfort as felt in the present moment many people spend their lives trying to avoid the present moment often unconsciously so their thoughts will keep them caught up in the past and what happened this morning yesterday ten years ago regrets why didn't i do that why did i do that or projecting into the future like oh when i get that then i'll be happy when i achieve that then i'll be fulfilled when that happens then i'll be really awakened and when we step out of that and we're fully present here and now there is a vast unknown the only thing that's known is this moment and to know this moment without concepts without labeling the experiences just to be the space which allows the experiences to be felt to be noticed to be seen without any agenda without trying to push anything away without trying to achieve anything then we discover this infinite spaciousness and that's like the foundation for the spiritual practice to to be present and to recognize one's true nature as the open space of awareness and to keep one's attention focused moment to moment as awareness without getting pulled into thoughts without identifying with the conceptual self and it's quite paradoxical it's one of the great paradoxes of spiritual journey because when [Music] we are resting our attention in this way what happens is on the level of form a transformation starts to take place where we start to become aware of unconscious patterns that have been playing out in us we start to see it from this greater spaciousness and we also become aware of energies in the body and pro unprocessed emotions that are held in the body which are usually experienced as contractions or tightness so when our attention's in the body and we become aware of these sensations and open to them everything starts to unwind and it unwinds in this higher consciousness which is spaciousness of our being so on the human level transformation is constantly happening we're constantly becoming if the practices are are applied more conscious and we're becoming a clearer expression of our true self without the distortions and the conditionings playing out so that's one aspect of it um there are also in a sense levels that many people move through in order to reach the experiential knowing of their true self but it's not the same for everybody and it's not there's not one one path that fits all everybody has their own unique awakening experience but for many people when they start practicing becoming present and living in the present moment or just doing a meditation practice the first step is that they start to become aware of a narrative in the mind which is a stream of thinking that's constantly running before this we're unaware that it's there and there's total identification with that stream of thinking and there's the belief that those thoughts are me there's no space between me which is aware of the thoughts and the thoughts so meditation becomes a gateway that brings this opening where we start to observe the thoughts now this brings more consciousness into the system also to observe how does it feel in my body right now can i feel inside my feet can i feel inside my hands and with this practice people start to become aware of what we call in the spiritual world the energy body the energy inside of us which previously there was no recognition of and from there the next step often is self-inquiry to begin to question not mentally like we would study something at school but to question in one's own experience that which is aware of these thoughts what exactly is it and to really look and to inquire into the nature of that which is aware and to ask questions like that is it changing is it moving is it a form is it how big is it does it have any borders who am i if my thoughts keep changing and then i can't be my thoughts because when they're gone i'll be gone so we start to become aware of the true self which is pure awareness and from there this ongoing process of integration and transformation takes place on the level of form which is unending to me it seems there's no end to that beautiful answer from that place i'm interested to know about like concert conscious manifestation in our lives i think people may be early on the spiritual path myself as i said maybe ten eight nine years ago and you start hearing about the secrets and how the law of attraction and you can create your own reality and you can draw all sorts of things to yourself yet the ego can get very much caught up in that and you start trying to attract things that you don't necessarily need in your life but it's just your ego is pulling in from possibly from all our conditioning growing up of what the idea of success is so i'm gonna go and manifest all these things in my life to appear successful so i'm in a different phase now but i'm interested to know the balance between surrendering to what everything unfolds but then also having that being very conscious of of of manifesting and and engineering and maybe a parliament of being tuning in to how you want your life to unfold um but yeah i'd love to get your perspective on that yeah i absolutely agree with you that when [Music] we first become aware of conscious manifestation that's that's the the eagles dreams all come true it's like finding a a lamp where wow i can rub this one and the genie comes all my wishes are granted so it's very exciting concept for the ego and he said oh what shall i manifest first i'm so excited i can it's like it's like a child that can suddenly have all its demands met and many people go through this phase of maturing and they get they often get the things that they so believe that they so badly want and they discover that when they get these things often materialistic things like a car a lot of money a nice house um maybe a partner all external objects which we can attach ourselves to that yeah it does bring happiness but it's short-lived then there's always a feeling okay what do i want next i need something more to fulfill me now and then that you can what's the next thing the next thing and there's no end to that seeking and it's never truly never truly satisfies or fulfills us so it's it often we have to go through that stage in order to mature and recognize that no experience no object no person can totally and completely fulfill me and it's only when we realize that that we come to this place like there's nowhere else to look like i i've tried getting my happiness in all these experiences in relationships nothing work nothing's working there's only one place left to look now and that's within and that's when the attention turns around from the forms and the external to the formless and the internal experience which is the path the direct pathway to knowing oneself as god to connecting to the divine from within and once that connection's been made to the universe unconditional love the higher self there's lots of different labels that are given to it and once that connection has been tasted there is a knowing that this is the only thing that can bring me permanent lasting peace and fulfillment and and there's a longing that's born to unite fully with that to know oneself fully as that and often during that phase this kind of connects back to what we're talking about before these stages on the spiritual journey often in that phase there's a longing to withdraw from life from externality and to really take time to deepen and people go on meditation retreats or they feel the call to go and sit with a teacher that's pointing to these things and really spend a lot of time alone which gives the space to deepen and to to anchor ourselves in this unseen ocean of love and at some point there's often a movement that arises to express outwardly again to move back into the world so it's like a withdrawing a deepening and then an outward movement and when that outward movement comes it's not born from the immature ego which says what can i get for me it's kind of greedy and it's just looking to fulfill itself i want this i want this how can i manifest this it's it's born from the divine itself and it the expression is how how does this consciousness want to flow through this empty vessel and express expressing creating a world in a way that's most fun that's most exciting that feels most true for me but the me that it feels true for is not the mind but the true self awareness and we can allow it to move by being connected to our intuition or inner guidance and people are often aware of this even right at the beginning of their spiritual practice or even if they don't have a spiritual practice there's often a feeling a niggling feeling within something doesn't feel right or i should do this but it's like a whisper and often people ignore that that feeling or that voice but it that's their intuition and if they start acting on it and following it even if it doesn't make sense to the mind it allows an unfolding of life in a way that's more aligned with this harmonious unified intelligence which when is expressed through us serves the whole it it brings something [Music] fulfilling to everybody because the nature of it is abundance so it will be fulfilling to me personally because it feels like my true expression and it will it will bear fruits for the others externally but that's not the reason for doing it there's no agenda there it's just a natural flowing and for some people it will be from making music for some people carpentry for some people it could be anything but when it's flowing there's a feeling that it feels right you wake up in the morning and it feels true to be doing whatever i'm doing it's not that feeling like i have to go to work again i'm waiting for the weekend life becomes a joy an expression becomes a joy and to manifest from there means a desire is born from the divine itself and that desire is seen in one's mind's eye in in our imagination something that feels exciting something that feels fun that feels true maybe for you it was wow i'd really love to do a podcast it feels fun for me and there is a vision of it combined with presence and the the essential part of the manifestation is a surrender part which means the knowing that whatever unfolds in life is whatever is best for this life it's what needs to be so there's no attachment to the manifestation or the idea there's a knowing that if it manifests then it's the best thing for me and for all of humanity and if it doesn't then that's not the will of the divine which is no different from my will when i know myself as a divine so manifestation becomes much less of a doing and much more of a being and allowing the manifestation to unfold beautiful i'll be i'll be listening back to that one many times i feel um yeah it really resonates with me that 100 one thing i'm really keen to get your perspective i know in my life um from a human perspective our relationships seems to be our most some of our most challenging things you know what would you say to those who and particularly long-term relationships people who could be together to 10 20 34 years and potentially for many of those years they were unconscious and many unconscious patterns played out and there would be trauma and issues and then they they awaken to those elements and they start to clear things out um but it's finding those but knowing even though you can clear stuff out because of all that history sometimes you can um it's like as if things stay in you sometimes like um like splinters it's almost like little splinters and you've got you've got to keep pulling them out um along the way but i'd love to get your perspective on kind of staying present and um you know it's very much a lot of what you've been speaking about already you know is feeling feelings of the present moment into the body you know to coming into that space that place of awareness i wonder if you've got anything specifically around any relationship really but maybe sometimes more in those longer ones many times our long-term partner relationship is our greatest guru or greatest teacher because they're the one that whether it's intention or or not push all of our buttons and if there's a true dedication to the path of spiritual awakening then there will actually be a gratitude for that because we want the unconscious to be drawn out of us so that we can see where the unconsciousness is still held and we can allow for it to release to integrate so anytime that we're triggered then there's just well thank you thank you life for bringing me this wonderful mirror and children of often are the greatest mirrors and reflecting back to me something that's inside of me that i need to see so just that practice is incredibly transformational in relationships because without that what usually happens is our partner triggers something inside of us it feels uncomfortable we don't want to feel what we're feeling and so unconsciously we try to manipulate and change our partner so that their behavior will change because we believe that if they change or if they stop doing what they're doing then i won't have to feel how i'm feeling so then we become reactive and and we we relate to them often aggressively even though it's the person that we love the most in our life that's most precious to us so if there's enough presence in our system which is something that comes with practicing being present when life's going smooth when it's easy just in everyday moments like when you're taking a shower just asking am i am i present right now in the shower am i fully here feeling the water or am i in my mind thinking about what i've got to do for the rest of the day just these moments practicing it makes us more present so that when some challenge arises like our partner triggers us we don't unconsciously react but there is enough space that there is a seeing ah i'm triggered and with that scene we can stop okay i don't have to react right now let me just slow down this moment and then we can come to the breath and the mind often in that moment is racing with lots of thoughts about how wrong the other one is how they shouldn't have done what they did they've done this to me and the key is not to engage with that stream of thinking to be aware of it not to try to stop it but to make space from it so that you become the observer of the thinking and the attention opens to this background stillness and then we can inquire what do i feel in the body right now and there might be recognition i feel angry and the mind will say yeah i should feel angry because they did it but we don't go into that stream of thinking go to the towards the anger and often it's helpful to remove yourself from the situation if possible and just go to another room and take some space say oh you say to your partner i need some space right now let's talk about this later and then use this as a spiritual practice and inquire okay so there's this anger well that's a label what exactly is this anger describing let me have a look in the body oh my shoulders and neck are all tight and my heart's beating fast okay let's just relax this and just be present with my heart beating fast and then we become aware of the energy in the body unless we're aware of it there's space around the experience and that space allows for that energy to be processed in a healthy way and often during this practice insights will spontaneously arise out of presence seeings which will show us why we're feeling what we're feeling or how we've been behaving in a unconscious way and many times we'll see that it's connected to something we experienced in our childhood ah i'm feeling the same way that i felt when my mom and dad were exerting were being overly controlling with me and i felt powerless and now my partner is behaving in this way and this powerlessness that i'm feeling is exactly the same that i felt when i was a child and so we begin to heal deep-seated trauma that's often held in the system that many times we're not even aware of that goes way back to our childhood and we don't need our partner to be on the spiritual path in order for us to use a relationship for our own spiritual growth in fact if they're not on the spiritual path we have greater opportunity because they will be projecting all of their own unconsciousness onto us and giving us even more opportunity to be non-reactive to stay in presence and unconditional love and to meet what's triggered inside of us so we can really be saying thank you all the time to them yeah thank you for that yeah yeah thank you for showing me where i've been acting out some immaturity or some distortion thank you for triggering this childhood pain that i never was able to process as a child and now i'm able to heal it and we don't even need to say thank you to our partner in fact if you say that to your parents something when i say what and they don't understand what we're talking about maybe it's not appropriate in some relationships it will be but it's more saying thank you to life and when we start to live in this way we start to see how everything that comes on our path which may have previously appeared to be random is actually there to show us something to reflect something to us to support us in our awakening process and in our growth so the challenges often are the greatest gifts because if everything's easy all the time and nothing gives us a push then we don't have much opportunity for growth or to see where we can still get triggered about something i think that kind of brings us a little bit back to the beginning bit talking about the past two years and how very much above its relationship or in our external world with covert and things being very unsettled has my you know i said i know for myself that's why i think i mentioned about feeling like last year was another deeper level of awakening for me because i don't think i'd ever been triggered so much in my entire life even though i i thought oh i'm you know things just like water off the ducks back before then but now all of a sudden these things are coming at me and i'm like whoa you know let's just show me what's out of alignment and um and be able to move through that but it can take time you know it is a there's there is a time there's a time for it sometimes and i think in the past i maybe thought i felt like um you want to kind of move through this oh i need to move through this sooner or later for sure yeah absolutely allowing this great unfolding and not trying to get to the other side of it even when it's really uncomfortable how how deeply can i meet this discomfort how how deeply can i open to it how deeply can i be present in this moment because any time that we're wishing we could get to the future we're actually wishing ourselves closer to the grave and we're missing out on life but it's like if we're gonna eat a meal and we want to get to the dessert and we're eating super fast unconsciously and then we get to the dessert this is good oh it's over but we could have that same meal and savor it savor every bite savor every flavor in life's like this if if we're rushing trying to get to what's next what the mind projects to be the sweet dessert that's in the future then we miss these moments like the sun shining on the blade of grass the the look in your daughter's eye when she smiles or she sees something if you're not there in that moment if you're in your mind you're thinking about the future then you miss these treasures and what brings us that sense of fulfillment and joy in life is appreciating the simplicity of the present moment and recognizing the beauty that's here right now all around us and often it's in the most simple things but there's such incredibly incredible beauty that we overlook because we're not really present and intimate with it comes to mind for me then it's almost like imagining treating each day as though it was our last day yeah um and i think there's a zen teaching of a zen master who would imagine that he was living his life as if there was a dagger above his head and at any moment it could be over and i've actually been reflecting on that recently i think it was just a turning of the new year and imagine imagine if we all knew how many days we had left you know i think some people think i'm okay i'm 40 in my early 40s you know i buy low of averages i should live i should be halfway through but i might not be you know it could be it could be much sooner it could be much longer but it could be and it might if you knew the number how i know that's again it's a time construct but you would i think we would realize how much time we're actually wasting worrying about the future worrying about death i think death has been a big thing that's come up the past couple of years and if we were and i think maybe people particularly in england now we're getting to the point where thinking i i don't want to worry about this anymore you know i've given up some people giving up two years of the life and two years is such a significant time where if we really knew and like i said then if we treat it every day like it was our last like you said whether it's within a meal or if that was your last time you're gonna have that meal you would you would take savor every moment it would last two hours you know or the last time you were going to see someone um i remember seeing there's a speaking about it on a different group recently and there's this website you can go on and you can punch into it and you could you can work out you can estimate how many times you might see your parents again based on how often you see them or speak to them you can put it in they'll go oh 20 more times or something and and it's just having that it's funny where you could have if we knew that more and we go oh wow because i think so often we take things for granted we take thing that is going to be forever when it's not expecting form you know everything is impermanent so it's been an interesting reflection for me and it makes me actually realize to me think well okay what do i want to consciously manifest or or to do in my life each day what activities do i find joy in better podcasting outside nature making stuff i love to you know i think a lot of people like to create in some way and we've got we're all creative and something but it's just made me be more focused on that i'm thinking you know well you know it's that that phrase the time is now and um so yeah yeah i think it's uh it it sounds quite strange and and morbid even but i actually love thinking about death because to think about death in a way is to become more connected to life and to recognize the impermanence of this physical experience and to remember that it's temporary and it's short and many people want to avoid that thought they live like that's not gonna happen to me it or it's gonna happen a long time in the future i don't need to think about it and life can so easily pass us by and many people that they get to their deathbed and then they look back and say oh wow why didn't i have the courage to do that why did i waste my life doing this why didn't i do what i really wanted to do but then it's too late so there's actually this wonderful spiritual practice which is called to die before you die and you've probably heard of it and you you go into a meditative state and you allow yourself to experience your own death and what that would be like to let go of all your material possessions because in that one moment of death nothing belongs to me anymore nothing's mine the car it's not mine it's gone the house every family member all those relationship ties are gone and and it gives space for detachment from material things and objects and it allows us to discover the deeper essence of who we are even letting go of the personality the body imagine with the eyes closed who am i without this body then there's just pure awareness and in the opening to that there's a recognition that actually everything that's arising in form is rising in me and nothing is separate from me so i can't lose anything anyway and so we become less attached to material things and less attached to people it doesn't mean that we love less in fact opposite often is the opposite and and we love in a more mature way in a more unconditional way and to meet our family members our friends our partner like it is the last time we'll see them or the last day that we're gonna be alive how will we relate to them differently how much more appreciation will be there in love and this really nurtures our relationships and also to another practice which i really love is to meet each moment as though it's the first moment that i've just been born so everything that's come before me has all dissolved and all i know is this moment right now and everybody that i interact with is the first moment that i'm meeting them i'm meeting them fresh so that i'm not relating to them as an object or an idea that i have about who they are based on past experience because that's not who they are right now i'm meeting them fresh right now and that allows me to be more present with them in this moment without the distractions of the concepts and the ideas but yeah that's beautiful it sounds like know ties back into the early questions about the relationships and stuff if you can just show up each moment that's it you can have you can have a lot of fun with those practices you can really play you can really break reality in many ways because well it breaks up the idea of time and everything and just pulls it to pieces um and yeah i think we're in a time of um great change great great change we first i think i was just it just popped into my head i think i first came you know a world view about the end of 2016 and um i think how much has changed already in those times five so years and i think we went for a great great ride the next few years and how however things may unfold i think you know yourself and like said i can't tell you we'll talk about is this huge rise in consciousness and with that rise of conscience this means that the old ways must fall away and i think we're seeing that now absolutely i mean i just found out the other day that um it joe rogan's podcast yes i don't remember the number but so many millions more views than mainstream tv which reflects to us that there's a shift happening where before we we had this tv in the living room and we turn it on every evening and get fed the news and take it to be the gospel truth and now we have the internet it's opened up a whole new world for us and i think people are becoming more conscious of how they many of the the news sites actually have an agenda under their own personal agenda whether it's the left or the right and many people now are not interested in an agenda they're interested in the truth they want to know the truth and they're turning to the internet for that for people that are speaking out and it seems to me that that's allowing us as a collective to mature where before we were like children and the government was like our parent which told us do this do this this is the right way and we followed the instructions and now it feels like we're moving through a kind of a teenage rebellion and and many people are not trusting the governments anymore because the the stories of corruption are being leaked through the internet streams and the same thing happens during our childhood when we're children we perceive our parents as as the all-knowing gods what they tell me is right and then as we enter our teenage years usually we start to recognize oh wait a minute my mom and dad don't know everything they're not perfect like i thought they were and that illusion of mom and dad is often that's like superman he's so strong you know you'll hear little boys saying my dad's stronger than you or that maggie can do anything it starts to crumble and then not crumbling we mature as adults and and we we have a healthier relationship with our parents where we can meet them as an equal so we're moving beyond this hierarchical system and it will be interesting to see as we mature as a collective and move through this maturing stage into our spiritual maturity where more and more people are recognizing their true nature and living in presence and not being reactive anymore so that divisiveness which is the causal wars begins to fall away and to see how we move into an era of peace which is what i would hope for humanity yeah yeah me too uh yeah um and on the thing i wrote joe roger and it's interesting the numbers um like i think it's like um some of his podcasts recently began 50 million listens and when you think about it that's almost one percent of the world population um where cnn's getting like 1 million so he's getting 50 times he's this one individual yes and cnn's got hundreds if not thousands of employees and he's and i think that's why we're seeing a lot of the pushback and they're they don't as those old systems crumble they're gonna hold on and and try and hold on as with dear life because they don't want to lose what they had but yeah a time of great change and thank thank god we've got the internet but then it's necessary it's necessary and it's just as it is it's supposed to be as this time that's what it's there is a great tool many challenges as well particularly with social media and i think we may have spoken about a little bit in the past um but you know what i think i'd love to do louise if it's okay with you because as always i could probably talk for hours and anything but if you would be open to maybe doing them you know kind of closing with a guided meditation for us all yeah i'd love to yeah thank you okay so just start by making yourself comfortable close your eyes bring all your attention fully present into this moment become aware of your body breathing just notice the movements of your body on the inhalation and the exhalation feel as your chest rises and allow that breath to go deeper so that it's even including the abdomen and as you breathe in the abdomen also expands as it fills with air bringing deeper relaxation into the body just notice any sounds becoming more acutely aware of these sense perceptions maybe there's a taste in your mouth from something that you ate or drank earlier all this the feeling on your skin of your clothes the material of your clothes the feeling of your back your legs touching the chair that you're sitting up and just observe any thoughts that are appearing in this moment don't judge the thoughts don't try to stop the thoughts don't try to change them just observe them so you're remaining still as the watcher the witness witnessing all this movement that's happening the breath sound sensation stops and as you're observing the thoughts become aware of the space between the thoughts notice that moment where there's no thought there's only spaciousness see if you can sense the stillness the stillness of this moment feel your body beginning to relax it becomes a word right now you don't have to do anything there's just a letting go there's nothing to achieve nowhere to get to nothing to become feel your neck and your shoulders relax relax your arms your hands and your fingers and your chest relax your abdomen the upper back the middle back on the lower back feel your body becoming infused with a sense of peacefulness let your attention drop deeper into the body from your hips relax relax your upper legs your lower legs your feet and your toes feel the intimacy with this present moment feel how sweet it feels to be fully here right now grateful for this moment grateful for each breath grateful for life feel the skin on your face relax [Music] feel the skin on your head your scalp relax so the back of your head and the neck relax relax the forehead cheeks the mouth the lips the tongue and the jaw feel a space behind your eyes notice if there's any tension there by that to relax too including your whole body now aware the feeling of your whole body observing it breathing all by itself you don't need to do anything to make your body breathe it just keeps breathing just observe it recognizing you are aware you are that which is where new awareness or formless you have no borders your vast infinite spaciousness feel that spaciousness beyond your body you feel it all around expanding in all directions see how far you can sense your spaciousness just take a moment to enjoy basking in the beauty of your own being feeling your own divine perfection thoughts arise continue to observe them but keep redirecting your focus to the space so you're fully present here as awareness without labeling any experience just being the experiencer the witnesses all experiences arising in you bring your attention to the heart and feel the power of your heart feel the connectedness in your heart to all that is to the divine itself fill your heart opening and expanding in gratitude appreciation love and feel that love overflowing like streams of light expanding outward from within your body to your family members your pets your neighbors your friends your fellow countrymen then outward to every citizen of planet earth every animal all the water the mountains and each ray of unconditional love that falls outwards from your heart communicates to each object it flows to i appreciate you thank you for your existence i see myself as you oh feel this light circling the whole planet holding planet earth this fear of unconditional love bright white light enough to see that light blasting outwards into the universe into infinity feel your whole body surrounded by this unconditional love like you're helped by life itself you're held by the divine you can just let go fall into the arms of the universe your ultimate mother or father god itself not separate from you the one with you when you're ready open your eyes but keep your attention as spacious awareness so with the eyes open the objects are perceived in the same way that sounds are perceived it's happening and you're aware of it well all is certainly well in in my being in the world i do that yeah i felt like that was um that was exactly what i needed as well i needed i needed that it was those you were but there is obviously that's like you know you're giving me what i need in that instance for also for the listeners so thank you for that louise very welcome it's a pleasure so how can um so yeah that's been um time zips by um like how anyone's listening to this how can they find out what you're up to at the moment what courses retreats that you might have coming up it'd be great for you to share yeah every sunday i offer an open zoom meeting and everyone's welcome to join it's [Music] i think 6 p.m uk time and i start each open zoom meeting with the guy did meditations and where's the one we just did and then if people have questions or there's something they'd like to explore together then they will they can raise their hand and they come up on screen and we can explore or answer questions and that's by donation so and if someone just wants to pop in and see what this is all about if they're new to it they're welcome and also if they're they've been on the spiritual path for a long time and they're also welcome everyone is welcome for those that are interested in really deepening into that i am deepening into presence i offer monthly online intensive weekend retreats where we dedicate the whole weekend to these practices and there's silent meditations guiding meditations explorations um meditations in movement so it's really an opportunity for people to become really deeply anchored in this presence so that then when they go out into the world out into life they they take that with them they live that become a living embodiment of unconditional love of this teaching and i'm hoping that this over the year that i can start doing the in-person retreats and group events again it's it's been on hold during the pandemic and looks like the lights at the end of the tunnel now so people can check out my website it's and i'm sure you'll link it below and you can subscribe to my newsletter there to find out about upcoming events and i also have a youtube channel which has a lot of guiding meditations and little clips from the open zoom meetings if you search louise k you can find that and i'm on social media and everyone is welcome to connect with me there on instagram and facebook and i'm sure you can put all the links in the description below or you can find them on my website yeah thank you yeah i'll be sure to to show all those links and louise it's always a pleasure it always comes at the right time for me to speak with you um each time i spend time with you like i said it's been over the years i can see the deepening in yourself and and the more wisdom that comes out i find that each time that we do these i end up speaking less um because i just you know hand over the space and like you know this is brilliant but thank you louise it's been a pleasure well for me too really a pleasure to connect with you and i look forward to the next one and the next one there we have it another interview with louise um uh absolutely always uh you know it's always a pleasure for me to to sit in her presence and spend time with her and those that are interested can go back and listen to episode one episode two episode three episode one very much focuses on louise's own spiritual journey her development along those years and the subsequent ones have very much focused more on um well what you got today which is just on um being you know living presence and and how we can and how she supports us just through her words and the space in between her words and her meditations to help us um on on our own spiritual journey um so yeah i hope you enjoyed this one if you do please share with a friend um please like and subscribe if you listen to it on on youtube if you're listening to an apple podcast we appreciate you you can leave me a review that would be great so this podcast can naturally um leave out and move out to more people that would be wonderful um i do know that my episodes and movies with louise have been definitely the most popular i have this definitely um there's a real desire for that voice at that time there's a lot of power behind um pretty powerful listening to her the presence that hannah feels you and i was feeling a lot in my body particularly in my chest through that it was um it's very heart opening which is um definitely what i need which we could all probably deal with um and um yeah um thank you very much um if you've listened to this far for me rambling on the end and yeah until next time have a good one [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Rob Watson
Views: 2,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meditation, louisekay, channelling, spiritualteacher, dogood, dogoodpodcast, peace, serenity, inspiringwoman, love, podcast, newpodcast, worthalisten, enjoyyourlife, purpose, retreats, ransformational, wisdom, freethinker, wisewords, nonduality, akon, powerofnow, eckharttolle, tarabrach, michaelsinger, existentialcrisis, awakening, ourtrueself, ramdass, mooji, yogananda, ParamahansaYogananda, Self-Realization, AutobiographyofaYogi, indiansaint, MahavatarBabaji, Babaji, LordShiva, buddha, LahiriMahasaya, SwamiSriYukteswarGiri
Id: mXFyx8YoIEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 58sec (4738 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 25 2022
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