Do all Pullman's look alike? Let's see.

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Howdy Folks welcome back to the shed I'm doing this one a little Alfresco today um this is going to be all about uh Pullman's and the various different Pullmans that we have on offer in the UK um not that there's much confusion if you take a brief look at the stock they all pretty much does look the same they're all in a sort of Umber and cream like brown and cream sort of coloring instantly recognizable as a Pullman you don't really have to read it on the side to know that it says Pullman so we'll start right at the beginning with what we were offered back in the 60s this is the triang version of the Pullman not of a scale length so I draw back you can see it compared with a much later coach so it's probably about 50 feet long as a scale but well what did it have it had the coloring it had live axles I don't know if you can see them but it's got live axles so there was no pin points or anything like that so they ran a bit rough pizza cutter Wheels but they did add some detail on the inside if you can probably see it had some brass turned table lamps with painting on the top white roof the little end vestibules there which I think were probably toilets or something like that with a little bit of fancy stuff in there I'll try not to make this like some kind of half-assed History Channel or something like that it's just a collection of what I seem to have so if we can move on from that one so this is what we had right into the 70s when the 80s came along we got this from Hornby it's now it was now the Hornby company they decided to use a scale length of 63 64 feet for the coach silver roof on top much better Fidelity in the moldings this one is a break end you can notice there it's got a little Ducket on the end so the guard could stick his head in there and see down the train um much finer turned brass table lamps this time without the shades picked out in any particular color plastic wheels plastic bogeys a little bit of under frame detail but um they didn't really push the boat out but it was a it was train set stuff and it was a step up if you look at the the vestibular end there that's a little more fancy in the way of moldings and then as we got to the turn of the Millennia that's when Hornby really pushed the boat out and we move along to the next one this one is an example the new century bar car you have lighted table wind um table lamps in there curtains a representation of the curtains painted on a much higher Fidelity if you look at the roof detail all of a sudden the roof detail is picked out with separate parts rather than being part of the molding um gray roof uh yeah brilliant they light up as they go along metal wheels yeah it was a real step up and uh yeah uh this was their eight wheel variety um known as the I think these are known as the K coaches and they were built um way back in the day um probably wooden paneled but uh don't hold me to that this one is a particularly nice known as the K coach this one's got 12 wheel bogus I don't know if that you can see the representation there yeah six wheels per bogey so 12 wheels on that one I run this one fairly recently again the same appointments as the eight wheel variety table lamps throughout representation of curtains fine body work on there looking at the top again moldy Parts looking underneath quite a bit of detail now in the appointments underneath as well so moving swiftly on from there with the Hornby variety here's the one at the back that's known as a Mark II d whereas all the rest of these have been um particular cars that were made as Pullmans this was a stock Mark 2D air conditioned and Hornby have made a representation of that metal wheels no lights in there made for a train set but that gives you an idea of the offerings fairly recently on the cheaper side of things again it's got the Pullman on there this one's called Grasmere coat of arms on there it was first class stuff moving on over with Hornby stuff this is the power cars of the Bulma spell this particular variety was in 1934 variety a coat of arms on the front very nicely made model all the tabled lamps all light up and in a very similar style to the rest of the Hornby stuff this is where it gets a little more complex Batman also wanted to get in on the Run so we'll just run this down and here or the back of my mark once these were British Rail Mark 1 stock made exclusively for Pullman this is the blue gray variety with orange curtains and as you can see a fine model from Batman metal wheels nice underfrained detail brilliant crisp paint work on there Pullman it says on the side instead of traditionally up on the top here but as we move through also by Bachmann another mark one again this has the table lamps that light up fantastic decoration on the side I don't know how close I can get there let me just uh I mean that's all legible all that writing down there orange curtains the Whited out toilets at the end yeah fabulous some of them had blue curtains as you can see there and blue tables that was sort of an umber color inside these ones are blue curtains this one I believe is a bar car so two of those windows are frosted out and obviously the Frosted one of that end is the toilet and they also did some with a different color roof as in this one which is car 350. but I suppose the latest iteration is that one by Hornby which is pretty much up to date it's Mark 2D or e stock um yeah air conditioned no opening Windows and that's about as much as I can go over with the the Pullmans yes they do all look alike but there are quite a few differences between all of the different types of Pullman one thing you can guarantee though is the coloring will be this Umber and cream or as with the the later iteration sort of a corporate British Rail blue you can see no smoking signs on the the windows there yeah Bachmann did a superb job on these as did Hornby with their offerings and that's roughly what you get in the UK as far as Pullman stock goes so I hope you uh enjoyed this little journey down memory lane an old cut it short there and hopefully I'll see you on Sunday on the hot dog on Sunday show which is usually at one o'clock Greenwich Mean Time or something like that I'll make sure there's plenty of notice adios guys cheers
Channel: HotDogPilot Andy
Views: 396
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Id: RtZFUqq60Z0
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Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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