DNA Q&A with Crista Cowan of AncestryDNA
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems
Views: 3,975
Rating: 4.983871 out of 5
Keywords: ancestrydna, crista cowan, dna, genetic genealogy, dna questions, dna ethnicity, dna ethnicity test results, ancestrydna ethnicity, dna ethnicity test, dna ethnicity results, dna ethnicity test accuracy, best ethnicity dna test, genetic communities, ancestry.com, what to do with dna matches, unexpected dna results, contacting dna match, dna test results, dna test
Id: Zz2r_V8GAKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 33sec (2013 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I like how they explained the "Scotland" Estimate isn't actually Scottish but a simplified version of telling us that we're just broadly Celtic.
For those that don't want to watch here are the highlights:
She said genetic communities get added every 6-8 weeks and you might also be pulled into already existing genetic communities as the data for those communities builds and your DNA makes a link.
She said ethnicity updates happen in Autumn (or Fall as you say in America). As we know the new update is coming this month (hooray!)
She said you have 50% DNA from both parents. 25% from grandparents. 12.5% from great grandparents. 6% from 2x great grandparents. 3% from 3x great grandparents. 1.5% from 4x great grandparents. Then by the time you get to 5x it's possible you did not inherit anything from them, but some of them you will and on those specific lines of the family tree your DNA could go back to 7th/8th/9th great grandparents.
I am hoping my ancestry will be finally southern european, at least a bit.
Hope spanish shows up for me, crazy that 23and me update last year gave me more and I have none on ancestry super sketch
Great video. Thanks!
Too long to watch. Did she say what specifically will change or any new features coming?