DMR Stereotypes | Escape From Tarkov

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the dmrs were kind of the kings of tarkov for a while they're a bit less common now but they're still really damn effective people who use these tend to be comfortable using semi-automatic weapons and admire versatility at all ranges they also always have either a monstrum 2X a voodoo or a Razer sight General stereotypes out of the way let's get into specifics [Music] yes this is technically an assault carbine but literally no one uses it that way it used to be the rat Blaster of choice before M80 became a peacekeeper for unlock but now literally no one uses it I'm have maybe encountered one of these things in the past five months and it was found in raids so it doesn't really count the user base that this weapon really appealed to does not get to peacekeeper for so yeah it's just kind of a dead gun foreign [Music] but big and long if someone is using this thing there is a high probability they are doing Punisher part six it used to be a common sight on Factory but ever since BSG changed the quest it's really never seen there anymore other than that the people who use it are either absolute gods or just complete [ __ ] the good players know how to Pace their shots to make sure both hit the thorax and it's honestly kind of terrifying when this thing rips through you blocks both your arms and completely Reds out your thorax and you know death is going to swiftly follow even close up they are really good at staying cool and not panic spraying every round into the ceiling on the opposite end of the spectrum are the guys that make you feel like you have plot armor they somehow managed to miss literally every single shot no matter the distance it would be kind of funny if it wasn't just so pathetic [Music] yeah for most of tarkov's player base this thing is just an AS Val with a wooden stock as one of the people who use these things all the time back in the day I am so glad that they are actually viable again and not complete dog water every time you see someone with this thing they are going to be very aggressive and can absolutely shred you but they are also going to be compulsively reloading also it will always be around 90 durability because repairing scab weapons is just cheaper than buying it outright don't see people who use this thing as a DMR for two reasons one they are incredibly rare two the people who use it as a DMR are the quietest bastards in the game I wouldn't really call them rats they've just learned to lead their targets by a hell of a lot and are just catapulting headshots from 100 meters away you ain't hearing a damn thing at that range foreign [Music] this is the most commonly used DMR in the game it's a solid all-rounder that can hold its own while it ranges and one could make the argument that it is the most versatile weapon in tarkov most importantly you don't have to sell a kidney to therapist in order to afford it because this weapon is so widely used by so many people it's pretty hard to pin down a specific stereotype the one major exception is if you hear a loud sr25 they are almost always suppressed so if you hear a loud one it can mean one of two things either a someone found it in raid or is just too broke to buy a suppressor or B they are inviting anyone Brave or foolish enough to come try to fight them [Music] man how the uh how the mighty have fallen the M1A was once the DMR of choice for people who wanted a hard-hitting battle rifle I remember taking this thing through Labs with 38 recoil and 50 round magazines and just dropping everything in sight it was honestly disgusting nowadays this thing is incredibly rare the flea market changes really hampered this beast and it's more expensive than it's worth to fully mod out an M1A murder machine nowadays they're mostly used by people trying to complete the test drive Quests for mechanics so they're pretty uncommon that or it's people who just want to use the great great grandchild of the M1 gear [Music] 95 of the player base uses this thing for gunsmith part 6 and then never touches it ever again if someone is using the rsas they're a very very high level and they probably just don't like the 762 MDR from Mega cichlides who get that far into the wipe the black MDR has kind of been the go-to option in 308 so if someone is using the rsas over that I guess they just don't like that gun or maybe they really like the rsas for some reason most say that it's paying too much for the same thing as all the other dmrs but I I disagree that stereotype goes to [Music] foreign the g28 is the designer clothing of dmrs do you want to spend far too much on the same exact thing as the sr-25 well here you go it's not even like the tx15 where you pay for a massive Ergo bonus or something like that a modified sr-25 with less recoil has like four less ergonomics congrats you just spent 360 000 rubles on a g28 that could be outmatched by a 180 000 Ruble sr-25 ultimately if someone is using a g28 they either just had one in their stash that they didn't really want to sell or they just have a stupid amount of money to burn [Music] do you want to put the fear of God into other people all you need to do is kill Sturman far too many times and spend an exorbitant amount of rubles and this clap of Thunder can be yours this thing is just ridiculously Overkill nowadays so if someone is using it they just want to scare other people if they're using a suppressor on it though they are a coward what is the point of having the biggest loudest most terrifying gun in the game if you don't let its Roar be heard foreign that's the uh the dmr's out of the way next time we'll likely be the assault carbine so be on the lookout for that also sorry for the long Hiatus AP testing is wrapping up so I should be back to uploading consistently again but um anyways just thank you so much for watching especially all the way to the end I really hope you enjoyed
Channel: Leviticus
Views: 193,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2BK3xL6yVRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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