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there's my fade Okinawa no more Wow look how small I look in my actual body that's totally not edited welcome back everyone to the channel and we're returning with a another episode of the super squad my said it like that these series will be pick up all the new Opie players that come out and then assemble a squad with them and then go online and get reckless welcome back to the channel everybody and hopefully you guys are on a fantastic day as you should be man you're live for chilling you know you're breathing but today is today's gonna be a blast cuz we're gonna pick up 6 for 230 pounds of raw athleticism someone that's this big should not be running a 4-3-3 40 it should it be happening a receiver that a lot of people were thinking Hills gonna be a bust because of his three cone drill and then you go oh yeah how could this guy be a bustling look at him we're gonna pick up the player you guys wanna see I think at least he came back cap and force-feed him all day long and also we're gonna pick up Ray Lewis yeah that guy's pretty good too how many of you guys remember when my wife thought Ray Lewis was my dad and speaking of dads k jr. is roughly two weeks away from being bored yeah super nervous before we pick up DK Metcalf and Ray Lewis and then throw a billion lobs let's open up some packs though because we need a bunch of the combine players to get the deke I've seen this card way too many times but there's another pears Campbell oh I think Madden said they're gonna drop more cards on Monday and then Wednesday if they don't drop a freakin clowny we're riding like they better cabs there's been a lot of you guys saying you guys want me to bring back my 2k player career series so I've actually been debating on creating a brand new player to make a 2k series all I'll jump it comment down below and if it gets over a thousand thumbs up I'll bring it back why not um twenty three thousand likes to do it oh dude I'm tired of it before I forget before I forget to do it I picked up another Deion Sanders to give away to you guys so to enter this giveaway all you got to do is request a trade but no further ado let's pick up Dee came back a blue plot twist kind of so we actually have DK Metcalfe but to get him up to is 95 you needa like trading combine cards to get tokens we have a strength token the speed token and then the dedication token it's kind of corny but it's kind of cool we now have be 95 DK Metcalfe so yes night our end is 96 P 96 spectacular catch 95 jumping 91 catching 94 catch in traffic 89 deep bench around 84 media villains 82 agility 5 don't need a chili if you're only gonna run straight Newton's slow man whatever goes in motion stays in 94 acceleration 73 trucking 85 step on 95 be press on shock I don't know why they made it so he can only have two bilities you should they should be able to get three but now we got to be really careful ah let's do I don't know we gotta get ready we have two and then for the other one let's do Street specialist yeah once again running straight all day let's pick up one of the best linebackers to play the game the 97 Ray Lewis that just drops be 97 overall who's not my dad his name rhymes with my dad's name I think that's where the confusion was a Miami hurricane that will lay you out what you got 91 all right 97 hit power 97 tactically 97 play recognition I don't want to be 9 & 1 acceleration anyone straight 93 blocks an X you don't come but I'm not a rapper for his abilities we got to enforce oh yeah bun stuffer then we're gonna do lurker to the super squad line up in all of its floor for a quarterback we're gonna use patch mahomes just cuz B's Lamar lot so we're gonna start the Super Bowl MVP which mixes and then for our running backs we have Alvin Camaro the combine car that just came out we have say Quan Berkeley for our white outs though we have a Tyler Lockett at wide receiver to combine Amari out wide receiver three and of course DK Metcalfe at wide receiver 1 so the question is what is 99 spectacular catch I freaking care about tight ends we have a Antonio Gates George skittle skittle and an offensive line we have Mitchell Schwartz branded Sheriff Alex McCoy Nelson and Alejandro Villanueva for the defense we have Ray Lewis at starting middle linebacker who now has 19 power 99 tackling nine I play recognition we have AJ Johnson at linebacker two that I won't call Brown this time you guys are roasting me we have Weapon X Troy Polamalu Deion Sanders that just robbed Denzel Ward Stephon Gilmore Melvin Ingram once after forest Buffalo Joey Bosa then at back out right outside the most superior player on this team possibly in life to come back out right outside to the game but stick it on Matthew w11 whoa okay my screen got all messed up um are we gonna go ah ah pump fake oh my god hit the check go oh we got him oh what a pic man oh my gosh after delay of game another toss get out there raid being double-minded you light them up but I'll take a good tackle you know good fundamentals inside nobody is intercepted by Denzel Ward go pump fake oh he's gone one hander turning to defender up by seven verse the same team oh he has that no were there were there come on Denzel he doesn't even have any abilities how about a quick slant ah pump fake [Applause] step up take it yourself go patty slide don't fumble fourth and 12 we've gotta get this we have it first down play a whole DK broken tackle um ah got it Oh that could have been so bad scream pass go run Oh too fast he thought we were gonna Joker's spin it we just ran straight play action it's us that's ours right to us man what are you doing we catch this he's on oh no he's not that's wide open yeah I want a contestant grab man what's he doing dive good stop always gonna need nowhere to go inside gives you that man my to me agent Johnson Johnson with the play thank you dude one-on-one body so full oh my gosh no can defend 99 spectacular catch we can't but it's kind of hard 10 the game we're taking on X beastmode 78 XO storylines okay nice I just want a fair game um fairness Oh hit him come on Ray Lewis is gonna force one fumble Millar I know it that's good pass oh you almost pick that we're bringing everything we got everything run option without their great tackle man we're sending everything we got man slam over there no to go come on good tackle we had so much time will he pop let's start off with the screen pass to DK Gary to make you rid of it no what's that John a deep shot oh we got it we got it diving catch by Metcalfe great play can we please get the ball off fight for the screen thank you go oh my yo look at those blocks and you wanna beat come on come here no I thought we could stiff arm um probably should have gone for the Duke I just want to see Mike a body up but fade oh come on 101 Wow that is definitely 99 spectacular cats ya know where to go what's the point of having a QB spy if you just run around in more blitzes inside oh I try to take away that read I try to take it away at least we don't allow the touchdown feels about throwing ceptin fight to me man peace out Girl Scout to the game guys we're taking on the man blunts seven oh wait alrighty defense let's see what you guys can do you run get out there Dawkins let him up or not at such great cool no wait no we gotta get a pic rough slant drag yeah nothing nothing's open that's a sack putt that ball this is returnable block and I'm gonna go for her oh yeah we have that zig route to med cap almost got the first hurry up oh we have that cash over the top that's a great pass what a hold that Kappas come to you of sideline J throat Metcalfe is bowling so easy money man that cap is unguardable he's too big and too fast it's like and you can chuck too high run oh good time huh he got it inside oh I was so close to that side no way pix board or bringing everything no way he's gonna see this coming yo we got yo Metcalfe I'm giving you a screen if I had time to throw it lets job dimes oh we have it wide open yeah great catch Amar'e fine cat OH Code Red swag madcap madcap is balling right now go block use that acceleration good Juke first down hurry up man oh man turn around step up you left it wide open he's playing he's only paying attention to Mecca but it's over yeah the most oh my god yeah nothing's open Mimi but we'll just burn up hope yeah oh we don't pick oh my gosh he was pressing I thought we could beat him over the top I guess not inside nobody go oh he is so much yeah I had picked my poison and he's gone maybe not kennel him get back in the skill my bad where we going oh we got it on the inside great pass first down the DK let's take the inside we're out great throw for our first run today and our player didn't even block Thank You wide open first no 15 15 yards and an ejection my running backs glitching out hit him first down with chimera do not fumble this DK the fates coming always double covered I've got it we could have taken a nasty hit we're going for two I'm trying to find D care of the top and you're kidding I got I got I got no oh no really put fours up its fourth-quarter time and just like that it's a six-point game out of nowhere oh we got it whoa diving catches we're going screen underneath got it the blocks go use that athleticism what we recover thank God that was a nasty hit fades been working let's go to it oh no he's playing Metcalfe he's triple covering we got to take Tyler Lockett you know it's a player's of Factor when he's gay triple Cup one stuff and it's game over no way that's a sack games we win the game after DK Metcalf and Ray Lewis seal it up at the touchdown in forced fumbles DK at 235 yards we're gonna wrap it up after DK Metcalf completely dominates and that's an understatement obviously once again they should have gave him three abilities I don't know why they didn't they should have garlis none could defend but anyways follow me on Twitter and Instagram and I'm out peace
Channel: KayKayEs
Views: 1,390,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kay, kaykayes, kaykays, kaykayesss, dreandkay, eli, lewis, madden, 19, draft, champions, ultimate, team, nfl, combine, playoffs, super, bowl, superbowl, best, ever, pull, champs, dk metcalf, 20
Id: K_LF_7f1DqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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