DJI Waypoints 2.0 In-Depth Tutorial Part 1 - Pre-flight planning

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so I recently posted a poll on my community tab on YouTube and I asked you guys what is your favorite intelligent flight mode from DJI now the results came back as expected most of you said active tracking now I would normally agree with that but over the past few days I've been playing with waypoints 2.0 on my maverick two pro and I'll tell you guys right now it is a game changer it's so much better than the regular you know original waypoints mode you can do so much with it so what I'd like to do with this video is I'd like to give you guys a short tutorial on how to set up a pre-planned flight using waypoints 2.0 you can set up a flight plan a mission before you even go to where you're gonna fly and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually make a second video on waypoints 2.0 and I'm going to show you how I'm gonna set these waypoints manually because I'm gonna do project over the next 18 months to two years and I'm unable to do a pre-planned flight so I actually have to go out there and set them the old-fashioned way by clicking on c1 and making a Waypoint mission that way and finally in that second video that's gonna come after this video I'm gonna post them both on the same day I'm gonna tell you guys one thing that I think everybody should know about waypoints 2.0 and it's something that's very simple but if you do it incorrectly your footage is gonna come out looking not-so-great so let's get to it [Music] welcome back to the channel everyone if you happen to be here for the very first time this is 51 drones and my name is Russ if I provide you with any information that you find useful today and you want to see more content like this consider clicking on the subscribe button as well as a notification bell so I am know I'm a bit behind on this one because it's been out since January and the reason is I've been trying to get better at flying manually I do like the intelligent flight mode on on my maverick Pro my maverick 2 Pro and my maverick air but I found myself relying on them too often so I finally decided to give waypoints 2.0 a try because I want to fly this exact same flight path over the next 18 months to two years as this new medical park is being built in our community now I tried this last year over the last 18 months with my maverick pearl on a stretch of highway that they were expanding from a two-lane into a four-lane but I had a few major hiccups with that first of all the missions that I had saved just disappeared like two times and so I had to kind of start over so my footage was inconsistent and then secondly and much worse is that towards the end of the project one of my micro SD cards failed and I had a lot of the footage on that micro SD card so because I was trying to save a few bucks using a cheaper micro SD card so my advice to you guys don't skimp on the micro SD card to get the SanDisk I've never had a failure with those and they're really not that much more so white points 2.0 is an advanced intelligent flight mode that allows you to pre program some very detailed flight parameters not only can you set specific locations for the drone to fly to but you can also adjust the speed the altitude the gimbal pitch the camera direction and the coolest feature of all you can add points of interest one or multiple points of interest so to demonstrate how this works I'm going to head out to this construction site now this is a three hundred million dollar project so it's going to be pretty impressive when it's completed and I want to document its progression of the build now before we head out to the site what I want to show you first is how you can pre-program a flight before you actually get to your local now this can be very useful especially if you're flying a long flight and you want to save battery life you don't have to set it manually and then when you get out there you launch your drone and run the mission so it's pretty cool now I'm not going to pre-plan this flight for the medical part because it's not going to show up on the maps it's just an open field on the maps so I actually have to go out there and do it the old-fashioned way by clicking on c1 and setting my waypoints and that way I can make sure that everything is positioned correctly so what do I do right now I'm just gonna start up my Mavic to pro and I'm gonna show you guys how to pre program a flight ok so right now I'm at home and I'm gonna show you how to pre program a flight with a new waypoints 2.0 I guess it's not that new like I said I'm a little behind the ball here but but I've navigated to a location that is what kind of a scenic location and we're just gonna focus on this little portion of the lake right here and so we're gonna engage the waypoints intelligent flight mode click on that right there and when that comes up the first thing you're gonna see at the very top of the screen you're gonna see five icons now the first icon is to set waypoints that's how you set a waypoint have that one highlighted the next one is point of interest and we're going to talk about that in just a little bit the next one is how you can save a mission once you have created one or a task you can call it mission or task next one is the trash can which is delete you can delete missions or you can delete waypoints right here you click on the three little dots that brings up those first four icons right there but also you have the task library which is where your saved missions will be so you can recall them when you get out to the location and and then the next one is the route settings now what this is is kind of a default settings for your flight for your missions and so you have some options here as far as as far as how the drone behaves when it's running a mission so the first one is route types you can choose polyline or arc polyline means it goes directly from one Waypoint to the next in a straight line and if you choose arc that's going to make more of a smooth kind of cinematic movement as it goes through the waypoints now the disadvantage of using the arc route type is that you can't change camera actions when you have that engaged that is one disadvantage of using arc so we're going to choose polyline as our default as when the task is finished you can have it returned to home returned to the very first Waypoint hover or land and I like hover for some reason I don't know why but the next one is if it loses signal with the controller you can have it continue the task return to home hover or land and I'm going to choose continue task the next one is alway point Direction custom route we're always going to leave that on custom route and then the cruising speed you can set a default cruising speed let's just set that at 15 miles per hour so you know that's kind of your baseline but you can change those any time when you start programming your waypoints and so that's what we're gonna do right now we're going to click on waypoints and we are going to just set some let's just set three different way points we'll start let's start out here in the middle of the water we'll tap on the screen right there and that sets our very first Waypoint and let's do let's do two more let's put one right here by the road and then let's put one over here on the other side of the highway and so we have our three waypoints set now as you can see there's a little white arrow there that shows you what direction the camera is facing now we're gonna I'm gonna show you what that how you can change those in just a second so now as you can see also they are all set at a hundred and sixty feet altitude so what we're gonna do is we're gonna tap on an individual Waypoint and that's going to bring up a whole bunch of options on the bottom well not a whole bunch but six of them and the first one is the altitude now you can change your altitude to whatever you want it to be by just sliding your finger up and down and you just move your finger down to lower the elevation raise your finger up to you to increase the elevation so let's just set that first one at 201 feet now we're going to go over to the next one and this is cruising speed we already set the default 15 miles per hour but if you want to change that you just slide your finger up and down so at this Waypoint when it leaves this Waypoint you know we're gonna have it go about seventeen point nine miles per hour now the next one is the route to the custom route or or the camera direction basically and so right now we're going to change this to custom route and so there you see that little white arrow is pointing straight up now it's pointing that way we can change that by sliding our finger just like we did with the elevation and that's going to rotate the camera angle so we can just move that around to whichever direction that we want now we're not going to use that in this flight well I'm not gonna actually do this flight but we're not going to use that because we're actually going to use a point of interest which is going to tell it it's going to tell the drone which way to point the camera but but if you want to manually adjust each camera angle for each Waypoint you can do that by sliding your finger right there you can also change the gimbal pitch one thing I forgot on the customer movement I'm sorry camera action now this is where you can set what the drone does what the drone camera does at each Waypoint so you can choose for it to take a photo or it can start recording once it reaches that Waypoint or you can choose stop recording so if you're at the last Waypoint like when you get over here to number three we can pick number three camera action you can stop recording on that one so let's go back to number one and so now like I said remember if you don't have polyline engaged if you're using the arc you're not going to be able to change these and so we're gonna set this first one to start recording so we're gonna save you know we're gonna save our sdcard space by having it not record until it gets to that very first Waypoint and then the last one here is point of interest now this is where you can choose a point of interest which we're gonna do here in just a second so once you have all those set you just hit OK and what we're gonna do now first of all before we choose a point of interest is we're gonna set those same things for each of these waypoints and so the first thing that we're gonna change is the altitude we're going to have the drone go up a little bit as it goes to Waypoint number two so we're gonna go up to 297 we're gonna leave the cruising speed the same we're going to have the camera not do anything we'll just leave that the same and then we'll go up to the number three Waypoint and the only thing we're gonna change on this one is the stop recording we're gonna have it stopped recording when it gets there so as you can see it's going to start recording at Waypoint number one it's going to go to 201 feet then it's going to raise up to 297 when it gets to this one I'm just going to graduate get up to there and then it's going to go down as ago - Waypoint number three now as you can see the camera is pointing by looking at the little white arrows there the cameras pointing in that direction that camera is pointing straight up and this camera is pointing straight ahead so we want to change that we want to focus on this little kind of Peninsula right here so what we're going to do is we're gonna go in the upper settings right here the upper icons we're gonna choose that little star and that's going to set a point of interest so we're gonna choose that point of interest and we're going to tap on the screen right there on that little Peninsula and so to make the camera point at that point of interest for the entire duration of the mission we're gonna tap on that and down at the bottom here you can first of all choose the altitude if so we can move that up or down now I'm gonna leave it right at zero because we want it to point right at the ground okay and then we could go over here to linked Waypoint you can have each Waypoint direct the camera towards the point of interest or you can choose this Chinese symbol right over here I'm not sure why that doesn't say select all but we're gonna choose that and then they're all marked and then that as you can see it changed all of those little white directional arrows to point towards that point of interest and so we're just going to hit OK and we are pretty much set we have our mission set the drone is going to head over to point number one it's going to start at 201 feet it will start recording and then it will rotate around to number two all the while keeping the camera pointed at that point of interest and then when it reaches number three as it decreases in elevation to 160 it's going to stop recording and it's going to hover right there and so what we can do is we can save that so we just click on that little icon and that saved it now if we click on the little three dots we can go into the task library and we can change the name of that so let's go ahead and change this to let's just call it Lake and there we go so that just helps you remember the location that you set that Waypoint mission for so we're gonna close that out and now we're ready to run our mission so all we have to do is drive out there launch our drone and engage waypoints open up our task library choose that Lake mission then hit load and then hit go and it will run the mission and so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna head out to the construction site and I'm gonna show you how to set all of these manually basically it's the same way that we've done it in the past with waypoints but but I'm just I just want to take you out there and and show you the site and hopefully we can get a pretty cool you know year-long or maybe two year long depends on how long it takes to build it I think it's supposed to be done in under two years so hopefully we can get a nice kind of time-lapse of that build so let's head out to the location and do that right now okay so that's how you pre plan a flight using waypoints 2.0 now what I want to do is show you guys how I'm gonna manually set a waypoint mission using waypoints 2.0 for this medical park if you guys want to watch this video right here go ahead and click on that and you guys can see how I did it and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to set it up like a point of interest but it's going to be better than point of interest because it's going to be a consistent route each time and over the next year and a half I'm just gonna continually update that and hopefully we'll be able to see every time I go around it's kind of another progression so if you're not subscribed and you want to see how that progresses go ahead and subscribe if I gave you anything of value today click on that thumbs up on comment down below what do you think of waypoints 2.0 is it something that you would use if it came to your drone like if they added it to the Mavic Pro would that be really cool let me know in the comments I want to thank you guys for watching today as always fly safe and fly smart you
Channel: 51 Drones
Views: 92,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DJI Waypoints 2.0, Waypoints 2.0, Mavic 2 Pro waypoints, how to set up a waypoints mission, drone waypoints, mavic 2 zoom waypoints, waypoints 2.0 tutorial, waypoints 2.0 review, pre-plan a drone flight, best intelligent flight mode, dji intelligent flight mode, is waypoints 2.0 good?, Waypoint 2.0 problems
Id: t2WF6fZ8FyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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