DJI Osmo Mobile 6 Beginners Guide - START HERE

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welcome to your complete beginner's guide for the DJI osmo mobile 6. this video is going to go through everything that you need to know about the gimbal all the buttons on the Gimbal and how everything works in the app so that you can create interesting videos using your smartphone now the point of a gimbal is to get super stable and smooth shots but this gimbal also opens up a wide range of potential because it allows you to get those stable shots but also gives you a lot more functionality than if you're just hand holding your phone with the osmo mobile 6 there are lots of features built into the app and on the gimbal itself there's even an extension Rod so that you can get the camera out away from yourself and be able to do some interesting things with that longer stick it's a small compact Gimbal and it's super easy to keep with you whenever you're out filming and there's two versions of this gimbal there's the slate gray darker version and there's the newer Platinum gray lighter version and recently this gimbal has been upgraded with new active tracks 6.0 so if your smartphone Creator or sometimes you just want to use your smartphone and get really stable footage well the gimbal is the perfect tool to be able to do that and be able to have with you wherever you go now I just want to say a special thanks to DJI for sponsoring this video before we get into section one let me just give you an outline of what you're going to learn in this video so in section one we're just going to go through the initial setup so how you use the gimbal hooking up your phone and some of the things that you need to do when you first pull the gimbal out of the box the second section is going to dig into how you actually use the gimbal some things to think about your first time actually going out and filming with it the third section will go into all of the buttons and everything that you're going to find on the osmo mobile 6. and then the next section will dig into everything that you find in the DJI memo app we'll go over everything on your filming screen and then the section after that will go into your Advanced menu dig into some deeper settings that could help you when you're out filming now from there we'll dig into the four different gimbal modes that you have available on this Gimbal and then we'll talk about how you actually walk with a Gimbal and use a gimbal for longer periods of time so that you get smooth footage and it's not bumping up and down now from there we'll go into all the other features with this gimbal so we'll talk about photo modes video options slow motion options the dynamic Zoom option time lapse hyperlapse and then some automation that DJI gives you in this gimbal through the shotguides and the story mode so there is a ton to unpack in this video so let's get into section one thank you so let's dive first into your initial setup so when you first pull your gimbal out of the box you're going to have a few different components you have the osmo mobile 6 which is going to be folded up you're going to have a little tripod which allows you to put the gimbal down do some different shots but also just set it up and then you also have your phone clamp so this is going to go on your smartphone now you'll also have a cable to be able to charge this gimbal there's a USBC on the side of the Gimbal and you'll just plug that in to charge the gimbal one thing I always recommend is before you're going out and filming just make sure it's always charged it does last a long time but always keep it charged when you're out filming so you don't get Midway through shooting and then you don't have your gimbal anymore so you're just going to want to screw on the tripod on the bottom of your gimbal to open it up you're just going to pull clockwise on the silver hinge rotate it around and then flip the gimbal up it's really simple and it's automatically going to turn on when you do that so this gimbal will automatically turn on and off when you fold it down and close it up so super easy you don't have to worry about this gimbal being on when it's in this folded mode because is always going to turn on and off when you open it and close it now one thing to note there are a bunch of stickers on this gimbal you don't need to keep those on so you can remove all of them just so it's clean and you don't have these stickers kind of floating around now when you're setting up your phone you're going to see on the clip itself there's a little camera icon with an arrow that shows which side of the clip you want your cameras on so you see the little arrow you put it around and you want to set the clip pretty much right in the center of your phone now with the gimbal you need to make sure that everything's balanced properly because if it's not the gimbal is not going to function as it needs to it's not going to get you smooth footage so you want to find the point of your phone where it's the most balanced from left to right now when I stuck this on the gimbal it's powered off because the gimbal's been sitting here for a minute so it is going to auto shut off after a little bit and if you look at your gimbal there's an M button you're going to press and hold that it's going to power on your gimbal so you could either have it set up to where the gimbal is going to automatically turn on when you open it but if you do have your gimbal open and it's off you just press and hold the power button and it's going to turn on and off your gimbal now to make sure that your clip is placed in the right spot and it's balanced properly what you'll do is you'll mount it onto the Gimbal and then put the phone horizontal and let go if the mount's in the wrong spot you're going to see the phone drop and so that means you're not in the center of balance and so you could have issues with your gimbal when you turn it on it might not function properly so you could just slide your phone in this Mount until you find that Center of balance where the phone doesn't drop too much to One Direction doesn't have to be perfect but ideally you want to have it so that when you're in that Center of balance put your phone horizontal and it just sits there it's not going to move either direction and so once your phone is balanced you could just press and hold the M button to turn on your gimbal now as I said earlier when you open and close your gimbal it's going to turn on but you can also press and hold the M button and it's also going to turn on and off your gimbal now if your gimbals automatically turned on and you put your phone in here it's going to automatically start using it so to check your balance you would have it on on press and hold your M button to turn off and then go through and just make sure that the camera is bounced properly press and hold the M button turn back on so it's just something to keep in mind you want to make sure that it's balanced and after doing this once it'll be much easier to just put the clip exactly where you need to go to have it balanced to ready to start shooting now the next thing you need to do is set up the DJI memo app so you're going to download DJI memo this is what you use with the osmo mobile 6. now once the app is loaded into your phone you're going to power on the Gimbal and turn on the app make sure your Bluetooth is turned on on your phone and at the top of your screen You'll See This Bar pop up for the osmo mobile 6 and asking you to connect so just make sure you hit connect and follow on screen to go through and activate your osmo mobile 6. and once you've gone through this process it'll take you to the camera screen or if you're back at this main menu screen you'll just want to tap this camera in the upper left hand corner now the first thing you want to do is open up your camera screen and see if there's any updates this is something you want to look for whenever you turn on your Gimbal and so you'll see this little yellow box that says update make sure you click here to update the gimbal to the most current firmware to make sure that you have access to all the features and everything is going to be working properly okay so now that you've gone through you've downloaded your memo app you've activated it you've updated it your gimbal is ready to start using so let's just jump into the next section which is some Basics on how to use the Gimbal and how you're going to start working with this super fast so let's just go over some of the basics of a Gimbal and why you would want to use the gimbal in the first place because phones have good stabilization however this gives you the ability to hold your camera with one hand and also extend it away from you so you could use it like this you could switch the camera and film yourself and get a nice Vlog shot for whatever situation that you're filming in so the point of a gimbal isn't necessarily just smoothness it's also ease of use and also with the osmo mobile 6 you have the selfie stick so you could get shots even further away from yourself and get this nice wide angle you know you could shoot Vlog style content super easy be able to film it in this way where you know your walk and talk and you have the camera extended out you don't have to like stretch out your arm like this to be able to get a good shot hands down by my side getting a great shot of myself and also you have tracking so right now the camera's tracking Wherever I Go and it's always going to keep me in the frame so it's not just about smooth footage yes your camera can get smooth footage and you can just hand hold it but adding a gimbal gives you even more stable footage but also it just gives you more flexibility now one of the big things when working with a gimbal is your horizon lock so you can see right here let's flip over to video mode as I move around the gimbal is always going to keep the Horizon completely level when you're working with just your hands on your phone you might have the Horizon shift left and right whereas when I'm working with the gimbal I'm moving around here I'm just going to film the camera over here no matter what movement I do even if it's not the best move in the world my Horizon is always going to be level so you have this added layer of stability that's a lot harder to achieve when you're hand holding your camera and so when you're operating with this gimbal you're either going to be using it one hand just like this walking around or if you have this tripod on the bottom while you're filming you can use two hands and it does make it a lot easier to be stable with your footage and then also you could set this down on a table on the ground and you can get some different style shots where you can walk away from your phone and so those are some of the big advantages and just the initial way that you're going to use this gimbal oftentimes when working with a gimbal you'll just keep it here walking around getting stable shots and I'll show you a little bit later how you can actually use this Gimbal and get stable shots when you're walking so that it's not bouncing up and down because with a lightweight setup especially on a gimbal you'll see a lot of your walking motion if you don't hold the gimbal in the right way but before we get into all of these techniques let's dive into the menu so you have an understanding of what you get in this Gimbal and then we'll come back out here and we'll do some more with actually working with this Gimbal and moving around with it so that you can get much more comfortable actually using this and getting stable footage so for this next section we're going to go over everything that you find on the gimbal itself now we've already connected the phone and played with it for a little bit however when you look up near where you connect your clamp to the actual gimbal itself there's a little thread Mount now this is for counterweight so if you have a bigger phone and you can't get it balanced properly and you're having some issues with it being a little bit wobbly you might need a counterweight and those are just going to screw in right here on this thread Mount and that allows you to get that phone balanced horizontally when you let go of it now let's go over the controls that you find on the gimbal itself so right here on the front you'll have this little screen with your M button now as I said earlier M if you press and hold is going to power off and Power on your gimbal however if you just click it once it's going to cycle through the four different gimbal modes and in one of the next sections we'll go over each one of those gimbal modes and how you can use it to get smooth footage now you're also going to have a little indicator here that shows your battery and how much battery you have on the gimbal it's self now above the battery indicator there is a status button that gives you information about the gimbal itself and so you can see right here on screen if it's solid yellow that means the Bluetooth is disconnected if it's solid green that means the Bluetooth is connected if it pulses yellow or pulses green it's in standby mode if it blinks red and green back and forth then it means that there's a firmware update that's needed or the firmware update failed and if it's solid red then there's something going on with the Gimbal and it's abnormal so you'll want to shut it down and turn it back on and see if that red goes away now also with this mode button if your gimbal is turned off you can press it once and it'll show you how much battery is on the gimbal without having to turn it on now also with this mode button when it's powered on you can press it three times and it will go into standby mode and the motors will disengage now you press any button on the Gimbal and the motors will re-engage now underneath the mode button you have your record so depending on whether you're in photo or video mode you press this it's going to start recording or take a photo now when you're in photo mode if you press and hold this it's going to do a burst photo so it'll take a series of photos back to back now underneath this button you have your switch button it's going to have the two arrows on it so you press this once it's going to switch between your front camera and your rear camera so if you want to do some Vlog style content you'll press this once it'll start filming you press it once again it'll film what's in front of the camera now if you press this twice it's going to switch between landscape and portrait mode so it'll go from horizontal to vertical and you can press this button three times and it'll switch between photo and video mode so a few different functions with this button now next to these three buttons you'll see your joystick and the joystick is just going to control where the gimbal is looking so you can just move this around it's going to move the camera around and you'll use this when you're filming but also to set up to different shots in some of the different modes now on the side of this gimbal you'll see that there's this little wheel so this is either Focus or zoom and you'll see on the app itself it will tell you whether it's Focus or zoom and so when you're in the zoom mode you could twist this and it's going to zoom the camera in and out now you could press in the middle you'll hear a click and then it will turn to focus mode and then when you twist it it's going to be in manual focus mode so you can manually adjust where you want your focus to be in the frame now the last button that you have on this gimbal is your trigger so you could press this once and it's going to start your active track and it's going to grab whatever subject is in the middle of your frame and it's going to start tracking that subject now you'll press twice on this trigger to re-center the gimbal so if your gimbal is shifted kind of up and over to the side you'll double press this and it will re-center back to the middle now you hold the trigger and it's going to go into lock mode and I'll show you that when we get into the gimbal modes and if you press once and then hold it's going to go into fast mode again I'll show you this when we get into the gimbal modes section now the last thing that you have on the gimbal itself is your USBC for charging and then you have your quarter 20 on the bottom to be able to put this on a tripod or to put your little tabletop tripod on so that you could set this gimbal anywhere have it be upright so that's everything on the gimbal itself next let's talk about tracking because the tracking in this gimbal is really good you can go behind objects and the gimbal is going to continue to track you so in the osmo mobile 6 you have active track 6.0 you need to make sure that you're updated to the newest firmware because the tracking has been updated to 6.0 since the initial launch of this Gimbal and there's two different ways that you can track yourself so first let me just show you the tracking on the front-facing camera alright so I've switched over to just using my phone and I'm tracking myself so I'm using that front-facing camera to track myself flies are attacking me but whenever you flip the camera on yourself you can have it set up to where it automatically starts tracking now if you didn't have this turned on so let's say tracking is turned off all you'd have to do is draw a box around yourself and then you can start tracking now moving on to the back camera you can track any person or object that you want and it's pretty easy to use all you need to do is select your subject by drawing a box around them gonna automatically start tracking now what's cool with tracking in the osmo mobile 6 is that you don't always have to keep your subjects centered so if you push the joystick in any direction you can change where you want your subject to be tracked from so you can see in this example I have my subject moved off to the right third and she's going to stay continually tracked in that right third instead of being right in the center now as I move with my subject the gimbal is going to make sure that my tracking Point stays in the same part of the frame as I move the gimbal around now what's really cool with active track 6.0 is that if my subject goes behind something like one of these trees the gimbal is going to continue to track and then find that subject on the the other side once she's visible again and you can see how well this works in this park setting so I'm tracking her through this park and there's a ton of things between me and the person that I'm tracking but as I move with the gimbal it continually follows until it catches up with her on the other side of this play structure so as you're tracking you'll be able to grab your subject be able to move them around the frame be able to keep them centered As you move the gimbals so that you don't always have to focus on where you're pointing the gimbal tracking just makes working with a gimbal so much easier when you're trying to follow a subject now the next section let's talk about parents and kid mode so this is a new update with the DJI osmo mobile 6. and so make sure you're on the most current firmware to be able to access this so on this bar where you could select between photo video slow motion all the different features there's now a parent in kids mode so what this mode allows you to do is be completely hands-free and the AI is going to track your movements with whoever's in the shot and then cut together a fun little video so I just set the gimbal down in the corner of the room extended the selfie stick so there's more range when I'm using this mode and then I just hit record and the camera's gonna auto adjust and do some different movements throughout a 10 minute period it's just gonna follow the action of whatever we're doing so I'm just hanging out here with my son playing around with some toys and the gimbal is going to be continually just doing different things and capturing some different moments throughout these 10 minutes of us playing together now once it's done you're gonna hear a beep and that indicates that the recording has stopped now you'll bring all these shots into DJ ji's light cut and then you could use the AI in this editing software and to be able to go through and make a fun little video that you can share on your social media so you can make it 16x9 or 9x16 whether you want a horizontal or vertical and then you could go through and delete Clips or change durations of Clips or you could even do things like add text or stickers or just anything on the frame and even change some of the color and the look so that you can create a custom video and make it exactly how you want it and so the process is you let the AI go through and build your video and then you can go in and fine tune it so go through and cut out Clips add your text trim things up add a color effect and then you export it and now you have a video file that you can share and it's even going to include music so your videos ready to post and so you can see here are the two variations one 9x16 and 116x9 of the little video that was created for me while we were playing with some toys all right all right so let's talk about gimbal modes because you have six different gimbal modes that you can use with the osmo mobile 6. four of them are right here with that M button on the front and then you have two others depending on if you want to lock or move faster with the gimbal so the first mode which has two loops on it you'll see it right here on the front that's basically follow all so what that means is that anywhere that you point this gimbal the camera is going to follow so if I'm looking out this way over that dry brush over there well if I tilt the gimbal forward the camera is going to follow me down and if I tilt the gimbal up well the camera's going to follow me up and if I pan left with my body and the gimbal well the camera is going to follow and if I pan right the camera is going to follow as well so it's a follow all mode so any direction that you go the gimbal is going to follow so if I'm pointing at this tree I could start in the sky pan down to the tree and then pan right to the path it's just going to follow wherever you want it to go and when you're using these gimbal modes you're going to rotate and pivot the gimbal with your wrist or you could use your whole body and rotate it's going to be smoother if you do bigger motions with your body but if you do just use your wrist you could spin it as well and tilt so how you're going to work with this gimbal is going to be just a combination of using your body and your wrists to be able to move this try to make it as smooth as possible the next mode you're just going to click once on the mode button it's going to be tilt lock mode now if I tilt forward or up the camera is not going to follow however if I rotate pivot well the camera is going to follow horizontally so this is a mode that I like to use all the time because it keeps your horizon level and then you can pivot left to right depending on what you're filming and you don't have to worry about having the camera dip forward or dip up sometimes I don't want that motion of going down and up and all I want is to keep the camera looking forward but I want to Pivot left or right so this is a tilt lock mode so I'm just going to show you kind of a shot of this area and I'm going to pan over so I'm going to start in this empty brush with the trail out there and I'm going to pan to my right and that way the only motion is a left to right pivot rather than having some tilt happen in that shot now the next mode is going to be the fpv mode so now you could move the same way that your follow all mode that first mode that we talked about but you could also rotate so your axis will change twisting left and right so this doesn't keep your horizon level and this is kind of fun to play with because you could do these kind of cool shots where you're rotating around and The Horizon's shifting and it just gives you a different perspective I've definitely used this style of fpv mode depending on what I'm shooting if I want something that just has more of this Dynamic feel where you have a lot of rotation in your shot now the last mode is spin shot so this is the same as fpv so the gimbal is going to work the same however now the joystick when you press left or right in the joystick it's going to spin the camera so if you want to do a shot where you're like corkscrewing around you could just use the joystick and walk forward and it's going to spin As you move so you're using that joystick to be able to do your twisting rotation versus trying having to do it this way with your arm so if you do want like that spinning shot where you're going down a hallway or or through some interesting area well you could use it doing the joystick now in all the other modes the joystick does panning left and right and tilting up and down so the only mode where it actually creates that spin is the spin shot now with all of your modes you just double click your trigger it goes back to Center so that you could always have a good shot to start with now the next mode is lock mode and that's where it locks all the motors and the camera it just stays looking forward and to do this mode you just hold the trigger now any motion that I do with the gimbal the camera is going to stay locked looking forward and this works with any mode that you're in so if you want to like lock the shot looking this way you don't want to have any twisting motion happening you could hold now as I twist you can see that well the camera's not twisting and I could walk and just do a nice side slide style shot where only axis that I'm moving is to the right whereas if I tried to do that with say tilt lock mode on or follow all you might have the camera dipping you might have the camera twisting so you could really create these very specific movements when you put it in the lock mode and no matter how you use the gimbal the camera is always going to be stay looking forward now the last mode is also using the trigger so you press once and then hold and now any motion is going to happen super fast so whatever mode you're in it just speeds up that motion so that the camera follows super quick so if you want to do like a fast whip into the scene like say I'm starting over here I press and hold I can whip it in to the camera over there and then whip it out so you could use this to do some cool transitions where you're whipping or if you just want fast motion through your scene say you're following like someone on a bike and they're coming down the path here and then you whip around to follow them go that way well that might be a good mode to use to be able to fall quick action so there's a lot of just flexibility to use these six different modes and at the end of this video I'm going to link to another one of my videos where I use the DJI osmo mobile 6 and I show you a bunch of different gimbal moves using these different modes so that you can get some creative footage when you're out filming but using these six modes give you a lot of interesting ways to play with this Gimbal and be able to move it so that you can get some good looking shots I highly suggest go out somewhere like this and if you're out by yourself just find something to shoot like a tree or these kind of columns over here and play with the different modes and put each one on and see how they react and how you move the Gimbal and what your limitations are because ultimately gimbals are great but they're not perfect so you're gonna have to play with the limitations and figure out how fast you can move with the gimbal before the shot doesn't look that great anymore so really just go out there film a ton of footage and just start playing with it and that's how you're going to get used to using all these modes and figure out when you'll want to use one mode versus another okay so now let's go over everything in the DJI memo app so you understand what everything means on the screen when you're out filming so once you've powered on your Gimbal and you have your screen up this is what you're gonna see we're just here in my office right now so you can see that my view is a view the camera over there on the wall I'm going to switch this to horizontal mode by just double pressing the switch icon just so that you can see this full frame and you'll see that all the data automatically readjusts so whether you're working vertical or you're in horizontal you'll be able to have a clear view of everything on your screen now starting in the upper left hand corner this is your home button so this just goes back to that home screen of the DJI memo app so you could go through and there's things like your AI editor your support your DJI Forum there's Academy up in the upper right hand corner which gives you some different guides and things to think about when you're out filming and at the bottom you'll see your home your album your editor and your profile for the profile that you've set up with DJI we're going to go back into the device by clicking the camera in the upper left hand corner now next to your home I icon is your shot guide and I'll explain how shotguide Works a little bit later in this video now next to that you'll see some information at the upper right hand corner the first is the battery of your gimbal the next is the battery of your phone the one next to that with the little lightning bolt that's your flash so if you're using the Flash in your camera or if you have your light on you'll have a different indication here next to that is the gimbal mode that you're currently in so this will change depending on the mode that you have set up and then next to that is your Zoom or Focus so I'll switch this it'll say whether you're in manual focus or you are in Zoom so whatever mode that you're using with this little dial on the left hand side of your gimbal you'll see it indicated up there on the screen now next to that is your camera icon with the two arrows this will rotate so you could do shot of me and it's going to automatically start tracking me when I go into this Vlog mode or I'll go back to you in front of camera so you could either press it here on the screen or you could press once on the actual gimbal itself and it's going to be doing the same thing and one thing to note when it comes to actually working with this gimbal whenever you flip to Vlog mode it will automatically start tracking you you can turn this off but it's a pretty cool feature because it's going to automatically start tracking as soon as you flip it so I'll flip back to you the camera over there flip back to me and it's going to start tracking me and now I can just talk directly to this camera and you'll see me through the screen you can see a little bit behind the scenes of my office now moving right along down you'll see this big white button this takes a photo now if you're in a different mode say video mode I'm going to switch over to video mode that will start recording and when you're recording you're gonna have a few indications pop up up at the top you'll see that now it's telling you how long your camera is recording for and also shows your audio levels so you can see when I'm talking really loud how it goes all the way up to the right but if I stop talking and so to stop recording you're just going to click the square on the right hand side now next to the red button or the white button depending on which mode you're in you'll have all of your different modes so you have your story mode we'll talk about that in a little bit you have panoramic photo video slow motion Dynamics Zoom time lapse and hyperlapse so you can go through all the different modes of shooting by just adjusting here on the right hand side of your screen and you can slide your finger up and down to move through them fast now underneath the white circle or red circle there's a gesture control and so you could set this up so to do like a gesture and then it's going to start shooting so I just put my hand up now it's recording using the gesture controls super useful because you could have this camera set up at a distance put my hand up and it's going to start controlling so now recording I don't have to be near the camera walking away it's going to track me and you can see that this gimbal is going to track you wherever you go now underneath that the little play button that is your album that and this shows you all the videos that you've shot using this Gimbal and when we go into this screen you can see that it's set up between photos videos favorites shot reel and you could go through and save them or delete them look at previous videos so this just goes through your entire library of what you've shot now moving to the center you'll see this little icon that says one with the X this is the lens that you're currently using so on my camera here I have three different lenses and I can zoom by pulling left or right on this little bar that pops up when I press and hold in the middle of the screen now if I just if I want to make sure I'm just using one of the three lenses I could just press the little white dots and it's going to bounce between the three lenses that I have on this phone so it really depends on which phone you're using but this gives you that ability to to be able to jump between your different lenses now underneath that you'll see your different camera settings so it's saying that I'm shooting at a 148th with an ISO of 631 and my exposure compensation is at zero and so right now it's just set to Auto but I can switch this camera over to manual and I'll show you where in a second now when you're in auto mode you could just click on your screen like in your normal phone app and you could set your exposure and you can make it brighter or darker you could press and hold to lock your exposure and then you could use the little Sun icon on the side to make it brighter or darker now moving over to the left in the bottom left hand corner this is your Advanced menu settings and we'll go over that in the next section above that is a face filter so you can click this and it's going to be able to give you some different tuning for your face so let's switch the camera back to me have it start tracking me and let's put Auto so it's instantly starting to smooth my face out I can slim my face I can make it super slim I can make it super soft and that is overdoing it so you could go through and you could use this glamor effect to be able to soften up your face if you want just a little bit of a softer look and you could play with these settings to figure out what looks best for you I'm going to turn that off I'm just going to look rough here now above your glamor shot in photo mode you'll see that this is a timer so you can click this and you could say I want to take a photo in three seconds so you'll set up your timer to be able to take time shots now when you switch over to other modes this will switch so now when I go to video mode this is going to show me my settings for video so it could show my resolution and the frames per second that I want to shoot at so 24 25 30 and 60 in this phone so I can shoot at 4K 60 frames per second I can set that all up here now moving up the screen you'll see that there's this little camera icon and it says Auto so we're in Auto settings right now but if you click this you could set manual by clicking the m so now you can set your ISO your shutter so if you want to go full manuals you'll take your ISO you'll switch it to an ISO and change your shutter to something that you think looks good and the little indication in the bottom where it says EV is going to tell you how much over or under exposed your footage is now if you want to go to auto ISO it's going to switch to give you your max ISO that you want to be able to use on your camera so if you don't want to go above say 400 and then you can adjust your shutter and the iso is going to just independently so if you're someone who wants to use cinematic settings and use double that of your frame rate for your shutter speed well I could set my shutter at 160th because in shooting at 30 frames per second set my ISO to Auto and then you'll see in the EV it shows you how much Overexposed or underexposed your footage is now when you go back to Auto it's going to go back to full auto settings on this camera and you could use the plus and minus to overexpose or underexpose your footage so you could press the plus icon and go up to one stop over and the exposure will go up one stop from where the camera thinks best exposure is you can do the same thing with underexposed so you can make it a little bit darker so if your footage is too bright or too dark you can go in here and mess with that EV to be able to get your footage looking better in the situation that you're filming or you could go over to full manual mode and tweak the different settings to find what works best for you if you're trying to get proper motion blur then you would go over to manual set your shutter speed and then either set ISO to Auto or set it manually and then you'll be able to get proper motion blur if that's something that you care about now that's everything on the screen itself so you have a lot of tools and functions available for you when you're filming just right here on the screen now the next section we're going to go into more of the advanced settings now for this next section we're going to go into those three dots in the lower left hand corner so let's click those I'm in photo mode and so when you click this on the right hand side will be your main menu and then there's going to be all of these options off to the right of that so when you're in photo mode you'll have some different options pop up here specific to photo mode so every mode that you go in say you're in video mode this first menu is going to change so when I go to video mode click on that first icon all of these settings are specific to that video mode so whenever mode you're in you'll have some additional settings in this Advanced menu so when we go through each mode in this gimbal I'll talk about these advanced settings and what you can do for each mode but let's click the second one which is your gimbal settings and this is going to be the same across all of the different modes so right at the top it says gimbal quick start guide so if you're not sure how something works you can click into this and there will be more information about how to use this Gimbal and some of the different buttons and everything like that so you always have some education at your fingertips when you're working with this gimbal now underneath that you'll see it says gimbal mode so these are the four different gimbal modes that you have access to on the actual gimbal itself now underneath that is your gimbal Auto calibration and so when your gimbal is all set up and you're ready to go you could hit start and it's just going to go through and calibrate your gimbal so that you're getting the smoothest footage possible when you're out filming so I suggest when you put your phone on for the first time for the day you go through do a calibration just to make sure everything's functioning properly that way you can get the best footage out of this gimbal now the next option is horizontal gimbal adjustment so if you're having issues with your horizon being a little bit off you can go in here and it's going to help tweak your gimbal to be able to get your horizon looking perfect and what you'll see is these little grid lines to help you line up your gimbals to make sure it's perfectly level now when you hit OK you could go through and adjust so even if your gimbal is set up perfectly and you still have a tilt you can change your tilt by adding or subtracting either direction and the gimbal will run rotate a little bit to fix that Horizon now the next option is for your side wheel mode so you could have it set to zoom or manual focus you could do that by also just pressing on the button or you could just turn this off if you don't want to use it now underneath that is your custom mode so right now when you press your switch button three times it switches between photo and video mode you can also have this set up to go to your quick menu so let's turn on quick menu press our button three times and this gives you the ability to switch quickly between any of the modes and you could use your joystick to switch between your filming modes your gimbal modes and it also shows your previous shot now back in the advanced menus you'll see that there's an option for your joystick speed so this is how fast the gimbal responds when you press on your joystick so if you want subtle motion move it to slow but if you want it to respond quickly move it to fast now also you have joystick control and with joystick control you have free or horizontal and vertical and free the gimbal will follow exactly where you point the joystick whereas in horizontal vertical it's only going to move it left or right or up or down so if you press it to one of the diagonals the camera is not going to move towards the diagonal it will only move left to right or up or down and it will stay in that motion might be useful depending on what you're shooting now you can also invert your joystick Direction and your wheel Direction here in this menu and then the last option is your extended tilt control so you can turn this on you'll have more functionality with your tilt however it turns off your horizontal Direction so it only allows you to tilt up and down and just gives you more range with that tilt up and down now in your main menus on the left you'll click the one with the four boxes and this will give you some info about the device itself you could set up your sleep mode so how long until the gimbal shuts off and you could just disable this or you have a minute three minutes or 10 minutes there is a beginner tutorial in here and then there's also this quick launch at the bottom and so as soon as you turn on your Gimbal and hook up your phone it could launch the memo app so you could start using this gimbal super fast so if you want to turn that on you'll do it here in this menu now that's everything with the DJI memo app and we'll go over over the advanced menu for each filming mode when we talk about each mode so you can see what functions you have when you're doing photo video hyperlapse or anything like that alright so now that we've gone through the app let's go through some different ways to actually use this Gimbal and understand how to get some smooth footage when you're out filming foreign so understanding how your gimbal works is one piece of the puzzle and the second part is actually how you move with a gimbal because let me show you two samples here first I'm going to walk over here and I'm going to put this on the wide lens and I'm just going to record and I'm just going to walk without any kind of intention on how I'm using this Gimbal and you can see as I'm moving through this path I'm just kind of following wherever I'm going you could see the footage it's not the best because I'm not really paying attention to my movements I'm just walking with the Gimbal and I'm walking around this structure and I'm just kind of pointing it where I think I want to go and it doesn't really look that good unfortunately just because you're using a gimbal doesn't necessarily mean you're going to get good footage if you're just putting it in the follow all mode and walking around and you know kind of looking over here and then looking down here and just kind of moving the camera and just like thinking that it's going to get good shots when you're pointing in all these different places well it's not you got to think like a cinematographer think like a filmmaker you want to have intention with your shots especially when you're working with a gimbal because it's going to come out looking much better when you actually put some focus and you do specific movements with everything that you're doing and on top of that you have to be able to move with intention so that you're not getting that bounce up and down in your footage when you walk with a Gimbal and the gimbal will bounce and you'll see this up and down motion because the motors are getting rid of shake left and right and tilting but it's not getting shake away from this let me go over how you actually walk with a gimbal so when you normally walk you have a little bit of Bounce to your step and your phone is going to move up and down so when you work with a gimbal ideally you want to try to keep the gimbal in a straight line so it's not going up it's not going down and so to take out that balance you're going to use your body and there's two ways to do this first is what's called a ninja walk so you're going to get down low and you're going to creep along keeping your upper body in the same plane of motion the entire time that way your gimbal is not bouncing up and down now the other way is to do a heel toe so you're going to stand more upright and you're going to be very intentional with your movements of your lower body and you're trying to try to keep your arms in a straight line no matter what you're doing now both ways work great the ninja walk you can only do for short periods of time so you're going to get a little bit down low you might hunch over with the heel toe you might walk slower but you also could do this for longer periods of time so either way will work it just depends on what you're filming like there's been times where I've been running fast and I use the ninja walk because it's a lot easier to get these quick motions and be able to keep the gimbal completely stable especially when on a long lens but there's also times where I'm doing something where I'm walking through like a house and I want to make sure the footage is completely smooth the entire way but I don't want to be hunched over that whole time so I'll use the heel toe method and walk a little slower both work great and so let's walk around the structure one more time make a few different shots out of it to cut it together and walk with intentions so there's no bounce so first I'm going to start here I'm going to see this structure I'm going to put it on the wide lens and I'm just going to do a push forward now the next shot I want to show some detail so instead of moving around the columns I'm going to pick a spot and just tilt from high to low so I'm going to switch out my mode to follow all mode start up here and just slowly tilt down so I'm going to find a good position plant my feet so that I'm not shifting and then I'm going to start looking up just slowly tilt down the third shot would be from the back side revealing this tree that's over here so I'm going to move again and instead of doing like a walking through like the last time I did this I'm going to do a slide shot so I'm going to lock the gimbal I'm going to come over here you can see you guys are over there but I want to reveal what's behind this so I'm going to press and hold lock it I'm going to use my ninja walk to the side I'm going to reveal the scene on the other side of these columns and so now instead of just like wandering around the structure and being like oh this is cool I have three distinct shots that I could cut together in a quick little sequence it's going to look really nice in the edit and a lot more cinematic and each shot's going to be smoother because each one had intent behind it whether I was moving or planting my feet and just moved the gimbal so I challenge you when you're working with your gimbal have more intention with every shot so think through what you're actually going to use this for and come up with a few interesting moves that you could do and your different ways that you've set up your gimbal the different modes the different settings the speeds are all tools that you could use to get better stable shots but just because you put your phone on a gimbal doesn't mean you're going to get the best shots in the world all about just thinking through your shots a little bit more before you hit record and this tool allows you to get even better shots when you do that foreign modes that you have access to when working with the osmo mobile 6. so photo and video are standard that's what you think to use with a gimbal however there are some options in each one of these that's going to expand what you could do with these different modes so in photo mode as I mentioned earlier you have your time shot here on the left now when we click the advanced menu the three dots you have access to change things like your frame so you could change you if you want a four by three 69 189 or one to one you could also turn on your flash so you can have your flash when you take a photo or you could have it always on if you just want your light always on the camera now you can change your white balance and make it manual if you set up your manual settings right now it's just on auto because I'm using Auto settings now you can also set up your grid when you're using photos so you could have grid lines which give you your thirds which is a good way to frame your subject whatever it is that you're photographing you could do grids and diagonals so you can see your Center Point and also your thirds and you also have this option at the bottom to do face track selfies so if I switch this around to me it's going to automatically track my face take a photo now I'm going to switch over to video mode so in video mode you're shooting real-time footage this isn't slow motion there's a different menu for slow motion but you go to this three dots you can turn on your light which is called your flash in here you can change your white balance you could do the same grids and you could also do the same face track selfie so when you rotate to yourself it's going to be tracking me and then also you have Dolby Vision which allows for HDR if you want to shoot in that way and there's also this option for auto shot guides it'll tell you a shotguide that you could use when you're out filming in a specific situation now another mode that you have access to is panoramic so this takes a series of photos and stitches them together so you can create a nice wide shot of the place that you're in so I'm going to switch over to panoramic and on the left hand side you'll have this icon with the grid click that it shows you the different styles of panoramics that you can take so I'm just going to do this first one and I'm going to take panoramic so the gimbal is automatically going to move and it's going to take a series of photos and then it's going to stitch it together now it's a good idea when you're doing panoramic to put your gimbal on the tripod and set it down because you don't want to have the gimbal moving around when you're doing the panoramic and then it's going to go through it's going to generate the panoramic and now it's stitched together a wide shot of the location that we're at so there's some different panoramic modes that you could play around with to get these nice wide shots that are even wider than your widest camera on your phone now when you go into your Advanced menus for these you have the same options with your flash white balance and grid but you also have this option to save unstitched photos so whenever it takes the series of nine photos you could save each one of those individually as well as the panoramic that it stitches together for you now the next mode is your Dynamic Zoom so this it's going to zoom while you physically move the camera in or out this creates that stretching effect that's kind of like the hitchhock effect that you've seen in movies now when you're in the dynamic Zoom at the top you'll have this move out or move in so you could switch back and forth between those and in your Advanced menu you just have flash white balance and your grid so let's go to Time Lapse so time lapse creates a series of photos and then stretches it together so you can show the movement of time when you click on time lapse a new bar Wills pop up at the top and it has this little drop down menu so you can show how long you want your time lapse to be you could set your intervals every half a second it takes a photo and then you could do fixed angle left to right right to left or custom motion and so this is pretty cool because the gimbal will rotate left to right or right to left while it's doing the time lapse or you could set up a direction that you want to go and so let's say I want to start here on this tree and then move up to the clouds I just hit that plus icon for every movement that I want to have happen and then the gimbal is going to automatically move between these points while it's doing the time lapse and then when it's done it's going to return back to home and it's going to Auto Stitch that video together so you can go in your videos hit play and it shows the time lapse and so use this to do some really cool motion with like clouds moving over long periods of time and you could do these different motions whether camera stable moves left to right right to left or you set up a custom motion for your time lapse now the next mode is hyperlapse so a hyperlapse is a moving time lapse and so that's like actually walking through a scene and so I could set up the hyperlapse you could set up your resolution and and your speed so it could be Auto 5x 10x 15x30x and then for your Advanced menus you have the same flash white balance grid but you also could do a face track selfies so you could do a time lapse of yourself like this moving through a scene and then when you hit record it's going to take a series of photos over a period of time and then Stitch them together to create your hyperlapse now the last mode that you have access to is your shot guides in your story mode so with the story mode you go to this menu and it's going to have these different automations that you could shoot depending on the location that you're in and it comes with music and some text and everything to make just a quick little video wherever you're at so let's choose afternoon and when you select one of these stories it's going to have music and it's going to go through a series of shots with specific time frames and the gimbal is going to do some automations so for this one that I chose it's doing whip pans in and out of each section and then it cuts it all together for you so it gives you a little timer on until it's going to shoot shoots the shot and then it moves on to the next one and this is an easy way to use the DJI memo app to just create fun little videos and it adds music to it and it cuts it for you so you could post it right away now the last mode that you have access to is shot guide so this is a little bit different than story mode it's in the upper left hand corner when you click this you could go through a bunch of different types of sequences so I'm going to go to park and what this does is it comes up with a series of shots that you can use at a specific location as a guide to help you create this video so I just chose leaves and it's going to go through show you how the shot should look and show you how to shoot it over here on the left and so for this first shot it says just go look at some leaves and so it will go shot by shot and show you every shot that you need to do to create this interesting sequence and it shows you how the shot should look and how you should move the gimbal to be able to achieve that shot so if you want some tips on how to create some cool looking sequences well refer to the shot guides and play around with some different options depending on the scene that you're filming in and that is everything that you need to know about the DJI osmo mobile 6. now if this video helped you on your journey make sure you hit that like button and if you want to see more videos around how to use your gimbal make sure you hit that subscribe button and if you're someone who's building a YouTube channel then make sure you head over to the Creator film school which is my course series on how you actually grow a channel and build your audience but next on your journey when working with this gimbal you should really check check out this video here which goes through a bunch of different gimbal moves that you can do using the DJI osmo mobile 6. I'll see you on that video
Channel: Jeven Dovey
Views: 126,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeven dovey, creator film school, smartphone gimbal, handheld gimbal, dji osmo, dji osmo mobile, dji gimbal, dji osmo mobile 6, dji mobile 6, phone gimbal, best smartphone gimbal, mobile filmmaking, smartphone filmmaking, handheld gimbal for phone, beginners guide, osmo mobile 6 beginners guide, phone stabilizer, osmomobile6
Id: CKmoeM5IdRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 33sec (2973 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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