DJI MINI 4 PRO Beginners Guide - Start Here

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[Music] this is your complete beginners guide to the DJI Mini 4 Pro there are so many features packed into this drone that are perfect for beginners or pros and in this guide I'm going to teach you everything that you need to know about this little drone so whether you are a firsttime flyer or you've flown drones before you can get up and running with the Mini 4 pro fast now before we dive into the first section let me just give you a quick outline of what you're going to learn in this video so we're going to go over the Drone the controllers and everything that you're going to find in the DJI flyup then we'll go into your first flight how to fly a drone and then we'll start digging into some of the Automation in this drone so we'll talk about Spotlight point of Interest active track 360 way points quick shots and then we'll dig into some of the the photo features and hyperlapse and at the end of this video we're going to talk about cinematic flying and how you color grade dlog M footage because in this drone you now have access to log so if you're ready to get started let's jump into section [Music] one so when you get the DJI Mini 4 Pro you're going to find some stickers around the Drone and you're also going to find this little foam pad behind the gimbal you want to make sure that you remove all the stickers before you actually go out and start flying now around the Drone itself there is a strap that comes with this drone to keep the propellers from moving around when it's in your backpack or however you're transporting and then on the front you have a plastic cover now this plastic cover is super easy to take off there's just a tab on the bottom you pull forward it'll click and then it comes right off and then when you want to put this plastic cover back on you just line up the top of it with the two sensors on the top push it on and you'll hear a clip and you'll want them always make sure to use this plastic cover when you're not flying so that you can protect the Gimbal and the camera now to open up your propellers the bottom ones you'll pull forward so that they come to the front of the Drone and then the top ones you slide backwards so that all four arms are sticking out now let's start with the front of the Drone so you're going to see two sensors at the top and you're going to see your camera and your gimbal the two sensors are obstacle avoidance sensors so they detect things in the area and they're going to stop the Drone from running into something now underneath the two sensors is your Gimbal and your camera so your gimbal should be able to move freely up and down and your camera should be able to rotate and twist you want to make sure there's no obstructions with this before you start flying now on front of your camera is a little lens cover with this drone you just have a clear filter to this is to help protect it in case it gets scratched or anything like that however if you rotate it counterclockwise you can pull this off and the reason that you would do that is if you're adding on something like an ND filter or a wide angle lens and when you add on one of these lenses you're going to just put this new filter on at a little bit of an angle and then rotate it clockwise and then you'll feel it click into place now looking top down on the Drone you'll see two other Vision sensors these are going to detect anything behind you and above you and also you're going to have two fans at the back that help cool the Drone and then you have your power button and so to power on this drone you press once and then hold till all four buttons light up and then you can let go you'll also hear a little ding when the Drone is powering on now to turn off the Drone you just do the reverse click once and hold and then you'll see the same four lights and then the Drone will turn off now looking at the back of the Drone you have a USBC which is how you can charge the Drone if you have a battery plugged in also if you just want to pull the footage directly off the Drone without using an SD card you can plug in here using the USBC to connect to your computer and this works for both the internal memory and the memory on the micro SD card now next to that USBC is the slot for your micro SD card and if you go to dji's website you can see which micro SD cards will work with this drone I typically fly with a 128 or 256 in here just so I always have plenty of space when I'm out flying and I never have the chance of running out internally you don't have a whole lot of footage on this drone so you don't want to rely on the internal memory to be able to store your data you'll always want to have a micro SD card in the slot now below that is your battery and if you look to the sides you'll see there's two tabs you're going to press into those two tabs and pull back that releases the battery now to put a battery into this drone you're just going to slide it into the same slot and push until you hear a click now you'll know that the battery is set and it's not going to fall out now also when you're looking down at the Drone you'll see your propellers on each arm and these are connected using a little screw so if you need to replace your propellers if they get broken or damaged in any way you'll just need that little screwdriver that comes with the Drone to release these propellers take them off put the new ones on and you'll notice that there's two sets of propellers you'll see on the front right and the back left that there's a line next to where you screw in the propeller now on the front left and back right you'll see that there is no line so you just have to make sure you're putting the proper propellers on the proper side now on the bottom of this drone you'll see a few different things you'll have your vision sensors which are your obstacle avoidance it's also going to detect where the ground is so that when you need to land the Drone it can find the ground and land perfectly you also have a light right here in the center this light can be used when you're in a darker situation but also when you're flying you can turn this light on and have a light in the sky and that is everything about the Drone itself and so next let's dig into the different controller options that you have for the Mini 4 [Music] Pro with the DJI Mini 4 Pro there's two different controller options that you can get when you purchase this drone and so I'm going to go through each controller to show you what unique features each one has let's first go over the standard RC which is the main controller that you put your phone into now you open up the controller on the top and then you connect your phone with with the cable that's inside and so you put your phone in the little grooves that are on top of the controller and then plug it in now on the bottom of your controller is where the two thumb sticks are so you're going to pull these out and you're going to screw them into where they go on the front of the controller okay so now we're set up with the controller to start flying now looking at the front what you see are a few different buttons the two joysticks are going to control all the directionality of your drone and later in this video we'll talk about how you actually fly in the sky and what you do with both of these thumb sticks and how you can use them to control your drone now in the upper left hand corner you're going to see an FN button this is a function button and in your menu you can change this to do different things now in the upper right hand corner you have a camera switch button now this button changes from video back to photo so this is where you'll switch between both just using the controller you can also do it on the screen in the app but this is a physical way on the controller that allows you to flip quickly between photo and video now in the middle you have two buttons and this switch on the far left left you have a return to home and also a pause button on the far right you have your power button and then you have these three modes in the middle you have cine normal and sport mode and this allows you to go slow medium fast and in the menu you can actually set what each one of these are and I'll show you that when we get to the section all about the app now when you look down on the controller there's a button on the right hand side and a jog wheel on the left hand side the jog wheel allows you to control your gimbal up and down so while you're flying if you need to move the gimbal up or down to get a different shot well that's you'll use the jog wheel here on the controller and that allows you to move that gimbal now on the right is your start and stop record or take a photo button so depending on what mode you're in now the last thing on this controller is on the bottom there's a USBC and this is how you charge the controller so pretty basic but a lot of functionality with just a few buttons and this is what you use when you add your phone it works great I've been using this controller for a long time you don't need the newer controller with the screen built in it's more of a convenience and it does have some extra functionality this is the DJI rc2 and this is a more advanced controller that has a screen built in so you never actually have to use your phone when you're out flying so this is the second version of the DJI RC and if you've worked with the DJI RC before it's going to seem very similar there's just a few things that have changed so looking straight down on the controller you're going to see where you place your left and right joystick now on the back of this controller there's two joysticks in the back and this is where you're going to store them when you're not using them you're just going to pull these out and you're going to twist them on the front of the controller now you're ready to start using this controller now right on the front you're going to see a few buttons on the left is a home point and pause button so whenever you're flying your drone you can press and hold this button and you'll hear a sequence start which going to bring the Drone home you'll hear a few beeps and then it will start coming home and however you have the Drone set up it's going to fly to a certain height it's going to fly back to the home point where it took off and then it will land so this is a safety feature so that you can always bring the Drone back to yourself wherever you're at now the pause button is used if you're doing an automation mode and you want to stop the Drone mid-flight so if you're doing a quick shot or you're doing something like tracking and you want to stop the Drone with whatever it's doing you just click this button once it's going to freeze the Drone in the sky now next that you're going to see the switch with three options c n and S so this is the three different speeds that you can set in your controller for your flight speed for how fast your drone is moving in the sky so it's cine normal and sport mode so slow medium fast now you can change the settings of how fast and how slow you want the Drone to move in each one of these modes but once you have those set up you could just flip between Sy normal and sport mode often times when I'm flying I just leave the default on because they're already set up for slow medium and fast however if you want your slow to be even slower then you would go into the DJI app and actually tweak a few things and then you'll be able to to make it even slower and you can also change the Feathering so how fast it moves as soon as you push the joystick whether it's fast or it's slow now next to that is your power button and you're going to power on your controller the same way you power on your drone you press once and hold you'll hear the beeps now the controller is going to turn on go through it sequence to load the app now to turn it off you do the same thing press once and hold and then the Drone will turn off now when we look at the top of the controller you're going to see a few things on the left and the right you're going to see a button and a jog wheel and then you're going to have your two antenna so whenever you're flying you're going to want to pull these antenna out so if you're flying at an angle like this and you're kind of pointed out there you want to flip these up slightly it's going to give you the best reception whereas if you're flying down like you're looking straight down you're going to want to point these straight out and these antenna are only going to move in One Direction so when you have them pulled out you'll notice that they're flipped one is facing you and one is facing away this is what captures the signal from your drone so it's your video signal and your control so that you can control it in the sky now on the top of the Drone you have a few buttons on the left hand side it's the orange button that's your record so if you're in photo mode you click this it's going to switch over to video mode click it again it's going to start recording or if you're already in video mode it's just going to start recording and the same thing with photo on the other side you'll see the little camera icon if you're in video mode you click this it's going to flip to photo mode click it again it's going to take a photo if you're already in photo mode it's just going to take a photo now behind the buttons there's two jog wheels and on the right hand side this allows you to zoom the camera in and out so if you want to zoom in on your footage or zoom out you use this jog wheel and on the left hand side this allows you to move your gimbal up and down so it's going to control the tilt of your gimbal so when you're flying if you want to point the gimbal down you'll just pull on this jog wheel and it's going to move the gimbal down and the same thing for up so you'll use this in unison with your joysticks to be able to control where the camera is looking and be able to create your shots now on the back of this controller you have two custom buttons on the le- hand side you have C1 and the right hand side you have C2 and when we dig into the DJI app I'm going to show you how you can change these and you could set these up to do different things depending on what you need and I'll show you where in the DJI app you could set these buttons now on the bottom of this drone you're going to find a USBC and a Micro SD card slot now the USBC is going to be how you charge this controller and the micro SD card slot is how you could record directly using the controller so you could record on the Drone itself but you could also record on the controller and this is going to record whatever you're seeing through the transmission and also if you want to get all of your data when you're flying and record that there's a way to do a screen recording as well on this controller now for both the controller and the Drone the amount of lights that are lit up on these four dots tells you how much battery that you have so if you just have one dot illuminated your batter is fairly low whereas if you have all four illuminated that means your battery is fully charged so you'll see this drop for both the remote and the Drone just something to keep in mind and that's everything that you need to know about the DJI rc2 we'll dig more into functionality once we dig into the app and actually go out and fly the [Music] Drone so next let's dig into the DJI fly app so you have a complete understanding of how you use everything in the app when you're out fine so first let's just look at the home screen and you can see the home screen here this is before you actually go into the flight screen right in the center it's going to show your mini4 pro and in the upper right hand corner it'll have mini4 Pro with this little book icon so this is some more tutorials and more information about your Mini 4 Pro in the upper leand corner has some location information and there's this button for fly spots so if you're hooked into Wi-Fi you can click fly spots and you can browse around the map to be able to figure out is there a good place to fly or not and this is a tool to be able to see where you can fly and where you shouldn't be flying as well now down in the lower leftand corner you're going to have your album Sky pixel and profile your album will show everything that's on the Drone that you've recorded So when I click into the album you can see all the footage that I've recorded with my Mini 4 Pro and you can go through and download these to your controller if you're using your phone you can download them to your phone directly and you could go through select delete and you could also download some of this footage when you click the lower right hand corner that says download it's going to give you a lowrisk sample when you're watching it back on the controller now when you're in this screen you just push the upper leftand corner there's a little arrow that makes you go back to the previous screen now next to your album is skypixel this is dji's social media platform so it's a place for you to post your videos and photos if you want to do that now next to that is your profile this will have all of your information about your DJI profile it's going to have things like your flight logs and just all your account information now underneath where it says recommended zones you'll see a little popup here if you need to update your drone so if there's ever an update you'll see it on this screen and I always suggest when you're going outline make sure you're hooked into the internet and always check to see if there's an update before you actually take it out on location and go and start flying now in the lower right hand corner it says go fly you're going to click this to go into the flight screen now you can see the drones up there in the sky and you can see where I'm sitting in this little Stone Circle so let's just go around the screen on this first page talk about everything that you're going to find and then if you notice in the upper right hand corner there's three dots and when you click this it goes into your Advanced menu settings so I'll go over that second so first let's just start in the upper leftand corner you have that same Arrow when you click that it goes back to your home screen to in case you need to ever go back to this screen let's click go fly again now next to that it says in mode so on your controller in the center you have cine normal and sport mode so when you switch this you'll see that in the upper leftand corner change so it's an indication of what mode that you're in so let's switch over to normal mode now next to that it says inlight there will be warnings here if your drones is not ready to take off yet so if you've just pulled out your drone and it's not connected to satellites you'll get an indication here that says it's not ready for takeoff now you can click in flight and it's going to pull up your pre-flight checklist so at the top it's going to show you your flight status so if there's any issues you'll see it pop up right here for me right now drones in the sky everything's normal so it says normal now this is also where you can set your return to home altitude so if you ever click this return to home button the drone's going to fly up to a certain height fly back to you and then descend and so you can change that height depending on what's around now under under that is your max altitude and your max distance this is the limits that you set for how high the Drone can go and how far away the Drone can go and so here in the US we can only fly at 400 ft above ground level so having this set at around 400 ft is smart so that you don't ever go over that 400 ft now in terms of distance you want to keep in line of sight so you can set your max distance if you want to make sure you're not flying too far away where you start losing the Drone off in the distance now underneath that you'll see your storage location mine says SD card and it shows how much data I have left on my SD card so I could also click this button in the upper right hand corner and format that and clear all my data now click anywhere on the screen to exit out of this menu now the next button that you're going to see is your battery indicator mine says 78 and it's green so I have 78% left battery now I can click that and it's going to pop up a little display that shows how much time until the drone's going to return to home how much time until the drone's going to do a force landing and how much time until the battery is just completely gone ideally you want to leave a percentage of battery left when you're flying back so that you always know that you have a safe landing so the best course of action is when the Drone indicates it needs to return to home you fly the Drone back and you land it and swap out your batteries you'll just want to make sure that you have a few batteries on hand because yes this drone does stay in the air for a long time however there's a percentage of that that you always want to keep on the battery so that you're not getting to absolute zero and then the Drone falls out of the sky so click anywhere to get out of this menu now next to that you'll see a little time indication so the time is just the the same indication of how long until my drone is completely dead now next to your time you have your RC and this is the strength of the signal from the RC to the Drone so I could click that and it says that my RC signal is strong so if you ever are getting too far away or there's something blocking the Drone and the controller you'll see this drop and it won't be as strong of a signal now if the drone ever does lose signal completely from the controller to the Drone it's going to go into auto return to home and you could also change this in your settings however I leave it on auto return to home so that the Drone always starts flying back to me and then when the Drone does regain a signal between the RC and the Drone you'll see it pop back on and you can have control again so it's always good to have the Drone fly back to you if it ever loses signal now next to the RC is your obstacle avoidance sensors so right now it's showing that all of the sensors are on in a 360 as well as on top of the Drone and below the Drone now next to that is your satellites for me I have 25 satellites that I'm connected to when your drone is not connected to enough satellites to be able to fly properly it'll give you an indication and it's also going to show up as red so you're going to want to wait till you have enough satellites connected to your drone before you take off and start flying now the three dots in the upper right hand corner are your Advanced menus and we'll go to that in a second now on the side of your screen you're going to first have this film strip or it's going to be a little icon of a photo it depending on which mode you're in then this is where you're going to change your settings of how you're taking photos or recording video so in photo mode you have a single you have aeb you have time shot and you have Burst Mode now in video you have a few options you have normal night mode and you also have slow motion now there's also Master shots and quick shots these are some automations that I'll go over a little bit later and then you also have access to hyperlapse and Pano and so these are some other modes that you can go into to be able to create some interesting types of videos and photos when you're out flying I'll go over all of these modes later on in this video now underneath this icon is going to be a big red button or if you're in photo mode it's going to be a white button and this is your shutter so it's either going to take a photo or start recording recording you could also use the buttons on top of the controller the photo button on the right and the record button on the left if you're using the DJI RC now underneath the shutter button is a little play button and this goes back to that screen that I showed you earlier of the footage that you've already captured and so you can click this and it shows everything that you've captured on your Mini 4 Pro you can click the little arrow in the leand corner to go back to this main flight screen now to the left of these buttons there's another series of buttons at the top it's your horizontal and vertical shooting so you can click like this the camera's going to auto rotate to start shooting for vertical or vice versa so depending on what style of content that you're shooting you could flip it to horizontal or vertical using this little icon now underneath that it says 1X so you could actually Zoom with this camera however it is a digital Zoom so it's not a optical zoom or a different sensor like you have in other DJI drones so basically what it's doing is punching in on your footage in 4k you could punch in two times and in 1080P you could punch in up to four times now underneath that is your autofocus and manual focus I typically fly with autofocus turned on and I never really have any issues however you can click this if you do want to set it to manual focus and then you could press and hold this button and then you can change your focus so that it's close or far so when you come down to the little person icon that's a close Focus to so something close in to the Drone and then you can go to the mountains and that's like something far away so depending on if you're a situation where you want to make sure that the focus is locked on to maybe something you're flying past you could have this set up however just make sure when you put it into manual that you go back to Auto so that you don't end up flying get a bunch of shots and then everything's out of focus now in the lower right hand corner is going to be your Auto and proe so it's this little camera icon you're going to click it and it's going to go into Pro mode so let's start with auto I click the button again it goes back to Auto so you have EV next to Auto which is your exposure value so in auto mode the Drone is going to figure figure out what it thinks looks best for the scene that you're flying in terms of exposure now you could change this so if the Drone is recording too dark or too light you could add exposure or lower the exposure based on what the Drone thinks looks best so if right now I thought the scene was too dark I could add plus three or plus 7 or+ one and you can see that the image is brightening up above what the Drone thinks looks best so it's an exposure compensation to be able to get the image looking perfect for the scene that you're flying in a lot of times you could keep this at zero and it's probably going to look good but depending on what the scenes that you're flying in you might need to change this around now next to that is your format and you could change jpeg raw or jpeg plus raw so depending on how you want to fly if you want just jpegs or if you want raw or if you want both you can have any of those set up and then next to that is your storage you could click this and it shows how much storage is on your micro SD card and how much internal storage you have as well now let's click to PR mode so we'll click the auto camera icon in the lower right hand corner and you're going to see a lot more settings pop up so next to the prom mode you have your shutter speed your aperture your ISO and your exposure compensation as well you can click this and you can change all of these settings so if you want to go full manual you could do it on ISO shutter or you could do a mix where you just have shutter as Auto and your ISO is locked off or vice versa and then you could set your exposure compensation underneath that for that mode that is set to Auto so to go into manual for either ISO or shutter you'll just click where it says Auto and now you're going to be in manual control and you'll just slide over to change your exposure for your shutter speed I'm going to click these back to Auto and then you'll see in the lower icon there's a little shutter that's your camera settings next to that is three lines with little dots these are some more settings for your camera so at the top you could change your white balance so right now mine's set to Auto but if I wanted to shoot in a different white balance I can change this be able to adjust for the scene that I'm flying I'm going to switch this back to Auto Now underneath that is the same spot where it shows format jpeg raw jpeg plus raw underneath that is your aspect ratio so right now I'm taking a photo in 16 by9 but I could switch that over to 4x3 and also it shows the resolution so you can either do 12 megapixels or 48 megapixels depending on how many megapixels you want to shoot with now underneath that you see your storage again let's close this screen and flip over to video mode and then let's turn on Pro again in the lower right hand corner and then click on these settings again it'll pull up the same menu but now some of the options have changed specifically for video shooters so when you go to the shutter icon it's the same ISO shutter and exposure compensation but when you click the three lines you have white balance but underneath that you now have the ability to change your resolution in frames per second and then you also have the ability to change your color so now you have normal hlg and dlog as an option I'm currently shooting in log and with color display assist I could give a look to my footage when I'm flying so I could see it with contrast and saturation however I'm still recording the log and log is more of a flat profile that allows me to some more color grading in my editing software so it preserves the highlights and the shadows and it brings down the saturation so that you have more control when you go into editing and you can start playing around with your colors and when you shoot in 4k you have 10 bit in this drone so you have more room to be able to color grade your footage so if you turn off color display assist you'll see that it's a flat image however if I turn color display assist back on you'll see that now there's contrast and saturation so I always fly and log with my color display assist turned on so I can see what I'm flying but know I'm still shooting in log to be able to get that flatter profile and then underneath that you'll see your coding format and your format now these are set when I'm shooting in log however if I flip over to normal you'll see that I have the option to shoot in h.264 or h.265 I'm going to go back to log now moving left on the bottom of the screen you'll see your height and your distance away from you so if I move this drone into the sky you'll see that now I'm ascending and so you'll see how high I went so now I'm at 114 ft and I'm 50 ft away so if I pull the Drone backwards you'll see that the Drone is now flying away and those numbers are climbing so now I'm about 200 ft away now what's cool is on the screen DJI gives you your home point so where I took off from so where the Drone will fly back home to when I hit return to home labeled with that little h on the screen so as I move around you'll see that showing you the lscape here but whenever I come back to where I fly home there's now a home spot so if you're flying and you're a little bit away you could always see that on the horizon so you know where home is and you know where to fly back to if you ever need to now in the lower left hand corner you'll see this little map icon I can click this and it's going to pull up a map showing where I'm at now I've downloaded a couple maps to see this area because I'm not on Wi-Fi when you're on Wi-Fi you'll have a top down map view of the world of wherever you're flying but if you don't have Wi-Fi connected to the Drone then it'll just be a blank screen and it'll just be an indication with the line of where the Drone is and the flight path which is that blue line of where You' flown so if you want to make sure that you have things like roads and trails on your map you'll have to download them and I'll show you where you can download your Maps after this section so if you ever want to see this full screen you just tap in the middle and it's going to make it full screen and you could see that there's a road over there to the left I could zoom out and you can see that there's a road over here to the right if I didn't have this map downloaded it would just be completely blank and you won't be able to see anything and when you're in this full map view you always have a screen in your lower left hand corner of what the camera's seeing so you can just tap on that it's going to go full screen and it's going to go back and swap now on this little map in the left hand corner you could click the top left button and it's going to do true north or it'll switch to Compass mode and it will just rotate with your drone now in the upper right hand corner you could zoom out or zoom in and then in the lower left hand corner it goes to your radar mode which it doesn't show a map but it gives you an indication of where the controller is where the Drone is and where the home point is and you could always click the little arrow in the left hand corner to minimize this map now the next button above the map is your return to home so whenever you're out flying if you're done and you just want to bring it home you'll just press this button it'll bring up this screen and there's two options there's either land or return to home so if you're in the area that you want to land and the drone's just hovering over there I can just hit land it's going to Auto Land but if it's out a little bit ways which it is right now I'm going to click return to home I'll press and hold this button and it'll go to home and it'll go into return to home mode and you'll see there's now this green line showing the path of where the Drone is going to fly and where it's going to land so if there's any obstructions that are in this Green Path you'll want to cancel the return to home and make sure that it's not going to fly into it now the drone's going to land and it shows you the exact home point where it's going to land and it's going to continue to go through this motion I'm going to tap the X cancel the return to home and now I can take control and start flying again now the button above your return to home is your way points and later on in this video I'll show you exactly how you use your waypoints to create some interesting footage and that is everything on this main flight screen so next let's dig into the advanced menus so you'll click the three buttons in the upper right hand corner and this will bring up your Advanced menu and there's five tabs at the top safety control camera transmission and about in the safety this is everything regarding the safety of your drone so the first thing that you'll see is what happens for obstacle avoidance are you going to bypass it so the Drone will continue to move and fly past will the Drone stop or you going to turn off your obstacle avoidance ideally you want to keep this on but if you're in a situation where you're flying close to objects you might want to turn it off now underneath that it has display radar map so this is going to show you when something is in the way on the screen itself so I'm going to take off this Advanced screen and I'm going to fly towards this tree and the Drone is going to give me an indication of when I'm too close and you can see right there there's now this yellow and red line and also the controller is going to be beeping so it's telling me that there's something there's a obstruction in front of the Drone so I can see exactly where something is in the way of where I'm flying and if I rotate you'll see this radar move around the screen so now it's on my right now it's behind me now it's to my left and now it's gone because I flew away from the tree so you always have on screen if something is in your way now the next option is your Advanced return to home I have it set to Optimal so the drone's going to find the best course of action to fly back and land whereas you could have that to preset it's going to go to that preset return to home altitude that you set up which mine's at 328 ft currently so the drone's going to fly up to that fly back and then fly down now you can update your home point so if you ever want to change where your home point is you could do that in this Advanced menu so click update homeo and then you could draw on the screen where you want the home point to be and hit okay and it's showing us where the controller is where the Drone is and and where the home point is so I'm going to fly over here to this other side of the tree which is over there I want to set a new home point so I'm going to click the three dots go to update home point and I'm going to hit okay because it's automatically set up to where the Drone is currently and it's going to say home Point update updated so now I'm going to fly [Music] away and you can see that there's now that home point is changed to over there battery level is low aircraft will return to the home point in 10 seconds so my battery aircraft is low and it's going to auto return to home return to home it'll give you that indication and you can see now because the Drone was a little bit low it's going to fly up higher to a spot that it FS its best because I'm in that optimal mode and it's going to fly back and Auto Land so I'm just going to let this drone Auto Land because I need to switch out my battery so I can keep filming this but you can see as the the Drone descends towards the ground it's going to put a little indication on the ground of where the drone's going to land so you can see exactly on the screen if there's an obstruction of where the Drone is landing and if there is you'll stop the return to home but this is right in the middle path so it's just landing and then when it lands it turns off the propellers and they stop spinning let's go put a new battery in and we're back up flying so we'll click the three dots go back to your safety and then you'll see AR settings and so that's that visual flight path when you're returning to home and so you can turn this on or you can turn this off now now there's next is flight protection so you could say your max altit max distance and then for the sensors there's compass and IMU and you could calibrate them here if you need to for any reason the Drone will tell you when you need to calibrate something so I normally never even touch this underneath that is some information about your battery and then you have your exist auxilary LED so mine's set to Auto so if it's in a darker situation it's going to automatically turn on but you can either turn this on and it'll just stay on or you could click off and then the light will never come on now underneath that is unlock geozone so if you're flying in a restricted area and you have permission this is where you can go through and unlock that now underneath that is find my drone and so when you click find my drone it's going to pull up a map of where you're at it's going to show you where your drone was last seen or last connected to the controller now you can start flashing and beeping the Drone will start Flash Ing and beeping so that you could try to find it if it's lost somewhere and there's some different options to change the map settings here on the right to be able to see where you're at to try and find your drone now at the very bottom you have advanced Safety settings so you'll click on this and you can set up what you want the Drone to do when it signal is lost so if the drone ever lose signals with the RC automatically returns to home however you could change this to either descend wherever the drone's at or just hover and then underneath this is emergency stop if you pull your joysticks towards the center or towards the bottom on the outside the propellers will stop mid-flight and the Drone will fall out of the sky so let's go back up to the second menu which is control so this is everything about controlling your drone first you have your unit so if you're in the US set it to Imperial well if you're anywhere else then you can set it to metric next to that is subject scanning so I can turn this on and I'm going to fly back towards us and you'll see as I get close enough there'll be a little plus icon this is for your tracking so I could click this and now it will start tracking me and we'll go into tracking a little bit later in this video now underneath this is your focus track settings and we'll go into this when we talk about tracking in this video now underneath this is your gain and Expo tuning so if you ever want to change how your joysticks and your gimbal respond you could go in here and dial them in specifically to the settings that you want so if you wanted a little bit slower you could set this up and so at the top you have your three modes Sy normal and sport mode and then underneath that you have things like your Max Speed Max Ascent Max descent your ya smoothness sensitivity and your Expo so you can go through and change the the curve graph of how these move when you're going up down pitch and roll or your yaw so this isn't super intuitive at first however as you become a more experienced flyer if you want your joysticks to respond differently or how the Drone flies in the air you could go through and change these settings and really dial in for specifically how you like flying you know I just leave these as is and the Drone flies just fine but the option is there if you do need to dial in your settings a little bit more now you can change your gimbal from either flying in follow mode or fpv follow mode is always going to keep the Horizon level whereas fpv now as you turn you're going to have this angle effect when you're turning left and right so it feels more like an fpv drone now if you need to fix your gimbal for any reason you can recalibrate it here and then also you can change your stick modes so default it's mode two that's how I fly with my drone but if you do want to change it based on preferences you can go through and change that here now there's also some button customization you could click this and you could change how these custom buttons work on the controller so you could do C1 C2 you could change your zoom in zoom out and then there's also options where you hold one of these custom buttons and then rotate this jog wheel to be able to do some different actions and so you can go through here and play around and figure out which things you want access to on the controller when you're flying DJI gives you a bunch of different options so just make sure you go through to set that up things that you need when you're fun and so you can see right now C1 is set up to tilt the gimbal down tilt the gimbal up so when I click that the gimbal just Auto rotates down and up and then the C2 is set up to horizontal and vertical so it just gives you quick access to things that you might need when you're out flying now at the bottom you have an RC calibration if you need to do that for any reason and there's also a flight tutorial if you want more instruction on flying with your drone also at the bottom there's a button to repair the controller with the Drone if it ever becomes unpaired or you're setting up a new controller with your drone all right now let's go to the next menu which is camera so this is going to be all the settings for your camera when you're out flying so I'm in video mode so you're going to see video settings it's it's the same thing you go to photo mode you're going to see photo settings so you'll see the same settings that we saw earlier in that little menu on the main screen so you can also go into this Advanced screen to see these modes like format color color display assist and coding format now if you're having any issues with flickering there is an anti-flicker mode that you can turn on there's also in this Advanced menu you'll be able to find your histogram so you can turn this on and you can see all your exposure values on a graph so if it's too bright or too dark you'll be able to see all of that in this histogram and so right now it's it's looking like everything's too bright I'm going to flip over to auto mode and you'll see that the information the trace moves toward the center to where the Drone thinks looks best so you can keep that on your screen so you can always see your exposure when you're flying now underneath that you have peaking so if you're flying with manual focus you'll turn this on to be able to put a line around what is in Focus so you can always make sure to see where your focus is now next you'll see overexposure warning you can click this on now when I click back to PR mode and my footage is a little bit Overexposed you can see that the sky is Overexposed with those zebras that are in the sky so you can keep this on to know what is always overexposing when you're out flying now next you have option for grid lines so you could put on a center grid a thirds Grid or a center Mark and you can see when I turn these on all these lines appear on the screen and so if you want crosshairs or you want thirds or you want that Center Mark it's just some tools to be able to make sure you're getting a goodlooking shot when you're out flying and make sure that you're lining things up properly underneath that you have your white balance so the same thing as we talked about earlier and then underneath that is Style so you have sharpness and noise reduction this drone does an auto noise reduction and it sharpens up your footage a little bit when it's at zero now you could bring this down and just turn it off if you set it to -2 for sharpness and noise reduction so it depends on how much editing you're going to do and if you want the Drone to do some of this Auto reduction and sharpness when it's out flying it comes by default at Zer and zero but if you are having any issues with this you could bring this down to -2 or-1 now you have access to your storage so you could format your internal storage your SD card here and then underneath that you have custom folder naming custom file naming and this allows you to add some custom names to the files when you're recording now underneath that is your cache recording so the controller is always going to be recording a backup of whatever is flying it's whatever the screen is seen so it's that lower res version that the screen sees and you could set up what your max cache is so I can just set it to Auto and I could turn this on or off to make sure that I have that backup recording always on the screen now next you have transmission so this is everything about the transmission of the controller to the Drone I just leave all these settings as they come out of the box and it works fine but if you do need to tweak things for any reason you could go in here and tweak it right here now the last tab is your about and this is everything about the Drone serial numbers information anything you might need it's also a place where you can go check for updates if there is any updates with the Drone controller or any of that so that is everything with the DJI fly app I know it's a ton of information but the more that you go out there and start flying the more that all of this will make sense and just play around around with all these settings because all of it is important and it all is going to help you get better shots when you're out flying so to access your download Maps feature you have to go back to your main home screen and at the bottom there's going to be the profile button now there's going to be a button on the screen that says offline maps and when you click on your offline maps it's going to show up with the world you're going to see everything and you see there's a little button at the bottom that says download well unfortunately you can't download the entire Earth and put it into your controller what you need to do is start zooming into the area that you want to download and you'll see this little white box pop up the little white box is the area that you're going to be able to download and so you're going to want to zoom in close and find the exact area where you're going to be flying and download that section so if you need to download more area than what's in that box you just need to move the map around and download multiple sections now when you download a map it's going to pop up with the screen that asks you to put in a name so just put in a reference name that you know exactly what the map is so you can see that I put in SC Hills 2 because I've already downloaded a different version of the same area now when we go back to the flight screen you can see I have a shot here of me out on this Hillside you can see the map that you were downloaded in the lower leftand corner and let's expand this and make it bigger so I'm going to tap on it and now you can see the area that I've downloaded and you can see the road that I'm standing on where I'm filming from and you can see some of the trails when I scroll over of the area that I'm and so now there's more indication of where my drone is in the sky when I'm out flying and when I scroll out even further you can see the neighborhood that's down over there and then you can also see the reservoir which is over that way and so just by looking at this map I have a much clearer indication of where my drone is in relation to all of these different features now one thing to keep in mind when you're using the download map feature you can only see this 2D map so you're not going to be able to download the satellite map or use the mixed feature so you'll only be able to see a standard map map style when you download it to the controller and you can download as many Maps as you want it just depends on how much memory you have on the micro SD card so when we go back to our main home screen you could see that each map is around 2 megabytes so they're not very big when you download them onto the controller now the last thing when you're in this download section you can go through and manage the different maps that you've downloaded so the three dots on the right hand side if you press them it's going to pull up a menu that allows you to either delete the map or you can rename the map so you could go through and clean up all the different Maps that you've downloaded to your controller all right so you're ready for your first flight and ideally what you want to do is find a space where you can have a lot of room to play around and you're not going to run into anything so I'm up here in these Hills there's nothing around me it's a great spot to fly the Drone and play around with it and what you'll want to do is just find an easy place to take off and land from so just nice open nothing in the way and ideally when you start you want to make sure that you have a full charge on your controller and a full charge on your drone Now to turn on your drone you press once and then hold and all the lights will light up and then you'll hear a chime and that's when the Drone is turned on and the same thing with the controller you're going to press the power button once and then hold until all the lights turn on and then you hear the chime and then both your controller and the Drone are turned on now out of the box they're paired so you shouldn't have any issue with the Drone connecting to your controller but if they're not paired you go into your menu setting where we showed you earlier and you repair the Drone now you're ready to take off both the controller and the Drone are powered up you're at a good spot and the Drone is ready to go there's two ways that you can take the Drone off from the ground the first is the easiest on the left hand side of your screen the little arrow with the circle you press that it's going to pull up this menu that says take off and basically what it's going to do is the drone's going to ascend into the sky and hover so I'm going to hold that button in the center till the green is full and then the Drone is going to take off into the sky now the drone's just going to hover there until I start using the thumb sticks so if I want to land the Drone I can do the exact same thing so I can click that little H icon with the arrow and then hold in the center and the Drone is going to descend down to the ground find where it's going to land and the prop will turn off so for the first time you're flying I would suggest do this take it up let it hover for a minute bring it back down just to make sure everything's working now the second way which is the way that I normally take off and fly is I just pull both joysticks inward that's going to start the rotation of the propellers but it's not going to take off it's just spinning there on the ground now I pull up on the left joystick and the Drone will Ascend into the sky and if I let go of the joysticks the Drone drone will just sit there and hover and that's one cool thing about these kind of drones is that if you don't touch the joysticks when it has a strong GPS signal the Drone will just sit here in this one spot and now if I want to bring the Drone down and land it I just pull down on the left joystick and I just keep holding the down on the left joystick until the Drone fully goes down to the ground and the propeller shut off and then I can let go of the controller so those are the two ways to take off and land now let's go over how the Drone actually flies in the sky so I'm going to pull both joysticks inward I'm going to start the propellers I'm going to pull up on the left joystick it's going to fly up into the sky and let's go over how these joysticks work remember I'm in mode two so if you're flying in a different mode your joysticks are going to work different but I suggest flying in mode two so let's get a shot of these arches so you can see what I'm doing so on the left joystick if you press up the drone's going to go up into the sky now if you pull it down the Drone is going to descend down now if I pull left on this left joystick the Drone is going to rotate in a circle now if I pull right the Drone is going to rotate the other direction to the right so you could think of your left joystick like the Drone is in a single spot on the earth and then it rotates so it can only go up and down that single spot and then it can also just rotate that's all the left joystick does now let's point at this Archway again now for the right joystick if I push forward the Drone is going to move closer to where those arches are it's going towards that tree now now if I pull backwards on that right joystick the drone's going to move backwards and you're going to see The Arches come into frame and the Drone is going to move back and past us over there now if I pull left on that that right joystick the Drone is going to move that way so it's like sliding to the left and then if I pull right on that right joystick the Drone is going to move that way so it's sliding to the right so you could think of your right joystick as moving away from that center point so wherever that Center Point was if you push forward it's going to move that way forward away from it it's going to move backwards away from that point or left or right so the easiest way to think about these two joysticks is left joystick singular Point rotate around right joystick it's going to move out and Away in any direction and then the last thing is you can point these joysticks in the 360 around so if I wanted to push up and also spin to left well I could put to the upper leftand corner and you can see how this drone is moving up and rotating and now if I pull right on that right joystick the Drone is is also going to be moving to the right and you're getting this big arching Helix motion so you can really get fancy with your combinations and there's a lot of different ways that you can move this drone into the sky to be able to get some different looking footage and so the last thing that I want to go over is how you use your gimbal so let's fly back to towards where we are I'm going to use both joysticks to kind of position myself away from us as you can see the structure in front and me out here in the distance so the left jog wheel is controlling your gimbal if you pull that left the gimbal's going to rotate down and if I pull right on that jog wheel the gimbal's going to move up and the cool thing about this drone is that gimbal can move up to 60° looking up so you could have the gimbal pointing straight up into the sky now with the controller with the screen built in the other jog wheel if you pull right it's going to zoom in and if you pull left on that jog wheel it's going to zoom out and so that's all the different ways that you could use this controller to move your drone and the camera in the sky all right so now let's go into the next section which is all about the active track [Music] all right so now let's talk about tracking in this drone and there's a few different options when you're out tracking so first let's just talk about tracking in general point of interest and Spotlight mode and then in the next section we'll get into active track 360 so the first thing is you want to make sure that you grab your subject so we're going to track me I'm going to bring the Drone down and I have subject scanning turn on so I can click the little plus icon and it's going to auto start tracking it's going to detect that it's a person and so you'll see in the bottom there's a little icon that says person if you're tracking a car this will show up as a car now you can click the X to stop tracking the other way to grab tracking is to just draw a box from Top corner to lower corner and then let go and it's going to grab your subject so now it's currently tracking me and it's in Spotlight mode so Spotlight mode basically means the Drone is a tripod in the sky and it's just going to sit there as I move around so no matter what I do the Drone is just going to continue to track me and follow me however also when you're in Spotlight mode you can control the Drone and it's going to stay locked on to your subject so now I'm going to start moving to the left and up it's going to continue to track me as the drone's moving or if I descend down the Drone is also going to track so as you can see is just moving around this gives you the ability to make it easier to have your subject in the frame and not have to worry so much about keeping your subject centered but then you could also do some interesting movements with moving the Drone and be able to create some cool looking shots so if I just pull left or right on that right joystick the drone's going to automatically start orbiting I don't have to deal with pivoting the drone at all and it's always going to keep me locked on in the center so a lot of cool options when you're working with Spotlight to keep your subject centered and make some cool movements now also when you're doing tracking your subject doesn't always have to be dead center so right now I'm centered but if I was to pull left to right on that right joystick I can offset the tracking so now I'm to the right third and the drone's going to keep me in that spot even when it's tracking so as I start moving around the Drone will continue to track and move cuz I'm in the spotlight mode but I'm always going to stay in that right third so you could create some interesting compositions without always having to keep your subject dead center when you're tracking them now you could also pull up or down on the gimbal so if you want your subject in kind of the lower section you can pull up on the gimbal so you see more sky or if you don't want to see any Sky you can pull down and now you're seeing all ground and the and the Drone is still tracking keeping your subject in that spot and this works for all the different tracking modes not just Spotlight so make sure you play around with this because this is going to give you some interesting ways to create make some creative shots now also you could change the distance of how close you are to your subject or how far away so you could track from super close or you could fly the Drone out and away and track from a distance now as you can see I flew too far away it's going to be able to grab me but it might not stay locked on if you're too far away you'll see as I get further and further away the little person icon is going to disappear it's just going to show this indication of a spot on the earth and it says that that's the last spot I was tracking so it's going to stay locked on to that spot in the earth versus me moving around so I'm going to fly closer and you'll see that the Drone will lock back onto me as a person so if you're flying too far away or there's some things in the shot that confuse the Drone you might see this little indication pop up versus the box with the person at the bottom or car or boat or whatever you're tracking now the next option you have is point of Interest now for point of interest it's just going to create a circle an orbit around you and so you click this and click go and then you just see this little indication with a DOT with these arrows and the further you pull away from the center is the faster the Drone is going to move and so if I want it to go right I pull right but if I want it to go left I could swap It Go the other direction and the Drone will start spinning in the other direction and you can make this super fast or you can make it creep along super slow so if you just always want to keep an orbit around your subject but always keep them tracked use the point of interest and you can also move with this so right now the Drone is in point of Interest I'll speed this up a little bit and I'm just going to walk around and so the Drone is going to be continually moving I don't even have to think about it and it's going to keep doing an orbit around me so whether I move closer to the Drone or further away doesn't matter the Drone will still move in the same direction that's indicated on the screen and it's going to continue to do an orbit depending on how you're moving it might take a little bit to start the arc but if I'm going to speed this up you'll see that as I hike over here the drone's going to continue to move and as it swings towards this tree well it's going to stop because it's got obstacle voidance and it lost me in the tree so now the Drone is looking for me it's spinning around it's going to keep going until it sees me on the other side and then it's going to grab me again with that tracking so even if the tracking loses you for a little bit if the Drone comes around and finds the subject it will start tracking the subject again and so with Spotlight and point of interest you could do some pretty cool things so next let's dig into some creative ways to use Spotlight and point of interest when you're out flying so there's some really cool ways that you could use this Spotlight mode and also the point of interest because essentially you could create really Dynamic shots that are hard to do by just keeping it in one of these tracking modes and then moving the joysticks and letting the Drone not only keep the subject centered but also move the gimbal up and down and these kind of shots are some of the hardest shots to get when you're doing it manually so let's first just put it in into a point of interest and let's start a spin so if you wanted to do a shot where you reveal that the scene that you're in you start with the Drone up high it's doing the orbit the point of interest and then all you have to do is pull down on the left joystick and as it spins around you're going to reveal the scene because the drone's keeping me centered but at the same time it's moving down which means it's automatically moving the gimbal up and so you can create these Dynamic arcing motions where you're going to get these two different of movement you're going to get the circle around while also having the gimbal move so let's take it out of point of interest and you could do the same thing in Spotlight mode so if you just pull left or right on one of the joysticks it's going to just do a point of Interest an orbit but you have full control of the speed so I could start slow and then I could pull and go super fast and then slow it down and so you have a lot more control using Spotlight cuz it's completely up to you so now I'm going to push forward it's going to come towards me and then I'm going to push up and now I'm creating this huge spiraling motion which is so hard to do by yourself when you're trying to twist the Drone and also change the gimbal orientation at the same time so one way that I like to use Spotlight mode is I'll start pretty far away I'll just pull left or right pull down on the joystick and I create this big Arcy motion and as I come down I can slow the motion so it reveals the scene when you use the point of Interest you're stuck to the one speed unless you adjust the little arrow however when you use spot Spotlight mode you have a lot more flexibility to create a more Dynamic shot cuz you can speed up and slow down all of the Motions cuz you're doing it all manually but the drone's going to keep you centered the whole time so when you're using these automatic features think big shots and you want to think vertical Parallax and horizontal Parallax what that means is spinning around your subject while also moving up and down and when the gimbal stays locked on it's going to create Parallax between that subject and whatever is in the background and so when you go down and up it's going to going to create this vertical Parallax where you'll see this huge movement out in the distance and if you're spinning around the subject in the point of Interest or orbit mode well you're going to see a lot of horizontal Parallax with things moving at two different speeds between the front and the back and so when you're doing these types of shots think big directions start from on top of your subject and spin out and around so that you see all of this Parallax between vertical and horizontal so that you can have these cool Dynamic shots that are super easy to do when you're using these tracking modes [Music] all right so now let's dig into active track 360 so on the tracking bar on the left hand side it says active track I'm tracking myself here I'll click active track and hit go and so now it could either do trace or parallel so let's start with parallel so I have it set to parallel and the Drone is going to stay in the same position of the sky the same orientation and then wherever you move it's just going to slide with you so I'm going to go towards this tree and you'll see that the Drone will stay off to my side here as I'm hiking and if I go back the other way the Drone is going to stay in the same spot of the sky and continue to track me from the side it's not going to swing around me it's not going to move in any direction it's just going to stay in that same orientation now if I walk away from the Drone the drone's going to follow me but it's not going to Pivot it's just going to keep following from that same orientation so if the drone's pointed South it's always going to stay pointed South no matter what happens no matter how you move so kind of a cool feature depending on how you're moving around if you always want the Drone to kind of stay the same direction when you're flying now the active track 360 is under the trace mode so when you click Trace now the Drone is going to find the position of where you're flying based on this radar map on the left side so so I'm going to start walking and you're going to see that the Drone is going to follow from behind because I have it set to behind on this little map so as I move around these columns the drone's going to continue to fly track me and just find where behind is because I'm walking away from it now if I wanted to switch this I could click to in front and the Drone is automatically going to swing to the front and then continue to track me and it's going to take a minute to do this so it's going to fly around as I'm moving and it's going to eventually find the front of me and just stay in front of me no matter what I'm doing so no matter where I'm going the Drone is always going to continue to track me from in front and you could do this from any side you could do a front corner you could do off to the right to the left behind and so you can always set up how you want the Drone to move and you can always change that when you're flying now the cool thing about this new style of tracking is that you could change the distance and how the Drone moves to find the new spot to track from so right now it's tracking from a little bit further away but if I wanted to say move to the left hand side of me and get closer I just pull this arrow in this lower screen to the left and closer and now the Drone is going to find my left and also fly closer to me and then it's going to just continue to track me from this left- hand side now if I want to go further away and in front I'll pull this Arrow up so it goes in front of me and further away and then it will continue to track me from that position now if you go in your three dots in the upper right hand corner you could go to your control settings go to focus track setting and now you can change your Outer Circle and Inner Circle height and max distance so you could say the inner circle is between 13 ft and the Outer Circle is 32 ft and you can extend in this or even bring it closer so I could change this say 9 ft and make this 39 ft and then you could change the height at which the Drone moves between that inner and outer Circle you can also change the speed so it could either be normal or it could be fast and then you could also set up near ground flight so if you want the Drone to skim along the ground you could turn this on but just a word of warning if the Drone is flying too close to the ground the that means the bottom sensors are going to be turned off and if the changes if there's something in the way well it could run into that and crash the Drone so a lot of functionality with this active track 360 to be able to move the Drone as you're flying and tracking and if you're someone who's a solo Creator like me this gives you the ability to create some really cinematic looking shots super easy and now you can create these really Dynamic shots where the camera's swinging around you starting low to the ground and close but then goes out further away and high in the sky it's a pretty cool feature battery's low time to bring it back [Music] back all right so let's talk about quick shots and master shots these are like automations that allow you to get better looking shots without a whole lot of work so I'm going to click into my camera menu I'm going to go down to quick shots and then it works the same way as your tracking so right now it sees me I'm going to click that little plus icon and now it's tracking me just like it did in active track but in the right hand side you'll see this little arrow icon so this shows you the different modes that you could do you have a droney a rocket a circle a helix a boomerang or an asteroid so I'm going to click droney I could set my distance down here on the bottom of the screen you could go really far away or you could go pretty close I'm going to hit start three two one it's going to start recording and then the drone's automatically going to move when it hits 100% it's going to stop recording and then the Drone is going to turn to where it [Music] started [Music] so the next feature I want to dig into is waypoints because this is a feature that allows you to create really Dynamic footage and the Drone is just going to follow a path after you set it up so waypoints is over here on the left hand side you're going to click this button and it's going to pull up your Waypoint screen so you could use C1 to add a waypoint and so let's say I want to start here this is my first Waypoint but then I want the Drone to fly over here and I want the second Waypoint to be here so I'll click this now the third Waypoint I want to be way up high and I want to point down here so I've set up three spots of where I want the Drone to fly and now I'm going to set up some settings regarding that so I'm going to click these three dots on the right hand side it's going to show the speed I could change that so I could either go fast or slow and then I could set at the end of the flight signal loss return to home and start point is way point one now you hit go in the upper right hand corner and the Drone is going to fly back to the original start point and when it gets there it's going to start this move so it takes a second to get set up but you could set all of your camera settings however you want for this move and you can see that it's moving automatically through these way points that I've set up so it's fairly easy to use but it's just going to take playing with the settings and playing with the different speeds to figure out what works best for the types of shots that you want and you can create these cool Dynamic moves that the Drone can automatically go through and can repeat and then you could actually go through and save this if you want to repeat it on a different day all right let's talk about the different photo modes that you have as options on this drone so I'm going to switch it over to photo mode and you have just have a single photo now also in your photo mode you have 48 megapixel so if you want a high reses photo well you could click the 48 megapixel it's going to give you a lot more resolution to work with now also you have aeb which is going to take a series of exposures so that if you want to combine photos and post it will give you a lot more options so let's do five and it's going to basically take what it thinks it's the proper exposure and then it's going to take brighter and darker and it's going to do five different exposures and you could use this and combine them together and do something like an HDR photo when you're doing your editing now also you have a burst mode so if you want to take a series of photos say you're doing something like a cool jump and then it will give you the ability to choose which photo you want so if you're in a situation where one photo doesn't make sense maybe you'll want to use a burst now also you have a time shot so if you want to like put the controller down and get a cool shot I'll pick it to 7s 7 6 5 put the controller down 3 2 and then it's just going to Auto keep taking a shot every 7 seconds so it might be something useful if you want to get yourself to a cool location and you want to get a cool shot but you don't want to just have the controller here taking photos now also when you're taking photos you could either click the circle icon here on the screen or you could click the button on top that will also work now the last mode that you have for photography is panoramic so you could take panoramic shots whether it's just a shot of landscape or more in a 360 sphere but you have different options depending on how you want to take your panoramic so I'm going to put the Drone up point it over here at this house over here and you could do sphere 180 wide angle vertical so sphere is in a full 360 that's a 360 image now 180 is like a horizontal panoramic so left to right or right to left wide angle is not only horizontal but also vertical so it's going to take just a bunch of photos and then vertical is like for tall objects so let's do a sphere it's going to go through just take a series of photos and then it's going to automatically Stitch it together and as it's doing this you can see there's a little indication on the right hand side that tells you how far along the panoramic it is so right now I'm at 16% so it's just going to we're going to let it just keep taking photos and eventually it'll finish off this photo process it and give you a panoramic photo now it also saves the individual photo photos so if you do want to stitch it together yourself in your folder when you download this footage onto your computer there will be the individual photos as well as the stitch together panoramic and so here's the difference between all of these shots here's the sphere versus the 180 versus the wide versus the vertical so I would highly suggest playing around with each one of these panoramic modes so you get a sense of what you could get when you're flying the Drone and doing these panoramics but it's a cool feature to have in the Drone now let's talk about the next mode which is hyperlapse so this is a cool mode that you could use to get moving time lapses so when you put it in the hyperlapse mode there's going to be a few options and so hyperlapse is essentially the Drone moving and taking a series of photos and then stitching it together to create a time lapse but the drone's moving throughout that time lapse and there's a few options for your hyperlapse so as you can see there's a free Circle course lock or Waypoint so you could freely move the controls while doing the hyperlapse and you could point the direction you want it to go you could do a circle and that's where it's going to spin around an object or a subject you could do a course lock so it's just going to move in a single direction or you could do way points so you could do the same type of thing that you could do with your way points but make it a highy collapse and be able to see some cool movement happening throughout it so let's just pick Circle and we need to select a subject so I'm going to spin the Drone around and let's just use this house as the subject now what I'm going to do is set the speed and the interval and the length so let's make an 8sec hyperlapse the interval is going to be 2 seconds and the speed's 1.1 Mi and we're going to do counterclockwise rotation so you're just going to hit record and it's going to start the hyperlapse and so it'll just go through and take a series of photos and it's going to count down how much time you have left until this hyperlapse is done and so you have these different options to be able to do these hyperlapses and be able to create some interesting moving time lapses now like every other feature you definitely want to go out somewhere and play around with them and you want to test all four of these settings to really get a sense of what works best when you're out flying so that when you get to a cool location and you have some awesome clouds moving in the distance you'll know which version of hyperlapse you're going to want to use and you'll be able to get a good-looking shot everything when you're working with a drone is all about practice and understanding how these tools work so that you can get better looking [Music] footage [Music] all right so next let's talk about master shots so I'm here at this house and I want to shoot a cool sequence that goes around and shows this location well instead of doing it all manually and then editing it together Master shots does it all for you so it automatically flies grabs a bunch of different shots and then it automatically edits it all together so it's a pretty cool feature especially if you just want to make something quick and you don't want to edit it together yourself so what you do is you turn on master shots and and the things that you choose are the height the distance away and the length of the video you can choose small medium or large and then from here you just hit go and the drone's going to go through and do a series of movements and record all of these movements and then when it's all done it'll pull up a screen that allows you to choose some different templates that automatically edits this footage together puts some music behind it and you have a finished video ready to go and the master shots able to create cool little video and it makes it super easy now let's go over color grading dlog M footage and as I mentioned earlier dlog M has less contrast and less saturation and you use this to help preserve your highlights and create a better look out of your footage when you do some color grading in your editing software so right here I just have a shot that was shot in dlog m and I have my waveform pulled up over here on the left and a waveform shows all of your exposure values from black all the way up to White and you can see how this doesn't stretch all the way to 100 and zero which this is white and this is black and so some basic color grading that you can do to your delog footage is ADD contrast add saturation that's at the base the easiest way to get this footage looking good so in Final Cut Pro I have color adjustments which gives us some basic control over our image and I'm going to add contrast and you can see as soon as I start adding contrast all of the exposure values on the left stretch further up into white and down into black now the point of shooting in log m is to preserve those highlights so nothing is fully Overexposed and also so that you can have a little more information in your shadows so it's not completely black so when you're doing color grading you don't want to push it too far where you lose all that information cuz that's the point of shooting dlog M so what I would do is I'd pull up my contrast to a point where it starts looking good maybe I'd adjust my exposure up or down and then I would bring up my saturation to add more life back in into the footage now with just some tweaks to contrast and saturation I have a great looking shot and I could use it just like this but also because we're shooting in 10 bit we're able to push this color grade even more so I have a set of color LS that I've built for Drone footage and it's going to create some unique looks for your shots so in Final Cut I'm going to add an adjustment layer on top and then I could go through and add my custom L bise which changes the colors of the greens and yellows and the Blues in the sky and you can see when I turn this on and off it adds a little bit of a different look to the footage so if you're interested in creating some different looks beyond just doing contrast and saturation adjustments I'll include my LS Down Below in the description and also in the Creator film school I have an entire course that goes through creative color grading to teach you how to build your own looks and figure out how you can adjust all the colors and and allow you to be able to create some different looks for your Drone footage but now that we've gone through all the basics of this drone and how you fly it I want to talk a little bit about how you get better looking footage when you're out flying because it's great to understand how this drone operates and how you can use all these features but ultimately when you're making videos you want to make sure that you're doing some specific things with how you're flying the Drone to be able to capture the right footage for the video that you're creating because just putting the Drone up and just getting the same orbit shot again and again is going to look pretty boring and if you always just have the Drone high in the sky and you're kind of just looking down at the scene but you're not putting any thought into why you're shooting with the Drone in that specific position the footage is just going to fall flat so the first tip is think about your speed you have right in the middle of your controller cine normal and sport mode if you want slow cinematic dreamy footage well you're going to want to put it in the cine mode and do really slow movements whereas if you want a lot of energy and a lot of speed you might want to flip it over to sport mode and go super fast now just a word of caution when you put it to sport mode you lose all obstacle avoidance so you just want to make sure that you understand what you're doing with the Drone before you flip into sport mode and go super fast and capture these really fast moving shots now the second thing you need to think about is the height of your drone you don't always want to put the Drone way up in the sky and shoot just this big landscape shot a lot of times it's going to look really good when you get the Drone closer to objects or closer to your scene now your height is also going to play in with your speed because if you're low to the ground and moving fast it's going to create tons of movement whereas if you're using the same speed on the Drone but you're way up in the sky you're not really going to see that movement so all these ways of shooting are all going to play together now the another thing you want to think about is shot perspective so what is the angle that you're shooting from sometimes looking straight down on what you're filming is going to look really cool whereas sometimes looking straight out over the horizon is going to look really cool you want to play with the positioning of your gimbal because you don't want to just get in the habit of having the drone at a safe height and then just pointing kind of downwards at your subject and then everything looks the same because it's just the same shot where it's kind of angled from the sky rather you want to get down low maybe shoot up on your subjects so your drone can get lower than where your subject is or maybe you want to get higher look down maybe straight down that top down perspective is really cool so you really want to think about height and in relation to how you're moving that gimbal to change your perspective now another thing you want to think about is directionality so how are you moving the Drone in the sky if you're always doing an orbit around your subject all your footage is going to look the same now orbits are really cool on a drone but it's not the only move that you want to use on the Drone sometimes you just want to push forward across a landscape or sometimes you'll want to slide to the left or the right you want to change up the direction in which the Drone is moving so that it's not always doing the same thing it's not always flying forward in every shot that you put together and that brings up the last part when it comes to all of these tips number five is sequencing so using all of these tools together to create a sequence of shots that are different that tell the story or show the scene that you're at now Master shots automatically does this for you it creates a series of shots that are all different and then Cuts them together and essentially Master shots are just doing a sequence autonomously so when you're thinking through the videos that you're creating you want to think through these four different ways to move your drone in the sky and then you want to think through how you would edit these videos together to create a sequence you want to have intentionality with what you're shooting so you want to think how will these shots play together to tell the story or show the visuals of where I'm at so if you want to learn more about visual storytelling and creating videos that have more of a purpose then make sure you check out the Creator film school which is my course Series where I have a ton of different courses all around filming editing storytelling and then growing in audience so that your videos actually get viewed by someone and ultimately if you want to be a Creator and do this long term I dive into the business side of what it takes to become a Creator now include a link down below description to where you can check out the Creator film school also on the Creator film school I have an entire drill drone master class which is a great followup to watching this [Music] video so what's next well first practice you just want to take the Drone out just test all of these different modes all these different ways of flying taking videos taking photos just practice but beyond that you need to figure out what you're going to shoot and if you like this video and you want to learn more about drones or just how to make videos in general make sure you hit that subscribe button and next you should check out one of these two videos which is going to help give you some different ideas on how to use your Drone footage I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Jeven Dovey
Views: 287,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeven dovey, creator film school, dji mini 4, dji mini 4 pro, mini 4 pro, dji mini 4 worth waiting for, dji mini 4 footage, dji mini 4 pro first look, dji, mini 4 drone, mini4pro, djimini4pro, minidrone, beginners guide, dji mini 4 pro beginners guide, dji mini 4 beginners guide, dji mini 4 pro tutorial, how to fly a drone, how to fly dji drone, how to fly a drone for beginners, focus tracking, focus track, active track 360, active track dji
Id: 2J_vW-u7idY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 32sec (4712 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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