DJI Fly App - A Beginner's Tutorial

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hey everyone how are you doing i hope you're having a great day so the dji mini 2 is all the rage right now for people who have been waiting for a drone that's capable yet affordable now many people who are buying it are first-time drone owners and one of the most confusing things for new pilots is to learn how to navigate the software in this case it's the dji fly app so in this video i'm going to take you through a complete walkthrough of the dji fly up in the hopes that you will become more familiar with it and be more at ease as you learn to fly your brand new drone so let's get right to it [Music] hey welcome to 51 drones everyone if you are here for the very first time i invite you to peruse the channel and if you find value here subscribe for future content yes i chose the word peruse for some reason today now if you are a seasoned dji pilot this video probably is not really for you i will be walking through everything as if i'm giving a tour to someone who has never been here before i'm going to go through things kind of slowly and kind of meticulously so if that's not you and if you already know how to use the dji fly app then i suggest just skipping this video and then wait for my next video which is going to be talking about the best settings for the mini 2 and that's going to be coming out here real soon so let's go ahead and get you oriented to the dji fly up the first thing that you need to do is of course download the app from the play store or from the app store and and then once you get it downloaded you need to update everything what you need to do is once you open the app it's going to tell you if anything needs to be updated and if it does go ahead and do that it takes about 15 minutes to do that and then you'll have to restart your drone and then you're going to be ready to go and then once you're ready to do that once you're ready to open the app just click on go fly right here now one more thing before we get into this i did record this actually before the launch date of this drone so as i mentioned some dates in this video just be aware that this video was made about a week and a half ago so let's get started starting in the upper left hand corner is where you will see what mode you are currently in so it will show n for normal mode and that's what you're going to be using most of the time c for cinesmooth which is when you want to get that nice cinematic smooth slow movements and then s for sport mode and that's for flying your little mini two fast and furious next to that is the status bar this is where it's going to tell you if you are okay to fly or it's going to tell you if something needs attention like for instance this will tell you if you're in restricted airspace or maybe your compass needs calibrating or your imu or something like that or a wind warning is going to pop up there so many things are right there on that status bar and then if you tap on it you can see this is where you can adjust your return to home altitude and then also set your maximum flight distance and maximum flight altitude now make sure at least in the united states that you keep that maximum altitude set below 400 feet that is the rule you have to keep your drone under 400 feet and then at the very bottom it will show you how much space you have left on your sd card so moving over to the right you will see the battery indicator which shows you the percentage of remaining battery power and when you tap on it you can see the approximate time left until the drone initiates the auto return home and then you can see when it's going to force land like how long you have until it actually lands by itself and then at the bottom it'll tell you when your battery is going to be completely depleted now keep an eye on that little green number all of the time while you're flying because that can change rapidly in windy conditions or cold conditions now next to that it shows your remaining flight time and then right next to that is the transmission signal strength like what's the signal between the controller and the drone and then next to that is the gp indicator which shows you how many satellites are locked onto your drone in the very upper right hand corner are the three dots which brings up the main menu now we're going to come back to that in just a few minutes now down the right hand side here is the photo video mode icon where you can choose photo video quick shots or panorama now looking at photo mode you have the options of shooting a single photo and then the newly and very exciting added auto exposure bracketing which takes three shots at three different exposures and then you can also choose to do a timed shot which is actually an interval timer where it takes a photo every five seconds all the way up to taking one every 60 seconds now clicking on video you will see all of the options for resolution and frame rate 4k up to 30 frames per second 2.7 k up to 30 and then full hd up to 60 frames per second next here is the quick shots mode which gives you five automated flight shot options and they're called droney rocket circle helix and boomerang now a real brief description of these droney flies up and away from you and rocket mode the drone is going to rise above you and then go straight up above you circle mode is just how it sounds it just goes around you in a circle and it keeps an equal distance away from the subject and then helix that also does a circle around you but what it does is it increases the distance away from the subject as it goes around in the circle and then finally in boomerang the drone flies up and away from you and then also goes in a circle and then comes back to you so there's some pretty fun automated shots there at the very bottom is panorama mode which lets you take a tiny earth shot a 180 degree photo or a wide angle shot below the mode button is of course the shutter button or record button and then right below that is the play button to view all of your photos and videos that you have taken with your mini 2. now taking a look at the bottom left is the map view which gives you all kinds of information about your location and your flight path and everything so study that and check that regularly while you're flying next to that is where you'll see your altitude and then your distance from the launch point and then above those it shows your current horizontal speed and current vertical speed now the middle bottom is your position and your heading indicator and then if you look over to the right the bottom right shows you how much space is left on your sd card and then next to that is your exposure compensation and this is where you can adjust the exposure quickly like you can go up or down to quickly adjust you know if it needs to get brighter or darker and then next to that is the exposure lock and so if you have a really nice exposure and you're going to be panning your gimbal up and down typically what happens when you pan it up it's going to darken the exposure to compensate for the sky but maybe you don't want to do that maybe you want to keep your exposure the same so you want to click on that little ae and that's going to lock your exposure and then at the far bottom right is the auto or manual camera settings button if you click on that you can adjust your iso and your shutter speed and then this right here this is your meter so it will tell you if you have the proper exposure so the closer to zero the better now use this as well as the histogram to make sure that your exposure is correct and i'll talk about the histogram here in just a minute so next let's go through the menus you're going to click on the three little dots in the upper right hand corner and you're going to see safety control camera transmission and about clicking on safety you will see the same as when you click the status bar at the top like your flight protection settings here's where you can update your home point to your current location and this is also where you calibrate your compass and your imu now when should you calibrate these well you really only need to calibrate them if it tells you to on the main screen in the upper left hand corner and it's really super simple it's easy it totally walks you through the procedure it it lists everything to do and it shows you images of what it should look like so really easy to do and it will tell you in red letters if that needs to be done basically if you see any red lettering right up here then something needs attention on your drone right here is where you can also check your battery information and this is here and this here is where you can view any unlocked geo zones and then it also keeps a record of all previous ones so before your launch you're going to see a list of geo zones that you previously unlocked and if you're having trouble unlocking a new zone let's say you go to a new location and it's a dji geo zone and you can't unlock it what you want to do is just come back to this spot right here and make sure that all of those expired geo zones are turned off make sure the tab is over to the left and then you should have no trouble right here is the advanced safety settings where you choose what to do when the drone loses connection or if you need to stop the props immediately let's say you know something bad is going to happen and you see it coming and you know it's not worth the risk so you're going to crash your drone and you can pull those sticks in and down this right here is the payload mode button and you should only turn this on really if you are going to be using the prop guards below the advanced safety settings is find my drone now this is pretty useful for if you crash your drone or if it falls out of the sky and you're not sure exactly where it is you can go ahead and turn this on and then you're going to be able to see its location on the map and you can also toggle it to start blinking and beeping loudly that's going to help you zero in on it right below that is remote id now this is built into every dji drone because it will be coming very soon and if you toggle these off you won't be able to launch your drone next is the control menu here's where you can choose to display metric or imperial units you can adjust the front led right here by choosing the action and the color you can set the gimbal to follow mode where the gimbal remains fixed or fpv where the gimbal will follow the movement of the aircraft you can toggle the gimbal to move upwards beyond horizon like you can have it tilt up a little bit and i always leave that on it's nice to have that extra range of motion here is where you calibrate the gimbal so if you're flying along and you notice that your horizon seems to be off a little bit you can go ahead and calibrate that gimbal and that should fix it this right here is the advanced gimbal settings now i'm not going to cover those here today in this video but i will be making a video soon showing you what i have found to be the best settings for the mini 2 so watch for that and make sure that you're subscribed so you don't miss that you want to click right here to re-center the gimbal straight ahead and down and then if you click it again the gimbal will pop back up to level here you can set the remote to charge your mobile device which is very nice the mini 2 controller has a tremendous battery life so i do recommend using it to keep your phone charged especially if you're flying in colder weather this is where you choose your stick mode now mode 2 is the default and it is the most common but you can change that if you want to you can customize the function button to do one of two different things either re-center the gimbal or toggle the map view now you can actually set it for both you can just tap on it once to recenter the gimbal and tap quickly twice to toggle the map view you can calibrate the controller here if you feel like your sticks aren't accurate like if you're pushing straight ahead on the stick but the drone is maybe going to the right a little bit there's probably time to calibrate your controller and you can click right here if you want to view a short flight tutorial that can be very useful for brand new pilots under the camera menu in video mode you can toggle on the video subtitles but i've honestly never used that so i can't tell you what it looks like this is also where you can toggle the histogram and the overexposure zebras at the very least i do recommend to always have the histogram on so you know if your exposure is balanced the simplest explanation i can give you of the histogram is that if the mountains are to the right then your image is overexposed it's too bright and if the mountains are to the left it's underexposed it's too dark now the zebras will also tell you what is over exposed by showing you black and white bars over the portions of the scene that are too bright right here you can add grid lines to help you find the center of the frame or the rule of thirds and you have three different options i usually keep the first one on just to have that center point here is where you adjust the white balance the mini two does actually a pretty good job of auto white balance but there may be times when you want to adjust your color temperature to match the surroundings or maybe the lighting is changing you know the sun is going behind the clouds once in a while and that that auto white balance is going to really make your video look off so you might want to set a constant white balance this is the auto sync hd photo button this means that when you take a photo it is automatically saved to your mobile device this here displays your sd card remaining space toggle this right here if you want to cache a low res version of whatever you are recording and then you can also set the max of the cache size right here now if you're in photo mode the camera settings are just a little bit different at the top you can adjust the format of your photos by choosing jpeg or jpeg plus raw and then you also have the option to shoot in 4 3 aspect ratio or 16 9. now the next menu option is the transmission tab you really don't need to do anything here just leave those set to dual band and auto and then finally the about tab tells you all of the identifying information about your drone and your firmware this is where you can check for the latest updates and you can download them from here as well so that's the dji fly up the newest version as of november 4th 2020 there are always updates so if there are any changes i will put the changes down in the video description and if they make a lot of changes i'll just make a new video now i do recommend that right now you save this video in a playlist or add it to your watch later playlist because there's a lot of information here and if you're brand new to flying this is your first drone this is your first time seeing the app it's nice to have this information easily accessible so i do recommend that so uh let me know in the comments if i missed something maybe there's a question that you have still uh just comment below and i'll try to answer it to the best of my ability and i ask you to please click on a thumb on your way out of the video today preferably the one that's pointing up but it really doesn't matter as long as you click on one i just really appreciate it uh also follow me on instagram twitter and tech talk for all kinds of other content i want to sincerely thank you all so much for watching the entire video today have a wonderful day everyone and as always fly safe and fly smart [Music] you [Music]
Channel: 51 Drones
Views: 242,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dji fly app, tutorial, beginners, dji mini 2, dji mavic mini, mavic mini 2, mini 2 tutorial, mavic mini tutorial, dji mini 2 tutorial, best beginner drone, drone for beginners, how to fly the dji mini 2, dji fly app walk through
Id: uMh4iQ4Dsac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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