DJI Avata Unfiltered Long Term Review!

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alrighty so I've now had the DJI Avada for just about three months I got it at the very beginning of August before it was ever released and I had about I want to say about two and a half three weeks of time before everybody else to go ahead and test it and put it through its paces and create the videos now what I haven't done is giving any sort of final say on the Avada as far as recommendations my thoughts and opinions I've done series of videos testing various aspects on this but in this video I'm just going to give you either a thumbs up or thumbs down on what I think about the DJI Avada in more of a condensed video review long term let's get started oh yeah what's good everybody Ken here you're watching original dobo today's video we do my long-term review of the DJI Avada now if you've never seen any of my reviews I just want to give you fair warning I do not hold back there is going to be profanity in this video I I just sort of speak whatever comes to mind my channel is not designed for kids not for designed for uh easily offended adults which there seems to be a lot of those nowadays this is just a no conversation as if I was sitting here talking to a group of friends and they asked me what I thought about this after having owned it for 90 days so that is what I'm going to give you there will be time stamps down below where you can just sort of jump around if there's something you're interested in or you're on the fence just hit the time stamp and you can check it all out all right let's jump into it with the build quality all right so the build quality of this drone absolutely sort of shocked me when I first got this in my hands and I saw that it was made out of plastic I was sort of bummed I thought to myself I'm like oh here we go again we've got another DJI fpb drone on our hands I have personally destroyed three DJI fpb drones I'm actually on my fourth one now and I'm hoping not to destroy that one however the DJI fpv drone was the Humpty Dumpty of drones if it fell from about three feet high chances are you could break something on that thing because that's just how fragile it was it was like they thought a good idea was to make the arms Hollow I don't know who who designed that but holy it broke super easy now with the DJI Avada that is not the case I will tell you I've taken several several crashes with this drone and I have not personally had too many problems unless I was intending on breaking that so you see I'm holding two avadas technically I have three avadas one from DJI one from pyro drone but wait the one from drone works is missing now the one from drone works I was using as sort of a test bed to test these duck guards and what I was looking to do was to see if having these ribbed Riders on here would do anything as far as impact resistance and well I found out very quickly that this one still survived but the one from drone works is no longer with me I'm actually in the process of fixing that so hitting a tree at about 40 miles an hour will will cause significant damage I am trying to find a uh the ESC unit for it so if anybody knows where I can buy the ESC or has a rack Nevada that they don't want to fix that want to sell the ESC let me know I'll definitely I'll definitely buy that from you all right but these two here have survived several crashes and I will tell you that you can crash this thing pretty hard lightly it doesn't matter it's it's going to be able to handle most anything you throw at it it's not something that I'm worried at if it falls out of a tree like 20 feet out of a tree that it's going to break apart I have never once had that issue issue even falling onto hard concrete the worst that has happened when I didn't fly it with my ribbed Riders is that I get some scuffs on the props not a big deal it's only cosmetic but it's never really affected the way it's flown the other thing is people have asked me well would it be a good idea to take these prop guards off and the answer is no because if you look at these prop guards there is ventilation in here in certain points and what it does it is actually in funneling air around the flight controller so these props are in this array on the prop guards are actually creating a fan to keep that air unit cool so you definitely want to fly this with the prop guards on even though in some instances it's been proven that it does fly better with the prop guards off you do want to keep them on there because it does allow it to keep this unit cool and as long as the blades are moving even if it's standing still on the ground it's pumping air around that air unit and it will not overheat so something to keep in mind but overall I think the build quality is really excellent I still do not like where the SD card is placed I think the SD card placement is the dumbest thing the dumbest decision that they have made it's just you got to have like a cocaine nail to get that door open and even when you get it open if you have some meat Paws if you've got some big old you know hot dog hands fingers you're not going to get your fingers in there to get that SD card out I know a lot of guys are like I can't get my finger in there well that's what she said but it is a problem it's it's a problem it's it's hard to get in and out of there I've seen a lot of people just leave the SD card in there and then just use a right angle USB and they just read directly off the card power on the Avada read it and they just leave the card in there basically internally and that's perfectly fine you'll also notice I have orange props around one and the standard stock black props on the other now what does this do does this create any sort of performance enhancement no it doesn't but it does look cool as orange and white just screams 51 drones it does it just screams 51 drones and every time I fly with my orange and white props are my orange and white setup here I just feel like Russ is with me that that's that's creepy but no the orange props wallet does not give you any performance enhancements I do feel like the orange props are a bit stronger a couple of times I've hit the prop guards and I found that the props did not Shear off however these stock props I find that they sheer off a little bit easier than the orange props do so if you're looking for a prop that is a little bit more durable I would highly recommend that you check out these drone attack props link will be in the description below where you can check them out but beyond just looking cool and being easy to spot if you crash this they do seem a little bit more durable so that is something to think about all right last thing I want to touch on the build quality is the fact that yes the Avada can easily eject the battery if you have a hard crash this was something that started happening and happening about two weeks after the Avada release when people were crashing they were finding the that when they found their Avada their battery was ejected now this is not something exclusive to the DJI Avada any drone can eject the battery if it hits something hard enough if it hits something hard enough it will eject the battery it's just whether or not the Drone will be able to get back up after you have a hard crash luckily enough the Avada is built very well and as long as the battery stays in there one you'll be able to find it and two you may be able to turtle out of a crash if you're lucky enough but at the very least you do want to keep that battery in there so you can at least run the Beeper so you can at least find it if it's stuck in tall grass I didn't have this problem until about like I want to say four and a half five weeks ago I was flying super super low slammed it into the grass flipped it over battery went sailing and I found the Drone because I had my ribbed Riders on at the time and they were yellow so they stuck out like a sore thumb but I couldn't find the battery and I got so pissed after searching for an hour I went home I ordered another battery I went back to the same location the next day and started walking in like grids and I finally found the battery and it was after that day I was like all right I gotta figure out a solution gotta make a battery strap now you can use anything you want to strap this in I've seen people use velcro I've seen people use actual battery straps from other quads and they strap it right here on the side and they wrap it around the back whatever you choose to hold your battery in is a great idea just use a battery strap if you want to use a built battery strap from Etsy there are multiple people that are selling battery straps on Etsy I've made my own it's called the jock strap it just sort of slides and locks in place just like that and it works fine whatever way you feel comfortable locking your battery in find it use it but I definitely encourage you to strap your battery down under each flight because if you have a hard crash it's it's it's definitely going to go sailing it's happened too many times to me recently and I'm glad that I started strapping it in because at first I it wasn't happening but after having a few crashes that battery does come out a little bit easier and the more you use these batteries the easier it's going to be for that battery to eject so keep that in mind alrighty let's talk about the flyability and the overall flight characterist after 90 days flight characteristics after 90 days because this is probably more of the the dicier conversation that we're going to have alright so flight characteristics how is it what do I think well after having 200 plus flights with this I can honestly say it flies pretty damn well I like it a lot better than the DJI fpb drone but at the end of the day it's a cinewoof it flies a lot like a cinewoop is it top heavy yeah you you betcha that battery that ion battery it does it it is noticeable so it is very top heavy um and it is easy for this thing to go into a tumble if you are not careful that is not necessarily something that can be prevented with software so don't think that oh it's something DJI will just put software out it is just the nature of the beast when it comes to cinewoops does it happen to everybody no like I said I had about 130 flights before this even became a thing like before everybody was fighting over this tumble and this this yaw issue that the Avada had I didn't even know anything about it because I was just flying it like I normally fly my cinewoops and guess what I had no problems and I bet you if you weren't somebody who is following anybody on the Internet or paying attention to YouTube you probably wouldn't have noticed any issues either out of probably a hundred thousand of these units sold if there are a hundred issues with 100 units and a hundred thousand sold that is a damn good number for when it comes to defects if there are defects there is no batch two of of Avada there's no batch two there's no batch one there's no batch two there's just the Avada and I tell you that with confidence because we sell drones at drone works we get to see all the information we get the communications from DJI when products are released or if there's anything that needs to be recalled none of that's been said so I'm just telling you from experience that yes they will eventually probably push out a firmware update that will improve the performance but will it always make it to where it will never happen again I can't say that because when you look at a lot of these flights and you see what some of these people are doing it is just honestly ID 10t and if you don't know what id10t is grab a pen and paper write it down I'll wait [Music] oh you figured it out good well now that I've spelled that out for you you shouldn't have any problems with crashing your Avada just fly it like a normal cinewoop and you won't have any problems at the end of the day if uh just here's I'll say it like this for you don't be Philly all right but all all seriousness I have had no problems I think it flies great The Only Thrill thing I did to this to make it Fly better was to adjust my rates so that was the only thing I felt like I needed to do because I felt like this was just a little bit too Twitchy and um yeah that was that was really it but I I adjust the rates to make them slower to make it a little bit more mushy that's what I am familiar with when flying and I felt like that was what worked best for me so but you may be different so adjust the rates to your you know your personal touch rates are a very personal thing but at least you can try what I have as a starting point and see if it works for you but I think the way it flies it flies perfectly fine all right let's talk about the goggles too now all right these are the goggles too and they are probably one of the most frustrating things about the Avada release and this too has been very controversial first off they didn't make these initially backwards compatible with the older air units so because they were not backwards compatible with the older air units a lot of people got really pissed they started this um they started this petition to get DJI to make these compatible and DJI came out and said that they would make them compatible in December sometime in December these will be compatible with the older air units I don't know how good it's going to work but they are going to make it compatible so there's that these are smaller than the uh the older version which are the V2 goggles so I mean that's that's a great thing for travel these are super super easy to travel I love how it fits in the bag um you know it really doesn't take up a lot of space so one plus plus side to the uh goggles 2 is the fact that it is easy to travel with when I first reviewed this I thought that these antennas did not come out but they do come out and they come out just by pulling them straight up which I guess you know when I was reviewing this I wouldn't have thought to just pull them straight up and out and I guess I didn't think to do that because I didn't want to break them it's just not like it's not natural to pull something straight up and out like like an antenna but they do pop in and out So eventually hopefully maybe we'll see some upgraded antennas for these not that you really need it I feel like the range is perfectly fine with these I mean all in all these did great I had not had any issues with them overheating however while we were in Las Vegas I did Witness A friend of mine and Billy's goggles overheat while we were out there so the potential of these things overheating are a problem the other thing I was having issues with was the goggles fogging up in the dead of Summer like August September it's pretty humid in Florida and the goggles were fogging up now there is a fan in the these goggles but the Fan's job is to keep the goggles cooling but the problem is that this fan is just not powerful enough to do anything to be an anti-fog mechanism for these goggles which sort of sucks so my recommendation is get some diver spit put some diver spit in here and that will help mitigate some of that fogging I wish I would have knew this earlier that that was you know not really a thing in these goggles like there was really no anti-fog but that is one of the biggest drawbacks I still like my V2 goggles because they never fog up and they are a lot more comfortable also this foam here sort of sucks I've been waiting for somebody to create a better foam for this this foam is more of a leather and it just sort of clips into place this thing right here really sort of pushes down on the bridge of my nose quite heavily and you can see it's wearing pretty hard here um because that's where it sort of grinds into the ridge of my nose I wish that this was a little bit more contoured so it fit my face a little bit better if you have a super flat face you probably won't have any problems with this like this probably is like a non-issue for you but for me and probably for others I've seen a handful of people really complaining about how these goggles to fit like it's not it's not a huge deal it's just something that's annoying because there are some light leaks here and these goggles are so small and there's just no options this foam is more of a pleather foam and it's just not comfortable and I've looked pretty much everywhere for replacement foam so if you know of any foam that you've tried like a direct fit replacement to this please by all means drop me a link in the comments I would love to try it because that's probably the most aggravating thing about this I did go ahead and make a battery holder for these goggles that are specific to this I've been using that since day one and it just keeps everything nice and tidy I do like that the battery life is better on these and I also like that we have this little touch screen here I didn't think I would like the touch screen but I actually really like the touch screen it works really well the diopter adjustments are fantastic which make it easier to see one image if you you know you run a prescription instead of glasses it just it just works great it's also a headphone jack and the SD card right here and all of it I feel like make these goggles definitely worth it and it's not you know I shouldn't I'd be remiss to mention the fact that the screens on this are so much better than the screens on the V2 goggles so if you're buying these for anything you're buying this for that OLED experience that is the big reason why you were buying these goggles so yeah I really like them um there are some like I said there are some drawbacks some things I don't like about them but I think the pros outweigh the cons on the V2 or the goggles too God I also don't like the name of the goggles too I wish we would call these some like goggles slim or something all right let's talk about piloting the Avada and the fpv controller too all right so when DJI sent this out to me to review they also sent me the fpv controller too now I already had the fpv controller too from having the DJI fpb drone now when they sent us these we had no idea that these would be sold without the controller and it really put egg on our face as reviewers because we're reviewing these thinking oh you could just buy the fpv controller too little did we know you couldn't buy this controller and it just made us look like idiots because we just thought oh well you could buy this you can get this and what's your problem and the fact that the matter was that these controllers were out of stock for so long you could not get them and a lot of people were really pissed that they weren't selling a bundle they were pushing off this e-wanker this motion wanker they wanted you to buy the motion wanker nobody wants the motion wanker I don't want the motion wanker what did I break I don't want the motion wanker I want it this and this is how I have flown the DJI Avada since day one I don't like the motion controller never have been a fan of it and um now that these are becoming in stock again and becoming available I would highly recommend get yourself this it changes the experience it changes your Precision you just have a better time now there are some people that love flying with the motion wanker and I'm not here to argue with those people if you want to wank and fly by all means do what's best for you but for me I'm gonna enjoy using the fpv controller too I think this thing works fantastically and I like again I love the small size of it for me it reminds me a lot of the Tango 2 so because it's so familiar it was an easy adjustment to be able to fly this with the Avada so I'm going to continue using this the only thing I wish this had that my Tango had was the foldable gimbals like where I can pull it out and fold them down to the side I gotta take the sticks out of here each time which it not a not terrible it's just not super ideal is that you know you got to take the sticks out put them off this and if I lose one or drop one then I'm sitting there searching in the ground for my sticks which I've done that a few times in the past but it does make it easy to travel with the goggles too in this little small controller versus like my Mambo which is yeah anyways that's something that I have enjoyed all right let's talk about battery life on the Avada over three months time all right so when I first started flying the Avada I was flying with these stock Motors I didn't do any motor changes no adjustments to it whatsoever and my battery life in manual mode was about 12 and a half to 13 minutes of flight time and I thought that was pretty excellent now keep in mind I am coming from flying standard cinewoofs I'm flying Shenron squirts terraplanes where my battery life is like five minutes or less and because I'm coming from five minutes or less in battery life when we start talking about 14 minutes or 12 minutes or even 11 minutes how well even nine minutes of battery life that is a huge Improvement so I can understand some of the people coming from a mavic to the Avada their disappointment with 10 minutes or even 11 minutes of battery life but don't let that discourage you because just know that most cinewoops are not going to be able to achieve even that great of a battery life so to have 10 minutes of flight time I think is pretty exceptional and honestly these batteries charge pretty quickly they are expensive it is expensive I get it if you fly standard fpv you're able to buy a battery for 25 30 bucks some of us spend a little less on batteries some of us spend a little bit more but being somebody that comes from the world of DJI drones and and drones GPS drones in general I have been accustomed to spending 180 200 bucks on batteries for inspires my evos even skydio for a long time so for me I'm used to it but I understand how if you are in the fpv realm and that's all you've ever known spend 169 bucks on one of these is a gut punch so I would recommend that you get the fly more kit because one battery is just not going to be enough to fly you need at least three batteries to really enjoy the Avada and I think that the battery life on this is actually pretty damn good now with that being said if you do take on the task of upgrading your Motors bye bye battery life because it will be cut in half by at least a good 20 percent or more depending on how you're flying I went from 11 minutes in manual flight to about eight and a half nine minutes in manual flight after I change the batteries out or I mean the motor's out so not really the best but I mean I expected that I was putting a larger motor higher KV bigger stator I knew what I was going to achieve by putting that on there so I chose performance over efficiency so that is something that you will have to decide as well do you want efficiency or do you want performance out of your quad I chose performance and well you get what you get it's just like a fast car it's going to burn through gas a lot quicker if you have a larger motor inside of it so it's the easiest way to compare that all right let's talk about the camera quality on the Avada alright so the camera quality on the Avada I think is pretty much my most favorite thing about this drone throughout the course of 90 days I have brought this all over the place from Las Vegas to to uh Georgia I've I've flown it multiple locations here in Florida and I gotta say the camera quality is absolutely incredible incredible 4K 60 looks amazing and to be able to have the option to utilize d-log which the color science on this camera and the overall exposure is much better than the fpv Drone it just makes for a great experience however with that being said not have an optional frame rates is a big bummer most all of my videos are edited in 4k 30 frames per second for YouTube when I take 4K 60 and throw it into a 4K timeline sometimes I will tend to get stutters or little Jitters that just looks weird so it's it makes it hard for me to miss match footage I find myself having the speed up footage ever so slightly to make up for those Jitters when it comes to using 4K video a lot of people ask well why would I want to put a GoPro on top of the Avada and I think people will always want to put action cameras on top of the Avada because it does not offer additional frame rates you're locked at 60 frames per second so until DJI changes that I don't think people will stop putting action cameras on top of their drones they like the idea of the enhanced security and the overall reliability but they want the flexibility of different frame rates I understand why we don't have flexible frame rates because it is also the fpv camera but in the same token I mean not a lot of people are just uploading 4K 60 videos I mean you can if you upload 4K 60 it does look amazing but overall my experience with this I have been very very happy with the colors and the captures I've been able to get out of the Avada over the past 90 days I have zero complaints with it in Vegas I would fly with no stabilization 16x9 and I would post stabilize with gyro flow do some light color corrections I used an nd32 for the entire time I was out there flying and I think it did absolutely phenomenal all the videos I did look great I had zero complaints and I mean while it's still not better than a GoPro camera I think it is more than possible for a drone this size and you just sort of have to try it and see if it's something you like and if you don't like it well then you have options like I said people are mounting hero 10 Bones on top of here they're mounting full-size GoPros on top of these so you have options you're not just limited and I think that's the most exciting thing about the Avada not being limited to just one thing just because you're not supposed to do something and it's technically a bad idea doesn't mean you can't so the camera for me is definitely a huge win and a big upgrade all right let's go ahead and wrap this video up with some miscellaneous items all right so when I made the video talking about the top five things I like and the top five things I hate some people ask me well what about the noise well the noise again the noise doesn't bother me this is a cinewoof and while this is very loud if you've never heard of The iflight Hornet or the iflight Bumblebee wow that was probably one of the loudest cinewoofs I have ever flown in my life so as far as the noise goes I don't feel like this is a super super annoying cinewoop I feel like there's way more annoying cinewoofs but at the end of the day this is not something that's meant to be flown stealthy you are going to know this is coming you're gonna know that this is in a neighborhood or at a park my recommendation for you is either embrace it or find something else because it's a drone it has props they spin it's going to make noise sorry this is not an anti-caron drone this will draw all the currents to your yard and they're going to know whether or not your milk Shake tastes good or not that was terrible that was a terrible analogy the second thing was I totally missed the fact like I said about the fpv controller if I had to think about that video again I would have totally bitched out DJI up and down about not being able to have that fpv controller to available at launch I think that was a huge Miss and it was something that that should have been should have been included right from the jump was to have that fpv controller too I think that was a pretty huge Miss and something that a lot of people were pretty upset about but again now you can buy it it's just still not something that's bundable bundablable it I'm not even gonna try to make that word it's just not in a bundle so you can buy it separately when it becomes available but yeah I think that was a huge mess and then obviously the the last piece of this is the fact that I wish it did have the additional frame rates but it doesn't I talked about that in the camera section of this it doesn't have the additional frame rates I wish it did but it doesn't and it's just something that you have to deal with unfortunately um there's nothing you can do about that there there's no additional frame rates so it is what it is but overall do I give the Avada a thumbs up or thumbs down after 90 days I think it's pretty clear I like this drone I'm going to give it a thumbs up and a stamp of approval I don't see enough of issues and especially for myself who fly this every day I'm not jumping on hype bandwagons about these things falling out of there because I'm just not seeing enough of it when I look around the internet and see the people that are having the issues I look at their track records I look at how they actually fly do they do this for a living are they flying every single day I come across as arrogant and a prick and a online but if you knew what I do every single day you would understand my standpoint on this I'm not an influencer I'm not a role model not a Creator I'm a guy that creates internet videos but I also do this for a living every day and to me this is a tool and if I did not feel like this tool was capable enough to make me money outside of YouTube and if it was not good enough for my clients I wouldn't be giving it a green light and for me this tool is more than capable enough and it is a great beginner cinewoop and it is a very useful and Powerful utility again look at the track records of the people that are telling you whether or not you should or should not buy something and understand what their motive is behind that what is their financial gain behind that do they have the experience to tell you whether or not something's good or bad I do this professionally I'm not here trying to blow smoke up your ass I don't give a if you hit subscribe I don't give a if you like me at the end of the day my bank account does not depend on YouTube I'm an I'm proud to be an and if you want to join that Army not in my but the Army you can hit subscribe and uh make your own decision not telling you to buy it I'm just saying I'm giving it a thumbs up and everybody else stay original I heard they checking for me no one checking on me so I had to go run up a check I got the message homie yeah no flexing on me my attorney gonna call and collect blessings on blessing for me my successes only made him envious they got upset I had to put other eagles in check I want the money to power respect and I heard
Channel: OriginaldoBo
Views: 51,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stayoriginal, originaldobo, fpv drone, dji avata fpv, dji avata drone, dji avata price, dji avata cinewhoop, dji avata fpv drone, dji avata unboxing, dji avatar release date, dji avata specs, dji fpv vision goggles, dji avata footage, dji avata issues, dji avata long term
Id: g7rwR1qdsl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 24 2022
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