DJI Avata - First 19 Things To Do! ( Tips & Tricks )

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hey guys if you have purchased or just received the DJI Avatar you may be wondering where did I start let's get straight into the first 19 things you should do to make sure you have the latest features keep the Drone safe get the best value as possible and be able to do them awesome fpv moves such as flips rules and Dives but first we need to pair everything together if this is the first time you have used the DJ Avatar then before we can even think about flying we have to make sure that the goggles controller and drone are all connected to each other to start let's bind the Drone to the controller and this process works for both the motion controller and fpv controller to start turn on your drone and controller then press and hold the power button on them both until the lights start flashing and they make a be being signed after a few seconds the lights will turn solid the controller will stop beeping and this signals that they have been paired successfully then to pair the goggles to the Drone press and hold the power button on in the drawing until the lights start flashing again and you hear a beep and also turn on the goggles and press the pair button between the two eyepieces it's a little hidden but it's located right here then wait for a few seconds and the goggles will stop beeping once they have been paired next up we want to make sure that we have the latest firmware on all our devices so that we have the newest features and safety updates you want to download the DJI fly app to your phone then connect it to the USBC connection on the goggles with the app open you will get a prompt on the top left corner of the app to update firmware if required simply Tap The Prompt let the updates run and that's it it couldn't be easier oh and here's a quick top tip that catches so many people out sometimes the batteries also need a firmware update and if you only pop the battery in to update the Drone you may find that when you get out on location and change to another battery you get alerted to do a firmware update for it so when updating the Drone make sure to put every battery you have into the Drone one by one and check it for the latest firmware now before we take a look at the next thing you should do which is crucial if you bought DJ care refresh with a drone to make sure that you get full coverage I just want to say a big thanks to today's video sponsor which is wire stock wire stock is a tool that helps you take the clips you capture with the DJI Avatar and easily sell them as stock to potentially make a little bit of state income its assemble is uploading the Drone Clips you have captured to their website and then they distribute it to all the major stock marketplaces to make things even easier you can use Easy submission and they will go through and add all the metadata to each clip for you this is great because it means you can focus on getting great footage edit it upload it and let wirestock handle the rest the best thing about wire stock though is that you don't need multiple accounts on all the stock Marketplace websites you only have one account and one dashboard to track everything including how many downloads you have had and more importantly the earnings for each clip wire stock also automatically creates a portfolio page for you and you can use this to sell your stock directly to potential buyers by sending them the link so if you want to try selling the clap shoot capture with your DJI Avatar as stock then head to the link in the description where you can get started right now now if you bought care refresh with the DJI Avatar then lessen up because this next step is super important to make sure that you get the full coverage to be able to benefit from the FlyAway coverage included you need to make sure that your controller is binded to your drone to do this again attach your phone to your goggles and with the DJ fire app open you will get a prompt in the top left corner saying bind remote controller or goggles to your aircraft to activate DJ FlyAway coverage simply tap this prompt and then follow the on-screen steps to be fully covered let's take a look at a few Essential Safety settings that means if your avatar lose your signal you don't lose your drawing with the goggles on Swipe right and go to the safety settings menu and then scroll down to Advanced safety settings in here you will see an option called aircraft signal lost action where you can choose what happens when you lose signal to your drone there are three options to choose from return to home land or hover if you're in a large open area with few obstacles then choosing return to home will be the best option that means if you lose signal the drum will Ascend fly back to the home point and land automatically however if you're flying somewhere densely populated with objects such as a forest hover or land will be a better option this is because the Avatar has no obstacle avoidance and could hit obstacles and potentially crash on its way back to you instead having an alert land or hover where you can go and retrieve it will be much safer in them location if you are using return to home another very important thing you want to be aware of in change is the return to home altitude this is the height the drum will automatically rise up to if you engage return to home or engages automatically because of loss of signal again because the Avatar has no obstacle avoidance if this height is too low it could potentially fly into objects such as trees and buildings on its way back to you now to prevent that happening you should change the return to home alitrid to be higher than any of the obstacles around you another saying you will see in the advanced Safety settings menu that should be one of the first things you are aware of is emergency propeller stop emergency propeller stop is a feature that when you hold your joysticks in a certain Position will stop the motors during flight this might be useful due to a crash a fly away damage props or when you've lost control of the Drone but if activated during a normal flight the motor is well stop and you will most likely crash as a beginner it's best to leave it turned off to avoid unintentionally stopping the motor's med-fight as that could be a disastrous to say the least have you went out to fly manually flip the flight mode on the controller to manual and find that it stayed in sport mode what's going on well that is because out of the box manual mode is disabled as a safety precaution to avoid you triggering it by accident so one of the first things you should do after some simulator practice is an able full manual mode and this will allow you to do them epic flaps rules and Dives firstly in the settings menu go to control and then remote controller scroll down to the bottom and change custom mode from sport mode to manual mode this will now mean that when you change the toggle on the fpv controller to M for manual mode you will now be able to use manual mode but there will still be raw limits in place meaning you can't flip the drone over or you can point the Drone straight towards the ground so how do we remove them raw limits to turn them off go back to the top and scroll across to the gear and Expo settings and there you'll see an option called m mode attitude limit and you want to turn this off to have full acrobatic control of the Drone now if you love flying fast you will want to be able to see just how fast you are flying and you can see that on the bottom left of the screen with the goggles on you can also see how high and how far away you are which is really useful information when flying but one of the first things you should do is make sure these figures are set to your unit preference to do this go to settings control and then under units you can choose metric meters metric kilometers and Imperial which uses mile per hour when it comes to storing your video files you can use the internal storage of the DJI Avatar which has 20 gigabytes of space and will allow around 15 minutes of 4K video however most of us will instead be using a Micro SD card with micro SD card insert it we want to make sure we are recording to it and not the internal storage of the DJI Avatar we can change just by going to the settings then camera and under storage location change this from internal storage to the micro SD card you can also see how much space is available here and format the card if required just remember though if you do format the micro SD card make sure you have a backup of all the video files that were on it because formatting it will completely wipe everything on the card sticking with that last point if you are concerned about losing your video files because of an accidental format or because you crash and lose the DJ Avatar and subsequently the micro SD card within it then one of the first things you should do is turn on this next setting that allows you to simultaneously record video to the micro SD card in your goggles so that you always have a video backup pretty awesome right so how do we do that first you will need a Micro SD card inserted in the allocated area on the goggles then go to settings camera Advanced Camera settings and you will see an option called record with you want to set this to both no there are two different types of video you can store to the goggles if you want a screen recording of what you see while flying including all the on-screen interface you will want to turn on the camera view recording option what sets below the record weft setting or if you just want a backup of the video that's saved to the Drone without the interface then turn the camera view recording option off now for the exciting part let's dive deeper into the video settings to help you get the best Clips possible and the first thing we want to look at is resolution and frame rate in the camera settings menu under video quality we can choose from 4K 2.7 K and 1080p for the best quality possible we want to use 4K and you can choose from 50 FPS and 60fps if you want to slow down your videos to get slow motion in post then 2.7 K and 1080p both have an additional 100 FPS mode which will allow you to slow them claps design more when editing this next setting is super useful if you use Auto video mode auto mode can be super useful if you're flying into and out of areas with vastly different lighting conditions for example into an eye off a building the Drone will automatically increase or decrease ISO and shutter speed accordingly to try and give you a properly exposed image at all times however as the iso increases so does the amount of noise on the image so you want to set a limit as to how high the Drone can automatically increase ISO to prevent a noisy image we can do this by going to settings camera and scrolling down to auto ISO limit if you do want the video settings to remain the same during your entire recording or you want to set each value manually for the best results then the first thing you should do is change to manual video mode and you can do that by swiping up going to mode and selecting manual mode here you can manually set ISO by swiping over to and tapping scrolling left or right to set your desired value and then tapping to confirm you can also set shutter speed and white balance the exact same way now if you want shutter speed and white balance to remain locked but the iso to be automatic again really handy for flying into and out of buildings for example or around areas with vastly different lighting conditions you can also do that by using a manual video mode by scrolling across the iso and setting it to Auto again the iso will not automatically go above the all ISO limit we set in the previous step one of the best features of the Avatar is that you can have image stabilization applied to your videos automatically and this is great as it Smooths out a lot of the shakes and twitchiness that can happen if you're a beginner like me for this reason one of the first things you should do is decide what type of image stabilization you want to use in the settings menu select camera and then Eis which stands for electronic image stabilization and you will see two options to choose from Rog steady combines electronic image stabilization with complex algorithms to deliver stable shake-free footage Horizon steady on the other hand Works to always maintain a level Horizon no matter how much you roll your drone one of the other first things we want to say before even hitting record is the fov or field of view in settings onto the camera menu you can select camera fov and choose from normal wide and Ultra wide the higher your field of view is the more you will see of your surroundings with normal being the narrowest and Ultra wide being the widest here you can see a comparison of the three modes and notice how the edges more of the surroundings are captured in Ultra wide mode compared to normal for example weft the DJ Avatar we have two color profiles we can choose from and you can also change these two ways the first method is by going to settings camera Advanced Camera set settings and selecting color profile or you can do this by swiping up to bring up the video settings menu and scrolling across to the color profile setting if you're new to color profiles you might wonder what the difference between normal and decently like as normal color profile provides video that is ready to go straight from the Drone it will look colorful bright and vibrant and requires little to no color grading in post this is great if you want to quickly export the video for your projects or to Post online these any like on the other hand is a flat profile which preserves Shadows highlights and mid-tones bare and gives you more flexibility when color grading but comes out of the Drone with lower saturation and contrast and needs to be color graded and a video editing software to get these benefits generally speaking low after you do the color grading you will end up with better looking footage now let's take a look at three super handy features that you should enable as one of the first things you did before going flying that will make it so much easier to control your your drawer help you get better video and even more importantly never miss a clip let's start by looking at Center Point keeping the DJI Avatar lined up in a subject or Gap can be difficult especially as a beginner you can find yourself in situations where you think you're flying straight but when you get close to a subject you're actually way off center luckily there is a really awesome feature you can turn on to help the list in settings under camera you can turn on a feature called Center Point this puts a small Mark in the center of the screen and using this you can line up your Clips much easier and know where the Drone is heading at all times another absolutely fantastic feature that can help with composing your videos is gridlines these are superimposed lines that you see on top of the video in your goggles that can help you frame subjects or locations stay level or keep an object Centered for example go to settings and in the camera menu you will see an option to turn on grid lines and when you tap it you will see three options you can choose from again which one you choose as personal preference but I guarantee turning on gridlines will help you get better videos with your drone there is literally no worse feeling than getting an epic clip only to realize you weren't recording have you ever done this you've just captured an awesome piece of footage you've hit the button to stop recording and your drone starts recording instead and you realize you weren't recording the whole time we've all been there and I know that's sinking failing this is an even easier mistake to make when flying fpv because we can get caught up in the excitement with the goggles on and we can forget to start recording luckily though there is a super awesome feature that you should turn on as a first step that makes this less likely to ever happen again go to settings camera Advanced Camera settings and turn on auto record on takeoff with this setting turned on your drone will automatically start recording every time you tag off and will mean you never miss getting that epic video clip ever again so there we have it the first 19 things you should do with the DJ Avatar I hope you have so much fun flying this awesome little drone check out these two videos next if you want to learn even more of it drones and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: The Drone Creative
Views: 92,511
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Keywords: dji avata first use, dji avata first things to do, dji avata setup, dji avata, dji avata flying tips, dji avata hidden features, dji avata tricks, dji avata features, dji avata secrets, dji avata tips for beginners, dji avata best settings, dji avata settings, dji avata beginners guide, dji avata review, mattheww brennan, dji avata long term review, tutorial dji avata, avata, beginners guide dji avata, dji avata beginner guide, dji avata tutorial, dji avata tips and tricks
Id: b2oPWIUq2mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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