Django Tutorial for Beginners [2021]

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welcome to the ultimate django course in this course i'm going to teach you everything you need to know about django from the very basics to more advanced concepts so by the end of this course you'll be able to use django to build production-grade back-ends for your web and mobile apps if you have always wanted to learn web development with python you are in the right place we'll use python and django to build and deploy the backend for an e-commerce application if you're looking for a comprehensive organized and practical course that takes you from zero to hero and prepares you for the job this is the right django course for you everything you need to know about django is in one place in the right order so you don't need to jump back and forth between random tutorials amash hamadani i have taught millions of people how to advance their software engineering skills through my youtube channel and online school code with if you're new here be sure to subscribe as i upload new videos all the time now let's jump in and get started let's talk about what you need to know to take this course for starters you need to know python you need to know the basics of python as well as object-oriented programming concepts such as classes inheritance polymorphism and so on you should also know the basics of relational databases so you should be familiar with concepts such as tables columns primary and foreign keys relationships and so on if you need to refresh the fundamentals i have a couple of beginner level tutorials on my youtube channel as well as comprehensive courses on my website i'll put the links down below in case you're interested all right so i'm assuming that you're the right student for this course now let's talk about how you should take this course first and foremost i want you to watch this entire course all the way from the beginning to the end even if you're familiar with django because along the way i will share a lot of tips and tricks and i don't want you to miss out on any of them if you have taken any of my other courses you know that i'm not gonna waste your time with repetitive or useless stuff so make sure to watch every lesson now while watching each lesson i want you to take notes you can just write down some keywords on a piece of paper if you don't want to write a lot of notes i strongly believe that the act of writing things down will help you remember new things that you learn then after each lesson go through your notes and repeat the same steps i showed you in the video this is exactly how i personally learn new things also i've carefully designed tons of exercises that help you understand and remember the materials so make sure to do all these exercises because the more you practice the better you'll be at django or coding in general welcome back to the ultimate django course in this section we're going to talk about the basics of django first i will give you a quick introduction to what django is and why it's so popular then we'll talk about the fundamental web development concepts that every web developer must know next we'll set up our machine for development and create our first django project once that project is up and running i will show you two essential techniques for debugging django applications this is going to be a short and sweet introduction to django so let's jump in and get started so what is django and why is it so popular well django is a free and open source framework for building web applications with python it's not the only web framework for python but it's the most popular one because it helps us build a website in less time with fewer lines of code that's why a lot of companies like youtube instagram spotify and dropbox use django in their tech stack now django is what we call a batteries included framework which means it comes with a lot of features out of the box so we don't have to code them from scratch for example it gives us an admin interface for managing our data which is a huge time saver it also has an object relational mapper that abstracts the database so we can query or persist data without writing a lot of sql code it also comes with an authentication package for identifying users it also has a package for caching data and much much more so since django offers all these amazing features we can focus on our application and its requirements we don't have to reinvent the wheel and code all these features from scratch now once in a while you might come across someone like our popular superstar developer john smith who thinks django is a piece of crap because it's old and bloated with so many features he used it hated it and then rewrote his entire project with a new shiny framework that is faster well saying a framework is better than django because it's faster it's kind of like saying a ferrari is better than a truck because it's faster what if you want to move something you're not going to use your ferrari for that right so a wise software engineer doesn't pick up a framework merely based on his performance there are so many other things you need to take into account like the maturity of the framework how stable it is from one version to another its learning curve the size of the community and so on django has been around for a long time and it has a huge community so there are tons of django packages built by the community that you can reuse in your applications also if you get stuck there's always someone out there to help you if you want to hire people there are tons of people to choose from so these are the benefits of having a huge community around the framework now regarding django features yes django comes with a lot of features but you don't have to use or even learn all of them because all these features are optional so you can use the features that make sense for your application so in my opinion debates about the best framework in the world are useless we all like different things and just because someone doesn't like django it doesn't mean it's bad a lot of companies are using django and are looking for django developers here in the us the average salary of a django developer is just over 117 000 a year so if you like python and want to get into web development learning django is a good investment for your future [Music] so you learned that django is a framework for building web applications with python now let's talk about some of the fundamental concepts you need to understand to build web applications let's say we're going to build an online store and publish it at now this website is going to have two parts or two applications a front end and a backend the front end is the part that is loaded inside a web browser on a client machine it's the part that the user sees and interacts with the backend is the part that runs on a web server and is responsible for data processing validating business rules and so on now let's imagine that alice wants to visit our website so she points her browser to this address is also called a url which is short for uniform resource locator it's basically a way to locate a resource on our internet a resource can be a web page an image a video a pdf and so on so alice types in her browser and presses enter at this moment a browser sends a request to the web server that hosts our website and says hey alice wants to see the home page so the web server should take this request process it and return a response back to the client this data exchange is defined by a protocol called http which is short for hypertext transfer protocol it defines how clients and servers can communicate so this is the big picture as alice navigates our website for each page her browser sends an http request to the server and receives an http response now as part of building the backend for this website we need to decide how we're going to respond to clients one option is to generate the requested page on the server and return it to the client we use html for that html is short for hypertext markup language it's a simple language for representing web pages and their content every webpage you have seen on internet is built using html so one option is to generate the page on the server and return an html document to the client the other option is to return only the data needed on the requested page and have the client generate the page so instead of putting a complete page or a complete html document in an http response we only return the data like the list of products now what is the difference well if we push this responsibility to the client we can free up the server so it can serve more clients our application will be more scalable that's why over the past few years this approach has become more trendy and is now considered the industry best practice these days we have tools like react angular and vue for generating web pages on the client these are all client-side tools that are used by front-end developers in contrast we have server-side tools for building back-ends django falls in this category so you should not compare django with let's say react you may compare django with other server-side frameworks like core which is used by c-sharp developers express used by javascript developers and so on so if we push the responsibility of generating web pages to the client the server essentially becomes a gateway to the data on the server we can provide endpoints that the client can talk to to get or save various pieces of data for example we can provide one endpoint to get the list of products and another endpoint to get the list of orders someone has placed now all these endpoints together represent the interface that clients use to talk to the server in technical terms we say the server provides an api or an application programming interface to clients this api is essentially like the buttons on a remote control all these buttons together represent the interface or the api we use to interact with the tv okay so in this course our focus will be on using django to build an api for our online store client applications can use this api to get or save the data how these clients are built is irrelevant here we can use react angular or even plain javascript that falls under front-end development which has nothing to do with django once we build this api if you know front-end development you can always build a client app that talks to this api alright now that you understand the big picture we are ready to set up our development environment and that's what we will do next [Music] all right let's make sure you have the right setup before we start coding the first thing i want you to do is upgrade your python to the latest version so head over to downloads and download the latest version of python for your operating system once you do that then open up your terminal window and run python version to make sure you have upgraded your python correctly now here we see python 2.7 because on mac we have two different versions of python running side by side we have the old python 2 which is now deprecated and we also have python 3. so if you're using a mac you have to run python3 dash dash version but if you're on windows or linux you have to run python version okay so here i'm using python 3.9.5 great next we're going to use pip or pip3 if you're on mac to install pip n i talked about paypal in my python course it's basically a dependency management tool for installing our application dependencies in virtual environments this way our application dependencies will not clash with other applications dependencies okay so let's go ahead and install this now in this course just like my other courses i'm going to use visual studio code or vs code as my editor it's just my personal preference if you have a preference for a different tool like pycharm that's totally fine having said that i highly encourage you to use vs code because throughout the course i'm going to show you a lot of shortcuts and time saving tips that will not apply to your editor in case you don't have vs code you can get it from now once you run it i want you to go to the extensions panel over here and search for python make sure to install this extension because with this we get features such as intelligence debugging code navigation and so on all right now that we have installed all the necessary tools let's create our first django project so here in the terminal window i'm going to go to my desktop you can go anywhere on your machine it doesn't really matter now we're going to create a directory called store front that is the name of our project next we go inside this directory and run pip and install django so we're going to install django using pip app inside a virtual environment now let's go ahead all right well take a look so over here you can see that p-band has created a virtual environment for this project down below you can see the path to this virtual environment but if you're on windows you're going to see something like c drive backslash whatever now if you're on a mac and using z shell which is this fancy colorful terminal window you can hold down the command key and click on this path to go into it otherwise we can just copy this and use the cd command to go inside this directory now take a look so here's our virtual environment in this environment we have this bin folder that contains a bunch of binaries for example we have python pip django admin and so on so back to the terminal pbn created a virtual environment and installed django inside that environment but in addition to this ppm also created two files in this directory pip file and pay file.log so i'm going to open this directory using visual studio code by running code period if this doesn't work on your machine just drag and drop this folder onto vs code alright so here's our pip file this is like package.json for javascript projects so in this file we can see that our project needs this particular version of python and under packages you can see the packages that our application is dependent upon so here we have django equals asterisk that means any version or the latest version of django if we installed a particular version of django we would see that version here now back to the terminal window we need to activate this virtual environment so we'll use the python interpreter inside this virtual environment not the one that is installed globally on this machine to do that we're going to run ppm shell okay next we're going to use django admin to start a new project django admin is a utility that comes with django so if you run it we can see all these commands that we can use to work with django projects as we go through the course you will become familiar with this command in this lesson we're going to use django admin start project and we're going to call that project store front now back to vs code django admin created this directory for our project and inside this directory it created another directory that is the core of our application in this directory we have these files which i'm going to talk about in a second but before i do so let's get rid of this redundancy because we have three storefront directories the top one is the one that we created earlier in the terminal and then we have these two other directories one for the project one for the core of our application so i'm gonna delete this project directory now we're back in the previous step so we don't have a django project at this stage now back in terminal let's bring up the last command but type it period at the end this tells django to use the current directory as the project directory so django is not going to create an additional directory for our project okay now take a look so we have this directory which is the core of our application in this directory we have this init file which defines this directory as a package we have this settings module where we define our application settings we have the urls module where we define the urls of our application and these two other modules that are used for deployment for now don't worry about them now next to this directory we have this file manage.pi this is a wrapper around django admin so going forward instead of django admin we're going to use manage.pi the reason for this is that manage.pi takes the settings of this project into account let me show you what i mean so now that we have a project we want to run a web server so another command that django admin provides is run server however if you're on django admin run server we get an error saying requested setting debug but settings are not configured because at this point django admin doesn't know about the settings of our project so now that we have a project instead of django admin we're going to run python manage.pi now look we see the same commands that django admin provides so here we can say python manage.pi run server now optionally we can supply a port number if we don't supply this by default this will use port 8000 but you might have another application running on port 8000 in that case you might want to explicitly set the port number so let's go ahead with that now we don't get an error because manage the pi knows about the settings of our project now here we get this warning saying you have 18 unapplied migrations don't worry about this yet we'll talk about this soon so if you look over here you can see that django has started a development server at this address so we can copy this and paste it into browser or if you're on a mac and using z shell you can hold down the command key and click this all right beautiful our first django project is running successfully so let's move on to the next lesson [Music] so far i've been using a separate terminal window but vs code also has an integrated terminal window that is easier to use but to use that we have to properly configure it to use the python interpreter inside our virtual environment let me show you how to do this so back to our terminal window first we're going to stop the web server by pressing ctrl and c okay now back in vs code on the top under the view menu look we have this command pallet the shortcut on mac is shift command and p now here we're going to search for python interpreter so currently vs code is using this python interpreter that is installed globally on this machine we don't want to use this you want to use the one inside our virtual environment but how can we find the path to our virtual environment very easy so back to the terminal let's run pip and dash dash vm all right here's the path so let's copy this good now back to vs code we're going to select enter interpreter path then we're going to paste the path and append slash bin slash python at the end if you're on windows instead of a forward slash you have to use a backslash okay good now in this project we have an extra directory vs code we have a settings file and here we have the path to a python interpreter good with this we can go to the view menu now look we have this integrated terminal the shortcut on mac is control and backtick now vs code automatically activates the virtual environment for this project so here we can run python manage.pi run server good so going forward i'm going to use the integrated terminal window here it's easier we can always hide it by pressing ctrl and backtick or bring it back we can maximize it move it around and so on now one quick tip sometimes when running this command you might get a syntax error saying invalid syntax this happens every now and then when vs code fails to activate the virtual environment for this project to solve this problem all you have to do is open a new terminal window and look vs code executed this command to activate the virtual environment for this project now we can run python manage.pi run server great hey guys bosh here i just wanted to let you know that this tutorial you have been watching is actually the first hour of my ultimate django course the complete course is about 10 hours and goes way beyond this tutorial so if you're serious about learning django and are looking for a job as a back-end developer i highly encourage you to enroll in the course the course comes with tons of exercises and solutions a full e-commerce project that you will eventually deploy to the cloud plus a 30-day money-back guarantee and a certificate of completion you can add your resume in case you're interested i'll put the link down below and if not that's totally fine let's move on to the next lesson [Music] all right let's talk about apps so every django project is essentially a collection of various apps each providing certain functionality just like the apps on your mobile phone each app provides a certain functionality right django projects are exactly the same so in this project let's open up the storefront directory and then look at our settings module now we can collapse this panel by pressing command and b on mac or ctrl and b on windows okay now in this module we have a bunch of different settings in this lesson we're going to look at the install apps so every django project by default includes these apps the first app is the admin app which gives us an admin interface for managing our data then we have the auth app which is used for authenticating users then we have content types app which we'll talk about later in the course next we have the sessions app which is kind of legacy we don't use sessions anymore a session is a temporary memory on the server for managing users data these days when building apis with django we don't use the sessions app so we can come here and delete this app then we have the messages app which is used for displaying one-time notifications to the user and finally we have the static files app for serving static files like images css files and so on so each app provides a certain piece of functionality okay now we can also create our own apps here so let's save this file now let's open up the terminal window by pressing control and backtick so here's our terminal window where we have our development server running we're going to open a new terminal window okay now let's expand this to clear the window we simply press ctrl and l now we're going to run python manage.pi start app and we're going to call this app playground okay so let's close the screen now and open up the explorer panel all right look here's our new app which is represented using a folder with a special structure so every django app has the exact same structure here we have the migrations folder for generating database tables we'll talk about that later in the course we have a complete section about this topic we have the admin module where we define how the admin interface for this app is going to look like next we have the apps module where we configure this app so the name is misleading i don't know why django developers decided to call this module apps it would be better if it was called config that's just my two cents next we have the models module where we define the model classes for this app we use model classes to pull out data from the database and present to the user next we have the tests module where we write our unit tests and finally we have the views module which we'll talk about in the next lesson again the name is misleading this is not the view that you think if you come from a front-end development background so what we have here is essentially a request handler it's not a view it doesn't have a template or html again we'll talk about that in the next lesson so we created a new app now we need to register this app in the settings module so every time you create a new app you need to register it here in the list of installed apps we simply add the name of the app which is called playground save the changes done in the next lesson we're going to talk about views [Music] alright let's talk about views so earlier you learned that http is a request response protocol so every data exchange involves a request and a response this is where we use views in django so here in the playground folder let's open up the views module this is where we define our views or view functions a view function is a function that takes a request and returns a response so more accurately it's a request handler in some frameworks it's called an action in django it's called a view but i don't agree with this name because from an architectural point of view a view is often associated with something that the user sees that part in django is called a template and we'll talk about that later in this section now that aside let's create our first view function so we're going to create a function we can call it anything we want i'm going to call it say hello now this function should take a request object and return a response so first on the top from django.http package we're going to import the http response class now in this function we can do anything we want in a real-world scenario we can pull data from a database we can transform data we can send emails and so on for now let's just return a simple response so we're going to return an instance of the http response class and in this object in this response you want to add a simple string so let's say hello world okay so this is our first view or first view function now we need to map this view to a url so when we get a request at that url this function will be called and that's what we're going to do next [Music] alright here's our django project now let's say whenever we send a request to playground slash hello our view function should be called and return hello world to the user let's see how we can do that so back to our project here in the playground folder we're going to add a new file called urls.pi you could call it anything the name doesn't matter but by convention we call it urls now in this module we're going to map our urls to our view functions so on the top we're going to import the path function from django.urls so from django.urls we're going to import the path function now don't worry about memorizing any of these as you practice all of this will become second nature also from the current folder we should import the views module so we can reference our view function now we should define a special variable called url patterns all in lower case make sure to split it properly because this is what django looks for we should set this to an array of url pattern objects we use the path function to create a url pattern object so if we call this function look at the signature of this function this function has a bunch of parameters the first one is route which is a string the notation you see here is called type annotation which is kind of a new feature in python with type annotation we can see the type of parameters and the return value of a function so the first parameter is route which is a string the second parameter is view which is a function that returns http response object now look over here this notation represents the return type of this function so the path function returns a url pattern object so i'm going to call this function and give it two arguments a route or a url which is playground slash hello and a view function so from the views module we're going to get say hello note that i'm not calling this function so here we don't have a pair of parentheses we're just passing a reference to this function okay so what we have here is called a url conf module that basically means url configuration so every app can have its own url configuration but now we need to import this url configuration into the main url configuration for this project where is it you saw it earlier so back to the explorer panel here in the storefront folder we have another url's module up here we have a bunch of comments about how we should use this module now look over here if you want to include another url conf there are two things we need to do first we need to import the include function from django.urls so over here we have from django.urls we're going to import the include function next we need to add a url to url patterns so in this module we also have a url patterns object which is an array of url patterns object so here we're going to call path give it a route and then we use the include function to reference the url configuration module in this app so we're going to call path and say any urls that start with playground followed by a forward slash should be routed to our playground app so this is where we use the include function now the include function requires a parameter that is a string here we're going to reference playground dot urls so if we send the request to playground slash hello django knows that all requests that start with playground should be handled by this app so it's going to chop off the first part of this url and pass the rest to the url configuration module in the playground app so back to this url's module we no longer need to add playground here because we added it once in the main url configuration module so we simply add hello followed by a forward slash i forgot to add that we always end our routes with a forward slash so let's save the changes now whenever we change our code django web server automatically restores itself so let's open up the terminal window make sure we don't have any arrows good so back to the browser let's send a request to this endpoint great we see hello world on the screen so this is how we can map urls to view functions next we're going to talk about templates so i told you that views in django are not really views they're more like request handlers or actions what we often call a view in other frameworks is called a template in django so let's see how we can use a template to return html content to the client so here in the playground app we're going to add a new folder called templates and in this folder we're going to add a new file called hello.html and of course we could call it anything and here we can write some html markup for example we can type h1 and press tab to add an h1 heading and say hello world now don't worry if you don't know html we're not going to use it in this course i just want to show you how django templates work so let's save the changes now back to our view function instead of returning a plain http response we're going to use the render function to render a template and return html markup to the client so let's remove this line and call the render function now look at the return type of this function it returns an http response object so here we're going to return the response now let's remove the brackets and type them again so we can see the function signature the first parameter here is a request object and the type of this is http request so we're going to pass this request object right here now the second parameter that's the name of our template which is a string so here i'm going to say hello.html the other parameters are optional so don't worry about them at this point now save the changes let's make sure our project works up to this point so back in the browser refresh beautiful now we see html content we can verify it by right clicking on this page and looking at the page source so look we are returning html content great now let's make this a bit more interesting so back to our template instead of hello world we can dynamically render some value so back to review function let's type a comma to see the next parameter that is a context object and the type of this is a mapping of string to any that means we can pass any mapping object that maps a string value to any other type of object so here we can pass a dictionary so let's pass a dictionary the type of the key should be a string so we can call that name and we're going to set that to a value like let's say mosh now back to our template instead of hello world we can render the name that we passed here so we type two pairs of braces and in between we type the name of the key save refresh beautiful now in this template we can also write some logic so we can type an if statement so we type braces and in between them we add two percentage signs in between them we can write an if statement so we can say if name is set we can render it here otherwise we can render hello world and of course we need an end if clause as well so and if now this syntax is kind of ugly but the good thing about django is that it's modular so you can easily replace django's default template engine with your preferred template engine but once again we don't really use templates in django projects that often these days there are special cases for them but for the most part we use django to build apis that return data not html content so i just included this lesson so you know what templates are and how they work we're not going to spend any more time on templates for now unless we encounter a situation where we really need them [Music] let's talk about debugging django applications in vs code this is particularly useful if our application doesn't produce the right result and we want to run it line by line and see where exactly something has gone wrong so click on this icon to open the run and debug panel now the first time you see this message saying we should create a launch.json file basically we need to create a launch profile so vs code knows how to run or debug this application so let's click on this now in this list select django all right here's our launch.json file what you see here is kind of like a dictionary in python we have a bunch of key value pairs these key value pairs define a launch profile so vs code knows that to run this application it should use the current python interpreter to run manage.pi which exists in our workspace folder and then as an argument it should pass run server to it here we can add an additional argument to specify the port so it doesn't clash with port 8000 which is currently in use okay save the changes we're done with this file so let's close it now if you're curious let me show you where this file exists it's added to our project up here inside the vs code folder so here's our launch profile now that we have a launch profile if we go to the run and debug panel we see something else so here we can start our application for debugging but before doing so i want to write some dummy code here in our view function so let's set x to 1 and y to 2. now i'm going to click on this line to insert a breakpoint when we add a breakpoint via scope will execute every line of code until it hits our breakpoint from that point onward we can execute our code line by line so let's add a breakpoint and then start the application for debugging all right let me collapse this window good so in this new terminal window we have a development server listening on port 9000 so let's hold down the command key on mac or control on windows and click on this link all right here's what we get the home page of our project is gone because we have registered a custom route that is playground hello so we see the homepage only the first time we run our django project so let's go to playground hello all right our breakpoint is activated and we are on this line now on the left side in the variables section you can see the local variables so currently we have the request object that is the request object that we receive in this function so we can expand it and inspect its various attributes we don't want to do that for now so let's close this we want to execute our code line by line so here we have a bunch of functions the first one is step over and the shortcut for this is f10 with this we can step over the current line so if we press f10 this line gets executed and now we are on the second line now look over here in the list of local variables we have x and its value is one this is very useful when debugging applications so if something is not calculated properly we can inspect it here now most of the time you can see your local variables here but if not you can always add them in the watch window so before recording this video i was practicing that's why you see x here let me select this and delete it so in your watch section you're not going to have any variables to add one we simply click on this and then type the name of our variable okay so this is how we can step over various lines so we can press f10 again and again so this function is executed and now back in the browser we see the final result now let's do something more interesting so back to our code let's close the terminal window so we have more space i'm going to define a function here called calculate and here we're going to set x to 1 y to 2 and return x just some dummy code now over here we're going to call the calculate function okay now save the changes back in the browser let's refresh so our view function gets caught now we are right here now this time instead of stepping over this line we want to step into it because if you step over this line we're not going to see what happened in the calculate function we see the final result so we see x is set to 1 and we can verify that over here as well but sometimes we need to step into a function to see what is happening there maybe there is a bug inside the calculate function so let's restart the debugger okay i'm going to close this back in the browser let's refresh this page okay we're back to this line now this time we're going to step into this function so look over here this is the icon for stepping into a function and as you can see the shortcut is f11 so if you press f11 we go inside the calculate function now we can execute each line using f10 or step over and see where something has gone wrong now let's imagine this calculate function is a large function with a lot of code at some point we want to step out of it without having to execute every line of code in this function there's a shortcut for this so look over here that is step out the shortcut is shift and f11 so if we press shift and f11 we get back to the previous function so this is how we can debug django applications in vs code now once we're done it's always a good practice to remove these breakpoints otherwise they get in the way so as you debug your applications you place various breakpoints in different parts of your code and you will hit them all the time so always remove your breakpoints once you're done with them so we're done with this debugging session now we can disconnect by pressing shift and f5 or clicking on this icon all right now one last tip before we finish this lesson on the top under the run menu look we have a command called run without debugging the shortcut on mac is control and f5 so if we use this shortcut we can start our application without having to run python manage.pi run server let me show you what i mean so first let's bring up our terminal window here's the second terminal window that we use for debugging i'm going to delete this here's the first terminal window where we started our application by running python manage.pi run server so let's press ctrl and c to stop the server good i'm also going to delete this terminal window let's imagine we just opened this project in vs code day one now to run this application without debugging we can press ctrl and f5 now our application has started on port 9000 so we can go to this address and then hit playground hello so this is how we can run our application without debugging just remember that if you use this command your breakpoints are not going to get hit so if you want to debug your applications you should start it in the debug mode [Music] there is another way to debug django applications using a powerful tool called django debug toolbar so if you go to google and search for django debug toolbar you're going to find this page over here you're going to find the installation instructions so i highly encourage you to follow along with me and repeat the same steps so we installed this toolbar together so first we have to use pip or ppf to install django debug toolbar so back to vs code i'm going to open up a new terminal window and as you can see vs code used the source command to activate our virtual environment so now let's run pipen install django dash debug dash toolbar good now back to the documentation the next step is to add debug toolbar in the list of installed apps in our settings module so back to vs code we can press command and p on mac or control and p on windows to bring up the search box now we search for our settings module good now in the list of install apps at the end we're going to add debug underline toolbar good now the next step the next step is to add a new url pattern in our main url conf module so i'm going to copy this line and back to vs code let's bring up the urls module we're going to pick the one in the storefront folder okay now we add a comma here and paste that line now here we have a compilation error because debug toolbar is a module that we have to import on the top so if you look at the documentation you can see that over here import debug toolbar so copy this and paste it right here good now back to the documentation the next step is to add a middleware we use middleware to hook into django's request response processing so in our settings module we have a setting for middleware we're going to add this line in that file so copy this back to the settings module here we have the install apps right after that you can see the middleware setting so we're going to add that on the top now the final step is to add our ip address in the internal ips setting so for local development we should use 127.001 so i'm going to copy this entire setting because by default this doesn't exist in a new django project so copy this and i'm going to paste it anywhere in this settings file it doesn't really matter okay save so we have completed all the steps now back in the browser if you go to this url playground slash hello we don't see the toolbar it should appear here because the toolbar only appears when we return a proper html document if you right click here and look at the page source you can see that we are not returning a proper html document so we don't have the html head and body elements so let's open up hello.html now on the top we type html press tab now inside these elements we're going to add a body and then inside the body we're going to add the code that we had earlier so let's move that right here good now we have a proper html document of course the head element is missing but it doesn't really matter now back to the browser refresh and here's django debug toolbar here we have different panels like history for seeing the urls we have hit so far we have versions to see the version of django python and debug toolbar we're running we have processing time we have our settings we have request headers and so on now my personal favorite panel is the sql or sql panel here we can see the queries that are sent to the database so later in the course where we talk about querying the database using django's object relational mapper we're going to come back to this panel and see what queries django will generate and send to the database so that's it for this lesson we're done with this section in the next section we're going to talk about building a data model so i'll see you in the next section welcome back to another section of the ultimate django course in this section we're going to talk about models which are used to store and retrieve data we'll start off by quick introduction to data modeling to make sure you know the essential concepts then we're going to design the data model for an e-commerce application next we're going to talk about organizing our models in apps to improve reusability this is one of the areas that is often misunderstood so i'm going to demystify it once for all and then we'll spend the rest of this section in coding model classes we'll use these classes to store and retrieve data throughout the course so let's jump in and get started [Music] the first step in every django project is figuring out the pieces of data we want to store so what entities or concepts do we have in an e-commerce application well for starters we need the concept of a product with attributes like title description price and inventory now in a real scenario a product entity might have other attributes it really depends on the requirements of our application for now we just want to keep things simple okay now quite often our products are divided in different categories like shoes beauty products fruits and so on so we need another entity called collection or category with an attribute called title now we need to add a relationship or an association between these entities so we can start from one end and navigate to the other end for example we can get a collection and find all the products in that collection okay now let's assume that in our application a product can belong to one and only one collection and a collection can have multiple products so an asterisk represents many we could also use an n here okay now we have a one-to-many relationship between collection and product so relationships can be one-to-one one-to-many and many too many back to our diagram now over here we can add a label called products and that means when we code these entities or these classes in the collection class we're going to have an attribute called products for now i just want to hide this for simplicity okay now sometimes we can have multiple relationships or multiple associations between two entities so let's imagine that a collection can optionally have a featured product that is the product whose picture we want to show to the user so we can add a second relationship between these entities now look at this number here zero to one means a collection can have zero to one product and we're gonna call that attribute featured product so once again that means in the collection class we're going to have an attribute called featured product okay now you might ask what about the id attribute shouldn't every entity have an id attribute yes but django is going to automatically create that for us that's why i haven't shown it here now a little exercise for you grab a piece of paper and identify the other essential entities we need in an e-commerce application just the bare minimum don't go ahead and create a complex diagram like this i don't want this there are only five entities that i want you to identify so spend a couple minutes and identify these entities along with the attributes and relationships then come back see my solution all right so this is what we ended up with in the previous lesson we have a one-to-many relationship between collections and products now don't take this as a hard and fast rule maybe in your application a product can belong to many collections then you're gonna have a many-to-many relationship between products and collections okay so back to our model i'm gonna remove the collection from here so we have some free space on the screen now what else do we need here well in every e-commerce application we have the concept of a shopping cart right so we're going to have an entity or a model or a class called cart with an attribute called created at let's assume that we need to know when each card is created so every now and then we can do a clean up and remove cards that are 30 days old i just made this up but in a real scenario you should always design your models based on the requirements of your project don't make up your own rules okay now we need a relationship or an association between products and cards because a card can have multiple products and a product might be in different cards so here we have a many-to-many relationship between product and cart now sometimes the relationship between two entities can have attributes for example if a product is in a shopping cart we need to know how many instances of that product we have in the shopping cart so this relationship itself should have an attribute called quantity so we're going to add a new entity here called cart item now look at the notation i've used to represent this concept i've connected cart item to the relationship using a dashed line that means cart item represents the relationship between these two entities product and cart this is what we call an association class so cart item is an association class okay now there's another way to show this instead of using an association class we can add a relationship between cart and cart item because a cart might contain multiple items and an item belongs to one and only one cart similarly we can add a relationship between product and card item because each card item represents a single product and a product might be referenced by many card items so here we have two one too many relationships between these entities now compare this with the association class notation so we can either add a many-to-many relationship with an association class or two one-to-many relationships it's a matter of personal preference okay so we're done with the shopping cart but you might ask what about the user or the customer that owns this cart where is that in the diagram well i haven't connected cart with an entity like customer because we don't want to force people to register and log in before they can add products to their shopping cart okay so there is no relationship between cards and customers so cars are essentially anonymous anyone can have a cart whether they're anonymous users or registered customers okay so we're done with the cart now let's talk about customers so our customer entity can have attributes like name email username password and so on now for simplicity i'm only showing name and email here now a customer can have many orders and each order belongs to one and only one customer so we need a one-to-many relationship between customers and orders now once again the order entity might have multiple attributes for now we just want to know when this order was placed okay now an order can contain multiple products and a product can be in multiple orders so we have a many-to-many relationship between orders and products and similar to the shopping cart example this relationship itself needs attributes so here we need another entity called order item with an attribute called quantity that's our association class alternatively you could add a relationship between order and order item because each order may contain multiple items and each order item belongs to one and only one order similarly an order item references one and only one product while a given product might be referenced by multiple order items so two one-to-many relationships so these are the entities that i wanted you to identify but to make this project more interesting i decided to throw in one more entity tag here we have a minute-to-many relationship between products and tags because the product can have many tags and the tag might be referenced by different products we'll come back to this entity in the next lesson [Music] so i told you that a django project contains one or more apps and just like the apps on your phone each app in a django project provides a specific piece of functionality so that means each app is going to have its own data model so in this lesson we're going to look at a few different ways to organize our entities in different apps one way is to have a single app called the store and drop all of our entities here now we can bundle and distribute this app via pip and this way anyone can install this app in their project and get all these models and the functionality around them so next time we're working on an ecommerce project we don't have to rewrite the same functionality over and over we simply install this app in our project and write extra code for customization great but there's a problem here as this application grows and gets more complex it gets bloated with too many things like too many models too many views and other stuff this is what we call a monolith like a large heavy piece of stone so at some point our application might become hard to understand hard to maintain and hard to reuse it becomes like one of those remote controls with too many buttons when designing these apps we want to follow the unix philosophy so each app should do one thing and do it well so here's another solution we can break down this project into four small apps the products app which represents a product catalog so here we're gonna have three entities product collection and tag then we're going to have the customers app for managing customers we're going to have the shopping cart app for adding the shopping cart functionality and the orders app for adding the ordering functionality not bad right well this is actually a poor way of breaking down this project for a number of reasons look at the coupling or dependency between these apps the orders app is dependent on the shopping cart app which is dependent on the products app so next time we're working on an e-commerce project we'll have to install all these apps one by one first we have to install the products app followed by the shopping cart app the customers app and the orders app ideally each app should be self-contained so we can easily drop it into a new project the other problem is that if we publish a new version of the products app that might cause a breaking change in the shopping cart and subsequently orders apps so anyone using these apps have to upgrade all these apps together again more and more work also it doesn't really make sense to have the shopping cart functionality without having a product catalog right why would we ever want to add the shopping cart functionality to a project without a product catalog so shopping cart functionality and product catalog always go together by the same token why would we ever want to add the shopping cart functionality to a project without the ability to place an order just to allow people to add something to their shopping cart then what again it doesn't really make sense so these concepts are highly related and should be bundled together if we separate them we increase coupling between apps and we end up with the problems i just talked about so does it mean we have to go back to the monolithic design no there is a middle ground here look at the tag entity the ability to tag products is optional we don't necessarily need it in every e-commerce application in fact we might need it in other types of applications like your blog or video platform and so on so tagging is not specific to products or an e-commerce application it's a separate piece of functionality so i'm going to move the tag entity to a separate app called tags and here we're going to have another entity called tagged item which represents an item that is tagged it can be a product an article a video and so on it's an abstract concept now with this separation each app is self-contained and provides a specific piece of functionality so we can use either or both of them in a new project depending on what we're going to build plus we have zero coupling between these apps so we can independently change and deploy them without affecting other apps this is the proper way to break down this project into multiple apps so here's the takeaway if our app boundary is so large we'll end up with a monolith that gets bloated and becomes hard to reuse on the other hand if our app boundaries are so small and fine grained we'll end up with a lot of coupling between them a good design is one with minimal coupling and high cohesion meaning high focus so each app is focused on a specific piece of functionality and includes everything needed to fulfill that piece of functionality okay so back to vs code we're going to create two new apps so we run python manage.pi start app the first app is store and the second one is tags okay now as i told you before every time we create a new app we should add it in the list of installed apps so let's close this window and go to our settings module here's the list of install apps i'm going to add those apps right here so store and tags all right we're done with this step starting from the next lesson we're going to create the model classes for these apps hey guys bosh here i just wanted to let you know that this tutorial you have been watching is actually the first hour of my ultimate django course the complete course is about 10 hours and goes way beyond this tutorial so if you're serious about learning django and are looking for a job as a back-end developer i highly encourage you to enroll in the course the course comes with tons of exercises and solutions a full e-commerce project that you will eventually deploy to the cloud plus a 30-day money-back guarantee and a certificate of completion you can add your resume in case you're interested i'll put the link down below so thank you for watching and i hope to see you in the course you
Channel: Programming with Mosh
Views: 257,731
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Keywords: django tutorial, django, learn django, django tutorial for beginners, programming with mosh, code with mosh, mosh hamedani, python, web development, introduction to django, django course, django crash course, django crash course 2021, python django tutorial, python programming, python web development
Id: rHux0gMZ3Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 36sec (3756 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 28 2021
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