Why I Left My Job as a Senior Software Engineer

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hey guys Masha today I want to share a powerful story with you I just sent out a survey asking my students to tell me what courses they want me to create for them in 2020 as I was reading the responses I came across this message thank you sir you have changed my life I'm a software engineer when I joined this company I came to know that all development are done in react but I was a big zero on this then almost four months how did I spent only I know I got frustrated and ready to quit the job then I found your lectures on react I started watching on YouTube and then I subscribed the full course it was the turning point of my life and now with grace I'm one of the senior developers in my team it developed almost five to six apps on react for KY OS platform like geo pay or jaya pay however they say once again thank you so much my guru honestly when I read this message I was almost in tears seeing your success is the most rewarding part of my job that's what wakes me up every day and keeps me going despite the difficulty of course production I love what I do and I believe anyone can be successful if they do what they really love to do that's literally the only ingredient for success some people say it's the determination and consistency that brings you success but I disagree in my opinion if you do what you really love determination and consistency will come naturally I worked really hard in my last job and never got any recognition from the CEO every month they awarded someone as the Employee of the Month but most of the time these people these nominees were people in the sales or customer support team essentially anyone who brought more money to the table not us developers working really hard at the back of the office the CEO didn't even know my name at the same time I was getting a lot of thank you emails from my students for teaching online part-time that's the reason why I decided to quit my job and teach full-time I know I would be making less money than my full-time salary as a senior software engineer but I didn't care I knew that by teaching online I could help a lot of people in the world become successful and I knew I would hear from them so to the person who wrote this in this survey I don't know your name I don't know who you are and where you live I'm guessing India but I can tell you that I'm so proud of you I'm proud of your determined and not giving up and getting to the top level [Music]
Channel: Programming with Mosh
Views: 353,422
Rating: 4.9640484 out of 5
Keywords: code with mosh, programming with mosh, mosh hamedani, software engineer, software engineering, software developer, software development, web development, computer programming, day in the life of a software engineer, web developer
Id: 8TnBZ8rom9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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