DJ Dad Mouth - YMH 338

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welcome to your mom's house with this with this weekend or with this this show there's so many things to talk about you know one of the great things that happen was this weekend Oh God are we gonna talk about this already the only we should I think it's a pretty good idea no Jesus here's your boy can i thanks for coming out to flappers guys what a fun weekend and bourbon that's your boy DJ dad Mouse I saw so did you make the horn sounds without you actually DJ yes and then you went and the nice critic did it kind of you know like this is my first time yeah yeah sure what man how'd it feel felt amazing I've never had so much joy great I even texted you a picture of myself I know smiling ear-to-ear saying I can't sleep I'm just thinking about my DJing career cuz I canceled all the rest of my stand-up dates for the year so here's what happened I'm in I'm in leave you know yeah doing shows and I see on Twitter somebody tagged me in a tweet I was so cool that Tom Segura and Hannibal Buress are in Cleveland at the same time so I look at Hannibal's page and he's doing a pop-up show like I have two shows tonight maybe I can get him to come over on the early show so I send him a text I said are you are you in town do you want to come and pop into a guest spot on my early show and he says sure so he comes by the the club and he has his DJ he does he has a DJ that he brings to all his shows right Tony trim who's a great guy and I just met that that night I love Hannibal by the way I haven't seen him in a minute and it was great so first of all I have a video of him hitting the stage what's the djs named tony trim tony trim yeah DJ's why do all DJ's have like the coolest personality he's the coolest guy I know they all are yeah you didn't want to hang out with him for sure DJ scratch starting from scratch no hyung oh that guy's bad there are the coolest dudes cuz we what they like you know they love music so I mean they love and they like having a good time there DJ yeah and they're kind of down to earth because I feel like DJing it's a real humble gig in the beginning much like stand-up which is why they usually you click with them yeah it's the same grassroots effort does anyone want to hear me DJ yeah you and it's 10 years yes really good good I love your scratch that's really do you scratch it with two hands oh yeah a big record okay two hands so anyways I these guys both see me getting really excited oh no no I'm jumping ahead Campbell does a guest spot I have a video of him hitting the stage that place erupted I mean it was like you announced guess what George Carlin isn't dead he's right here like they went crate which was cool to watch yeah and he said that it was great and also I should say bill Squire was on the shows the full charge coming back to the west coast captain did me a favor doing those shows so it was great so anyways then panel was like I'm going to do my show on the other side of town other side of town meaning six seven miles away and he says if you want afterwards I'm having I'm throwing an after-party and this is he does this in a lot of cities like finds a place after his show and has a party and you know obviously DJ his DJ doesn't just do his live show he does the after-party you want to come I go sure and then he texts me I'll let you DJ a few songs oh my god did your dick just explode off your mouth was like I started texting him love letters I was like yeah this is a man sorry how to handle know that you were interested in DJ he just knows I mean we've we've talked about music before but then he saw I mean right there I was like asking the DJ all about equipment okay so he was watching you he was watching us yeah it may I say for the record Hannibal Buress is the type of gentleman who should have your ass yes a DJ opening friend like he's a cool it's cool dude yeah it's a mellow dude I can see him being like part of his his STIs you know well we were talking about it how when when Tony's not available I was like is that the word he's like yeah absolutely because I like the vibe that it said to our show and you know that I'm asking a sound guy can you do this and they never do yeah it's like it's the most impossible request well like this weekend it flip airs I did my shows in there great thank you for asking and I requested a song how are you shows that repairs they were amazing really yeah super super fun you had I hope Marilyn Rice cub of who I love day it's my homie yeah anyways I asked the do you know the DJ can you just bring me out till like John Spencer Blues Explosion whoo okay the song is called two kinds of what's that and then how far in should I start like dude just make it good yeah you're the DJ yeah you right you should know these things and you know what that's your one job can I hire this guy right yeah all right DJ Dan mouth could open me I just can I compliment you and you're like you got down what DJ's do like the pointing and the course you know it's all coming together that's still that looks it's like master flex right there you do look like you could be a DJ though I'm going to be a DJ right no I am going to DJ's yeah yeah yeah no no I can I can hear the sarcasm you know what's response what's great about a garage is that it's really soundproof yeah let me finish down there this is the best news ever so then I get a message from him so he's like you know come come hang out and you're like okay I'm gonna come I have two shows I have a show that starts at you know 9:30 10:00 I'm gonna go and you're like I'm gonna go but you're it's still like I gotta get in a car go across town I get offstage and Hannibal's know we're gonna do the after-party at the club that you're at at the comedy club ah even better sound like that's the that's what you want to go anywhere yeah don't I think better would be like it's in your hotel yeah so so he shows up with Tony they you know he's set up in the lounge people are hanging out having drinks he sets up and then I go up there and I go kind of get like a little tutorial they each are showing me stuff but Tony's like give me kind of a crash course and you know he's like oh you're not intimidated by a button then I go I think actually doing this show that's gonna say I got you know I'm always playing drops adjusting things and right is this similar to what it's not mayonnaise use it's not down board they have a board there that you know I think he was plugged into it's just that his actual it's you know to basically two turntables and a microphone yeah and a mixer it's all he has an all-in-one board it's just that remembering oh this does this and that does that that I can memorize that and not be like what is all this right away I don't know what I'm doing but I'm saying electronic devices that have different functions don't make me go I'm not doing anything with it yeah it's not as daunting it's not as daunting so I'm starting to learn the thing you know the very basics I'm starting to I have him take a picture and video I sent it to you and then we're laughing so hard at your responses because your responses are like no you should be embarrassed like so so demeaning so gay yeah sorry there's so of you okay you can't say game yeah it's just like and then I keep telling them I'm like I keep shouting the message isn't him like that I just enjoy this he was like dude I'm gonna give you free Skype lessons I'm gonna get you in it what's this guy's name Tony trim thanks Tony for the free lessons via Skype um what are you doing to my life having fun we're having fun god damnit so anyways I had an absolute blast doing that yeah I have ordered no yes I ordered the same equipment he has okay how much of an investment is this it's under $15,000 okay well sorry little jeans you don't need diapers dad's got a scratch board your baby doesn't need a formula or clothes dad's scratching this weekend and yeah Cleveland it's pretty good so no it's absolutely not expensive actually you would you would be surprised yeah seriously I don't need to know you don't need to know I need to fill me in we don't talk about this yeah it's far less than laptop oh that's cool yeah so it's not it's not a crazy it's like buying a keyboard sure you know why because it's one of those things where as time progressed and it made it easier for people to access things it drove the price of things way that is everything yeah now this may be a dumb question but do the DJ's use records anymore it's all you can there I mean you can as this is plugged in with a computer Wow so you go to your iTunes yeah you're like yeah so then how do they blend the two songs together how do you do that that's part of the that's all there's a mixer in the board I feel like I'm a thousand years it has a built-in horn drop as long as you do the horn drop fine yeah and it also has gunshots but here's what I'm really I'm not I'm I'm gonna come out and say it right now okay I feel like hey I'm gonna put it it's gonna be obviously in the garage it's gonna be something I do recreationally for fun when I get to the point where I'm not like obviously gonna be a professional DJ but when I get to the point where I have a a decent command of how to you know get songs playing moving together like I have some command of this board I am going to do a show somewhere I don't know what city will be and then I'm going to have an after-party where I'm gonna bring that and we're gonna alright the live party I think you should do it DJ dad mouth DJ dad Manning - DJ dad mother is it time to buy I think I feel like dad mouth is who I am yeah I feel like I feel like that's the right dj name for me yeah unless it's a huge shout out to your mom's house listeners which let's face it will be your only audience in the beginning yeah until you really build that Ibiza following are you going to be fun to Ibiza every time yeah Miami like that'll be on the you know on the leg of it I feel like it'll be kind of like Spokane's Syracuse he'd be fast samba those are huge DJ no you have to go to Miami to like I gotta start I got a book a Miami gig ASA Miami and then you got to do Vegas that's where all the DJ's room and you love Vegas that's the cool thing is now you get to go to all your favorite cities Las Vegas Miami the best thing about it if I do a Miami gig is that I can do the gig and be like hey my DJ set starts at midnight and Miami is like that's what time I'm waking up yeah sure let me tell you something what I love about this deejaying gig is that it really combines everything you love in life which is staying up late yeah late nights hanging out with tons of strangers yeah loud music yeah your favorite places like Vegas Miami these are all things that just say Tom Segura exclusively lights just like that whole rowdy sort of I see you there that is your lane yeah so you've really found a good Lane okay just stay with it I never seemed so happy ever see me happy and then you tweeted yeah when I tweeted this out I hate seeing you so happy yeah I give you uh-huh I give you two or three of these before you're like I don't know two or three what gigs here's here's my prediction DJ dad mouth after two shows on a late night Saturday and you're like I got this thing lined up to DJ and then after on 12:30 midnight after you've done your tune two and a half three hours of stand up yeah Austin you've flown across the country and you've been up doing press that morning at 5:00 a.m. you're gonna be dreading it and then you know you'll do it and you'll be like I wish I don't have a DJ tonight wait till you see the crowds I have just like just jumping and singing and dancing it's gonna be crazy I can't wait
Channel: YourMomsHousePodcast
Views: 114,225
Rating: 4.9093595 out of 5
Keywords: ymh, your mom's house, your moms house, tom segura, christina pazsitzky, christina p, mommies, jeans, up, high and tight, what's with the jeans, denim on denim, dj, disc, jockey, dad, mouth, dj dad mouth, turn tables, equipment, podcast
Id: VaHsrVN_ExQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 11 2016
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