Dizzy Sports Battle 2 | Dude Perfect

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what's up guys we're dude perfect and I'm Paul Rudd and welcome to the second ever dude perfect dizzy sports battle we've got a little special trophy here for this video in honor of Paul's new movie ant-man and the slight off chance he wins he can display that proudly dude [Applause] today's battle we have tennis kickball baseball into the finale hockey most yards win first event dizzy tennis no I didn't ever want to do this again if I'm shooting straight but today's the day we're filming all right so [Music] thanks negative three yards for court not a very good start at all my purple hozier fans out there I live for you guys [Music] forget canis smacker 37 yards I'm excited helium competition in the air [Applause] I'm not one to make excuses but I just want everybody to know I had some really bad I'm gonna spin 10 times keep my composure grip it and rip it like lash [Music] look cool no you had zero trophies from I didn't think you needed to bring that up my ball here you know that hurts a little bit I told you guys I played in high school you know it just came back to me all in a moment 57 yards Wow new leader second event time for kickball Paul's gonna pitch wait I think I'm going knuckle ball I think it's gonna be weird cuz it's not gonna roll straight like a knuckle ball we just tell you right now Cory has no idea what's coming no it's gonna and by the way I don't [Music] [Music] [Applause] 29-yard badge no-hitter baby how you feeling five up five down thankfully I got four days rest now for my next kickball match hello Mandy to my fantasy team quick score update Paul in the lead was 61 Kobe's second 57 gerd 37 and we'll just go ahead and skip the rest of these let's go to the third round final round base ball off the tee when he spins this could be catastrophic yeah my grandpa always told me as a kid one swing of the bat can change world well me think about it I go on to win this competition I get picked up by Mills Cardinals Rangers go on win a World Series become the greatest baseball player to ever live let's do it baby bye never been so nervous all so excited to be mostly nervous here we go folks little pregame little warm-up at my pine tar [Music] like as soon as the ship started sinking there was nothing - thank you - yeah I felt like someone on a rope would you just say hey dragon Mia had visible rope and I said no sir 84 yards one swing in the back can change the world people gotta like my chances at this point but then again I've got a good history 72 yards way to go man you have to make contact I do feel bad but I know what the ball will be back my bumping out ant-man Kobe and tyre headed to the finale hot you know what I lost to an admirable competitor here's your home not only am i winning this victory I'm gonna destroy that man right there and that coral colored shirt which is such a strange color hey but why aren't the deers mad at you because you also kicked him out did you ever think about that it will be Kobe verse tie which is me in the finale good luck sir three-game what do you think in Tyler Kobe check it out [Music] you let me down you let Paul down you let the fan you let the world put one fashion you've done come on hi I didn't let me down wanna what a final make sure you go check out marvels ant-man if you want to see the trailer here movie comes out July 17 it's awesome if you want to see our last video click right here if you want to play our free iphone game click right here hey Paul leave it with the signature sign off a little bit of noggin [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Dude Perfect
Views: 43,614,916
Rating: 4.9169946 out of 5
Keywords: Dude Perfect, dudeperfect, dude perfect, basketball, basketball trick shots, trick shots, trick shot, trickshot, epic, amazing, cool, crazy, funny, panda, dude perfect panda, iphone game, dude perfect game, dizzy sports battle, ant man, ant-man, ant man movie, dizzy sports, dude perfect dizzy sports battle 2
Id: Cy0thWiV-eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2015
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