How to Tie-Dye 5 Different Shirt Designs (Kit vs DIY Homemade Patterns) Video Tutorial

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alright this really turned out crappy caboodle hey guys welcome back to my channel today is such a beautiful sunny day it's a perfect day to tie-dye I'm gonna be sharing with you five different tie dye techniques that you can do and then you can decide which one you like better I got a kit off of either Amazon or a store I'll have the link down below to it and then I'll be using food coloring to see if that works as well so let's get started are you guys so I'm here on my deck I have a little poster board to protect my surface area so what you're gonna need is I got all of these white t-shirts at Target now these are men's but I did get them in small so I think there's about what five of them in here so we're gonna be doing five different techniques I also got these empty squeezable bottles because we are gonna be testing out like kind of like a whole made tie-dye - and what you're gonna need for that is food coloring and then I got this amazing kit there are tons and tons of them on Amazon and I'll be testing some of them out but today I'm gonna be testing this out so it comes with already pre-made little tie-dye containers we've got pink yellow and there's a blue this one also comes with some gloves which is awesome and some kind of like white rubber bands and I'm gonna be going off of these techniques down here I don't know which five I'm gonna choose yet so let's get started I think I'm gonna do the magical unicorn tie-dye kit first alright doodle fans what you're gonna do is you're gonna take a shirt and you're gonna go ahead and soak it and water make sure it's drenched you're gonna wring it out so the first thing I'm gonna do is the magical rainbow swirl this one looks really cool alright so you want to lay your shirt flat now where you want your swirl that's where you want to twist it so I want mine kind of at the top not so much in the middle kind of like right here so what you want to do is you want to pinch it and you want to go in a circle and you want to keep twisting it see how it has that little twirly effect oh hey now that you have this beautiful swirl you want to grab your rubber bands now they provide white ones okay we're gonna use three of them and you want to create six different sections so you want to grab your little swirls you kind of want to make sure they're nice and tight so we've got one rubber band going across one rubber band going the other way now you want to do six of them so let's go ahead and put one right over here and kind of position the rubber bands so that the portions are equal all right there you have it now let's start to add the colors okay so you want to drench the whole thing in this pink so I'm gonna do blue on this side and yellow so once you have the front go ahead and do the back all right you guys I am all done with this one I'm gonna leave this to dry for about eight hours 24 is ideal though but we're gonna see what it looks like in eight hours all right next this one looks really awesome the sweet stripes okay so what you wanted to is you want to fold your fabric so you want to go ahead and pick the middle section up like that and then keep going so the next section just raise it up so they're kind of like strips and go ahead and do the sleeves as well okay just like that and what you want to do is you want to section this off so let's start at the top right here so I'm gonna put one here make sure it's tight you're gonna put one there and you're just gonna keep on going [Music] all right and there you have it now let's color this room in this one I'm gonna use the blue and the pink coloring [Music] so we did pink blue all the way around I'm gonna leave this to dry now I'm gonna try these stylish sunbursts those kind of look cool okay so you want to lay your shirt flat and you want to create just little pinches I like to call them you just kind of want to scrunch it up like that and tie a rubber band kind of looks like a pimple so wherever you want the little sunburst that's what you're gonna do so I'm just gonna create them all over my shirt so this shirt is gonna be yellow it's gonna have yellow sunburst so what are you gonna do is you're gonna put the yellow on this little pimple part of it mm-hm this raised portion of it and I'm just gonna do all of them at first and now I am just gonna put the yellow all over the shirt because I want it to be yellow in color I would say leave a little bit of white around these little bursts this is what it looks like we're gonna leave the color to really soak in there and on this shirt I'm just kind of kind of schoolies the color around okay up next I really want to try this cool crumbles out so this technique you got a crumble so we're gonna grab an area we're just gonna crumble and this part okay so just a messy messy crumbly shirt and for this one I'm gonna be doing a blue shirt so it's nice and crumbly it doesn't say to add rubber bands but I'm gonna go ahead and add some and now I'm just gonna add blue different areas okay so this is what this one looks like if you look inside it is white you can put a little bit of coloring inside of it too but I just want to see what its gonna look like if I don't alright up next we're gonna be doing this she boring fun look at those awesome stripes okay lay your shirt flat and next I'm gonna be grabbing my rolling pin so what you want to do is you want to start down here and literally just roll your shirt up and just kind of fold in the sleeves if they're too tall and now what you want to do is you want to scrunch your fabric to be a little bit tough and now it's all scrunched up like that now you're gonna grab your coloring and you're just gonna go every other here so don't drench it completely in the pink and flip it over and do the same thing on this side and just scrunch it up if you need to again so this is what it looks like i unraveled a little bit and I added the dye and strips right there too so now we're gonna leave this to let it soak it up alright now we're gonna make our own grab your food food coloring grab your bottles okay I went ahead and I put a little bit more than a cup in each of these models and I really don't know how many drops I'm just gonna go ahead and squeeze it ooh that looks good so for this one I'm gonna do my own technique [Music] and put a rubber band so this is the caboodle technique all right so I put the yellow food coloring so I'm gonna just do a strip of that I made my own purple let's see what it looks like oh yeah so I added blue and red together and I'm gonna do blue so this is what my creation looks like I'm gonna leave it to soak so I have all of these drying in the Sun soaking up all of their colors I think my favorites are gonna be this one right here this little crumbly one the sunburst one too I think they're all gonna turn out alright so these have been sitting out on the Sun for about eight hours so what we're gonna do is we are gonna rinse them with cold water so make sure to take out the rubber bands but see if any ink you'll see how it hardly anything alright once you're done rinsing these we're gonna go ahead throw them in the dryer until they're dry aren't you guys this is the second day that I'm recording this and everything has dried so let's go ahead and try on all of the tie-dye shirts [Music] how are you guys we are all done tie-dyeing I hope you guys enjoyed this video and all of our five techniques that I use today what an awesome kid I would highly recommend it the only downfall is that it does not provide a shirt you have to provide your own but that is fine because they're not that expensive especially if you go to like Walmart or Target or even Amazon just buy like a basic white t-shirt that comes in like a five pack or something I'm so glad that I tie-dyed more than one shirt because so many of those turned out the one with the food coloring I'm so sad about because I really wanted that one tur turn out to use my own food coloring instead of the kits but that's okay maybe I'll figure it out in another video but this is one of my favorite shirts with the rolling pin how awesome I also like like the little rainbow twist you want that one was cool I hope you guys use some of these techniques if you did if it turned out shoot me a comment down below or if you want me to do other tie-dye items I'm gonna do more coming up soon also leave a comment down below and give this video a big thumbs up because I want to know if you guys like stuff like this or not also subscribe if you have it and until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Crafty Caboodle
Views: 1,247,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tie dye, how to tie dye, tie dye patterns, tie dye designs, tie dye shirts, diy, diy tie dye, tie dye kit, how to, crafts, summer crafts, crafty caboodle, tie die, tie dye tutorial, shirt tie dye
Id: VahviSyZ56s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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