DIY Rubber band powered airplane out of styrofoam plates - Step by step BUILD

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so for the first part of the build video we're gonna make the fuselage of the airplane in this case i've just taken a barbecue stick this one measures about 24 centimeters but definitely this is not gonna be long enough and so i've taken another small piece this is an additional 10 centimeter piece and we're going to stick this to the other and make it a larger fuselage to ensure that we have a strong joint we can take our exact knife and take out the top half of one of the pieces and do the same with the other piece and that's how we can join the two pieces together in a very efficient way i've decided to use super glue to stick the two pieces together you could use hot glue but i just find super glue to be a bit more effective now you just want to let this dry don't want to rush it and while that is drying we can move on to the propeller now out of all the materials that i've used to make a propeller before i still find a pop bottle can to be the most effective you would really make a good propeller out of this material now to make the propeller blades i'm just gonna do it with manual inspection i have no particular design i'm just gonna eyeball it and make a rough circular large propeller so i've just used my scissors to really nicely carve out this propeller and it turned out to be a bit smaller i wanted it to be a bit larger a bit wider but that's okay we'll just go with it and so i'm gonna use this other piece and using this piece i'm gonna try to replicate it it's not gonna be exactly the same but we'll try our best now these are gonna be my propeller blades and i'm going to stick those on a piece of barbecue stick so i'm going to take about let's say 10 centimeters and i'm going to attach these two blades on the barbecue sticks previously on my other videos i've also used like um popsicle sticks to do that but now let's see with barbecue sticks i think it's just gonna be a bit more lighter and i hope it's gonna be more efficient now this barbecue stick itself is pretty light but we can definitely take it a step further and make it even more lighter so i'm just going to grab my exact knife and we can actually chop this barbecue stick in half and it's actually quite easier than it looks the step is quite easy you just want to take your plier and just slightly bend the tip of it this will allow you to get a little crack and you can use your exact knife and kind of pass it through halfway so just want to poke it in the mid section just be very careful that you don't cut yourself just like that they're two nice and even pieces and so we're gonna use this piece and stick these two blades together so i'm just gonna measure the mid section so i know where to attach my aluminum wire for both sides and i'm going to measure half a centimeter away from the mid section so about 4.5 this way 5.5 the other way this is going to give me a reference as to where these two blades should sit and if you have never made a propeller before a propeller is never gonna be flat straight we want our propellers to have a bit of a twist like that and when you have that twist that's gonna allow the propeller to push back the air if it is completely flat it's never gonna work mechanically now while the hot glue is heating up i'm going to proceed on to making the bearing or the propeller assembly and for that i'm going to use a large aluminum steel wire and you just want to unbend it this is already too large we don't need too much of it we're just going to cut out some portion now this is a very critical step we want our aluminum wire to be nice and straight as straight as you can be because when the propeller is revolving we don't want any sort of vibration and if you see when this is revolving it's having a lot of vibration now that sucks that's gonna have a lot of waste energy we want this piece to be very very straight so take your time use your supplier and be very sure that you make it as straight as you can now this is the fuselage and we want to make a little bearing some sort of thing that's going to help the propeller spin and the easiest way i found out is that just take a couple of pieces of barbecue sticks and perhaps if we kind of like measure like let's say two centimeters a couple of pieces of two centimeters like two pieces of two centimeters and we're gonna use our supplier and we're gonna chop them off now all we're gonna do is we're just gonna stick these two pieces and we're gonna stick that to the fuselage so we're gonna stick these two pieces we're gonna stick it to the it's fuselage to stick like that and right here what we're going to stick is a plastic tubing now this is a plastic tube that i got from this very pen what i did was i just opened it up and i just cut this off and i didn't want to cut it further because as you can see ink is going to spill out and this area is going to get super messy so yeah that's where i got it from we're going to use this as our propeller assembly i'm just using the nozzle which is a really really hot surface and i'm just using just a bit of hot glue just a bit generous and i'm going to use this nozzle to kind of spread the glue evenly and once again just letting you know we want our model to be very very light so avoid using hot glue anywhere wherever it's not necessary to me that's pretty nice and strong and i don't think any more hot glue is necessary and i'll just leave that aside and we'll focus onto the propeller so these blades are going to stick right there i have these reference marks and so i'll know where these propellers need to sit so here i have the aluminum wire and i'm going to make a 90 degree bend now this is going to sit right on the flat part of the bbq stick like that i'm going to use a very thin bead of glue for now you don't want to overload it and we'll let this aluminum wire sit right on there and before you want to move further you just want to give it some time to dry and because i've made a mess right there you just wanna fix that so i'm just gonna use just a bit and i'm just gonna use the nozzle to kind of spread the glue evenly and that's about it you don't need to do anything more to make sure that our propeller spins very smoothly we're gonna choose a couple of beads now these come out in very different sizes and from my personal experience like the small ones tend to work nice so i'm gonna use two of them for now like these these are just small enough but the holes are large enough for the aluminum wire to pass through so from my personal experience the smaller the better so i'm just going to use some hot glue around this root and that's where this bead this plastic bead is going to sit through it's going to be right there i see there's a lot of excess glue i'll just use my finger to kind of remove it i don't need it so let that sit there really nice and strong and if there's a little gap you can always use just a bit of hot glue to kind of shape it and that looks to me a pretty nice and solid assembly let's move on to attaching these blades onto this barbecue stick so i'll just use a very thin bit of glue and i'm going to stick this onto the barbecue stick and make sure that it's not flat we need it to have a little bit of a twist so what i mean by that when you stick it on put it nice and 90 degree and have a little bit of bend like that we don't want it to be straight a little bit of bend so because of this bend whenever you're holding it straight you'll see that there's a little bit of a curve and that curve is going to help you catch the air we'll do the same with the other side so we'll put some thin bit of glue and we'll attach it to the other side of the barbecue stick and this time we also want to have that bend so just like that try to be precise and have the right sort of bend on both the sides so that both the blades are having the right amount of bend and previously what i used to do i used to use my hot glue and just use it all around the edges and to my surprise it had no effect on the propeller assembly what it did to the propeller was just make it a lot heavier and that sucks this is a this is a propeller that needs to be very light because this is going to revolve all around the flight and we don't want this to be a heavy product and you don't need any more hot glue that should be it so as you can see our propeller is all ready to make sure that the propeller is made properly you can spin it and you should find air thrusting backwards and that to me looks pretty good this is our propeller assembly of the fuselage and now we're going to attach the other bead uh where is it uh i'll just take another one oh yeah there it is so this bead is going to sit right on top of the tubing like that and you'll need to hot glue it right there the best way to do it is to pass it through this propeller through the tubing and while you're holding it from the other side you want to attach the hot glue onto this part of the of the bead so we'll hold it nice and tight and apply a very thin bit of glue just enough for it to hold it in place now let's make the hook so it's pretty easy process you want to take your plier and you want to bend it like so you can make it any way i just like to make it look like a square um i think it helps rub it helps to catch the rubber band a bit nicer better there are several ways you can do it and it really depends on how you like it just chop up the excess well it turned out to be a bit ugly but should be okay there you go that seems to be fine now the the rubber band which i'm gonna choose is going to be this one it's pretty nice and thick rubber band elastic rubber band you can take multiple smaller rubber bands stick them all together but i just want to use this long rubber band it's nice and efficient i'm going to hook it onto this piece this aluminum wire and this rubber band needs to hook to the other end of the fuselage so i'm going to take another aluminum wire unbend it and we're going to stick it right at the end there you go the hook is attached and the propeller is ready let's give it a little test we will now keep the fuselage aside and move on to making the wings and the other parts so here we've got styrofoam plates the reason i like this is because they're pretty light very very light they're also pretty durable so whenever you're playing crashes you're not gonna have a significant damage so you're gonna need about three or four of them depending on how large they are so i'll take two at a time and i'll use my exacto knife and get out the rim so the idea is that we're gonna have one middle middle wing and from that middle wing we're gonna have two other layers sticking out so i'll just cut one more actually i'll just take two more again and also cut those out now as i've said before this project is pretty much manual inspection there's no planning there's no measurement and i'm just gonna make it out of the go so just gonna try to make it a largest wing as possible so i'll just take my ruler and i'll measure let's say eight centimeters you could go even greater so like the longer width you're taking the smaller length you're having so with respect to that i'll just choose eight so this piece right here is about eight centimeters by thirteen and a half centimeters so depending on the size of your styrofoam you're gonna have different shapes and once you measure it once uh you don't need to do this tedious step again and again so you can just use this block as a reference to make the other pieces so we now have three identical pieces for the wing and what we're gonna do is that stick the two flaps to the center in a angle and that's known as the dihedral we're going to have that and it should be a pretty nice fit but we also want to add an airfall shape to the wing and the airflow shape is basically a little curve that you have so i'll just use my fingers and just make a rough idea for you if we have that kind of curve for the wing that's going to help us generate more lift and we want to do that so you just want to use your fingers and just curl the styrofoam piece and because it's styrofoam plate it's not going to be too bad just like that that should be good we'll do this with the other two now we have established a really nice curve for these pieces and now in order for us to stick it to the middle we need to put a little we have some waste right there it's not going to have a really nice fitting and for this we're actually going to curve cut it and you're going to see how that works so the idea is i'm just going to cut out just like that just like that and if we establish this cut you should now realize that it gets significantly easier for us to stick these two pieces we'll do the same with the other piece as well there you go just have a little bit of object in front of you so that it helps you with the dihedral you don't want more than let's say 35 degrees that should be good so once again we want to use very very less we don't need to overload it with hot glue we'll use just enough to cover the surface very gently you want to stick these two pieces don't worry about the excess lobs of glue sticking in just place it like that and place the other object right in front of you so you have a bit of reference you want to keep this for 20 to 30 seconds because we want this glue to dry up completely once that is dry you can see that it's a really nice fitting you don't need to add additional glue this should be good we'll do the same with the other one now there are a lot of hot glues out there such as the 200 watts or the 300 watts or the really really hot ones now you don't want to glue your hot glue and don't keep it in the heat for a long time the problem with that is that when you have really really hot glue and when you put it on the layer the styrofoam starts to melt and that sucks so just heat your hot glue just about it and don't need to hit it much and just like that we have made a really beautiful wing it's already pretty strong and just like that we're gonna move on to making the fin and the rudder and so i'll just make let's say seven i'll just eyeball it so the tail is seven centimeters wide and it's going to be 13 centimeters long and while i'm at it i'll just measure the mid section as well now i'm making the rudder and the height for the rudder is going to be pretty nice and long the vertical stabilizer so i'll say eight eight centimeters this vertical stabilizer needs to be nice and straight so make sure that you have a really nice perpendicular rudder so lay it flat and you can just use manual inspection to ensure that it's nice and straight so at this point we've finished building the wing as well as the horizontal and vertical stabilizer now we're going to put a little piece so that the wing can sit on it and you have a bit of a height so let's do that i've decided to double up this piece because it's going to support the entire wing and so a single layer would be a bit too weak so i'll just use two identical pieces once again you don't need crazy amount of hot glue just a little dab here and there should be good so i'm just using my ruler to measure the center so that i know where that piece can sit so it's right about there now the reason i've cut it in a curly way it's so that i can easily make this a really nice fitting you want to use your middle finger and your thumb to hold it in place and you want to let it dry and from the back you want to make sure that it's nice and perpendicular to the surface of the wing now the further you put your wing towards the fuselage the more height you'll get and the more behind you put the more drag and so you might need to adjust later by putting some weight in front but i'll get i guess i'll just put it somewhere there i think i'll go with the the tail first so i'll just stick the tail to it and it doesn't need to entirely cover the surface of the horizontal stabilizer just make sure it sits nice and straight so our plane is officially complete now for us to measure the center of gravity just take two of your fingers and place it 33 away from the front edge so somewhere around there so if you place two of your fingers like so and that's how you'll know how you how your plane balances so wow it seems like the plane is really tell heavy so it's probably going to rise but we'll still give it a shot so as you can see that the plane got significant amount of lift we'll have another try and then we'll do some adjusting so i just found this plastic it's a pretty funny looking plastic you can take anything similar like a coin or anything of that sort so i'll just glue that on and let's see how that performs i'll glue it to the nose on that bearing that should be good the plane seems to be balanced but the problem is it's drifting too much to the right we'll have one more shot and let's see what we can do whenever you have a bent propeller you can just simply use your finger to kind of unbend it and make it straight so the plane is drifting too much to the right we can add a bit of a rudder and adjust that all you have to do for that is that just cut a little piece of styrofoam it doesn't have to be the right size of the uh the vertical stabilizer that should be good enough and i found tape to be pretty useful i'll just take a layer put it in there now since the plane was drifting too much to the right i'll place the rudder so that it faces the left and we just need a little piece again so just stick yours in place you don't need to have too much of a sharp curve just a bit should be enough there you go nice and sharp all right so we've fixed the pitch we have fixed the direction now let's see how all that plays together anytime you feel that the rudder is way too sharp you can always take your scissor and just kind of just cut out a little strip and that's going to decrease the surface area and now you're going to have a better outcome [Music] you
Channel: Fuad Phenomenon
Views: 123,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make a rubber band plane, rubber band powered plane, rubber power airplane tutorial, rubber powered airplane, how to make a diy rubber power plane, how to make a rubber band powered airplane, diy, rubber power plane, diy airplane, how to make a diy airplane, fuad phenomenon, projects for kids, engineering for kids, DIY, DIY paper plane, DIY elastic band plane, elastic powered plane, how to make a rubber band powered plane, how to make rubber band plane
Id: X_VuNzzEbLw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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