DIY Resin Keycaps (we almost failed)

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(ghostly sound) (keyboard click) What's that? (ghostly sound) (keyboard clicks) (loud typing noise) (screaming) And then we can pop up, "Hey guys, we're Evan & Katelyn." Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Boop. Hey guys we are, Evan and Katelyn and we own a lot of mechanical keyboards. And they were our gateway into custom keycaps. I got this for Katelyn a year ago for her birthday and then I very generously bought one, two, three, four five for myself, for my own birthday. No, six, seven. Those were for you too and then they were the rejects, which you gave to me. Ooh. Anyways, today we're each gonna be making our own various special resin keycap. And we've been wanting to do this idea for months, maybe even a year For even longer than you guys have been requesting it in the comments. We even bought a set of keycap molds that has been sitting on our shelves waiting for this very moment until we realized that we're not even gonna use these because we did a test piece. And the test piece ended up being kind of short. I mean, technically, it's the size of a typical key but not the height of most of the resin key caps we've bought which are extra tall to fit all the cool stuff. Yeah, we wanna to put some cool stuff in there. I wanna put an entire planet in this keycap. I wanna put Joob. We need space. So we're gonna have to make our own custom mold. Yeah, and instead of using the poury silicone that takes a long time. We're gonna go with the really quick stuff where we just smashed to pieces together, which takes 20 minutes. That's what I'm talking about. That's what I'm talking about. (laughter) (suspenseful music) So Evan has volunteered my key cap to be the sacrificial one we use for the silicone mold. Mine's part of a set. Yeah. And mine are limited edition. And these, I think we can buy another one. (laughter) Call me out like that (laughs) Boop. Just need to make sure that you're super precise about quantities I think. KATELYN: I think this is pretty close in size. EVAN: Yeah. I smash. EVAN: I smash. KATELYN: This is my best part. Also, you only have, 20 minutes? Two to three minutes of work time. Oh, Oh, Oh That's okay, that's okay, it's okay. I'm almost done. Okay. Please don't panic. It's too early for a panic. Too early in the project? Yeah. Because it's 7:12 at night. So I feel like it's a little late enough to panic for sure. Oh, is that a cat hair? (chuckling) We're in the garage. She's rarely out here. It's cause it's from me. Oh yeah. Okay, I think I gotta go though. That's pretty dang smooth. Let's do it. EVAN: Oh, that looks like an egg. It does. I wonder if it can cook resin. If it can cook resin? (laughter) Yeah, opposite of the last one. (laughter) Can this egg cook resin? Are you ready? Yes, yes, yes. That's satisfying. It's like a hat. Oh and then you should level it at a flat surface on the bottom. Oh yeah. Is it flat? We can maybe balance it later as long as there's a flat surface that we could level. (laughter) That's not gonna work. Oh, its not. (laughter) Okay, yeah. I'll hope that its level enough. Yeah, I think the working time is like probably done anyways. So we'll just have dinner come back and see how your egg did. Yeah. (funny sounds) Okay. Should I try to pop this out first? EVAN: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh yeah, ooh, it popped. KATELYN: It popped, okay. Look. EVAN: It looks perfect. Let's see, lets see. Are there any cracks or anything in there? Oh yeah. Oh no. Oh, big cracks, big cracks on all the outer corners right here. EVAN: That's so strange. Maybe it's because we took just a blob and we squished it over and the corners are where it had to recompress. That's weird. Yeah, that's not usable. No, it's not usable at all. Not at all. Dang it, dang it, dang it. Can I try? Yeah, sure. So what are you gonna do differently? Push in more. Just really try to like, I don't know. I actually honestly panicked cause I realized that it had been over two minutes of mixing and I know it doesn't have that long of a working time. So mine is not gonna have any flat bottom or anything. I kind of did it all in a panic. (laughter) I thought I was gonna have more of a plan. All right. Let's see if this worked. Good thing that there's a few holes to COMPUTER VOICE: Let resin escape. Oh, yeah. EVAN: Whoa. KATELYN: Ooh. That really dented it. Is it because it's too thick? Is it because this was sealed against the bottom? What? I don't know. EVAN: Oh man. Mine is not that dentable right? Oh, mine is. What? Did this expire? Is it too cold out here? It's not that cold. EVAN: No, I'm leaving fingerprints. No, that's wrong. No, that's wrong. It does say, that if it's cold it may take 30 to 40 minutes. It's 72 degrees in this garage and this has been going for like two hours. I haven't given up yet. I'm not giving up on you. So you've been out here for the past like 20 minutes heat gunning it. By heat gunning I mean, you sat the heat gun here, I came in to check on you and first I was startled because the heat gun was going and you were invisible. And then I hear, "Hey Katelyn," from the other side of the garage and you scared the crap out of me. I was planning for alternatives. I'll tell you about it later. Okay EVAN: So good news. So you see that big dent right there, so that was just from a light scratch. Now, I can definitely drag it along and it's better. So it was the heat. It was the heat. So let's pop this out and let's- Whoa, whoa. Oh no. KATELYN: Oh, still the cracks in the corners. EVAN: Okay, so for something this long and tall we just weren't able to make it work. What do we do? Should we just make a normal silicone mold. Maybe that's just- we tried to save time. Sometimes you try to save time and you waste time. Check this out, I did a little like planning. The hole at the bottom just happens to be the exact size as a toothpick. You can just perfectly lower it down into the silicone and make a really easy mold. God, dang it. EVAN: It's solid. I just wanna make the mold by the end of the night before it's tomorrow. It's 11:30. I just want a mold. Oh. Poopy, poopy. Poopy, poopy. Go ahead and start, recording in case anything else goes wrong? (upbeat music) EVAN: Hopefully, pouring it out will remove some of the bubbles. KATELYN: I hope so. I mean, we have the vacuum chamber but I never get it ready or prepared. Yeah and it's all right. Before we need it. Our 15 minutes is already going. It's fine. It could totally be fine. (upbeat music) KATELYN: Careful. EVAN: A little bit more. KATELYN: That looks pretty even to me. EVAN: That looks pretty good. KATELYN: I would say don't touch it. EVAN: I'm gonna leave it. KATELYN: Let it settle. Okay a little bit more. I think, I think that's it. Oh, look at that. Look at that. So flush. KATELYN: So flush. And great news too. Great, great, great news. This cures in 75 minutes. So we don't have to wait a whole day. We'll see you guys in 75 minutes. Gosh, I hope these work. And turn the heat in here. Yeah. It's getting hot in here. So all your molds would cure. I am getting so hot. I wanna- sorry, go ahead. Please, molds cure. Yeah. (laughter) (ticking) I certainly hope that these molds work. This is a little hard to get into. Oh, no. Bubbles. I mean, we have the vacuum chamber. You know it's fine. It could totally be fine. Maybe for some reason, miraculously- Yours is perfect and then we just both use yours. Yeah. Ooh. KATELYN: Even more bubbles. Curses. We could do what we should have done from the beginning and use the vacuum. Honestly, if we have to do that, we're just cutting this scene, because like the trials and tribulations are too long. Katelyn, but I wanna show the people what this is really like. We need to try to show the truth, even though it's painful. We're like 10 minutes into this video and we haven't done any resin yet and I just wanna get to the resin. (laughter) (upbeat music) KATELYN: There it goes. EVAN: Oh, it is expanding a lot this time. (upbeat music) Definitely thicker. KATELYN: I'll admit the footage I'm getting is impeccable. As long as our viewers are getting the highest quality possible. Your turn. I'm still getting bubbles raising on mine. I'm still worried. If this one doesn't work, the bubbles will be a feature. The bubbles will be a star spangled galaxy orb. The bubbles could be stars. Maybe the bubbles are the stars. They're the stars of the show. Maybe after this it's gonna be a trend and everyone is gonna be doing keycaps with bubbles. Oh, that's our timer. All right, that's it. KATELYN: Okay. Really doesn't wanna come loose. And I have stubby fingers so I'm gonna hurt my nails. Here we go. Oh, look at that. KATELYN: There's one minor bubble on the side but I'm cool with it. EVAN: I'm cool with it. That looks beautiful. KATELYN: Nicem two for two. EVAN: There's a slight imperfection that side. I'm cool with it. I'm cool with it. At this point- One thing that almost always trips us up with silicone molds. Bubbles. So I thought maybe we should learn a little bit more about bubbles. Luckily today's video is sponsored by MagellanTV, a documentary streaming service founded by filmmakers with a variety of curated science content covering the space technology health and more. One we enjoyed it as the science of bubbles, where we learned that a soap bubble skin is about as thin as a single wavelength of visible light. Excuse me. I have an insatiable hunger for science, will MagellanTV be enough for me? They have over 3000 documentaries and new shows are being added weekly so the selection is always growing. I hate ads and frankly, I'm personally offended that I'm watching one right now. MagellanTV is ad free. Go to to get a full month free or just click the link in the description, thanks. Boop. So you're ready to try something new that we've never done before. Cause I am. We're gonna make some embeds. Yeah. For our resin keys. You looked confused for a second there-- It's been such a journey and I didn't know where you're going with it. It's finally time for the fun part. You haven't been having fun? Anyways, I see you have for some samples there. Yeah, so let me explain my vision first. Don't give it away by this glorious art. Let me explain my vision. EVAN: Okay, okay, okay. So we wanna do a pair of space themed key caps and for mine, I of course wanted to include the Supurrvisor as well. So I thought I do Supurrvisor in space in a keycap. So that means I'm gonna have to mold her out of clay. I did a few practices and it's not going super well. Let me show you the evolution we have. One, two and three, and I will say, this one was done with just my fingers, no tools. This one was done by fingers and a tweezer and this one was also fingers and a tweezer. So, you can see my impeccable skills, but it did improve slightly by this last one. Like, it kind of looks like Joob in a space suit. Also, to mold this, I use old clay. This old clay that is unlabeled and we just had in our craft stuff and I thought it'd be smart to bake it. Figured out the timing, the temperature, we looked up some some common ones. The way you're saying this, I think I'm guessing that it didn't go well. KATELYN: It melted. EVAN: Oh my god. KATELYN: It melted into a puddle. EVAN: Oh my god. KATELYN: This was a ball and it melted- Oh, it's still kind of usable. So I guess this is not the type of clay you bake. That hardens, oh my gosh. So we got some oven baked clay. And so, I just picked that up just in case while I was getting those supplies. I picked it up as a just-in-case measure. I know, I know. We're very lucky. I'm also glad I didn't spend like hours on the perfect little embed, and then melted it into a puddle. I don't think I'd be able to handle that emotionally after how this project has gone so far. Crisis averted hopefully and now it should all go smoothly. Also like, look at these heckin' cute tools. KATELYN: I know EVAN: They're like bull silicone little like Doobly dops Let's see if they help me. Yeah. So this is gonna be her body. With something this tiny, it's almost better to like carve in to a single blob then try to attach multiple blobs. Technical terms in the clay community. Are you part of the clay community now? I am now. EVAN: I don't understand what is what but I'm sure it'll come together. I'm sure it'll come together. KATELYN: Yeah, this is gonna be her arm. EVAN: Oh, I see the arm. Cute stubby arms. (techno music) It looks like a poopy on the head. KATELYN: It'll look like an ear when there's two of them. EVAN: It'll look like two poopies. KATELYN: No, its got two poopies. EVAN: Okay, cat ear, cat ear. I see it now. (techno music) Let's bake it bebe. Please don't melt. Please don't melt. (techno music) It didn't melt, now it's time to paint. I'm a little bit nervous but I'm gonna do my best. (techno music) So cute. It's so cute. Here's her little, her little tail. I think like she looks like she's in a space suit. Yeah, definitely. I think that the shiny silver helps a ton. All right. My turn for the my embed. Yes. So I definitely went through a phase where I just painted a whole bunch of planets. Today, I'm gonna pay tribute to that by making a tiny little planet, doing an acrylic pour over it, and then embedding that inside of the keycap. I'm gonna take some ball bearings and I'm gonna scuff them up a little bit because I want the paint to stick. And then I'm gonna take a little dab of hot glue, whoop, and then I'm gonna take some flow acrylic. A little bit of- Oh, you're gonna add brown? Oh, oh, should I not? You could do brown if you want. It's just brave. It's a brave move. Maybe I'll do brown for like the last one. I have a few of these prepared. Ooh, check it out, check it out. Just so they mix a bit. Okay. Now, I'm just gonna dip it. Ooh, I think that might end up looking cool. Oh, that's so cool. That looks like a tiny marble. EVAN: Yeah, that worked out surprisingly well. Wow, wow. Do you have different sized ball-bearings. Could you fit multiple? Could you have like a whole solar system? Am I getting carried away? (laughter) I do have multiple balls. Tiny ball going in. KATELYN: Oh, cute. EVAN: Let it dry. I'm just gonna go ahead and dip a few in. KATELYN: Yeah like try some different colors or something. Oh, I like this color scheme. Oh, okay. And it's already done. You're not gonna do the brown? (laughing) Okay, I'll do one brown. Now, that's a very green one. If you wanted to with the brown, you could like dip a toothpick and just dot it on, as like little land masses. (gasping) (sobbing) Oh no. Oh, no. Oh, no. Oh, no my nice pants. KATELYN: Oh, baby. Brown was a bad idea. Brown is always a bad idea. (vocalizing show break) Anyways, look at how beautiful these little planets came out. There's the little one and the big one with a little patch of brown. I knew it works. It works. After that went so smoothly. What could ever go wrong with resin time. ♪ Resin time ♪ ♪ Resin time ♪ ♪ Do do do ♪ Are you starting or I'm I starting. I'm sorry guys. For we have resined without you guys. KATELYN: We resined for like three hours last night without you. But our intentions were so good. We just wanted to do a really quick test to see if the UV resin would work with this opaque mold that was so deep. We have done UV resin and opaque molds before but shallow ones. Our theory was if we do a thin layer at a time cure it from the top it should work. Yeah. Well guess what? It didn't work. Didn't work. We just kept failing EVAN: Each layer, like barely bonded to the next And failing. EVAN: We tried letting it cure from longer from a farther distance. And failing. To totally be laminated. Just like the others and failing. EVAN: Oh, it's juicy. And failing. EVAN: I tried just curing one layer. And even that didn't work. It got like all weird and warpy and stuff. The whole reason we were using UV resin was to save time because typically it is faster than using 2 part epoxy But as they say, Sometimes you try to save time and you waste time. I said that. Yeah, yeah that was you. We can just change the whole title of this video to that. Yeah, basically, yeah. So after all of these failed UV resin attempts, we poured a 2 part epoxy one and it's been curing overnight so now we will demold it and hopefully that works cause otherwise we're using these. No, this has always worked for us. I have faith. (drum roll) Ooh, Oh my gosh. That is what I'm talking about. Oh, that's a cool keycap right there. That's a cool keycap Huge relief, it works. I'm ready to go for out final designs. Yeah so if we can finally get to resin time. Do do do do resin time!! (laughing) DO DO DO DO! (laughing Should we do one more that's a little less chaotic? No. This is truth. Let us speak our truth Katelyn. (gentle music) Okay, so first we're both just gonna do a clear layer which will be the top of the key. That'll give us something to stick in beds too. Should be nice and easy to do. Though I am a little worried about, I have to make mine so thin because my embeds kind of big. Like, is that enough? I don't know. EVAN: I think that was good. I've gotta have room for her tail, you know? And we just realized we have to like pop the bubbles on this. Quick. Okay, that definitely helped reduce the bubbles though. Okay. Scary. Yeah. That was one of the easiest resin layers we've ever done. Wow, it's going so smoothly. This project is so easy. Don't say that. Okay, so let this cure for a little bit and then we'll come place our embeds. Layer two. This is where I'm gonna place her. If you pout the resin around her it might generate bubbles. Okay, can dip her in resin because she does have places where bubbles can catch. I'll do it like a slight angle. And that's pretty cute. EVAN: She's in there. KATELYN: I do a little bit of clear and a little bit of swirly pigment. EVAN: Precision KATELYN: Add a few glitters kind of in the foreground. Oh wow, tricky. Especially because it's the fast resin too.. It's already getting a little toasty. Oh, that means like, if it's already getting hot you gotta pour. KATELYN: I'm pouring. EVAN: You're dripping. I'm pouring. KATELYN: That could be it. It's really hard to tell I'd err on the side of less. Okay then that's it. I can't wait to see what it looks like on the other side. KATELYN: I know. EVAN: It already looks cool. Like the pigment you put in there is like definitely making an appearance. So for my next layer, I'm gonna do something a little unplanned. I'm going to draw on some stars. This is extremely nerve wracking. I did one Now I'm committed. EVAN: I'm so excited for when you pop this out. KATELYN: I know. I can't wait. It's either gonna be a little tiny work of art or-- EVAN: It's gonna be mess. It's gonna be mess. I think that that level's good. That level's good. I don't wanna do too much. (laughter) Okay, so this layer is actually, there's a little risk going into this layer because we're gonna have to embed this top lid. We don't want the resin to already be too deep at the time we do the top lid. So I'm gonna do a little bit of resin and then do a test and lowering of the lid. If the lid touches resin that means I just need to fill it up. And in case I do have to do that additional pour that layer I want it to be my dark galaxy layer. So I have to like take the time to prepare it now. I can already feel the resin like heating up. uh oh, uh oh. Don't say Don't say, uh oh. You stress me out when you say, "uh oh." Yay. Thanks. I feel great. You're welcome. KATELYN: I'm gonna place some glitter. I really don't want this to be any higher than it has to be. EVAN: I think it might just barely fit. Maybe that's it. Okay, let's do the test. EVAN: So. You so scared me. If it touches, we need to go through the whole thing. If it doesn't touch-- That's why I gotta go cause it's curing. Okay, it's in. There's no resin on it There's good, yay. There's good. Okay, here let's get some of this clear. I'm gonna go ahead and make two resin posts. Yeah, for our next rounds. Final layer, its the final layer. Well I guess we still have to do yours later EVAN: So you're gonna do black? You say that like it's a question. Oh yeah, no sorry, black and- So you're gonna do black. Yeah, black and this kind of purpley color. I do worry that my previous layer was maybe a little bit too opaque and the black won't show through enough but-- We'll see. We'll see. It just needs more glitter. Okay. EVAN: That looks cool. KATELYN: That looks good. Did I overfill? Yes. EVAN: Is that okay? KATELYN: Yes. Actually, is it too much? No, no, no that's fine. Just as long as its centered. Yeah, that looks great. Doing the embeds. I see you have them positioned on a lowering device. We're getting very official with our like COMPUTER VOICE: Popsicle sticks. EVAN: May be a little bit of clear at the bottom. Are you adding any color to this layer? I think I might. The smallest hint. KATELYN: The smallest hint? Oopsie. (laughing) (indistinct) Now the height of this is very important. It's really hard to see. Okay, I think that's the best I can do. Cross your fingers. Get out the little snips. Oh, wow. Those shot up high. KATELYN: Safety squint. EVAN: Okay. Pull this off. Yay. The bottoms are exposed, but that's okay. KATELYN: Yeah, that's awesome Alrighty. A little bit of clear. A little bit of color. Just gonna do like, Oh no, this is right in the middle. I don't know if I liked that. Might need to spread it out, Kind of like a diagonal streak. That's cool, that's cool. I like it kind of as a streak. I think that's good. Do you wanna see if it fits? I can tell. I have a good amount of height left. Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah, yeah. All right. I think there's one layer left right. Yes. All right, time for my black void of space. In the void no one can hear you resin. A little bit of blue. Yeah, that's right. (space music) Okay, cool. Oh yeah. There you go. Yeah baby! Oh my gosh. I cannot wait to remove these. I know. Will it all be worth it? Will they be horrible? I don't know. Cause we literally can't see them. We can't see them. The molds are opaque. I don't know. I'm so excited. We'll find out with you guys. Well, it's been an adventure, this entire project. I hope that the adventures are done and that this just looks amazing now and we don't have to redo anything else. Are you ready? I'm ready. Is this recording? No, I'm not ready. You are not ready. (laughing) I had a decent amount of spillover on mine, which I'm slightly worried- Oh, oh its ready. Oh my gosh. Oh, she's so cute. Oh, she's cute. EVAN: Oh, she made it. She survived her journey into space. So my fear was that I went a little too much on the shiny bluish white so that you wouldn't be able to see the galaxy behind her and I think that is what happened, but she's just floating in a cloud in the galaxy. EVAN: Yeah, a cloud in the galaxy. I still think it looks beautiful. She's like facing the right direction. She survived her space. KATELYN: I'm pretty pleased with it, I gotta say. EVAN: Should we clean her up and pop her on? KATELYN: Yeah. EVAN: Is the stem intact. KATELYN: Yeah. Yes. EVAN: Yay. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. That looks amazing. That's like it's ready. Oh, its ready, oh. EVAN: I could use just my fingers But I have a specialized tool, so might as well. Oh, and she glows with the colors. KATELYN: She does glow. It's a subtle glow, but she glowing. She's glowing. She's thriving in space. She's thriving. Honestly, I'm pleased. I think for like my first real attempt at a fancy key cap with a fancy embed, I'm very pleased with that little Supurrvisor in space. She turned out okay. I'm representing. Oh, yes you are. Now, I'll do my next. Your poor planets. They've been through so much. EVAN: I'm just gonna remove this. I'm just cleaning off the edges in advance. Oh, yeah. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. EVAN: That so works. KATELYN: Yours looks amazing. Your planets look like planets EVAN: They look like they're cushioned in a little bed of galaxy. KATELYN: I know. That is awesome, baby. EVAN: That is so cool. I could like totally just like spend time making the whole series of like little planets. KATELYN: I know. Honestly, I feel like we've learned so much now that we have some working molds, it'll be so easy. The main thing that I've thought of that I kind of wanna do is I kind of wanna try doing more experimentation with this like-- KATELYN: Look at that with the color. I'm sorry, I wanna hear what you're saying. I just don't wanna miss this. Those galaxies are having a party. I don't want this to be the end of our resin journey. I have more thoughts. Did anyone ever think this was the end of our resin journey? Resin key cap, resin key cap journey. Because despite all the ups and downs, this was really fun. And I love how these turned out. They look awesome baby, you did great. We have so many more keys that we need to customize. We need to do the entire keyboard. Maybe that's a little extra but I definitely wanna make them more with you. I have an idea. I'm not gonna share. The people who are subscribed will get it eventually. Thank you guys for joining us on our very first resin key cap experience. If you want maybe some less stressful Evan and Katelyn videos to watch, Did you know that we have a second channel where we post multi-hour long uncut live streams of crafting stuff. It's just us in our garage, making stuff. With you guys. More candle making, some ornaments. We also live stream on but if you don't have Twitch our Evan and Katelyn 2 channel is where they also live. Yes, so I hope to see you around, Bye. Bye. Boop. No, I'm just rubbing it into the words are hard. I don't really know what else to do, at least it's a black shirt. Pants might be better to dab. You could change pants if you want. Boop. Today we are- So anyways, today we're- (laughing) It's at same point, halfway through actually. Boop. Anyways, today we're act- Anyways, today we're both- (laughing)
Channel: EvanAndKatelyn
Views: 1,669,103
Rating: 4.9386601 out of 5
Keywords: keycaps, key caps, keycap, key cap, DIY keycap, DIY keycaps, DIY key caps, resin keycaps, resin keycap, resin key caps, custom keycaps, custom keycap, custom key caps, DIY custom keycaps, DIY resin keycaps, DIY resin, resin mold, resin, epoxy art, epoxy, epoxy resin art, epoxy resin, resin tutorial, easy resin crafts, DIY art, DIY resin art, diy projects, evanandkatelyn, Evan and Katelyn, how to, DIY, husband and wife, husband wife, E&K, evan katelyn, resin art, art resin
Id: FnYI8chEJ_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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