DIY Raspberry Pi Weather Station

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Thanks for sharing! I didn’t know about WeeWX, so I’m going to check that out.

Are the bowls literally plastic cereal bowls?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SilentRhetoric 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

Pretty cool. I'm starting to think on housing for my WX staton now, like the bowls. Can you tell me where you sourced the mounting rods and their size?

I'm also curious why you went with the BMP and separate baro, instead of the BMP280.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SurfyBraun 📅︎︎ Jan 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
what is up guys my name is taylor and this is deniska projects and in this video i'm going to be making a raspberry pi weather station capable of reporting temperature humidity and barometric pressure to my web server and also to the citizens weather observer program so let's get started all right so i'm going to have the raspberry pi at the core and i have two sensors on hand that i'll be using the bmp 180 and the dht11 the bmp180 provides temperature and barometric pressure where the dht-11 provides humidity data now these two sensors will then be hooked up to the raspberry pi's gpio header and this whole thing will be mounted inside of a water tight enclosure and with my weather station being mounted outside i really don't want to have to run data and power out there so i'm just going to use poe so power over ethernet carries the power that'll run the device over the ethernet line so to achieve this i'll be using my poe switch and i'll be using a poe splitter inside the weather station so it'll split off the data for the raspberry pi and 5 volt to power the raspberry pi now for the software side i'll be using a python script to read the sensor data and write that data to a file next a program called we wx will parse that file and generate html reports and then send those reports over ftp to my web server we wx also handles sending data to the citizens weather observer program now cwop is a public private organization with three main goals those main goals being to collect weather data by citizens to make this data available for weather services and homeland security and to provide feedback to the data contributors that they have tools to check and improve their data quality now the physical setup is fairly simple i'm going to have a watertight enclosure that's going to house the raspberry pi and i'll have those two sensor modules on the outside of the enclosure to report the data back to the raspberry pi now direct sunlight is no good for temperature sensors so how do you get an accurate temperature reading you use what's called a solar radiation shield now this does two things it prevents direct sunlight from affecting the temperature readings and it also allows water to run off the shield to prevent moisture from hanging out around the humidity sensor now to make this solar radiation shield i'm going to use a series of bowls attached one on top of each other with the sensor modules located somewhere here in the middle [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Applause] so i've got the two sensor modules attached to the raspberry pi so now i just need to write a script to read the data from the sensors and then make it so that we wx can then read it so we wx has a file parse option where it can actually pull the data it needs out of a file so this script will be written in python as are most all scripts written for the raspberry pi and i am using two adafruit libraries i've got the dht and the bmp for the two sensors all right so next up i'm going to open the data file that i'm going to be writing to and this is just the default path that we wx had so i'm just going to leave it at that and since the two sensor modules both output temperature data i'm actually just going to be taking the average of the two and using that and the temperature sensor is output in celsius but since since i'm in america we're going to use fahrenheit so we're going to go ahead and convert that over all right so now that we've got our three variables we're just going to write those three variables to the data file all right so that's pretty much it i wrote the script locally so now i'm just going to use ssh to move the script over to the raspberry pi and to view the html reports all i have to do is go to and this is the we wx generated html port and as you can see it shows me the outside temperature the humidity and the barometric pressure and it also generates these nice little graphs where you can track it over time and so you can see right here where when i was testing it i wrote adjusted the data file to verify that the numbers were being reported so you get a constant number and then right here was where i actually got it working and then you get the actual data coming through now we wx also sends the weather reports to the citizens weather observer program and those weather reports can be viewed on find and you can also view the raw weather reports right here so you can see the outside temperature is 51 humidity 19 and the barometric pressure in millibar and so quickly going through the data that's being sent off i can see right here it wasn't reporting the humidity so i'm not really sure what that was all about but other than that all the data looks good so all i really have to do now is i would like to clean up this this page a little bit for example the wind and the rain i don't have any data for that so i don't really have any need for those graphs so it's it's really just a matter of going in and editing the template all right guys well i hope you liked that video if you did be sure to leave a like you know if you liked that video you should subscribe to my channel you too
Channel: Daniska Projects
Views: 11,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4SOjSBf-lmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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