DIY Propane cylinder SOLO Stove style fire pit

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this is gonna be a quick video uh production quality is gonna suck but you'll get the point there it is so if you're going to do this you get you should take this valve off you don't want to just go cut into it and blow yourself up take this valve off first this side listen here vent out last bit of propane take the valve off it's a real you got to get a bunch of leverage i'm using this bar and then fill it with a garden hose all the way that'll displace all the gas out drain the water out do it maybe two times and you should be clear to cut all right so i actually flushed it three times because i kept smelling propane after three times it's got to be clear just to be sure i did a match with needle nose pliers it dropped it in there nothing went off so cut that off so i drilled holes every one inch uh using a 7 16 drill bit that part sucks so for building something to have your outer sheet metal sit against i'm using one inch by one inch eighth angle i've marked every half inch but i only ended up using every inch and you just take your cut off wheel and cut in um i started doing two wide two cuts wide but you could see with the the bend we need it's going to leave a lot to have to weld in so i've started to do one and then halfway on the other and then you can bend it around it'll just make filling those welds in easier like there versus there all right now the long process of welding it all the way and all of these in all right so just cut the 16 gauge and then tacked it on this head i had a patch because i didn't have enough angle iron so that's just a 16 gauge patch attacked it and then started bending and i just work this uh clamp around once you get it started about that far you can start almost bending it in place by hand so the last thing i did for the bottom is just these triangular cuts for the main vent and then i welded on a 16 gauge bottom plate i think i'm gonna drill a hole through somewhere so i can put a blow torch in it'll go all the way through just to start it and then i added these handles these are valve springs out of a 12 valve cummins so there it is uh one last thing i want to add um i see some guys go crazy with the amount of holes in the bottom don't overdo it um i i also saw another guy on youtube he had a good point he was talking about having three percent of this the bottoms panned surface area being holes i with mine these are inch and a half by three quarters of inch and there's eight of them so off the surface area the bottom of this i have about four percent surface area um it seems i did that just winging it uh and then i saw his comment um it seems like he's got a good point there four percent seems seems pretty good three percent i'm sure is great i wouldn't go over seems to be working well there's no smoke we'll see when these logs start getting burned down so these logs have been in here for like 15 minutes and it's still roaring away smoke-free look you see the jets ripping along
Channel: standish92k
Views: 22,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yflGPlOFk4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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