DIY: Plaster Dipped Flower Art Décor - Dollar Tree Flowers

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can we talk about this project hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm shannon and this is designs so i purchased some plaster of paris because i wanted to mold these flowers and i've never done this before i saw it somewhere and thought oh it's a cool idea so let's see if we can do it i briefly read the instructions and then decided i just play it by ear and put a little bit of powder into a mixing bowl um i know that it said i needed cold water so i was drinking some ice water and i decided to just use my ice water i would say if you decide to do something like this use a bowl that you don't mind getting rid of or in this case i'm using this plastic silicone type bowl so i was able to clean it out fairly well but if you use a different type of bowl you may have to get rid of it anyway i mixed the um plaster of paris up decided that probably thin would be better than thick and so i was trying to make sure that i got a fairly thin consistency of mixture i kept stirring and adding little bits of water at a time until i was satisfied with my plaster mixture i would say that it was a little thin a little thicker than maybe yogurt but thinner than a pancake batter how about that um so you can see here one thing that i learned right away is that this stuff dries really fast so i tried to mix small amounts um i dipped my first flower leaf in and because i wasn't really sure if i should submerge the entire thing um i started using my gloves to help get the plaster over the leaf um the other thing that i realized right away is that the way i lay this onto the drying surface is the way that the leaf or the flower would dry so i had to kind of envision in my head how i wanted this flower to be once it was completely dry and especially these little puppies here because i didn't want them to they kept wanting to fold over and open and i really didn't want that but that was okay and i just kept going ahead um dipping all of the mixture of flowers that i had for this idea then it also dawned on me that i didn't want to put these close to each other because you want to leave room for them to not dry and dry connected to each other so i then had to figure out a way to spread them out and give them some additional room as i continue to work with the plaster i'm trying to work fairly quick so that the plaster wouldn't dry on me i also would like to tell you that if you decide to do this and don't remove the green faux stem that that will not um stick to the plaster the plaster will just chunk chip right off of that so you don't have to worry about it i'm not worried about it in this project because i am going to be spray painting the entire thing a good white anyway but if you are i'm going to do this on a project where you do want the stem to show then you'll need to remove that stem once i had those done i wanted to move to my roses and i have to tell you that roses are my absolute favorite flower i am in awe of roses i love them they're everywhere in my house um my husband knows that i love roses except for valentine's because guess what they're too expensive so he'll get them for me any other time throughout the year but i did the exact same thing with the roses i mixed a new batter this time i went a little bit thicker and it dried even faster to tell you that so that was fun but anyway i went a little bit thicker and i made sure to get um plaster down in between each leaf so that it could have um good coverage plus i wanted it to kind of look like it was um opening and blooming instead of being a closed rose and again i wasn't so worried about the stem because the plaster will not stick to that plastic stem anyway and so i repeated this step for all of my roses until i had them all covered the way that i want it and just make sure when you're doing this to really get in between each leaf petal because you want to make sure to have good coverage on your rose these are beautiful i think these are going to turn out right if my mind if i can create what's up stairs in my head here i think this whole project is going to be really really pretty so we'll just keep working on it as i work in the plaster into each one of these stems alright so while those are drying i'm coming in with a 7 by 14 um set of canvases that i picked up at walmart and they were very inexpensive i think they were like three dollars or four dollars for the pair so that makes them two dollars a piece and i'm taking my dried flowers i'm now going to lay them out look at my roses i love them i'm now going to lay all of my flowers out onto my canvas to see how i want to position them now these are dried fairly hard but they're very fragile so i did not realize that right they are very fragile so i don't want to handle them too much because i don't want them to break and um some of the plaster is coming off of the plastic stems which i kind of knew would happen and that's okay god this rose is so pretty to me so i'm going to lay these out onto my canvas just to kind of give a dry run of how i want them positioned and i want to duplicate each of the um styles i want to duplicate the styles on each of the canvases so i'm trying to do each one together as i go in an effort to be able to make them as similar as possible this was kind of fun and nerve-wracking at the same time because these like i said this this plaster is so delicate that i didn't want to break them um and because of the way they dried whether um you know it dictated how and where i would be able to lay and place the um flowers because some of them were flat on the edges and some of them were not so that was kind of a cool puzzle to be able to figure out like how can i get this to look and i just lay the flowers on over and over until i was happy with my final um my final look once i had my flowers in a position where i was very happy with them and this is kind of how they look remember that was the dry run now i have to try to take these flowers off like one at a time to kind of remember where they are and using a combination of hot glue and e6000 for permanent hold i'm gonna go in and try to recreate the dry look with adding the glue and hot glue to them and i'll do each of the two the very same way making sure that i get a good adhesion on each one so i was successful in keeping the original design kind of as i um got to working and gluing things down i decided that i wanted to switch it up just a little bit and i'm very happy with that because when i turned it around i could see places where i had gaps and um so doing it this way i think that i have um a pretty good pretty good project and it i can see from either direction that i have good coverage but this is what it looks like as after i was done gluing everything together so here they both are with uh both being glued down using a combination of get again e6000 and hot glue i think that they are very pretty and i love that the rose is prominent on both of them so now let's take these outside and let's uh use some white spray paint to make sure that we coat the entire designs with white spray paint and i'm going to use a satin rust-oleum white on both here they are after having spray painted them and allow them to dry completely and now we're ready to come in and what i want to do at this point in time i thought that the spray paint would be enough to give it a white you know a look of purity clean white but it actually just kind of made them look dull and so what i'm going to do now is come in with my favorite of course you know i love the metallic paints so i'm going to come in with some of fork art metallic paint in the color of pearl white and i'm also going to mix in a little bit of mica but not a regular mica that most people are used to seeing the mica color i'm going to use this eye shadow from the dollar tree believe it or not this actually creates a mica powder as well and it's a white shimmery eyeshadow so it's going to really make this paint sparkle even though it's a pearl white it's already sparkly this mica paint or this mica eye shadow added to it will just really take it up and give it the next notch of classy so we'll mix this up really well and then we'll start just painting the entire project with this white and on this i just want to make sure that i get down inside of all these grooves inside of all the crevices to make sure the entire thing gets covered with the pearl white paint [Music] so let's look at the difference here's the one that's still wet that has the pearls paint on it as opposed to the one that is just totally spray painted with the rust-oleum white satin can't you see the difference in this that is why it was so important that we add that extra layer of metallic paint it's beautiful but i think it just took it up the next notch by making sure we had that shimmer and here's what they look like side by side after i've painted both of them they're on my kitchen table because or my dining room table because i'm not really sure if i'm going to hang them in my office or if i want to hang them in my family room but aren't they beautiful leave me a comment down below and tell me what you think or where do you think i should place them in my house i think these are absolutely gorgeous they were a little bit messy but after the end of all of the mess they were absolutely worth it if you enjoyed this project and you like to see some other things that we created i'm going to leave a couple of videos right here and i hope you enjoy those as well until the next video remember stay classy i'll see you next time
Channel: Sharon Tucker
Views: 1,255
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, cheap gifts, diy, diy channels, diy plaster flowers, do it yourself, dollar tree, dollar tree diys, flower canvas wall art, glam diy, home décor diys, how to make plaster flower art, how to make plaster flowers, plaster dipped flower art, plaster dipped flower tutorial, plaster dipped flowers, plaster-dipped flowers, youtube diys
Id: By2Q-h6r_vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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