DIY Pallet Shed for Under $1,000 Part 1

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what's up youtube back at it again i know it's been a while but i've had some things in the works and this time we're building something really cool so as you can see here we've got this trailer full of pallets i got this ugly pile of pallets over here and we are going to be building a shed slash workshop man cave whatever you want to call it we're putting up a structure with pallets so let's take a look at what we got and we'll go from there so i picked these up i know you can pick them up for dirt cheap or next enough and normally free i got these for about 50 bucks for 40 pallets i got that ugly pile for free but that's just going to be filler stuff but then what we're going to be doing right here is going to be a 12 by 12 shed that we're going to put up right next to this ugly one over here and then maybe one day we'll join the two or whatever we're going to put it on four by four posts so that's what we got let's see what we can make of it a little back story i got a dog at 17 years old can't see you can't smell and uh we're wanting to put up this building so she has more room to roam she can kind of be free and kind of live the best life that she can for the remainder of her life so once she goes then it's going to be repurposed into my little hobby shop workshop whatever you want to call it but uh that was kind of what stemmed the project we looked around at sheds couldn't find any that we liked and i was like you know what this is a perfect opportunity to do some silly youtube video with pallets so uh enough chat let's get this thing framed up and get the floor built and we'll go from there just kidding a quick little disclaimer i'm not a carpenter by any stretch of the imagination but i am a fabricator so maybe there's some crossover but kind of the purpose of this video is to show that it's a diy you know anybody can do anything that they put their mind to and it's really not that hard once you just get started so that being said let's get started too far step one lay out your four by fours step two lay out your pallets from best to worst to why did i even buy these then take your best pallets and screw them to the four by fours make it square [Applause] [Music] so [Music] now we're going to put one on the other end get a square within reason i know there's going to be so many haters out there that are going to say oh you're doing it wrong guess what it's a shed made out of pallets so if you're looking for perfection don't go this route okay so we got the first run of boards laid down got the second run all we need to do now is put in the third run we got this section nice and square what i'm going to do is i'm going to leave that center pallet out that way once i get the floor built i can go through with the laser and get it leveled and chalked up the way it needs to be and then i can lay that floor in if you look a lot of the floors a little uneven so i haven't quite figured out which route i'm going to go there but that's the fun part about this is just winging it and making something work so let's get that other run in and then we'll have our floor done okay so i got my other two pallets screwed down now what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the inside panels off the top layers of them that way i can get more screws in there and just really send them home so let's get that taken off we'll put that outside pallet on and then we'll get her leveled up so i spared you guys the trouble of watching me level this thing because that's just i'd rather watch paint dry but look at this and they're all level she's nice and square if the camera's bouncy it's cuz i'm bouncing so we got this all set up i'll flip the camera around show you how much we had to come up because whenever you're trying to level something it's always more than you think so yeah we had to come up quite a bit some of the areas but hey you know what it's where i wanted it that's where it's going to be so i actually had a few things laying around like some little landscape bricks and then i took some two buys off of i cut down one of the pallets and just used that yes i know it's not gonna stay level and it's probably gonna sink but we'll just re-level it at that point so that's what we got let's fill that big ugly hole and then we can start putting our sheathing down like a glove looks like i bought enough wood here we go folks we got the floor in ready for walls i am stoked to get the walls in but as you can see it's a little not perfect but you know what pallets aren't perfect and trying to match them up is next impossible so for what we're working with i think it's a success so uh let's get these walls in i'm gonna call it a knife for now so put a different shirt on cool off spend some time with the kids but i'm gonna hit it hard first thing in the morning and get this thing built good morning everybody pallet shed build day two so we got floor done just recap went ahead and mocked up a couple of the uh walls just to see kind of what they'd look like but now what we're going to do is i got the saw horses set up and we're going to take these pallets and we're going to cut them down to 48 inches exact that way i can make sure that as i build my walls and i stack them i have a true eight-foot wall so let's get that going and we'll get some walls put up [Music] that's kind of the idea of what we're going to be doing got three more corners to do same way and then we can start building up it's probably a good time to take a vote put in the comments below how many of you think this is going to hold up for six months and how many of you think it's going to last as long as we want i want to show you one thing that i did that saved my life whenever you're setting your corners take a little 2x4 here cut it down to where to fit inside and fasten it down with one little grk and what that does is whenever you put that into your corner instead of running an angled toenail like i was doing that makes a pallet walk whenever it cinches down so i screw i send a screw through 2x4 and that'll prevent my pallet from walking back and forth okay corners are on have a look-see all four so now what we're gonna do so we're gonna fill these corners here and there make the complete wall i'm gonna leave the two ends open because i'm gonna cut those back for double doors one side for lexi my dog the other side to be able to get the lawnmower in and whatnot and then uh after that we're gonna take uh a pallet cut it down and we're gonna make some risers um in order to more or less slot the other pallets and hopefully that idea works but it sounds pretty good so let's see how she works out i had to take a little break to go pick up some parts for another project which if you want to see that project best thing you can do is subscribe and get notified when that video hits but i got to think it was like you know this pretty sketchy even for a pallet shed so uh what we're gonna do if you can't see a lot of the uh the verticals just don't line up so we're actually gonna take that down i'm gonna disassemble some pallets and line up the uprights probably like it should be so for those of you that are shaking their head pulling their hair out you're welcome so let's get that torn apart do it the right way have you ever started a project and think man this is a bad idea but then you got to finish it just to see how it turns out it's one of these projects so here's what i'm doing now to build the uprights is a slotted section of 2x4 and we'll screw these into place and then what we'll do we'll take our other pallet boards set them up and secure it theoretically should be just as strong as a normal two by four so that's the route we're gonna go and then as we get this built up we've got our eight feet then we can start putting our crossboards on and actually try and gap them a little bit to try and save boards then we can worry about a roof and siding pallet shed build day three brought a little helper with me today this is scott hey everybody it's gonna help us get the rafters on as you can see we got the uprights put in we're gonna put a stringer around the tops plate and uh start building rafters so let's get to it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] okay we got our little crossboards put up i've got to trim a couple like there on the corner but we got those put up just to kind of tie everything into place i know it's still super super ugly but you know that's kind of kind of part of this build is taking something that is irregular by nature and making something beautiful out of it so i know it's a little deep for my typical channel but i enjoy it so so now the next step i got this whole load of lumber here got some 12 footers and some eights and we're going to build some rafters and get those set up and then this thing can actually start looking like a building so let's get these laid out start making something out of this mess right [Music] [Applause] [Music] so one thing i did that's probably should be noted is uh so we are going to do a double top plate and i just learned that yesterday from my brother my dad more or less calling me an idiot but again not a carpenter they are carpenters so uh we're gonna do the top plate to help tie all of our verticals in place and then uh with the double top plate what it does it provides rigidity in the corners so as you can see i don't know if you can see it real well but our corners just kind of lap right there and there's not really anything tying the two walls together so with that top plate we'll overlap and get a nice joint there but what i did is we've got 12 foots 12 foot 2 by 4 is running on these two walls and then on the front and rear walls the top plates are going to be uh are 11 foot 5 inches because you got to compensate for the three and a half inches on either side now when we do the top layer what we're going to do is we're going to do 12 feet on the front and rear and then 11.5 on the sides and that creates that nice overlap so after them calling me an idiot and me thinking it over that makes sense so it's actually starting to uh stiffen up quite well um i'm starting to get pretty happy with it and another thing too is i opted to not use pallet wood for the roof i mean the roof is the most important piece of the shed of a building of a structure so in my opinion some say the foundation the foundation is most important but we built that out of pallets but uh so we're gonna do all new lumber for the roof um it's gonna raise the cost of it a little bit but it is still a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of the new shed so let's get this other top plate on then we'll do our double then we can start building rafters that'll hold up nicely so i am going to cheap out a little bit right or wrong um i bought my 12 footers just to do the cross braces for the rafters i didn't think about doing that and uh i've got a ton of eight footers so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna do eight and four and eight four on the other three sides go ahead freak out ask me if i care in the comments it's a shed so we're gonna do that it'll still keep it just as strong um i am gonna make sure that when i do my uh eight and four stagger i'm gonna make sure to stagger the the joints there so sounds good we'll find out there we go folks we got the uh top plates on with the doubles looking pretty good if i say so myself let's see all that there all the way around she's nice and square but we're uh we're gonna call this a video um part one so uh in the next video we're i'm gonna be building the trusses and uh putting on all the siding and pretty much wrapping this thing up going to try and do the whole whole build in two videos so uh if you haven't already support your village idiot hit that subscribe button and notifications i'd appreciate it helps us make all these ridiculous videos but uh thanks again for watching i hope uh i hope you learned what not to do because i sure did and uh i'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Falcon Concepts
Views: 129,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _Bvkg-HTR68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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