DIY How we haul water when living off-grid | How to, off-grid living, Arizona

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you're ready all right we're at the water station we're going to refill up our IBC Tote we are number 18 we got to get in here and unlock like this now we got that unlocked got to grab our cool tool little H rebar handle and turn our water on leave that there come down here I got the there's a little bit of water left in the bottom of the tank I got draining now to clean it out and we'll hook up our hose all you got to do is just screw it on here just like any other hose they do offer a fire hydrant hookup here so if you have a fire hydrant hose you can get this done much faster with that one but we don't have a hydrant hose so we're using our toot Walmart hose going to stretch it out here me just set this down here a minute so I can a little bit of the pink here all right here we go let's get up here and see if it's dirty inside yeah it's a bit dirty so let turn turn this down and rinse head out a bit hopefully our hose doesn't fly out of there while while we're turning it on okay we're going to LIF that rain out of there rain out of there a minute going to try to squeeze our line in there just a little so it doesn't go flying out of there going to turn that water off a minute let all the dirty water drain out okay once water's done draining I'm going to shut the valve so our clean water doesn't leak out then we can come over here turn the the water back on let a rip and there you go now we just wait for it to fill up come back when that's done cuz that's going to take about 20 minutes we don't want to watch a 20-minute video of water filling so I'll catch you back when that's full [Music] all right spray the car off a little bit our a broken window driving down the road and the window just shattered so we got a new one ordered we were waiting for it water's filling up just waiting we brought a shovel and a rake with me so I could try to fill this puddle in a little bit so I've got a little mound of dirt over there I noticed last time so I'm going to take a shovel and I'm going to try to fill some of this in here all right 175 that's where we stop it at it's all our trailer tires can handle so turn the hose off disconnect [Music] it all right and pull the H out of here [Music] [Music] all the water out of it all the [Music] car [Music] right let's go throw this in the back of the car all right I took my shovel and filled in a bit of that hole but as you can tell I'm out of breath had to haul it Shovel by shovel from there over to here and well that's all my back can handle today so next time I come I'll work on filling that last piece in there adding some more in here and smooth it out a bit but for now we're all done I need to wash my hands though cuz the hose is all dirty now my hands are all dirty all right now we got to go shut our valve off and lock it back up so let's grab our handy dandy cool tool and put it down there turn the valve off put the lock back on Tada put the cover on and we're good to go let's take our water home this is how we roll 175 gallons at a time about once a week so that's it for right now I'll take you along on the ride [Music] [Music] home [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] good job Daddy good job he's backing the trailer up for me because I can it'll take me for well I can but it'll take me 20 tries okay so we're home now and it's time to put the water pump on and put some water in the RV let's get some power hooked up first I got this green extension cord coming in from the RV that is hooked up to our main battery let me see if I can hold this it's plugged into our blue Wy ep500 and this extension cord runs over to the other side so I can use the water pump so hey lonus are you happy mommy's home did miss me H did you miss me yes were you crying were you crying all right mommy some good boy [Music] [Music] okay [Music] je that is it car super Dusty [Music] cuz [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] okay all done got a few five gallon Buck Chucks down there got one more inside those are our reserves in case it gets too muddy and we can't go get water and we have another 300 gallon behind it there by the grill that's just one that we fill and use to water the garden and things like that which we don't have any of that anymore we took it all down because we planned to move so but so we have a 275 and a 300 gallon tank 275 one is the one that's on the trailer and it stays there and uh just use the trailer for hauling water so that's it minus is enjoying some bones that he went and dug up somewhere now we just need to disconnect the hill cord and reconnect the black cord because the black cord is running inside here to a trickle charger that charges our DC batteries there's our generator we have as a backup and here's our diesel heater goes up to window inside that's it we have lus you ready to go inside mommy's all done come on come on oh Mommy's got to get my stuff out of the car first all right well have a great day thanks for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] watching [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Back2Good
Views: 13,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BPp7sZpUm9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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