DIY How To Finish A Boarded Ceiling Without Skimming - Part 1

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good afternoon folks 21st century caveman here hope everybody's safe hope everybody's well so today we're in the small bedroom and i'm just going to give you a quick scout around so this small bedroom then i haven't been in here for well best part of a year really um so i'm just getting the camera to focus there we go so i've been using this as a storeroom so it still needs one two little bits finishing off basically and that'll be done very shortly now one of the things you will notice is the fact that the ceiling has been boarded over now i bordered this over about a year ago using 15 millimeter plasterboard it's the thickest plasterboard you can get and the reason i did that was sort of its insulation values this has got flat roof in the house in summer is very hot but in winter it's very cold now i want to take this to the next stage now you're probably thinking okay next stage is skimming it and don't get me wrong that is certainly one very popular option but it's not your only option and as a diyer if you don't want to employ a plasterer to do it there is another way of doing it but i must make it clear from the start that it will depend upon your priorities is your priority to get the job done quickly or is your priority to save money and the reason thought shoot this video and you know uh take the ceiling over is because obviously we're in the middle of the c word and it doesn't show any signs of abating economies are in free fall loads and loads hundreds of thousands plus millions of people have lost their jobs so money is very hard to come by and you know if you're in a situation whereby you want to finish off a project yourself and you don't want to take a little bit of time and you know you're able bodied and got a few basic tools then this is something any dirt wire should be capable of doing so i just wanted to go through this with you take you through the various steps and just show you an alternative but much cheaper way of finishing off the ceiling [Music] [Applause] [Music] so so so i'm going to start them by using the six inch taping knife so we're not trying to do anything with this then i must make it clear that i am not an expert at all i'm just a diy he likes to dabble in lots of different things so i've stuck it on a hawk look but you can just take it straight from the book it doesn't make any difference so the first thing we're going to do then i want to get some plaster down that crease same note we're not trying to do anything clever here i'm just trying to get rid of any air pockets and seal that the best i can [Music] okay so i'm quite satisfied that we've folded in the crease so now what we're going to do we're going to go and start um putting a nice little band of plaster across that area there [Music] so you can do this with a trowel or a tapered knife it's just a personal preference really as i said i've used both of these you know both tools i might prefer this but there's no right or wrong answer to it basically and yes if you're clumsy get like i am you may well spill some but it's not an issue as i it's all part [Music] now the thing is we'll put the plaster on but it will of course take off again as we're doing here it's going to be a couple of coats this second coat will be wider than the first so there we go we'll put a bit on but we've taken quite a bit off as well that's going back on the trout so the next thing then we need the obtain so i'm just going to make a bit of a guesstimate as to how much you need make sure you've got a nice square edge the important thing to bear in mind with this thing is the fact that i don't know if you can see this but there is a ridge right down the middle there's a right side and the wrong side to put this on okay that ridge the bit that sticks up like that needs to go against the plasterboard okay and just to illustrate the fact that you know there's no science for this if you take your time think about what you're doing anybody can do this so i'm just trying to get the center of the tape down the plaster give it a little push and once we're confident that we've got it nice and straight just bring your knife along the tape like so if you come to an obstacle like this just cut it let's just say i hope you can see what i'm doing all right and go look so if you just pull the tape down a little bit just right hold it down one end and then just straighten it up a bit so you're confident you've got the crease on the boards and the joint and then start pressing it into the plaster [Music] so carefully then i'm just going to clear up the edges put some pressure down the middle of this tape just drag the knife over it just to press it down okay you know we're not after a huge amount of plaster on here we just want to basically strengthen that gap and cover up the hole now if you get the air bubbles in here you've got to get sharpened basically so i'm quite happy that that tape's sitting nicely in that beaded plaster so what i'm now going to do then i'm going to go back with some more plaster and then set it properly okay [Music] so i've got 60 minutes to work with this then plenty of time i like to say you know you don't need to do anything fancy with this you know you don't need any fancy strokes or anything like that you just need to make sure that the tape is covered um and even after you put a second coat of this stuff on you probably still see the tape through the plaster in my allowing problems now we've got some bits of plaster left so what we're going to do just take down any high points on here and then we're going to go over [Music] put again coat right okay so that's a close-up and as you can see the tape is concealed quite nicely now i'm not going to keep going over this okay with the trowel i'm going to wait until it hardens a little bit first and then i'm going to just go over it probably once more we don't need to do any more than that we can see we've set the tape very nicely in there look that's lovely and smooth and so the second band of plaster is going to be wider because let's not forget the fact that although there's a groove running down the middle and we've filled it out with plaster there's still going to be a little ridge there which we may see so if we make the band of plaster wider on both sides it just means that it's going to be less visible when we walk into the room
Channel: 21st Century Caveman
Views: 13,149
Rating: 4.7959185 out of 5
Keywords: DIY plastering, How to skim plaster, How to plaster walls, How to skim walls, How to plaster window reveals, How to set skim beads, Skimming plaster, Plaster renovation, Plaster like a pro, Using multi finish plaster, Thistle bonding plaster, Renovating a house, House renovation, Plaster patching, How to patch plaster, How to skim a chimney breast, Skim a solid wall, Plastering tutorial, how to skim a ceiling, how to tape a wall or ceiling
Id: jhrgiG2ukh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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