DIY : Fake Wine / Whiskey Barrel

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okay I started making a wine barrel this morning and I decided I would stop and make a video I'm starting to finish on it so one thing that actually does so far as I said she apply with half-inch thick and I jigsaw it out to 18 inch circles and one it's 23 inches and this is basically when I strap these together with some two by fours that's going to be the skeleton of the barrel so I'll have a okay so here's what we have so far I have a half inch sheet of plywood 18 inch circle on the bottom a 14 and a half inch 2x4 1/2 inch of plywood 23 inch Center another 14.5 2x4 and then another half inch of plywood 18 inch circle on the top so I've got 1/2 1 1 neck 1/2 inches with a plywood and then 29 inches in the two two by fours a grand total of thirty point five okay so thirty point five inches what I'm going to end up doing is wrapping these with quarter inch redwood strips you can get these at your local big box store they're usually in the concrete section people use them to form concrete so they work great for strapping this barrel we're just going to push it up against the bottom tack it in wrap it around the barrel and then REIT a kit at the top it's going to give us that nice barrel form but the reason I chose a thirty point five inches is because by the time we wrap around that Center diameter come back to the top we lose about a half an inch in height so that takes me to 31 inches I'm going to want about one inch of overhang at the top grand total of 32 the reason I picked 30.5 for the height of this barrel please because these strips that we're buying at the local big-box store come in 8-foot section so 32 64 96 I get three straps out of each one section I buy so keeping the height to thirty point five on our barrel is going to be the most cost-effective for us we're going to save money and straps we can get three straps out of every one equal section all right make sense okay so this probably won't be enough I've got a pretty good grip of 32 inch straps here so I can start wrapping this bear with them okay when I turn the barrel I've decided here for a second to strap this this I'm using actually a brad nail stapler you can use a brad nail gun whatever you want to use we're just you know we're strapping quarter-inch Redwoods so we want to be careful with the engage you use so I use a smaller gauge always back it up with some wit blue this is what's going to end up holdin it not the Brad nails we'll get that with glue under don't forget that and then always the first one is I haven't done anything to the only thing I've done is cut about 32 inches so I'll just drop it down this is going to be the bottom of the barrel and I'm just a brick how to bring it flush to the edge put a couple staples in it not going to go crazy yet I want to bend it over at the top it's like a pretty square tacking might soften and finish my we've just attached our very first strap it's no adjustments made to it whatsoever other than 32 inches at the top I just put it flushed and tacked it in the next one if I were just to go flush again and bring it back up you can see I'm ended up with a huge space in between the two staves so what I'm going to do is actually overhanging it about a quarter inch at the bottom okay I'm bringing it over holding it taut there and then just wrapping it back over I'm going to continue that 1/4 inch overhang all the way at the top I'm going to take my pencil and I'm going to trace that on the inside okay now what I've done here you can see my pencil mark I've created a nice pencil mark all the way along this thing and now I'm going to go to my bandsaw and all I have to do is follow that pencil mark that I've made okay so there it is I've got my piece cut extender my next one back to my board a little bit easier to do it on its side and you can see them try to break it see all right again with glue then I'm just going to tack it in what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to tag it at the bottom first bring it up flush and I'm just going to tack this one corner right just a couple little tacks in there and then I'm going to go ahead and bend it around I'm gonna start my bed not by just taking that one corner that's going to allow me to pull it nice and close so I get that bend and a little bit of a pool secure that bill strap about halfway across overall we over yet come up to my top one get that Bend brain all the way over I can finish off okay so we've got that second one now and I'm just going to do the exact same thing I did I'm going to overhanging it about a quarter-inch push it tight up against the bug wrap it around reach underneath trace that overhead again another nice good pencil line I've got to follow right in here all I have to do is go cut that out my bandsaw and then attach it they I've pretty much finished strapping this bread oh I just want to talk about it real quick before I start standing on it so this barrel is actually one of three that I'm making for I got my part of the Caribbean theme that I'm doing this Halloween so I'm making three barrels I want them to fit that time period I wanted to look distressed I want to age so what I'm going to do is sand on it but I'm not going to go crazy I like a lot of these unique characteristics that the gaps are okay the overlaps are alright the distressed wood I've got no problem with so when I'm standing on I'm going to bring it pretty flush where they join I wanted to marry but I don't I don't need to spend a whole lot of time I certainly don't want to take away this unique wood grain a lot of this characteristic that's distressed already in here I really like that look and obviously you know that's the look I'm going for so I'm not going to go too crazy on the sanding when I first started making barrels I the very first one I made was clean I mean it was you know I admire the edges it was tight it probably could have held wine it was exactly the same way a Cooper would make them and nobody wanted that barrel it and the Rings I didn't want it was because it's just a clean new looking bro it looked like something that I had just made people really liked the distressed vintage look and so I realized that by using this older wood and and being okay with it you know a little bit of gaps and you know a lot of the distress in there that that's the look people want and so if you're building them to turn around and sell them then make sure you know when you stand on these things that you allow a lot of that unique character the wood grain to to stay through I'm going to end up staining it you know you'll stay in yours too I'm sure but that grade will still show through in the indistinct and is on there so no problem with that don't get rid of it just you know sad your edges a little bit and knock it down you know go ahead and grind in some areas that will give it more characteristic but just you know don't don't take away to character in the wood when you're when you're standing right the state on there it's dry you can see a lot of that woodgrain I was talking about is really still showing through I don't even going to distress it a little bit more when I'm done but I like where it's after right now five better lighting we might see a little better but what I'm going to do now is I instead of these in a band to wrap it I'm actually going to wrap it in rope and like I said before it's for my you know parts take care being Halloween theme I'm going with so I want to use rope instead of bands okay so I just drop a screw in the back here through the through the rope and then I'm just going to wrap it rats sink screw okay I've wrapped the top with 3/8 rope the top and the bottom edge to the 3/8 rope and I'm going to come back through with a half-inch rope and I'm going to go just above and below the bow here so I'll do two reps with each up and down and you will see what that looks like okay that pretty much wraps it up I finished my bands here I've got three eighths on the top and bottom and then these middle bands are half-inch wood part of the Caribbean was our theme right so I I'm really happy with a lot of this unevenness up here I got a lot of blemishes I got some really good characteristic grains that I'm not going to try and touch I don't want to standing it out I'm going to leave that all alone all these blemishes they just help add to the authenticity of this barrel so I'm really pleased with a lot of that stuff one thing I did do that actually show video I just showed you right now back in the day these things were so heavy they were just rolling along the dock so what that did was create a lot of wear along the belly up so I like to replicate that and take my sander and I'll just throw a lot of where along the belly of it doesn't really stroke too well on the on the video but it just throws a little bit more we're into that belly and just kind of helps throw some authenticity into our barrel recap these quarter inch straps you can get at Lowe's they come in eight foot sections two dollars and fifty cents aboard and we do a 32 inch barrel so then I can get three three straps out of each one board the rope comes in a bag for eight dollars I can usually wrap three barrels with one bag this half-inch rope you can get at Lowe's also if you're lucky enough to have shoppers near you it's actually cheaper at shopper's but it's about fifty eight cents foot and a little bit of Spain a little bit of plywood all set and done I'm probably about twenty twenty-five dollars in material if I get crack and it usually takes me about an hour and a half to make one barrel so that's it that's our barrel DIY they're fun to make good luck I hope you enjoy it if you try to make one you got some questions along the way or something just throw a comment here and and hopefully I can help you out right drink up me hearties yo ho
Channel: Scott Brooks
Views: 349,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pirates pirate western cowboy wedding distress party theme ideas how to antiqued, Do It Yourself (Hobby), How-to (Website Category), Hobby (Interest)
Id: T3aMCEkyWH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2015
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