DIY Elevator.

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now i know all of you are waiting for another ferrari update but i like to think of myself as more than a one trick pony and quite simply the work life balance can't always tip in the favor of fun or can it how about we have fun while doing work so i've got this nice little pocket right here that i am going to attempt to build a winch-based tire elevator jumping right in because that's just the way i roll my elevator is going to be 16 feet tall by three feet wide and i'm going to use this existing structural beam to anchor it to looking from the side i'm just going to create a little carriage or sled three feet squared that's gonna go up and down pretty simple right now this isn't meant to be an educational video i mean if you get something out of it that's fantastic but this is more about the journey and as always you are welcome along for the ride so we're gonna start off with the a-frame the structural backbone i am most certainly not an engineer i think i'm pretty handy but i default to overbuilding things and i've learned that one of the greatest skills is to measure things three times before i cut them and i know to test things before i pick them up in case they're hot why yes i have learned that the hard way on the bright side i'd probably be a great thief because i wouldn't leave fingerprints anymore because i've removed all my skin i've made this a-frame out of 2 by 2 by 1 8 wall square tubing and i'm going to use a combination of mig welding and tig welding today well that was the easy part and now i'm going to set this a-frame aside while i work on my carriage made out of one and a quarter square tubing the old band saw behind me that bandsaw is very versatile but unfortunately it's kind of wobbly now the guide is not much it hasn't doesn't have much use anymore and that chop saw is also very old and angry 3d printed 45 degree angle piece works very good for drawing scribing lines [Music] carrying on with my tradition of making the tools i need is this simple angle iron square that i made a couple years ago it's really accurate and allows me to clamp all my material to the square [Music] behind me we have the carriage assembly that's going to slide up and down now i have to take these pieces here and i'm going to create a platform the tires can sit on so far so good over there that's the actual backbone of the system that we're gonna put up later i'm gonna move that over onto the table in a bit [Music] now of course this unit doesn't have any safeties on it for pete's sake it's like 75 years old i don't think they had them back then but notice how my hands are nowhere near the blades [Music] all right so i got these wheels these casters off uh amazon they are a heavy duty two inch caster right here i'm just going to disassemble them and use these wheels they're supposed to be rated at about 700 pounds uh each so they should be able to do the job no problems and i've gone upstairs to design the bracketry that i need to be able to mount them to the carriage this is a program called fusion 360. and the people at fusion 360 are forward thinking enough to know that hobbyists like me may eventually turn into a customer which means they have a version of this program which is free for the hobbyist and non-commercial users way to go guys now this is a fully functioning manufacturing program and it can be a little intense now the dotted lines represent guidelines and those circles well they represent my caster wheels that i'm using this is version one of my wheel mounting system i don't expect it to be correct but i want to get to the point where i have a piece in my hand and i can check actual clearances the previous screen was the design environment now i'm in the manufacture environment right now i'm simulating the tool path that my plasma cutter head will take [Music] all right so this is my first attempt i just used some thin metal because i knew it wasn't going to be my permanent piece and just looking at my design and figuring out whatever else i've got to uh put here um i'm going to put a second wheel here because all the load is going to be right there on that spot right there so i'm just going to kind of make the bracket come down here and make a more encompassing girthy piece there down on this end the load will be on this wheel but up at the top and the load is going to be on that wheel because the unit's going to be trying to turn out like this so got to go back to redesign the center hole is my desired position but i've created a slot so that i can move the wheel back and forth i can adjust it and if i need to service it i can back it away get the wheels out without having to take the whole carriage back down as previously indicated i'm adding my second wheel now wow what the heck happened there that got complicated real quick you know just as a side note i'd like to discuss something else a lot of people ask me how do they get into making stuff they look at a diagram like this and say wow that's way over my head well guess what i don't actually have any formal training other than being a mechanic which certainly does not qualify me to do this if you have any interest in getting into this whatsoever you need to start off with a 3d printer in my humble opinion this is my second 3d printer it's made by flashforge it's about five or six hundred bucks you can't go wrong and while you may have to start off printing princesses because you only carry the x chromosome and you never had a boy to make like trucks and stuff eventually you'll get to bigger projects [Music] now back to our regular program this is my design for the upper wheel mounting brackets and all the extra pieces there are just support so i can kind of close the wheels in you'll see it in a second now just in case you haven't seen my previous videos on this table this is a langmuir systems personal plasma cnc table and i love this thing well looky there that kinda looks like that diagram doesn't it okay so this is bracket number one i'm just piecing it all together there are my wheels i'm gonna tack weld it all up and uh pull the uh wheels out so i don't overheat the wheels just using them there just kind of hold it all together it's holding together without the wheels but just adds a little bit more squareness when the wheels are in all right so making progress here that is the top mount um i have the other top mount the opposite side which is going to go down here and then i'm going to tie these two together lower lower just giving them a quick grind we are getting close i'm finally mounting the winch and running the cabling i've been on and off this for about 10 days uh working on it whenever i had a moment but i'm at that point now where i just want to get it done and get back onto my ferrari okay so i've got the winch mounted and we're not going to grab the winch straight like that it has to go through a cinch block in order to multiply the force right there so it would theoretically come down loop back up and come up over over to here because i had to mount this off to the side once it's up against the pole you'll see that the mounting of this couldn't be in the center which is what i wanted it to be because i need the pole as support that means i'm going to come down here i'm going to weld on a bracket right there and then i'm going to measure over here and weld on a corresponding bracket over there then i'm going to come up over here and weld another bracket over there so theoretically the the cable the steel cable is gonna go here it's gonna go down there through two two cents blocks and go up over there that way it should pull evenly anyways that's the goal keep going on it and now for the moment of truth let's give this thing a test well looky there it actually works now it's time to actually get it into place which turned out to be a much harder task than i originally thought it was going to be now i know what you're thinking i have a forklift why do i need an elevator well that answer is easy this tow motor slash forklift well it's pretty much at the end of its life if a forklift were truly the answer for getting these tires up and down i would be better served in getting rid of this one and purchasing a newer one especially since every time we need it it's blocked by the car on that hoist and we end up hand bombing the tires anyways all right so getting that up was a lot tougher than i thought it was gonna be but it's up i've got a safety chain at the top i've got a clamp at the top so we're just going to send this down right now and see if it works and with that i'm coming to an end i've just got to tidy things up and i've got to put some safety features in it i've anchored it into the concrete i've welded it at the top i've also chained it at the top and i've ordered these fall arresters just to put an extra layer of safety in this thing just in case something goes wrong and guess what if you've made it this far you're my freaking hero thanks for watching
Channel: Lou Trottier
Views: 2,579
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: diy elevator, garage elevator, attic lift, diy elevator brackets, garage lift storage, garage elevators youtube, parking garage elevator, harbor freight tools, diy elevator for home, garage lift system, garage lift winch, garage elevator kit, attic elevator diy, attic elevators, storage elevator system, storage lifts for snowmobiles, harbor freight hoist motor, attic lift elevator, lou trottier, the globe and mail, globe drive, langmuir systems, fusion 360
Id: rI46ug8S16U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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