Dave's Attic Lift

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[Music] so i got tired of bringing up bins and stuff into the attic uh with the ladder uh so i decided to go ahead and make an attic lift and you got to start off by creating a hole so i got the the framing done for the motor up there i went with two by sixes for the main structural support frame and i added a two by four next to that and i uh went ahead and put uh some two by fouring framing in the truss to give me a a good support uh to tie into to keep this thing uh from moving at all and you just cut a notch in there for that the reason why i have a 2x4 is originally i centered the 2x6 in the hole thinking that the cable was going to be centered um but in order to get the cable center everything is offset because of the garage door drums and i'll show that uh when i do that next okay now i got the garage door hardware all connected it works better with some tension so i put some 10-pound weights on there until i uh build the sled um but you can see what i was talking about where you need that tangent uh where the cable comes off of the tangent of the wheel so that's why all your brackets are not centered but the cable is centered so let's uh check this out and right now i just have it geared up so i'm at the very end uh it goes all the way down but when i finish the sled i'll have some cable on there so we're not just you know hanging from those uh crimps for the sled i went ahead and decided not to do the cross beam across the top that you see in a lot of these uh that allows me to have a stack of bins higher than the sled and i can unload as i go and you can see just welded in the clips there that we can tie into uh i put springs on the bottom so that the bottom plate can fit up snug against the ceiling as uh the sled goes up uh past that limit just a little bit so everything be nice tight and snug so as i got it all put together decided to do some weight testing so i started off with just 20 pounds and the sled and slowly added more weights and kept going and i ended up with about 220 pounds by the time i was finished and it worked pretty good so here's the finished product you see got a tall stack of bins on there you can bring up and unload them one at a time [Music] overall really impressed with how the system came together it's been super handy ever since i've used it several times it's been about six months it's finished and it's a very solid project you
Channel: David Vaillancourt
Views: 5,277
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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