DIY-EFI C2C Speeduino ECU First Look

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all right so this tiny little guy is a do it-yourself EFI C2C ECU so let me give you guys a quick overview and then we'll break it down from there all right so let's try try and cover exactly what this little guy is so this little guy is a speeduino based two channel ECU so that's what the two in the C2C means so it actually means compact two channel so it's a two channel board so with this of the bat you get in two channels so you getting two fuel channels and you getting two ignition channels so that is enough to run most four- cylinder cars in batch fire right so only outside we have a very Sleek metal enclosure it's very small guys right and on the end we also have metal end plates right on the front end here back end sorry we have uh o bab so this goes to a vacuum line which goes to your intake manifold fits the internal map sensor with a boost of vacuum reference right we also have a USB port here and here we have a four pin connector with BT written at the top so the BT is Bluetooth so he also sells an addition an add-on for the CCU and it basically just plugs in here and then you have the capabilities of Bluetooth with this tiny device so you can use that Bluetooth for um if you have a laptop that runs on Bluetooth if you want to use an MS Droid software which is the software which is used for um megga s and speed window for connecting to any AD window device on the front end or back end I don't really feel it has a Direction so this could be the front or the back we have a 24 pin Molex connector right so on the 24 pins what we have I'll try to put up a picture of the euu pin out on the screen but on the 24 we we have power ground we have two injector outputs we also have two ignition outputs and four high current outputs um out of the box the four current High current outputs are for idle VVT boost and fuel pump they can be repurposed in the software for anything in between so if you have something other than what is limited you can change it in the software and for the more advanced guys you can also use this e you if you want to do for instance um repurpose uh one of the high current outputs to be an extra injector output so if you want to repurpose say VVT and maybe idle if you're not using this on the board you can repurpose that by modifying the firmware to make it um injector outputs right so on the outside it's looking really good I have my multimeter here and I'll give you the exact Dimensions right now all right so the display does not work forgot to change the battery before this video right so lengthwise I'm going to give you metric numbers it's a bit difficult to do on camera here all right so we're looking at roughly 84 mm long is the length width we're looking at roughly 60 mm and the thickness we're looking at right around 24 mm right so 80 by 60 by 24 roughly right so this is about the size of a very small pack of plane cards well regular size plane cards um this is a available on James's website I am unsure of the top of my head what he retails at currently but all of his stuff is usually very affordable and very well priced um so to recap metal enclosure beautiful metal enclosure 24 pin um connector he also sells speak tails for this one so he sells like a 2T I believe 2T pigtail connector um harness sorry that just plugs into there goes out and then you can build your loom from there with that internally it has a 2 this one has a 2.5 bar map sensor so this one is good for around 23 PSI of boost roughly which is plenty for most guys um the pinout for this one is exactly as you would get in the n2c which is also another very popular speed window board so pretty much the same as the N o2c so in the software when you actually go to use this you select no o2c in the drop down it's that similar guys all right so I'll just give you guys one last look and this one I hope to use it on something I'm not sure I don't have too many small products and I have a ton of them I'm going to use it on something who knows we may just pick up another bike to use this one on um but again it has two channels just so you guys are following along so it has two channels for spark and two for ignition so off the bat you can run a four cylinder engine with wasted spack uh or wasted coil un plugs and pair ignition if you want you can you can edit the firmware to do to repurpose some of the high current outputs as fuel outputs so and then you can end up doing sequential injection um for the ignition you you still down to two so you can only do single cylinder um engine maybe a 4 cylinder engine wastage spack or if you have a distributor based V8 engine that can also work can also use it on a six-cylinder I guess if you repurpose one of the high current outputs as a fuel injector output so you have free P ignition and you have something like a distributor based six-cylinder engine all right so going to wrap this one up guys hopefully you guys head over to doityourself EFI I will leave his website down in the description of this video pick up this one very very beautiful piece of ECU and again it runs on the speeduino firmware so everything speeduino can do you can do it with this little guy all right so catch you guys later
Channel: DCwerx
Views: 1,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speeduino, diyefi, efi, ecu, c2c, no2c, megasquirt, ms2, ms3, microsquirt, tune, build, Mazda, honda, toyota, haltech, link, motec, dyno, autotune, tunerstudio, cheap, affordable, review, do it yourself, budget, cost, 2 step, boost, turbo, ve, speed density, itb
Id: omS7Lj2341Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 28sec (448 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2024
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