DIY dog hole accessories

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hey guys Zach from Zach's Woodworks here so if you have dog holes on your bench you know how handy it is to be able to secure your workpiece the clamps and fixtures can get pretty expensive so I came up with a few creative ways to make your own with stuff you might have laying around the shop also I'll show you what I bought and what was worth the money and if you wait until the end I'll show you a clamp that we all probably have but you might not know you can use on your workbench so we'll start off with the one that I probably use most I make these out of three quarter inch poplar dowel and clothes hangers and as you can see they have a little spring back to them show you example [Music] as you can see they hold your workpiece in place the thing I like about them is you can move them around however you need to so put that there and this here will keep it nice and secure all right next we have this hold fest that I made that when I posted it on Instagram everyone thought I was making elf shoes but these are actually pretty handy to hold fast I had some leftover conduit and I was like let's see if it works and it actually worked really well so you just place wherever you want to on your workpiece get your hammer addled some grooves here just to kind of give it a little grit you can also use this potala place it won't give it a whack next up for these hold down clamps I bought these super cheap toggle clamps and this was the prototype also conduit I tried it out on some plywood to see if it would work and seemed to work fine so I made a better one out of walnut and I epoxy it everything together and this one works fun as well the only thing I don't like is since it's a little bit larger here you can't do thinner stock but other than that next up I made what's basically just a stop now for this can go in any hole in my workbench just place it this is good for finding something taller say finding something this way little taller I'm doing some browning and I don't want it to get in the way then that comes in handy I use this next one mostly for live edge stuff kind of just use it as a wedge and I use an inline clamp to press up against this so it doesn't go anywhere kind of hard to use anything else so this works well for that so the next one is basically just a road but about this little figure nine carabiner from night eyes that to make it a little quicker I just clip it there and then to attach it numbered so it makes it easy on you've won let's do just come up to your dog home here go down the other side [Music] but what you want to do is get it in a place of comfort [Music] turn it that's against the grain alright so on to some of the ones that I bought I actually got this from our garage sale for about five bucks it's a Jorgensen hold down clamp so if I ever need to hold down something with a lot of pressure this is usually what I use it comes with this pin here to lock it in place it got super annoying they keep having to reach under and do that and I just keep a magnet on here and then [Music] so next up are these Craig inline clams they kind of go in conjunction with the bench dogs I'll show you how they work just place your bench dogs wherever you want them press your workpiece up against it put these here you got the whole circus you can work with nothing's in the way so I think I got these for about $30 for both so 15 bucks each it's actually a pretty good deal they look cheap plastic but they're they're pretty strong so I I could definitely recommend these I didn't really have a way to recreate this that's the reason I uh is went ahead and bought these they're pretty much the only thing that I actually bought a new alright guys bonus clamps so just walk over to your miter saw get that hold down clamp that you rarely use bring it over here place it in your dog hole as you can see it's very secure alright guys really appreciate you sticking around and watching this hopefully it helps some of you hopefully you'll be able to use some of this stuff on your workbench you have any questions just comment below if you have an answer in a lot of these things that I made on my Instagram so if you go there you can see the detail of how I made them and stuff like that so if you're not following me there make sure to do that please consider liking and subscribing and we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Zaxe Woodworks
Views: 49,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shop project, diy, dog holes, workbench, shop hack, clamp, shop made
Id: 6lin-MSx6Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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