DIY Cutting Boards

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hello everybody Vincent Pleasant back again with a new video today we're going to do one of my favorite projects one of my first projects I ever did was a cutting board many uh new Woodworkers start out with cutting boards they're good projects for me they're fun to make and that's what we're gonna do today A friend of mine the person who actually made this nice shirt that I'm wearing Miss Sarah the owner of Madres Glitz and Glam she makes t-shirts tumblers and some other things and you should check out her Facebook page I'll leave a link down below she's doing a fair in Washington Parish next month and she asked me to make some things and offered to sell them for me I said cool no problem appreciate it so today we're going to do some work on some cutting boards uh using this wood over here I already started Milling some of the boards down over here and we'll continue that coming up [Music] [Music] so like I said I already started Milling some of these boards over here the first steps is to Joint two sides of one face and one Edge I'm making Edge grain cutting boards which is this side right here is going to be faced up and face down and the first steps to that is to Joint two sides you want to have one face one Edge perpendicular to each other at a 90 degree angle once it's done correctly and I'll show you here in a minute once I get this one done uh you can use a square and put the square on that face and Edge and you won't be able to see any light so this board I'll uh I'll be honest with you gave me quite a fit um I don't know what I was thinking when I picked this board out at the lumber dealer but it was twisted pretty gnarly oops um so I had to use a different method of jointing two sides or joining flattening one face I had to use my planer over here with the sled once I got it flat now we're ready to get the other side uh perpendicular to the face that we just flattened so I'm going to use this Joiner here and get started foreign take Square here take my Square here and look down on the board from the face that we flattened and the edge that we just the edge that we just joined and I don't know how well this will show on the camera but look in here no light going through it's just like that all the way through out the board very nice so now that all these boards are jointed what we'll do next is run them through the planer and flatten the top side so then we'll be ready to cut our strips so next up we're going to run this piece of Purple Heart through the planer and the reason why we Join one face of the board is because the blades of the planer um it's going to reference the bottom side due to the amount of force that the planer puts on the board as it goes through so we have to make sure the bottom side's flat because if it's not we'll be running through it's still going to be not flat and I'm just gonna give problems in our glue up so right now we're going to run it through the planer and I'm just going to do one board on each step to the knot for you too too much so I'm gonna get up get started here and run this piece of Purple Heart through and you can see how kind of rough the lumber looks right now and just give you a sneak preview that's the face once it join it so it it really cleans up the board and makes it look a lot lot nicer than originally foreign [Music] [Music] okay so I milled up all the boards they're jointed they're playing they are ready to go ready for making strips now I got my table saw set at an inch and three quarters the reason why is because I like my cutting boards to be a thick Hefty butcher block style board so the final product is usually about an inch and a half at least so I've cut my strips at an inch and three quarters so that once I run through cut the strips and we turn them up because we're making a edge screen board it gives me a little bit of cushion for running through the planer after everything's glued up so that the boards end up being at least an inch and a half so I got the table saw set the boards are good and prepped and time to start cutting some strips foreign foreign everybody we're back I got the board patterns all marked up um this board actually or this set of boards actually is for a customer I already have uh she bought one cutting board for me from Father's Day and uh her husband loved it so much she thought it would be a great gift for two other family members so these two are for her and these 30 over here are going to be for the fair uh to sell so we're here set up getting ready to glue there's a couple things we have to check first uh first number one is I like to stand at the end of the boards the set of boards and look down them to see if there's any bowing kind of like this or like this sometimes it happens when you cut in the strips it's okay it's no big issue but what we want to do is to make sure as we're looking down the board making sure the bow goes like this towards the center as opposed to like this going outwards so I already did them but this one right here actually this piece of Heart of curly Maple actually needs to turn and all we do is turn it like that press them back together and now any bold boards that we have which it's one piece of Walnut here curly Maple here and that Curly Maple over here so we got all those done now with the help with the help of my lovely wife over here we are going to wipe them all down with acetone now it's not normally something that's necessary for these but I do it anyway just out of habit with your exotic Woods like your purple heart over here your Purdue your exotic Woods have these oils at the surface and it's good to wipe them down with acetone to pull those oils off the wood and that way when we use our glue the glue adheres better gets into the wood and makes it for a better and Tighter Bond so me and her are going to wipe these down with acetone real quick and then get ready to glue them together [Music] all right so now we're ready for glue we got our tight Bond Three Wood blue which is a waterproof glue which is my preferred blue for cutting boards so now what I'm just going to do is just slather it up with glue use my god-given glue spreader and spread the glue out and then clamp them up foreign for the next few days what I'm going to do is I'm going to let these sit um I'm gonna let this sit for 24 hours and then after 24 hours I'm gonna take all the clamps off and then let it sit unclamp for 24 hours um just because that's what it says on the instructions of the glue and I've been doing this for a good mini boards now and it's been a good good process so I'm gonna let it stain the clamps for 24 hours take it out of the clamps let it sit for 24 hours and then we'll be ready to run it through the planer um in the meantime I'm gonna wipe off this excess glue here in a minute so be back in a few days all right everybody we're back in the garage it's been a few days uh we got four boards glued up two of which are ready to go through your planer today the other two just came out the clamps today I'm Gonna Let Them Sit another day to fully cure uh before we run them through the planer uh the first board is a hard maple and paduke board uh the second one is a curly Maple and Walnut the third one is purple heart and hard maple and the last one is Walnut hard maple and Duke uh the last one's a little bit thinner it's some cutoffs that wasn't quite thick enough or tall enough to make a full size board so that one's going to be roughly an inch when it's done and these other three would be about an inch and a half when they're done um they're big a bit big at the moment each of these are going to make two cutting boards um the first three should be about 21 inches long and the last one I believe is gonna be about 18 inches long so actually correction uh the first and the last one are going to be about 18 inches and the Walnut and the Purple Heart boards will be about 21 inches long so we got them up on our sled the first two uh that we're gonna run through the planner today they're on our planer sled to help keep the level uh in case there's any rocking there's a little bit on the Walnut one uh not so much on the paduke one so we got one our planer sleds we're gonna send them through the planer and get ready with the next step foreign these this set of boards nice and cleaned down ready to go got that one playing down ready to go I'm gonna see what the time looks like um and see if I could do any more today before I have to go to work but the next steps is just going to be to cut the boards to shape so like I said I'm gonna check the time and see if we can go on to the next step of cutting on the link foreign s playing down level flat we're good to go on that uh Next Step we're going to cut all the boards to length uh the thick boards we're going to set at 21 inches roughly and the other boards I'm gonna cut those in half probably be about 18 inches a piece on those so I'm going to use our sled here cut our board is going to cut the ends off where the snipe is and then cut our boards to 21 inches and we'll go from there thank you uh what we're gonna do next is the shorter boards are ready for routing and sanding I'm not going to do any juice grooves on those but our longer boards the Walnut curly Maple and the Purple Heart and hard maple we're going to put juice grooves in those so I'm gonna set up my juice groom jig and get ready to Route those so we're back here at the bench I got the first board here in the juice Groove jig made us some three quarter inch plywood I'll do a video on how to make this here at the near future this one's about had enough so it's time to make another one but the premise is the router here is Gonna Ride Along these rails to make our juice Groove and uh let's get it going all right so we got the first pass done looked pretty good I thought I may have messed up here in the corner but it's good um so we got the first pass done I'm gonna do one more pass just kind of a clean up slash just a little bit deeper on the juice Groove I'm just gonna get our bit depth set up a little bit deeper and like I say I'll go through this whole process once I make a video on a new jig get that on there and you're ready to make one more pass foreign [Music] so we've got our two screws in here now you may notice there's a little burning discoloration in the corners it happens but I got a scraper uh that I just ordered to try to get rid of that if that doesn't work then I'll just go with my previous method of getting rid of it which is with the Dremel tool so but anyway final product that'll be gone but two screws are in looks pretty good so what I'm going to do now is I'm gonna do the other board like this the Walnut and curly Maple put the juice Groove in it and then put the juice Groove in the Purple Heart and hard maple boards uh the boards with the product I'm gonna leave those without two screws so I'm gonna go ahead and knock those out real quick off camera and we'll be back to Route all the edges all right so we got our juice grooves done on four of our boards uh now we're going to Route the edges what I'm gonna do I'm gonna show on camera uh doing the chamfer bit the 45 degree transfer bit on our thicker boards and these thinner boards these here I'm gonna do a round over bit I'm not sure what radius that I'm gonna do just yet so I'm gonna do these two off camera and right now like I said we're gonna do these thicker boards with our chamfer bit and I got it set about half of how much I want to cut right now uh how much I want to Edge right now so I'm gonna do all of them in one pass and then I'm gonna raise the bit up so it takes a little bit more off and do a second pass on all of them foreign [Music] [Music] so we're set up ready for sanding um had a little issue with my Sandra I think the brushers are starting to wear out in my standard that's in the table so I did about the rest of them by hand no big deal I did have a couple of defects in the some of the Walnut and these two boards just fill those with Starbomb no problem and now we're going to sand we're going to do 80 grit one train 120 grit of 180 grit 220 and then I'm gonna pause there to pop the grain what that's going to do is it's going to raise up the little hairs of the wood once it dries and then we'll knock it back down so once you wash the board and let it dry it won't be a little rough hairs rough feeling anywhere on the boards so I'm going to go ahead and do that now and get ready for finishing all right so we sanded to 220 before I went to work went to work come back now time to get back to working here so we got them set at the 220 I'm gonna raise the grain I'm gonna spray them down with some water just rinse them and let the water dry once it's dry the little hairs of the wood will be standing up we'll sand those back down at 320 that way once the board gets washed by the customer if they won't have any rough spots on their board or anything like that so we're going to go ahead and spray these down let them dry and then I'll sand them like I say the 320 and we'll be back after that to do the finish all right so we're back for what I have been looking forward to since the beginning applying the Finish um this is where you get to see the fruits if you like ever get to see all those nice colors and patterns and textures and all the nice little nuances from your boards um so I got my food grade four conditioner here that I mix up myself it's uh food grade mineral oil and food grade meat beeswax put together heat it up and put in these containers and which by the way every cutting board that I make one of these comes with it's already conditioned pre-conditioned but you're gonna have this to take care of your board so it'll last you forever um you can see everything that we've gone through to put this together and with proper care which I have care instructions and proper conditioning this board will Outlast your grandkids grandkids um so we're going to do that now so I'm just going to take my conditioner and as you can see it's kind of like it's like a goo nice look good so we're just going to put some finger real quick and put it on the board now I'm going to apply this now in probably at least one more time and probably two to three times uh what it's gonna do is the oils is going to seek and seep into the boards and uh kind of creates a chemical barrier for bacteria and then the wax stays on top of the board it makes what I like to call a physical barrier so we're gonna let it go in seep in and then add more to build up that protection and then once it's all done um you put water on anything like that it's just going to beat up wipe right on off and you know when you're ready to when you need to put more conditioner on is when the water stops being up so I'm gonna put a little bit more of this on now like say the first couple first time or two it's gonna soak it up soak it up until it don't soak up anymore so got it on our board here and now we just wipe it in and we look and all that green pattern and all the colors and niceness all come on out something about Walnut in the grain pattern of it that it just comes on out the curly maple on that figure from The Curly Maple comes out look at that stretch more lay it down get our two screws real good finish dressing up top up my little teeth fell and I don't know if you can see it very well on camera but it's just seeping right into the wood right into the wood grain put some more on our towels here and we're going to do all of our edges do ingrained here now the in green it just soaks up that mineral oil tremendously so we tend to have to put a little bit more on there just so you know in the future if you get one of my boards hey you're gonna have to go a little heavy on the end brains but like I said it's no problem and each of these boards like I say come with this conditioner and then in the future if you run out you can always purchase more and now we're going to do the bottom a good little bit there it's it's amazing I'm sitting here thinking how we went from Raw Lumber process it down and now we have this nice work of art here I have a few customers who tell me all the time they love their cutting board they love their cutting board and then I've had some who've gotten boards and gave them to someone for a gift and they're like man I like that cutting board but they won't use it they say it's too nice it's like a work of art I mean it's an incredible compliment to me but I'm like you know um thank you but you know you can tell them it's okay to use it um if you purchase one of my boards and you know you use it over the years and gotta good bit of scratch marks or anything like that fine bring it back to me or ship it back to me and I'll sand it back down refinish it and get it back to you it's no big deal no big deal at all I am here to make sure all my customers are well taken care of both before they purchase anything and in itself got the first one done really nice bring it over here looks rather nice so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to finish putting the finish on the rest of these boards and uh be back for a final review all right everybody thanks again for joining me with this video to make these awesome cutting boards I'd say they're great beginners project it was my first project they still sell well I can say these two they're already sold but I want to thank Miss Sarah again from Madres Glitz and Glam for making this shirt for me another shirt for me and inviting me to bring some of my products to her booth at the Washington Parish Fair uh the fair is October 19th to the 23rd of October 2022 in Washington Parish um I'm from what out here it's a pretty large Fair lots of people thousands of people come by and I just want to thank her for allowing me to put some of my products and in her Booth these cutting boards would be there some security boards some epoxy projects we'll be there as well but thanks again for joining me thank you Miss Sarah and I'll see you all next time foreign
Channel: Pleasant Woodworks
Views: 6,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: woodworking, epoxy, epoxy resin, epoxy resin projects, coaster, coasters, epoxy coaster, epoxy coasters, epoxy resin and wood, epoxy resin and wood coasters, DIY, How To, handmade, crafts, handmade crafts, wood, walnut, surprise, cutting boards, diy cutting boards, edge grain, edge grain cutting board
Id: UoPNhRD_Mbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 38sec (2018 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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