DIY Custom Concrete Stepping Stones.

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foreign [Music] Stepping Stones here's all the different materials we have so far we've got the glow-in-the-dark or glowstones number two and three we've got some River it's called The River blend that's a medium size it's pretty large as it's actually in there so you can tell then we got the red flat pretty small pieces this is all Glass by the way and then we got the small River blend this is going to be real nice I think this is stepping stones and then we have Amber like a little pea gravel in there and they're gonna lay right here two of them side by side the 18 inch by 24 inch two of them side by side separated by about four inches there'll be a driveway eventually between the planner and the driveway so okay let's get to it then frame these up and get ready to put some concrete in there [Music] [Music] all right here's the concrete truck I mean the reason the car trucks here is because we just poured that slab as you see to the right there so I had some excess concrete typically on a DIY situation you're not going to have a concrete truck for stepping stones so you just mix those by hand get some pre-mixed concrete at Lowe's or Home Depot just mix them up and then uh put whatever decorative stuff you have laying around the house in the surface and go for it and today I'm going to just be using some glass and I showed that in the beginning all the different ones I've did this before with just uh blue glass only but this time I'm using a few different colors and a few different sizes mixed in so it's going to be a little different something I haven't done yet Eric's tapping the sides of the lumber just to get all the um air pockets and rock Pockets out so when I strip it it'll be really Consolidated well it's not really super necessary because the dirt on the sides will cover it all anyway but it's just good practice [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] right here I'm just using a little handful a wood hand float guess what brand I mean you know Eric you're gonna do what I'm doing over there she's a natural a chef changing careers to a concrete minister notice how he's running that handful on top of the lumber that you don't really want to do that unless your Lumber is very clean but typically you want to stay on the inside of your wood wow I mean honestly it doesn't really matter to me it's all the same Concepts that's up to you guys to decide is he the chef or is he the cook today's the day we've got to find out good you're staying to the top of the form which is a good sign you're not dipping the float on your overlaps so it's looking good [Music] look any different than what I did yep that's pretty good first day [Music] here's Eric trying to hand edger out that's a little more tricky to use than the hand float especially in a short pad like this because the corners want to drop on you when you hit the corners then they're so close together you've got to keep reversing Direction flipping the edge or the angle of attack so this is pretty hard to etch these especially for a rookie [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you notice how he's leaving the line on the outside of the edger that's good practice that means that you're holding it flat you're not dipping the edges all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I found out when I first did it it started sticking onto the concrete but then I remembered when we did the brick wall over here that if you shake it it'll bring out that butter which will make it a lot smoother and nicer looking and it'll make it slide a lot easier doing it that way vibrating it yeah we'll put some of these right and then we'll throw a little we'll throw some big big rocks too with it like what do you think was a little color too in here there's still some gluing with this got some blue some greens you know whatever just throw it in there break your old champagne bottles wine bottles throw them in there let's do another one identical to that so this is kind of like feeding the chickens the way I'm throwing this out there this way if you open your fingers up a little bit as you throw it disperses them pretty equally [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go here's the trick right here seeding it you know gotta Beat It beat it down until the cream comes up that's what you're going for here you want to get it down in there you want all that cream around every Rock it's important that you get all that cream around those rocks that way when you rinse you'll still they'll all still be encased at least 75 percent of them will be encased each individual graph glass or Rock next tap it cream's starting to come up it's going down creams coming up a little bit crevices you don't want to set these two boots either so no you don't want to go too early with your rocks you know what if these really glow really bright it'll reflect into the colors too a little bit maybe if I'm lucky thank you the first floor we did green blue and glow now we're going red Amber and glow so the one thing that's not changing is these the glow rocks that's our constant tie everything together no matter where it is hopefully these will show up look how little these things are look at that look at my hands looks like I almost changed the color of my hand almost just the glow of them the sun reflecting through them changes the color of my skin almost look at that wow this is a Vibrance this is just fun you know really this is the fun part see what's going to happen in the end well I don't know how but it is just right on the ground the glows are gone we've got a lot of red and green and blue left Amber's almost gone blue and green was nice the true um tell will be when we do the rinse because we're going to do the rinse on these and expose it today yeah yeah we'll be exposing all this in about three hours I expect maybe two we're lucky there it is yeah it's coming up right now look at it oh wow you're a little excited there Dave I mean that's how concrete it is you know it's exciting right yeah oh it is gonna be definitely exciting to see how this is gonna come out yeah for sure cause I've never did that yeah this combination of this many variation and rock sizes and stuff so it's gonna be different say the least it's all right here in the wrist look at that unique on uh beating these rocks down see if he's got it down yet [Music] thank you point after I trowel these edger lines out that's pretty much a wrap until you're ready to rinse you just have to wait till it gets hard enough to put that rinse on there you don't want to rinse it early because it'll over expose the rocks and they'll all Start Tumbling out but you can test do the little little bits a little bit at a time to test whether it's ready or not once we do this rinse we're going to also show the acid wash and sealing and placement of these Stepping Stones so I'm using a water hose with no nozzle on it to do these I'm just running the hose without a nozzle because a nozzle has a little bit too much pressure so as I'm rinsing this right now I'm looking for areas that The Rock's not quite as exposed and I'll touch those areas a little bit more with the sponge and then do another rinse that way it's all it gets as uniform as I can [Music] so these four squares are the blue green and glow Rock and these four are the red the Amber and the glow rocker here's the muriatic acid that I'll be using to clean these basically I had to water in that bucket already and then I just added acid to the bucket and that's what you want to do when you're using acid always start with the water add the acid to it because if you put the acid in first it'll fume right up in your face so it hits the water it's already diluting really quickly so you don't get all that action so when I went about five to one which is pretty strong you know some people go ten to one but I like to go five to one because I don't want to have to scrub as much with a broom so you can see how clean the glass is now now I just have to let this dry out again overnight now we'll seal it there's the type of sealer we're using I'm going full strength with this there's no non-slip additives to this I'm not adding that sometimes I'll add it but there's so so there's really good texture on these exposed aggregate stuff so you don't need a non-slip additive and it's still going to have plenty of traction the way that I'm going to set these for my entrance to the house I'm going to stagger I'm going to alternate red blue red blue and kind of work them together foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] some people would call that a Picasso but I just call it an Odell okay this is an hour after we put the sealer now listen carefully there's we got some bubble formation [Music] the reason it did that it's one thing is the temperature temperature of the concrete was Rising quickly because we're at that time of day and I put it on thick so the air Gotten Trapped and then it bubbled so if you dilute it and I did in this case I didn't dilute the sealer but if you dilute it you can avoid that it goes down thinner then you can multi-coat it and also um time of day when you put sealer is crucial it's probably better to do it evening or very early in the morning thank you so those bubbles if you want to know how to fix them it's pretty cool it's pretty simple on something like this where you have this much texture going on I mean you don't notice that there's any bubbles in it but if you did a really smooth surface with sealer and it bubbled on you then you would have to wipe it down with some acetone and it just uh dilutes it enough to smooth out the bubble lines now the fill between the Stepping Stones is going to be the native Rock right here on my lot these Native Rocks as you can see are really round and very colorful and they're just laying on the surface like someone had sprinkled them out and the reason it's that way is because all the dirt blows away then you're left with just a rock on the surface so I just skim the surface and now any residual dirt I'll just rinse this way I got the bucket tilted a little bit jabbing the hose in there until the water runs clear and now I dump it in the location I want to put them I'm just going to fill in all the voids you could seal these rocks too after it dries out if you want to maintain that wet look you just spray the sealer over the whole package again the Stepping Stones The Rocks the whole works but we're just going to leave these uh natural they're very colorful anyway turned out beautiful one must say anyway if you guys want to do stepping soils like this it's pretty easy to do actually for a DIY project I'm going to put a link in the description where you can get all these materials that way you can have them shipped right to you really sweet and simple anyway thanks for watching video have a good day
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 37,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: odell complete concrete, concrete stepping stones, stepping stones, how to make concrete stepping stones, diy concrete stepping stones, garden stepping stones, concrete, how to make stepping stones, diy stepping stones, concrete stepping stone, 2x2 concrete stepping stones, stepping stone, homemade stepping stones, stepping stone mold, stepping stone molds, how to make concrete paving stones, diy concrete stones, concrete stepping stones diy, stepping stones with concrete
Id: WbozA8RDs6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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