DIY Crawler Hauler & Bugout Camper BUILD

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] alrighty good morning everyone it has been a while since i've posted any video to youtube and there's been a good reason why i've had a lot of questions and emails and comments regarding hey john where have you been what have you been working on and by a lot of people i mean absolutely zero no one has commented or cared but that doesn't matter that's besides the point let me show you what i've been working on and why i haven't really posted any videos since moab i've been working on my new crawler hauler a new place to live when i go and do my adventures and i think it's finally time to give a little sneak peek of what i've made so check it out boom crawler hauler 2.0 now i will give you kind of a tour here everything on here was hand built from scratch i built the frame i built everything on this thing which has taken me quite a bit got the rv windows in there everything's bedlined but yeah won't we uh while we check it out i think i've done a pretty good job so far don't you think it's still my first time so give it a uh you know give me some slack if there's anything wrong and i've learned a lot while building this thing but it's pretty cool come on in and i will uh kind of start giving you a tour and a sneak peek of it all right so we'll start off on the front here now i do want to kind of pre-face all of this that nothing is finalized this is just kind of a build up to this point how i've done everything if you guys see anything that i can improve on or do better please make a comment down in the comment section below and i'll definitely see if i can look into that and try to change things up but starting off i had to make the propane tanks here or the propane mounts i made the propane mounts welded it all on i did all the piping myself if you notice i don't actually have a regulator in here and there's a reason for that with the propane going into the into the camper everything that i'm using does not has an internal regulator on it so therefore by putting a regulator on here none of my stuff would work not my uh mr heater wouldn't work my camp chef stove wouldn't work because it over regulated it they all have internal regulators are meant to be hooked up directly to the propane so once i got rid of that regulator there everything's worked perfectly and it's all internally regulated so i do have quick disconnects here i got the quick disconnects i got the shut off valves everything like that moving forward here this is the generator mount you can see that i kind of fabricated everything here and i'll try to put pictures as i go on this i've got shock isolators on here to help kind of isolate it from the trailer i haven't figured out how i'm going to do the actual mechanism to lock the generator down and kind of hide it because i would like to be able to use it on the trailer so i want to disconnect it every time and move it away and run all the lines and everything so but that's where that's at right here moving over here you can actually see here is the propane line that i made to actually bring everything in from the propane line it's it's wide off split one one's gonna go to the trailer the other one's gonna go to the generator now i am gonna go ahead and try to save up and get the hutch mountain conversion kit for my uh i have a honda 2200i i wanna do the hutch mountain conversion kit on that so that way i can run it off of propane and off of 240 pound propane tanks i should be able to run that generator for a very long time so that's uh one of the next things that i want to get if you look over here i've got a noco port here it's an external one so it's just a pass through for um basically just the electricity when i get like shore power hooked up to the generator or not so um these are going to be for the batteries i've already made insulated the holes here for the positive and negative leads once i get some batteries so i don't have any batteries on this just yet but i still need to figure out where i want to mount those and and how to do that and i definitely do want to plan to put solar so all right so here is the next area of the build these windows i initially and you'll probably see in the pictures here that i that i'll put in the video i initially had house windows in here and house windows i thought was a great idea i thought because they were double paned they were cheap they're insulated they're argon filled they'd be perfect for the trailer so i put everything in and if you look here you can probably kind of see where the the old ones were and after doing some more research after i put the windows in finally found out that putting house windows in a trailer is an extremely bad idea the reason being is because the argon that's in there will eventually leak out from the vibrations of traveling when the argon does leak out it's going to pull all the condensed air from outside into it permanently condensing the air so you can't see out of it and then you basically lose your r value i'm like great so i had to finally actually switch over to actual rv windows which really really sucked because not only did i already have to take the house windows out and retrofit them to put them in but these things are stupid expensive uh just one of these rv windows cost more than the three other house windows combined so it was definitely a hard pillow swallow especially since i made the mistake of putting the house windows in so don't do that if you guys do this on your own put actually save up put the rv windows in either get smaller or less windows one or the other but just do yourself a favor and and get that all right so coming around to the back here you can see that i actually made a ladder for this thing the ladder was so i can access the roof clear off snow um next summer i am going to try to save up and actually put an ac unit and obviously a vent up on top i'll probably do the vent sooner than next summer but at least by next summer i want to put a an ac unit up there because i do have two inches of foam insulation on this thing and it is it's a lot with the windows and door shut just my body heat will start to heat up the inside of this thing which is awesome because i need it as insulated as i can for because i want to be able to use this in the winter time so next up as you can see i did bed line the entire thing it took me a while to figure out what i wanted to do for the outside and i went with the bed liner the roll-on bed liner that i can get locally in stores and i use the the herky liner and that's actually held up very very well i like that because i can always touch it up if anything gets peeled off or damaged i can just go back and touch it up again by myself and that's worked out really well especially when i had to change the windows out so that's why for me i want the bed liner gives it a little more texture kind of covers up the wood grain and man does it seal it up this thing is pretty rock solid so i'm really happy with it i'm just sitting on an old trunk and all the tool box that i had i just kind of bolted this thing down this is just temporary i just want to go ahead and put this on here just so i have some extra storage first like maybe a little one pounder propane tank shovel extension cord stuff like that i do want to exchange this out with a weather guard something that's actually going to hold up to the weather and be a whole lot more so it's just a lot more stout this just looks really really cheap on here but it's what i have for right now but i'll update that in the future lastly in the back here you can see i installed this e-track system and i saw the e-track system for a couple reasons one i've got the seams from the two four by eight pieces of a sheet board or ply board on here so that helps cover up the the seam makes it look a little nicer but it also helps strengthen it up by bolting or uh tying them together and then in addition to that i've got all these spaces to be able to hang stuff i can put bags in here i can put i can hang different tools accessories that i need i've even seen like shovel or was it a tables that you can hook on here the other kind of cool thing is with these hooks that i have here i can actually hang my hammock from here and hang it out to out to the um the ramps the the ramps for the jeep when they come up and down so out in the summertime i have a place to hang my hammer and hang out the other cool thing about being back here is once the jeep comes off of this this entire area becomes my new deck check this out so like i said before this would just be the deck area so once the jeep is off of it i can bring up the the ramps here and this will be my deck area where i can come and hang out i can cook i can put up a lawn chair and everything it's pretty awesome this is where i'm gonna be able to hopefully be able to hang out with the awning bring the awning up over here so but the jeep fits perfectly in between here that's what these uh stops are for it stops the jeep in the exact same place every time because one of the things that you guys have to be really careful of if you build something like this is the entire weight and balance of the entire trailer you can't have too much weight or too little weight on your hitch or else this thing is just going to be a death trap on the highway i'm sorry but if you're one of the people that tow around and the trucks just bottomed out like that dude you need you need to fix it that's that's super dangerous i hate it when i see people doing that i actually have one of the way safe hitches on my truck so i've been constantly checking out to see how much weight i've been putting on there and when the jeep is on here i've got about 800 pounds of weight on the hitch i keep building it i'll still keep uh keep working with this and playing around but make sure you watch the weight and balance and see how much weight is on your hitch to make sure that you're not towing a death trap on the highway now we're on the passenger side where i actually decided to put the door i put the passenger or the door on the passenger side because it just kind of emulates what most rvs do so as you can see i have another window and i have the door the door i got off of out of a rv junkyard and i can post up some pictures of me uh retrofitting that and fixing that up it was originally like this old 80s like burnt yellow white color whatever that so i ended up painting it sanding it getting a lot of new parts hardware for it and i think it actually turned out pretty good as you can see i got the door handle i've got the other window i even put some uh the blinds or the shaded pleads pleats whatever they're called i don't know correct me in the comments i don't care with the shades that are actually in the window so i can get rid of the frost frosted uh normal rv when don't actually be able to see outside because that's why i wanted i wanted big windows so that when i'm out adventuring i'm out on my new trips and what not there's gonna be downtime there's gonna be time where the weather's bad or it's super rain i can't do anything well i still want to be able to come inside hang out have enough room to stretch out and see everything i don't want to just be cooped up in like a little box i want to be able to see so i spent the extra money and got all the three big windows and then the clear window for the door there and it's actually worked out pretty well but this build has been taking me about oh three months i'd say i think in actually one of my moab videos you can actually see some kind of reflection of the jeep that i was sleeping in it and it was just a shell at that point it wasn't actually anything built but this has been a long time coming i've wanted this idea so i can get out go adventure and be able to actually take my jeep with me i could not find anything on the market that would allow me to haul a full-size jeep toy haulers just didn't work nothing worked so but this is my build so far now the inside is not done yet by far i do have a bed in there i've built for a um like a twin mattress um i would like for i definitely want to try to get a little bit further with the the front end or the inside so i need to start working on that but this is my build so far and then i'll try to keep you guys updated sorry for not many having too many videos lately but we'll keep checking it out and i'll keep showing it showing it off all right so the last part of the video up here on the roof yes i designed the entire thing so that i can walk around on the roof because eventually i do want to put solar panels up here i want to put a vent right here in the center and right where i'm sitting i want to be able to put that ac unit so hopefully that'll be next summer but i can put that up here but on the trailer here on top of it you can see kind of how tall it is the entire thing is about a seven by seven by seven foot box minus the little uh you know 45 slant up here so it has been a fun trip so far but i just wanted to show you the roof real quick and that i can walk around on it it's super sturdy everything is sealed up and i have not seen any leaks so far it doesn't look the prettiest i'd like to still put some like trim on top of here or something later on but for right now it's super rugged it's super tough and it's pretty much watertight i have not had any issues with leaking so far so fingers crossed it it stays that way right guys now we finally make it to the inside of the camper um this is by far not even close to being done and i was debating on whether i wanted to show you guys this so far but i haven't put out a video in a while and i want to show my progress because i'm really proud of it there's still so much more stuff that i want to do in here so um so please be kind with the comments i'm still working on it here's the interior windows and everything i end up using um handy board which was really expensive but definitely a lot more convenient to be able to put up the panels um got the windows in here i even got like i said the pleated shades shades uh that are in normal rvs same thing the ones that's in the the door there so that way i can move that around one of the issues that i had was the fact that i used two inch foam foam board insulation all the way around this i can show you that in the pictures and that's good for installation the bad thing is normal rvs don't use that much so when i got these windows and the trim they don't quite fit there's this big gap right here that shows the foam and the boards like that that i don't know how to fill in or how to make that look good i guess so still got to figure that out in here i actually have a twin mattress i've made this bed frame here that i can sit and sleep on and underneath i've got enough room for a dometic fridge that i'm going to get i've measured it out the dometic fridge and then underneath here it's probably going to go like a cassette toilet or one of those dometic little portable rv toys that i can just dump out in in any restroom or whatever as for water a lot of people are wondering this is going to be as of right now a dry camper water is a totally separate other nightmare that i have to that i'll have to worry about maybe one day down the road but oh plumbing and everything at that super a lot of work a lot of work here you can see kind of the height of the bed and how everything fits in here now eventually i want to put cabinets all the way across there all across there and i can hang it under there put some nice lights and whatnot but underneath here this is where i'm going to put the dometic fridge and then underneath here that's where the uh the toilet and price more storage will go i still haven't fully designed everything right here is i definitely want to be able to build some sort of a table that i can sit at that i can either it's like multi-purpose that i can cook at that i can um you know edit videos a station that i can charge stuff at so i don't know something needs to go right here in here i have these are the pass-throughs so far that i have like i said here's the inside of the um the noco pass-through charger it's a dual dual window it's already sealed and covered up out there i got the the hole there for that coming through so hopefully everything's turned out pretty good here behind me you can see the door and the trim is definitely not finished yet i still haven't figured that part out yet but it's getting there all new door hardware locks it seals up i can get in and out i need to figure out some steps because the more ride steps that i want don't actually work this is a a door from oh i'd say what was that a like an old uh old camper old truck bed camper so it's only 21 inches wide the minimum the mole ride steps or anything else that i can see are 26 so i got to figure out something on that but i got the handle here all the latches and whatnot so anyways i hope you guys have liked this camper build that i have so far this is crawler hauler 2.0 my second iteration of trying to or attempting to build something like this so hope you guys like what i'm showing you i'll try to put in some more pictures and keep you guys updated on my next trip and how this goes but thank you for following along and hope you like what i'm showing you [Music] you
Channel: Code Brown Productions
Views: 652,202
Rating: 4.9090695 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, camper, bugout, crawler hauler, toyhauler, trailer, camping, jeep, toyota, tow, outdoor, adventure, explore, offroad, 4x4
Id: YtR-_rpAVfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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