DIY Concrete Fire Table

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and I have been looking at porch fire tables now for a couple months and unfortunately the fire tables the size of them that we want are roughly between four and five thousand dollars and I could not justify spending that much money on something that we could only use a couple months out of the year so I decided that I was going to go ahead and build our own fire table so I looked up a ton of different plans online and kind of decided to go with one that I felt that was the most stable cost effective and one that I could personally Tackle by myself so I did go ahead already as you can see and have started to assemble my project um but the first step of this process is to get the metal two by fours in the metal rails that we need and cut them down to length I did that by just measuring with us the course tape measure used a square for my vertical lines and then just use tin snips to go ahead and cut that I did try to use the metal grinder but I found that I wasn't able to see my lines appropriately with the grinder so that's when I decided to switch to the tin snips thanks to a recommendation by my dad but we will continue working here foreign [Music] [Music] so just going to give you guys a quick little update here the entire framework for the fireplace is now complete the overall length of this is going to be approximately five feet and then our width is approximately I think we made it um let me see here I actually wrote it uh it's going to be a total of 30 inches wide um so when I actually made the um dimensions of the metal pieces I took away two inches so our overall cut length is 58 by 28 roughly give or take and that's going to account for the thickness of the wonderboard that we're going to be putting on here to attach the thinset to um so as far as my structure goes most of the horizontal pieces are just the metal rail that you can get right at Home Depot and I'll include a link in the description below of all my materials that I used um but for the most part all the horizontal pieces are metal Rail and then the vertical pieces are metal two by fours um and those were not the easiest for me to work with only because um this is the first project of something like this that I've ever done so rather than having probably the proper tools to use I just went ahead and used tin snips you could probably use like a metal grinder but I couldn't see my lines very well and the first time I used it my cot was super Jagged so I just went ahead and used the metal tin snips so that kept that line as smooth as it could and then I just attached each of my connection points with these uh half inch sinkers and I'll show you those too and put those in the link um but they worked pretty well they sunk the metal together fairly easily and I'll show you just all these connection points right here too and kind of how I went ahead and connected everything so on each corner I just went ahead and put two two by fours kind of side to side there um just to give it some extra support and then as far as the top goes again I just use that metal Rail and I cut these um this area out right here so this would fit in flush just to give it some more stability and I didn't want to cut that completely off just because that's a good Anchor Point there and you can see those anchor screws sunk right into that metal really well this little area sticking up here is just because of that cut that I made it wasn't the smoothest but as far as these two by fours here what I did is I measured the total length and then divided it by four so that I knew how large my spaces had to be and then just measured accordingly and then just put a two by four in just so that the support and the load of that um wonderboard was going to be adequately supported and then here we have our hole for our fire pan unfortunately my fire pan isn't in quite yet so once that's in we'll make sure that that fits but I just used metal two by fours here to support those and again here at the both ends so we'll double check that once that's in and then here on the one end I did leave a 2x4 out of that Gap because we're going to use that as a door to put the propane tank in and out of um so all in all I think so far it's coming out pretty well um there's definitely been a learning curve here and there but you'll have that and then as you can see my little assistant is sleeping on the job but you'll have that good help is hard to find and I have gone ahead and cut um most of my wonderboard pieces out and have started to attach those as you can see right here so that's what I'm going to apply the thinset directly to is on this wonderboard that we got right at Home Depot so far that's been pretty easy to work with I just went ahead and measured my Dimensions out and then used a chalk line to make my lines and then used a circular saw to go ahead and cut that you'll want to make sure that you're wearing safety glasses as that's super super dusty but these are the screws here that I'm using to attach my wonderboard to again I just got those right at Home Depot and those have been working very very good to sync this wonderboard into this metal I'm not having any trouble at all getting that to sink right in so we will continue getting this wonderboard attached and then um we just have to apply the seam tape and then it will be ready to roll and get the thinset attached okay so a little update with the fire table we have all the cement board screwed on to each of the sides with the exception of the top that is not secured yet we need to as you can see still cut out our hole for the fire pan here in the middle um and on the top just because of the depth of the lip of my fire pan I went ahead and used a double layer of the cement board this top one here is the cement board that we used on the sides and then this bottom layer as you can see is just slightly thinner scalp we don't need your help it's just slightly thinner than the rest of it um this is the cement board that I've used on all of the sides I just got that right at Home Depot so the next thing we're going to do is measure out our hole for the drop and fire pan and get that cut out and then we will be ready to start using our seam tape this hole here I left for the door so that we can hide the propane tank right inside there so I have gotten the hole for the uh fire plate cut out here um I just measured the center of that hole so what I kind of did here is rather than line it up perfectly with the hole I already had in the framework I wanted that exterior lip of that pan to actually sit on the inside um of the cement board so I kind of had a border there so I just went ahead and measured my actual fire pan Drew lines in and then used the circular saw to get that cut out and we went ahead and attached those with the cement board screws so the next step for us is to utilize this cement board joint tape and I'm going to go around every joint and just kind of secure it down so it has another layer of reinforcement so this is the tape that I'm using and we'll get to it [Music] okay so our uh fire table has now four layers total of the thinset mortar on there and we're just kind of waiting for that to finish drying and finish setting um but this is just the standard color that the gray comes in um it actually almost looks kind of like a beigey cream once it dries completely which is perfect for what I want but you can also buy mortar dye that you could add in to the mixture if you wanted a different color the colors are quite limited from what I could find but um we're very happy with the way this color has turned out and you can apply your thinset any way you want I did start by using just a trowel and the float tool but I was not very happy with the way it looked when it was just flat so what I actually did was just applied it by hand meaning put a rubber glove on and just kind of like one in circular motion smoothing it out along the way and Cliff and I are really happy with the way it looks it gives it gives it some texture and that it also kind of gives it some dynamic in the color I don't know how well you can see that but overall I'm pretty impressed with my fire pit abilities here um so the last thing I'm going to do is I do have to buy just a small amount of mortar to kind of do this trim line here around the inlay and then the finishing touches here on the door I bought um a handle for the door and then some hinges just at the hardware store to kind of put that on to help keep that fastened due to the dimensions of our table I'm not able to fit a standard grill tank under there so we did go ahead and just order a horizontal 20 pound propane tank that will fit through the door perfectly and then we'll just lay horizontally inside [Music] so in addition to obviously the whole table I had shown you guys before that I put this door in the end here so down here this is just the gas control key um the igniter this is optional you don't have to do that it's just battery powered igniter right there and then I just added this little handle obviously for ease of access to this area and then inside we have our horizontal propane tank and then I had cut out a small hole here in the door for everything to fit in and then just added these two magnets that are pretty high strength just to help keep the door um secured to the actual table here [Music] long long time but it was worth it what's the key for little kids or something so with this key here um it's just a gas control or excuse me propane control so you can either leave it in there if you're sitting out here or if you wanted to remove that which we will end up doing obviously it's just a nice feature when our nieces and nephews are over there's no accidental turning the flame up and down so this is how you would control your flame size here with the amount of Gap or propane that's being released so that's all the way up there which is super hot and then here's down so that just helps control your flame size pretty awesome yep I think I did a pretty good pretty good do you have any suggestions for anybody that plan on building one any tricks of the trade you learn through the process honestly I had cut out the surf the center here to put the fire pan in obviously the fire pan is completely square but um the top of the table I didn't double check to make sure that was perfectly Square so once I drop my pan in Without Really damaging the perimeter here um I had to pretty much leave the pan in once I you know was through cementing it which I as you saw put painters tape down which helped keep the cement off of the pan however that was an absolute nightmare to remove just because I could not um then remove the pan so I don't know that I would do that again so definitely make sure everything is square um you can kind of ad lib as you go with the thinset mortar but it it was very difficult for me just because I don't have experience with it but I'm very happy with how it turned out um we were looking online at a very similar fire table as this a little bit smaller and it was going to cost us roughly three thousand dollars to have a high quality table like this and I was able to build this by myself obviously it took a lot of time but it ended up coming in just under eight hundred dollars so I was very happy with you know the the quality for the cost and half of our cost was tied up in the actual fire table and the glass we did purchase a high quality fire pan and high quality glass just because we knew that was either going to make or break the project so you could definitely get a lower quality fire pan and glass and save a ton of money but I think it's worth it yeah it looks really nice the only thing left that I have to do is go ahead and um seal all the things that mortar I'm just waiting for that to get here and then I will completely steal and waterproof everything but for right now it's fine it's underneath the covered porch but it will just be nice as an extra layer of added protection so here you have it and I will put um a link in the description with all the materials that I used um direct links to every product from Home Depot that we utilized so that will make it easy if anybody's interested and if you liked watching Kaylee build this hit the like button and leave her a comment and she might build something else for you guys foreign
Channel: KEO Vlogs
Views: 8,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fire table, DIY fire table, DIY, Kaylee bailey, concrete fire table, fire pan, fire, porch fire, glass fireplace, keo vlogs, cliff bailey, diy concrete fire table, thinset fire table, diy thinset fire table, metal frame fire table
Id: hP9J5d7z_OA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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