DIY Cheap Water Jetter System To Unclog Pipes - How To Hydro Jet

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[Music] all right how's it going today I'm gonna be showing you how to build a rather inexpensive water jetting system which we'll use to unclog any type of sewer drain whether it be like an exterior foundation drain or an interior sewage drain so what we're dealing with today is a clogged gutters drain under the ground and basically your only options are you can try to snake it out like a regular old old-fashioned mechanical you know metal snake that's one thing that works you can dig it up and replace the line that's obviously not a very good option or you can use a water jet system to unclog it and that seems to be a very effective system because it washes away all the debris while it's unclogging it and if you've priced it out to have someone coming to it is a lot of money to buy employed water jetting system is a lot of money but if you have a gas pressure washer then you're halfway there that is the main component the expensive component of the system after that we just need to fashion some kind of actual the hose and the nozzles the most important part someone is trying to save money and do things on a budget DIY so I've put together a little system here and hopefully it works good and basically all the parts that I use the links will be in the description below so you can click on that and there'll be a link to my blog with some of the other more detailed step-by-step instructions and links to the parts as well so the main thing is this hose here and I went with a 50 foot line and it's rated for 4,000 psi it's quarter-inch and it's got two threaded connections on either side depending on your pressure washer you know will depend on what you need to do to adapt it to work so there's a couple different ways to do it the expensive way to do it here's my pressure washer here it's got a m22 like thread on fitting in the front and you could get a shutoff valve that adapts to this and then after that we would connect that line and that would be how a more expensive like I guess you'd say real water jetting system works they usually have some kind of valve to turn it on and off but we're gonna do it a little bit easier a little bit simpler it'll work just as well so we're gonna leave this hose on here most pressure washers have fittings that come off on the end so if I take this fitting out here you'll see looks like this come over here this is the little adapter fitting that I bought so we'll thread this on to the end of the hose here and then we have another end like that here and that will go right into the end of our nozzle so basically we'll just pull the trigger like normal to activate our line on the other end of the line is the nozzle so it's got one high-pressure jet in the front and what that is for is as it's going down the line it's blasting the debris away and then if you look you've got these four jets on the back end of the mushroom here what that does is that pushes it further into the pipe so you it will actually help pull itself down the line for you just by using a water pressure while blasting what's ever in front of it with that one alright so the hose these are both quarter-inch lines but one of them has a swivel fitting it doesn't really matter but this is decide you're supposed to connect to the outlet from the pressure washer or your gun this is a side that we'll use on the end for the nozzle so I'm just gonna take a little bit of teflon seal these up get them tightened on there nice and tight crunches it'll be ready to connect it to the pressure washer all right so I got my fittings made tighten down nice and snug wipe off any excess Teflon and that's we're ready to go so it's still in this is the pressure washer is just as easy as snapping this in place and now we're gonna go try to clean out this drain see if this thing actually works so far press the trigger here so we're looking for here's the cutter phony working on they need to take this piece off Mike says it's clogged right about here so about three or four feet into the line I couldn't get any further so just get enough room to work i'ma leave the water off a minute see how far we can get you definitely when you store it you want to have it down in the ground don't start with it right inside the pipe is in the water will spread on the cool want to work it back and forth so it's already past the point we're stuck pull it back working back and forth there we go working working back in the area hold like this when again this park in a pipe it might try to get both hung up the solid pipe I'm definitely where my claws was all right so I got through my clog and then we're waved through my clog it's good to work it as far as you can back and forth I can do I mean I'm all about overkill so I'd bring it back up work at least five times that what you know the pipes are clean you can also get like a cheap inspection camera the way you can take a look for yourself to make sure it is clean but it really does work really well for stuff like this works equally well as larger plumbing like sewage pipes in the house this actually is almost a little bit harder because if it wants to get caught up on the ridges and the pipe here so under about $50 as long as you got your gas pressure washer you'd be to be able to do your own jetting you can even use this on like a septic leach field the lines that go out to your septic system etc so hopefully the video helped you out if you liked what you saw and you want to purchase the same type of setup for yourself like so there'll be links down below in the description be sure to LIKE the video subscribe and we'll see you next time Thanks
Channel: Jack of All Master of None
Views: 294,703
Rating: 4.8796992 out of 5
Keywords: Water, jetter, jetting, clog, clogged, pipe, pipes, sewer, lines, tree, roots, snake, snaking, plumbing, cheap, diy, pressure, washer, gas, how to
Id: EKeqgNBScUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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