DIY- Carve A Simple Scarecrow From A Block Of Wood

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hey guys Doug here fall is in the air and today we've got a fun fun easy little project for you this weekend past we're out apple picking and picked up some pumpkins and stuff too and remember in the last video I said I wouldn't do the pumpkin head man but I was looking around at the orchard and their decorations and whatnot and I seen a scarecrow and I thought I can do a scarecrow and the fun part of a scarecrow is that the the face really will be painted on because really it's just sewed on scraps of material so it's gonna be real fun easy carving today we're not gonna put the arm feel like that we're going to keep the arms down hands or just straw the feeder straw and yeah I've been playing around came up with a couple of ideas and I think I got it so I'm just gonna make a small little guy here this piece of bass foot is an inch and a quarter by an inch and a quarter by four inches tall and I think for the most part I'll use my instance recorder he'll be knife and I'll definitely pick up a be tool at some point but yeah it's uh it's gonna be fun like I said I've tried a few different prototypes and came up with something that should be fun and easy and like I said we're gonna end it by painting the face on without even any carving eyes or no is there anything so uh let's just jump in and do it well you know the drill we'll just find Center roughly on all of these and mark it haphazardly all right the other center marked and let's just go right off the bottom let's come up these this feet for the speed these feet they're not really feed it's gonna be straw so it's just gonna be stuff straw so I think we're gonna come up a little bit higher than we did in the past and let's go up a good healthy half-inch 5/8 and that's going to be all around the carbine so I'm just gonna dig right in here and put the center of that beat cut right on that line all right just mark all the edges first and we can really dig into this so now we're gonna go across we're probably gonna go a little bit deeper on that in the future but that's what we got so far and around the bat we can take all those bottom corners off and we can even bring that up from the bottom to the bottom of that be alright just kind of scoop it up yeah we did they're just scooped up into that and again we'll be rounding us off and working on this later but just getting everything in place all right head we got we're gonna put a hat on this guy so let's say we give them four hat what's that five-eighths there I'm gonna be sure yep five-eighths let's just go five-eighths all the way around and then we want the bottom of the head what a good sized head on so what's that so Incheon Pyrates so five-eighths and then an inch and five-eighths and we'll just bring that all the way around as well all right that's like so so I'm here on the bottom of the head same as we did here it will just take a beat cut on all the corners just establishing the neck and the shoulders are gonna be I'll just take that right out all right and the Hat now I kind of like to have the Hat lower the back a little bit so we can cusp with the difference if you want to give a little angle it you don't have to at all but if I go an eighth below the line and an eighth above the line that's fine too all right we'll do the same thing just gonna cut in we might keep this a little bit straighter on the top because that's gonna be the bottom of the Hat okay a little slight angle if you can do it you do it if you don't you don't no big deal but that means this is the face all right okay and then let's see we're gonna need the this is not all straw on the bottom the pants are actually going to come down you know a quarter inch on to that and then it's gonna flare out again so I think we need a jacket or coat so if I gotta measure that that would be from the bottom that's up yeahgood inch and 1/8 inch and a quarter we're not ready to cut that yet because I want to know where these arms are gonna be so there's a face so well we've got a nice straight edge here let's just come in quarter inch on each side and we'll thin this up after but a good quarter inch on each side and heck let's just slice it right out again this is not going to be where they end up but it's gonna give us an idea where they are and I'm not gonna come in this way I'm just going to kind of tone a bit angle and really I probably end up just kind of breaking it braking it out of there same thing in the back a couple passes yeah I don't know where armies don't really care how rough that looks it's not gonna stay that way okay let's get the same thing on the other side and we'll come back let's see what we did here I should have said - if you got a V tool IV tool just running up up those lines of work this is good all right so we got a real rough looking the most robot type man going here and now we can just kind of take these angles right off of here just come right across here I'm gonna start undercutting that head a bit that off of there see when you look at the back you see how those arms go up like that the arms are not added to the body they're part of the body see that the shoulders go over and then down not like that so that's why you're just go like a cut like that just join that to the body on the back here like I said it's always undercutting that head you're gonna try and thin thin the neck down when your shoulders round around it in the fun part is that all these clothes are gonna they're stopped so it's not like we have to fill perfect arms or whatever but while we got that line visible here well we got that line visible here let's just a little V cut separate the leg portion here just so we don't ever lose that line so here we got our man just before we go back up to the head let's find out where we want the we want the arms are stop because we want a fair we want a fair bit of straw coming out at the bottom so let's keep a little bit shorter if that was since we're gonna measure so let's go an inch and well they just say instant three sixteenths okay almost an inch and a quarter let's put a line on there and I guess the same on the other side all right arms can be just a little bit shorter so we can get the most the most straw we can four hands so I'm just gonna put a little bit cut there then we don't have to think about that again we know where the end of the sleeve is all right there we go okay let's just go up right off the bat here and take all these corners off right through both of them and good the quarter inch 3/8 flat spot this when we're done this guy you're gonna see that we basically filled the burlap bag full of straw and weave so on a face on it so there's no reason in the world that how straw for hair on the sides but we can also you can put lines in there and you could paint it orange it could be a it could be a pumpkin head as well alright so let's just kind of Brown the a bit of the face here your back just reestablish that line in the round say what kind of hat we want so I'll give them kind of like a farmer farmer style hat so I think right off the bat we're just kind of putting your knife and well it three sixteenths here above that groove and it's just hug off some wood it's my word of the day logging off I don't I don't think I've ever said that before oh I get off see how we're just kind of working it towards Center don't like that chatter on the night not too healthy but a little bit won't kill it you see what we rounded that a bit so now I just want to come in flat I'm just gonna come in in and down and down or down and all right just gonna get that little side part for the Hat all right so since I had some a bit of an angle I'm gonna cut the the line the cut lines off the top or the saw marks but we're gonna come back a little bit back on the back just to have a little bit of an angle mm-hmm let me get around off a little Nixon it's a worn-out hat the farmer didn't want any word he threw it on the on the Scarecrow so now I think I want it more of a swoopy hat so I'm just gonna kind of swoop up just play with this for a little bit I'm just sliding my knife just kind of love to kind of hang we go old worn out hat if I wanted to add a little bit of height to it - I could make a make a real tall hat and put a band or a ribbon around it - we're keeping this simple there's gonna be lots of things that you can add but we're going quick and easy today let's clean up all these little edges I'd say that's a hat we drew our line on here where the code is so let's just do one cut right in the front well we got to talk about a few things here okay so before we get too carried away with the code we have to come back to these arms here and that is straw and that's gonna come out of the the sleeves so we want to make a little cut on each side and we want to give that a bit of an angle Oh see how that actually is tucked in now all right we'll give a little make up bottom cut too and that can be rough you can do it crooked when we use our bead tool to make the straw maybe we'll make it a little jagged right but just want to establish that before we get the coat coming in a little same thing on this side all right now we can come back to the coat then want that coat to come around kind of up to the sleeve you can see by doing that we're getting more straw showing all right all right around that code quite a bit I'm just gonna be angled off there's a pencil mark won't cut the back [Music] I'm gonna give a little little pots in the front here and bring that down come on over the angle there you can see that clean out that corner all right that's where we are I'm gonna liking that straw I think I'm gonna bring that sleeve down into it yes so it's more like it's a hanging there like one are there yeah see how it looks like it's more this one's kind of more tied together we can change their mind like I said I haven't done I was just playing with a couple prototypes oh yeah I think I like this better it's gonna be looked a lot more a lot more scarecrow II like he's just kind of put together all right what do I want to do now is on the bottom of the pants here or the straw is really I'm gonna come up with a half an inch all right so we just kind of draw that line around half an inch that line is gonna be the bottom of the pants so that's just gonna be a little stop cut and we're gonna kind of cut up to it okay all the way around that shows the pants are flared out and this draws once you note you put these uh not together on purpose all right yep all right we're gonna work our way all the way around so from the bottom line here up to the ball the pants were just gonna flare right up so what else I want to do is we gotta split these pants a little bit here okay let's just come up a little bit back to you dig right in separate that legs ya see I went a little bit a little bit wonky I like that the pants not to come into that cut all right well then a little bit I clean up in here that's our feet until we add the straw day tale little shoe brush here all right let's go back up to the back up to the code here we'll give them a center look into big big color wrong on that I'm gonna be here I'll have these little pal here with us I have a draping down right color I should say all right onto the face very glad I pulled that together if I had more time and Mert didn't want to make this video an hour long I would be inclined almost to to either carve a little piece of rope you know around here or like tie off those pants are you in the drill a hole through there and and wrap and have a little little thing of jute twine or something just just tie it around there just the show that is tight off but we're not gonna do that we're moving on to the head I'm gonna back up a little bit I really want to give a nice round face the face round it is it going to be the finished the finished the face because we're not carving any any features of any kind in there we're gonna draw them and paint them on or you are I don't think I think I'm gonna come back with it finished but makes it really nice and easy all right but we gotta get the oil straw head separated before we can get that perfectly round so you could do a jagged top of straw but I think I'm just gonna come from the point there and come right down like that okay same thing on this side just gonna come down we're just gonna cut that out of there bring that face forward and you know if that hack comes out too far you can always bring it back a bit - yeah it's adjustable hat okay so we got the sides cut here but it's still we really gotta thin that face down so that we can see I want to see the straw coming from the side rounding rounding paper on the sides okay so now we get to here on the side here we gonna stick my knife way down in there excuse me and then the same thing this way that I'm just gonna pop that see now we've made a face same with this side right in there right in there pop that out now we've given the side under the under the jaw now I can continue rounding but let's go to this hair here the hair does not come out like that this is all straw so we're gonna do the same thing as before we're gonna swoop it in swooping it in try not to break your hat but we really want I want this the straw blowing out that's where we are let's get the the old beat tool going here and work on this straw I think I'm gonna start from the bottom do a bunch of these bottom type cuts a little work up that's where we are oh they'll be all right something I'd like to do too is uh people always ask me I always like to wet my carvings and it's actually only for for us to look at like it just gives you more of the shadows and highlights things for you all right guys here's our little uh our Finnish guy that you turn to okay actually I could probably use a few wrinkles and creases in the jacket still all around because remember this is the worn out this is worn out clothes this isn't new clothes you put a patch in the pants never thought about that either but as always the next one was gonna be better but anyway there's our guy let's put some little some creases in there a little bit of bright lip there but I'm not going to show the painting of this guy I want to come back with them all finished up but I want to talk to you guys about something back when I made the introduction in wood carving video it's been a couple of years and I'm just not happy with it anymore it's uh I can make about eight short little videos out of that one video and talk more about each subject from you know the tools the painting the you know everything the cuts because my email box is full every single day and I know you point someone to a video and it's like well at mark 13 this is when I talk about the cuts or what kind of knife or whatever so that's why I say I've changed even my paint paint your carving video I've totally changed how I do things since then and I like to think I've maybe learned a couple things along the way and I want to share them so I'm gonna be breaking down that whole series and I'm gonna make a whole bunch of shorter videos specific so each topic is specific to the video and that way I can just point to that video oh you want you want to know about what knife I have here watch this video or how I paint the carving watch this video so all I have to say is I'm gonna take this little guy here and I'm gonna look for a face somehow in here that's so odd it's almost like a jack-o'-lantern II but I'm gonna play with it and see what kind of face I can come up with and I'm sure you have already seen it because that will be my thumbnail so anyway I'll be back with a painted scarecrow and don't forget I could just as easily be a pumpkin face with straw and that is a wrap our little scarecrow man is done I did end up giving him patches just on the front here you see little red patches on the pants and the shirt so its eyes are a little bit different I don't know I don't know what to do so anyway that's her a little uh little scarecrow I think he's cute enough like I said if I did it again I think I want the straw to come out of the head more this way but it is fairly prominent being on the on the feet hands and head so you get the feel that it's a definitely a scarecrow you know second-guessing what the Sam Hill it is and what I did was I did like a real beige solid paint on the face I did the yellow solid but then I did the black the and the blue like one drop of paint to ten drops of water but then I also took my antiquing medium that I have not been using lately and I watered it down and did a just a real antiquing wash so I could see some shines on there because uh after I put clapman beeswax was it called clap men's beeswax salad bowl finish I'd like it it's a not a shiny finish when it dries and anyway there you go that is our little scarecrow and yeah I want to stress to you guys that honest to goodness I saw a scarecrow in a store and I said I said grabber scarecrow and that's what I did I wear I play with a couple different a couple different looking guys just rough trying to get some dimensions and a feel for it but if you can think it you can curve it and like I said I love that the arms are not-it's not complicated super simple leblanc Oh wood scarecrow painting the face was really fun I would do some research because his face is not the best bullet I never I never thought it through enough but you can do all kinds of different things for the face and like I said you can you can cut pumpkin grooves and watch the pumpkin carving face video you can make his head a pumpkin if you want and have a straw for hair and the pumpkin head so anyway lots of options lots opportunities show you one more time I think I've done this ten times now but scarecrow project done and watch for my introduction to wood carving I'm gonna get right on that I think and I'll probably put the videos though like every couple days just to get through it but I cannot answer all the emails and questions all the time and be very specific so I on a break down the topic so that we're in the introduction in wood carving and make separate videos for each topic and hopefully we can answer a lot of questions without a lobby email all right so my dad well we decided to help and promote the carving firm for as much as I can like I said what - uh I keep forgetting Wisconsin the wood carving show and man I saw some real good wood carvers so people tell me they wish they were as good as me I'm da god I wish I was half as good as those guys so all in time but I'm just content as anything to fiddle around little guys like this so I'm gonna shut up and I'll let you go so thanks for watching see you later
Channel: Doug Linker
Views: 115,656
Rating: 4.9530859 out of 5
Keywords: woodcarving, carving, whittling, folkart, handmade, maker, woodcraft, scarecrow, basswood, helvie knives, doug outside, doug linker, hand tools, how to carve, bushcraft, diy, beginner woodcarving, woodworking, whittling projects for beginners, folk art, wood carving, how to, whitting, carving caricatures, whittle, crafts, knife, craft, how to carve wood, handcraft, hand made, diy projects, wood, hobby, craft ideas, tool, diy crafts, carving tutorial, tutorial, do it yourself, fall crafts
Id: e8sZyxS8Zbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 45sec (2565 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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