DIVORCE Mother in law IV || Episode 2

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] everywhere [Music] everywhere [Applause] some people say that life according to the bible is not possible they say it's not possible they try and try to rearrange and interpret so it's permissible hey but you see this creature you see this scripture it is written by inspiration of god and it is needed for correction for reproof and direction and instruction righteousness and holiness that the man of god may be complete totally equipped on to every good word hey [Applause] [Music] but how is doing your daughter she told me she has finished her services yes she's at home you know kung leto is coming back home yes he's coming back home in a month's time he has completed his master's too you know we need to act very fast now that he has agreed to come back home how good will it be for the two of them to come together as husband and wife i'm so sorry i came late the woman did not come on time what is your problem you left the house without fixing anything for me what type of a local lady are you you need to go back home and learn some home training you started again go ahead and talk back at me use less girl without home training shortly go inside now and pack all your bloggies and leave this house right now i'm done with the ideas what his loves and beats me messlessly your husband he's not born again mom he loves manners and he does not fear god father have mercy on me i have been treated to your plans i have tampered with your glory i am very sorry lord please forgive and correct the terrible foundation i have laid for my daughter lord please mommy by me everyone stopped to me say i am very sorry for everything only i've done to her we cannot be looking at them like this i ought to have called you know but i'm ashamed of the whole situation our mother in history we are also sorry too i just believe this matter will end in joy how is the baby and how have you been coping god is helping but she still misses her mum thank you for accepting me i was ashamed and afraid of facing you i am sorry i put into this mess look we should have allowed god to take his place in their lives i have learnt my lesson we are also learning my sister and we are learning though we have good intention but we fail to consult god and to involve him and god will never share his glory with anyone exactly no man may god have mercy and forgive us in jesus name so my sister what are we going to do now prayer we need to go into serious prayer and go back to god that we refuse to call from the beginning he has been waiting for this time we need to go back to god and ask for mercy we need to pray for kuni antoi too okay but is that all i think think we need to call them together to talk sense into them the way we talk them into the marriage they are not prepared for and we are paying dearly for it now yes i know i have messed up or you don't need to remind me again you know we can't just hold our hands and watch them helplessly i'm sorry but we must not fall into the same mistake again that is why we need god's intervention this time we must rise up and reject the spirit of divorce because it is coming close but it must not happen in jesus name amen you are right my sister ordinary words cannot stop the devil but by the power of god thank you mommy i didn't see that way you are a mother indeed i have not been myself over this issue you know i'm always afraid of what will happen next we have to be on god's side if he will fight for us that is when we carry all our bodies and drop it at his feet and stop worrying god on board me too he used my brother and his wife a marriage counselor to open my eyes and see things from god's eyes they ministered to me and i receive my peace so it pays to come to his presence and talk to him he has been waiting for us because the foundation of this marriage is faulty only god can repair a faulty foundation amen thank you so much for those words of faith my faith is lifted can we start the prayer tomorrow can we fast along yes ma it's all right by me it's all right by me [Music] thank you my sister the lord will answer our prayers in jesus name amen amen amen god bless you ma thank you ma thank you god bless you bye ah it is well do ye why are you toying with your home god has given you wisdom to build your home but you're not using it the bible says in proverbs chapter 14 that a wise woman build that our home while the foolish pluckett it out with our hands sir i did not plan to have a man like this i have been waiting to marry a mother will love me but all my dreams of the future was shattered did their mom introduce me to colleen i reluctantly agreed to marry him did you pray about it i only prayed as a child of god but i did not wait for the answer according to mum she said they have prayed all the prayers we need to pray so i was actually relaxed about the whole thing perhaps because his father and mother are ministers of god but to you let's forget the mistake of the past because i know if you are not actually interested in this boy you won't agree to marry him of course ma conley has been my childhood friend before he traveled out we both grew up in the church but he has completely changed from the person i knew before we got married he did not develop the streets when we were cutting at least we caught it for five months it changed drastically immediately we got married no love no attention he does not respect anybody and he's very proud he treated me as if i begged him to marry me to me why did you always leave the house without your baby a good mother should not do that it was not intentional man he's fond of snatching my baby from my hands to prove her pointy's mother confused and tired i don't want to have anything to do with him again [Music] he does not appreciate me including the baby i have for you this is not marriage at all i want to get out no that's okay that's okay you are seriously overwhelmed but you have not actually brought the matter to god have you you paid attention to pain and disappointments and that is why you are bitter this is not a man for me i am ashamed to face god because this is not the life he planned for me i can't continue with him i can't continue with him [Music] i need to divorce him ah no he has treated me severally with it now i think i'm ready for it his mother will take care of the baby i want my life back to you god has been waiting for you on this matter your parents meant good for allowing the two of you to get married only did you know about god in the matter but at this junction you need to remember that you have been joined together in god's presence have you gotten married he's still your husband to you you must forgive yourself so that you can move on to fulfill the purpose of god for your life because god still has purpose for your home don't deceive me in street foods and sin this man is not okay at all it's just unfortunate that mom pushed me into this list he pretends a lot evil to his mother they don't know you and i don't think i'm the only one in his life he spends his time talking with this lady outside the country [Music] holy ghost afraid i see this is not marriage at all [Music] you say you can't rule that out what he said there is friends they are his friends why you are his wife you are the wife he married and that is what you must believe you are the only wife he has he may have so many friends and you must believe that and refuse to see others if you desire to have his heart back to you again can't that be possible yes my dear it is possible very possible if you get it right in the lord's presence and allow god into this situation to help you can you talk to god about this situation please now pray for me now to me you must open up to your heavenly father ask him to forgive you for the wrong foundation you lead in your marriage asking to forgive you for not involving him in this matter ask him to forgive you of all the bitterness the hatred the anger ask him to use his precious blood the blood of jesus to cleanse your heart and to eat forgive only your husband to me you hurt me you need to forgive only your husband so that god can have mercy on you to me it is important to forgive fully so that you can be on the low side and allowed him into the situation to help you this morning has haunts me [Music] it's me i did not begin to marry me marty swing [Music] whatever happens you must be on the low side if you want him to help you you must forgive your husband and it must be from your hearts that is the only way god can help okay that's okay that's okay please forgive me [Music] oh my god i am sad i am happy but i forgive you for it oh you have done me oh lord please forgive me too [Music] for all i have done against you have you been dragging this innocent child into the smiths [Music] i am sorry lord please [Music] forgive me lord i miss you lord [Music] father in the name of jesus amen we ask that you have mercy amen we see this foundation with your message heal the broken heart let your power touch only where he is in jesus name break him down lord let him have an encounter with you break every shackles over his life pull down every marital stronghold in the name of jesus [Music] hey [Music] i wanted to ask what have you done to join do you notice anything yes she said she's going to her husband's house and she even visited our mother-in-law yesterday my dear god has started working and i give all glory to him you see the mother-in-law called me yesterday she was so happy to see tony in her house hey tonya decided to go back to our husband this weekend wow hallelujah the woman cannot wait both of them will be going together with the baby honestly i'm so happy i am so happy and i thank god but don't you think you should follow them ah no no it's not necessary it's not necessary don't you know that we have been praying and fasting for them for sometimes now you are pastor missus of course okay and everything you are seeing now is just an answer to prayer yes they all answer to prayers god will complete and perfect the rest and you see we'll keep on pressing the button until our desire is established yes and you see mummy tife my brother's wife she said we are visual careers yes all women are vision careers yes i don't understand which vision are you carrying are you of course me you concerns me now you said that tony is changing something is changing about her you never knew that we have been praying and we have been fasting for her and her husband and you are not involved did i involve you well you why must you involve us you both started the problem and you should know the best way to fix it yeah is that what you will see actually actually actually you have to paddle me for that statement but don't mind me um but you are the forefront of that problem you both started the problem and we are the back contributing to it you brought the idea of the marriage or even better still let's say matchmaking name and we indirectly you know agreed to it and uh it was like when eve suggested the the fruit to hida and uh sarah suggested that got to ibraham um it was because they are secretly interested that is why the thing happens like that great bible teacher but i think those women did that during the time of their weakness and mama sarah fixed things back when she got strong she claimed back what the enemy wanted to steal from her our holy son god was happy for her because she claimed our child back even when daddy abraham is not when when he was not aware of the plan of the devil yes well um the lord we continue to strengthen our women spiritually because as far as home is concerned you are at the forefront everything but even including the children everything is in your hand because whatever thing you do or say in the home stance god committed the home into your hand that is why the bible says every wise woman builds a home and i agree that we are the one that you deal with so we are your primary vision everything even including the children are from us it means mommy to face right when she said we are visual careers she's very right she's correct because you have changed i must convince you our home is peaceful despite the situation we are passing through now i must comment your prayers um the only thing is that you disturb me many times with your long prayers but i'm getting you i'm getting used to it continue to carry the visual visual career sound good how are you you're welcome god bless you [Applause] thank you greet your wife mom please i'm so sorry dear please forgive me i know i have not behaved well please find a place in your hearts to forgive me think about the innocence child whom god has given us unforgiven this marriage can still work again because god is still interested in it despite our faulty foundation god is still interested in us you are my husband who i married in the presence of god god has forgiven me and i've forgiven you too please find a place in your heart to forgive me please my husband please thank you thank you i thank god for bringing this home together again you need to forgive your wife 22 has forgiven you there is no room for divorce no or never even your father in heaven ate it you need the presence of god in this house so that you can flourish and be fruitful i pray that the presence of god will not depart from your lives and your home in jesus name all right can i prepare something for us i brought some food stuff no i am okay thank you [Music] so how did it go just normal and casual but i later called tony not to worry at all when i asked her she didn't say much she just said all is well my sister that boy must be broken we need to intensify our prayers that stony heart must become a heart of flesh in jesus name amen god will surely perfect what he has started in jesus name i'm even contemplating or bringing him to your people the marriage counselors to counsel and pray for him i don't think it is necessary for now let us keep praying and trust god for the next move okay thank you my sister my regards to daddy too okay ma thank you ma all right bye god bless you ma what could have happened to her unbelievable she even knelt down for me this must be one of our eating agendas to portray me as wicked before my mother she must be joking she must be joking i'm done with this marriage at least i have satisfied them all what what is all this nonsense going on i'm sorry to disturb you today the food is ready and i have saved it okay why did you come back what is your problem i thought you said it is over between us why did you come back into my life i am done with this marriage it is over i am sorry for everything there please forgive me i said those words in hunger but god has forgiven me i have changed please find a place in your heart to forgive me do you think i'm talking i said it is over between us leave you almost ought me where do you want me to go you are the one i married this is my house i am going nowhere because you are my husband how are you my dear i am farmer how is your baby antoine doing she is here mom okay give the phone to alex migrator [Music] how are you doing god bless you and now is the situation now thank you mommy the lord is in charge ma hall is well hi is daddy please greet him and tell him to rest well [Music] we are about to hit ma okay ma do you still want to speak with koni i'm happy now thank you all right i'll call you again tomorrow good night thank you ma good night man tell me and why did you do that who are you trying to impress my lord jesus christ is because you're my husband only you married me in his presence when you are done with your foolishness you will go back as usual no my dear i am not foolish i'm only doing what my father wants me to do not jesus oops i'll stop crying okay i'm sorry but you see i know it's not easy i know but you have to pay this price to silence the enemy yes and see the more i tried the more the desert he hates me auntie i am tired i pray god's the scriptures live well to be a good woman but he's not seeing any of it at all now listen to me the more you walk in the will of god the more satanic influences get weakened in your home and family in the spiritual you may not see it you'll not even feel it but i'm telling you god is working on your behalf now keep walking in the will of god be a fool for god because darkness cannot overcome the light keep shining the light and darkness will disappear it will bow when you have successfully done the will of god by playing your role god will justify you and at the end you reap enjoy remember thank you ma can i pray for you now emily father i thank you i thank you for your daughter [Music] the greatest commandment [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] has taught me to love i will love i will love his own people i will love everybody jesus taught me to love i will love [Music] what have i done and why are you fighting me he is mine he belonged to me before he was called to africa to marry you how can you come from nowhere to claim what belongs to me i think you can have peace you were never married you were just a friend you tied him down to satisfy your lustful desire that is none of your business your time in his life has expired this time you will go back to your parents house never to return again kune is mine remember god does not bless a marriage with a faulty foundation our marriage may not be perfect but we were joined together as one flesh in the presence of god so you see this marriage is in covenant with god the father and it is forever is already in my bondage and nothing can change that here is why the word of the lord says in the book of lamentation chapter 3 verse 37 who is it that speaks and it comes to pass when the lord has not commanded it and also in the book of eclipses chapter 3 verse 14 whatsoever the lord do it it is forever nothing can be added to it can anything be removed from it and god break it that all men should fear before him and so you see god is not a liar this marriage is forever [Music] coolest heart is in my hands it can never be used the bible says in the book of isaiah chapter 49 verse 24-26 shall be prayed taken away from the mighty all the love will come to the river but just here to the lord even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and the prayer of the terrible shall be delivered i will continue within your content with it and i will upon the word of god and upon the blood of jesus i command our my husband [Music] [Applause] jesus jesus jesus jesus christ jesus thank god he has come around now well [Music] but if i may ask what actually caused it doctor we have to keep him here till tomorrow to observe him and see how he improves okay no problem thank you very much so how is he feeling now he's getting better man but he has been silent since morning and has refused to eat he only asked me to call you and daddy daddy has a meeting at the church but he will soon be here ah i'm here already [Music] tony how are you doing welcome thank you yes sir where is he now he's on his bed we can go inside okay [Music] so [Music] your wife said you want to see us what's going on what happened what why are you crying that is why we left everything to be here [Music] dogs i am sorry for everything i have done to you and to god [Music] i have sinned against god [Music] i have sowed my hands you see i have gone far away from god just this morning i cried to god i asked him to forgive me of my sins i am sure he has done that but he told me to confess my sins and that is when i can get total victory then speak up speak uncle you must be bought to expose the work of the devil even in your life to have complete victory what happened to you was not ordinary from what the doctors said they saw nothing the holy spirit once revealed to us in one of our prayer meetings for him that he needs to reveal the work of the devil so that you can have total victory in your life and your home please dear expose the work of the devil in your life before god god well i am very sorry [Music] please forgive me for what i'm about to say [Music] i have a lady in my life in london [Music] even though mom had won me against it several times but i didn't listen we engaged in sin several times even though i knew she was not the will of god for my life we continued to see before before i came up for the marriage finally and after that we continued in the relationship i have deceived and lied to you to him i am very sorry forgive me jesus christ [Music] and so what brought this encounter yesterday night [Music] during the attack i fell on the floor i became weak and unconscious then i heard an audible voice which says that i should confess and repent he said that was my last chance and my only window of grace i discovered my spirit was actually removing from my body and a force was pulling out of my body oh my god but immediately the voice stopped speaking that i saw someone in white like an angel but in the image of tony she engaged in the battle with the forces and snatched me away from his hand that was when i fell on the ground heavily and shouted that i became unconscious that was when you ran inside and saved me ah tony told my agent i am very sorry for the pains i've cost you indeed you are a fatal woman thank you jesus your fate and endurance ombud me [Music] you are the wife whom i married and like you usually say you are the one who are married before god and together we shall fulfill purpose thank you for loving me thank you thank you jesus thank you my dear dad mom thank you for everything i am very sorry for everything i've done please forgive me truly god deserves all praise he deserves it [Music] all that is happening now is an answer to prayers glory be to god the eyes you just need to thank god um shall we pray [Music] away tonight of ages we appreciate you for all you have done for us if not for your mercy if not for your divine intervention we will have been telling a different story honey have you started cooking no day i've finished cooking come on you know i would have loved to help no signs in fact i think the workload in this house and that of the baby is too much on you we need a house there where's my phone i need to come up no day don't stress yourself the doctor said you need to relax we'll call her later okay so can we now go over to the table definitely [Music] sorry dave the last tea horse should i bring the food over here yes it's too hot i felt terribly that night but thank god for his message boy i can still manage no no no let me man it no don't worry dude i'll bring the food over here let me just go thank you [Music] who's that again his mom hello how are you dear i start ah that is okay how are you too hope you are getting better and very well tony is really trying in fact i think we need a helper in this house because the workload is too much for us and the doctor asked me to rest there is no way i could help but can we get one tomorrow tomorrow god can do all things and he will provide one for to him you just take things easy and rest very well okay yes ma'am give the phone to tony sister your husband said you need a helper tomorrow i see but you go buy one yes mommy my husband believes that with god all things are possible shall we be expecting one tomorrow preferably me [Music] anyways i'm happy god is working on your husband don't worry i'll try to get one tomorrow or better still i send one of my maid to assist thank you mommy my dear say thank you to mommy thank you ma okay take care of yourself god be with you bye so marketing a helper very soon thank you can we go to the food parts now okay now let me bring the food thank you [Music] [Applause] what's the meaning of this have you calling your number several times no response what is wrong with you what is going on hello good afternoon who is this who am i speaking with colleen's wife is the one speaking how may i help you please please could you give the phone to kundi or is he not around can you leave a message because i should leave a message with you or what hey do you even know who you are speaking with yes i know you are parts and do you know me too i don't i told you already his wife yes i'm conley's wife that was why i asked you to leave a message because he might not want to speak with you for now all right now that you know me can you please give the phone to conley i want to speak with you man is important hello part how are you what is going on why all this drama why do you have to give the phone to tony since when did all this start why are you doing this to me you have not called me for almost two weeks now i wanted to find out if you bought the tickets that we discussed in our last conversation konley kunle are you still there can't you talk pat my wife has spoken are you okay i am sorry the kunle you intend to speak with died two weeks ago this is a nucle died how when what happened parts can you now leave your message oh joey i'm so sorry but i'm confused i thought i was talking to coonley you did not tell me that he was dead what happened how when what's going on parts listen to what the bible says in the book of second corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 therefore if any man being christ is a new creature all things are passed away behold all things are becoming and also in the book of galatians chapter 2 verse 20. it says that i may be crucified with christ [Music] nevertheless i live yet not i but christ lived in me and the life i now live in the flesh i live by faith of the son of god who loved me and died for me therefore you see only has been crucified and is dead in christ but is now a living man living a new life in christ are you okay what aren't nonsense are you telling me pat i will advise you to drop those nonsense and allow christ in your life he will save you and give you a new life so jesus christ has saved and delivered my husband from your hand and satan has lost his battle forever in our home allow jesus christ into your life he will save and deliver you good day no no no no no no shut up shut up shut up idiot caught it cut it cut it on that step what a deliverance no no no no no [Music] yes [Music] congratulations we thank god for the victory the lord is good thank you dad thank you more i can't thank you enough thank you for your prayers and for bringing us especially my wife to the knowledge of christ she explained everything to me how the lord used to vote to stop her from signing that divorce paper wow thank you so much we thank god he's the lord's dream we give him the glory that our deliverance brought our family and our lives together a love and endurance actually melted my stoney at that moment the spirit made me eat my wife i had already begun to process the divorce paper i've already gotten the flight ticket without my parents concert but there was a force that was pulling my attention back to my wife i began to see a new twin and a godly virtue and a love to me despite my hatred for her our godly virtue began to break the wars the enemy has mounted in between us suddenly the scale fell up my eyes oh i saw my wife the god god has given you daddy mommy what do you want to do thank you so much it was the mean stand up god lord you you see satan always wait wait against the home to make the sweet marital one become bitter he does this when the husband and wife no more walk in the covenant they initially meet with god he does this so that the husband and wife will fall away from god's blessings and favor because he knows that god hates divorce you see there are always going to be storms in marriage but the solution is that husband went to call upon god to have mercy and he will rise for us god commands his true blessing when there is unity and oneness that is what psalm 133 says that is where the lord commands blessings let's pray for them [Music] father in jesus name we thank you for the victory you have connected unto us father we pray to accept our thanks and praises in jesus name that there will be no accordance with any of these crises again in jesus name [Music] it is [Applause] there's always a place of mercy whatever god does he is a merciful god and he sees the hand from the beginning my own case was worse than that of color because i was a young believer when i got married to this my beautiful dancer god gave me my heart desire but the enemy struck after waiting on god for the fruit of the world through my mother no okay when i don't hear anything from you and your husband refused to do something about your situation ah what situation something must be done about your case i've promised your father that your own case will be different what's going on between you and mama i just received the message now from oyo that mama is very sick so i'll be on my way to you i'll come back this evening by god's grace okay how are you i'm fine how are you thank god very fine please i learned that my mother is sick how is she doing now is she getting better aratini but thank god you are feeling better now mama i will soon be going because i do not plan to sleep okay yoko you and deborah you are sleeping in this house tonight [Applause] some people say that life according to the bible is not possible they say it's not possible they try and try to rearrange and interpret so it's permissible so it is permissible some people say that life according to the bible is not possible they say it's not possible they try and try to rearrange and interpret so it's permissible hey but you see this creature you see the scripture it is written by inspiration of god and it is needed for correction for reproof and direction and instruction in righteousness and holiness that the man of god may be complete totally quick [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Damilola Mike-Bamiloye
Views: 277,230
Rating: 4.9126315 out of 5
Id: Aihvp_GXDNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 1sec (3601 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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