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[Music] I am an engineer I reunited with my wife and a little daughter two years ago they have been living in the United States for five years a name is Sarah billows I have the anointing and the calling of God upon my life so I guess it is okay if you call me pastor see baby don't call me that again what do I call you from baby laws anyways you know it's one hundred and twenty dollars an hour it's there what you heard me one twenty dollars an hour so bill does spend a whole night how do they put you wanna go the whole night no not just in one hour I will be gone I should be done you just open your mouth and call the price give me the privilege to name a price let me cut it down so how much is it 120 dollars an hour this is a fixed price or fixity unless your price tag be flexible now you just hold on the price as if it is one seed of business we are talking here ordinary rods get business or is it economic meltdown that is also affecting your body now you're getting on my nerves are you you know out smart it's mine now hundred and fifteen dollars that's all I have for now okay let's not have fun it is called fornication call it whatever you like it's a free country follow me [Music] [Music] [Music] okay shall we yeah yeah you know mr. bellos an hour goes by so fast so I was doing this or what yeah [Music] how it looks somehow I don't get it don't you think we're too far apart now you're talking to the Asha we speak for yourself okay come closer I think we need to get to know each other better I'm a prostitute try to do my job that's all you need to know about me as an assistant pastor of a small church before I get to cancer anyone I usually get to know the person better because it makes the work of counseling effortless please allow me to know you better so that this show of shape can come easily for me this is purely business another short chain there's nothing shameful in this I only try to make up done when I gotta get some fun oh please like you know the defense what exactly is your problem are you impotent or am i unattractive or not active excuse you and also distracting look at yourself do you attract you your makeup is too excessive even your dress is too revealing because I'm a prostitute a dress for my job okay as for me this ain't responsible and well-dressed ladies attract me like your church OSHA's don't insult me lady don't insult me I'm I'm trying to teach you how to be a good positive and now you are certainly the pastor teaching me my job what is this world coming to so why exactly are you here and what exactly do you want my wife [Music] she pushed me to the wall she is beauty a curry advisor and tearing me down she has become the husband and I have taught him to the wife ah [Music] I heard the call of God to be his minister when I was single I was known all over the country even my reputation spilled over to the US here I knew you must have had many you meant a baby for God's sake stop that pass 30 bit does that even sound right everyone here knows you as tea baby Timmy baby if that is not your name then I haven't heard your name my future was great my destiny was bright and my focus was shot but yet I am today about to sacrifice my integrity on the lapse of an Asha hello I'm still here sorry I was carried away just like my wife carried away the bright future that God asked for me and replaced with the future she has for said she wanted me to be subject to her dreams by omens when I was single I saw the warning signs but I thought love covers it all I was a fool now this is what my wife has pushed me to do I have a surrender my body on the order of immorality and infidelity we can have me now my hands are hickey me you can undress me huh pasta I really think you have some screws used what where do you think you're going your time is up the show is over my sister that was no sure my brother you were the show hmm I remember when I was a kid a preacher used to come by the house to preach to me my brothers and sisters that in the last days many Christians and pastors will fall away from God into their things I guess he was talking about people like here [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I gave for concern please take a seat can I ask you a question I'm listening if you find yourself in the wrong examination Hall righting a wrong paper for an exam you prepared or your story's too hurtful what will you do I don't think I understand your question sir okay do I walk out of designation or or I struggle to finish a field as a so I'm asking you this question because I made a lifetime misty my marine a wrong person blank walk out of the marriage or I stopped to make it work [Music] we start Sunday Bulow's I suspect you know the answer to your question if I did I will be here well [Music] the decision is yours you either run out of the examination hall in shame or you continue to write an already field exam if you can't provide answers to my question what are you a cancel some answers are not gotten from counselors you have to sit with your wife and talk this is an internal affair that's you she listen she has got two years but they are both busy [Music] okay did you drop the keys under the cafe this time I did good because yesterday you forgot and I was locked out of my own house for two hours would be for you to come back yesterday I was held up here and I have been trying to explain this to you over and over again to test message but why can't you pick on me cause I have told you this before my line of work does not have time to engage in meaningless discussions and besides I knew it's going to end with screaming and nagging as usual you thought I was dying in the hospital tell me please what kind of meaningless life is this my yesterday she had my voice yesterday can your voice order hands can your voice caretta here can your voice look into her eyes come on get your hobby box to yourself and get out of here for [ __ ] I believe we're done you can either leave or you wait for me to call security [Music] we are talking about your data here she met you when did you add Vista you know that five times this week and each time she sees me she gets asked before a mall what do you want me to tell her tell her money's fine you want me to tell you that I you are fine well you a siik mister tune their pillows your session is over please leave this is Sara BIOS my session is not only one but dare you hand that into my life it was good see today I organized the good it's very distinct positive so that you can enjoy yourself and have a good time and enjoy your night spots you keep talking about your frustrations and the history of your ministry and you are of your mind you see sometimes I feel like getting white and getting loose and to all those nasty stuff nasty nasty stuff you call them nasty they are not nasty storms [Music] there are stars and what people who say you shouldn't get is it not the some of your movie you can't you don't care about what people say what does it matter anyway I mean fast oh yeah Oh today come on dad you a pastor who attend you assistant pastor see today hearing about your wife all the nasty things she does disgusts me and I tell you that lady that woman you call your wife she's if she is if she is not it is the devil I organized a lady it very decently be to take good care of you so that you can forget you and I know that your definition of the word decent is impaired oh my friend this time is not a process I am gone don't you want to give up Roland I am done by the way when are you going to get settled you are really getting wound so then me Saturday are you said to yourself yeah have set you said - no no no no you are not cetera if it is done I know you are really really done I think I will see you in the office tomorrow so quickly I live in me okay well if I'm running late tomorrow you cover for me yeah oh you won't come up I do [Music] dad yes baby where is mom your mom is fine dad yes I remember some of my friends taught me you want to hear it yes of course don't give up it's not over when you give up then it's over hold on to the Lord and let him lead you on because when you stand it's not over I love you baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you mama this video wise is a heads up ladies you mean my daughter has not be prepared if I did here for you she'd be busy sirrah why haven't you been preparing this for your husband like he said I have been busy I see I see anyway how is the lapa Vanessa sighs fine in fact our Coakley give a hand how far to cover work in America what you declare this really that was stupid didn't you advise her she told him that if a husband and our children will not come along with her Teddy should keep the offer that's so like the Lucknow anyway mom what brings you here I had a dream you mean you came all the way from Nigeria just to come tell me about a dream I came all the way from Nigeria to come and give you our money both of you both of you know from you were from the lot I saw this house on fire I saw casualties I saw both of you crying mommy no fire ste she could stop the fire that I saw in my dream but you could have called me on the phone so that will discuss the dream so if you cannot stop the fire at isometry that is why I'm here to fight with you mommy we are fine we don't need you here with us right now we're doing okay you are doing for me yes mommy we are fine to do morning you have set about doing fine she did she write [Music] today yes it is well [Music] [Music] [Music] oh ma are you okay take me out sure way to market market market supermarkets it's about what is permits move okay we are losing our markets look at that boy is very child is sick and if he is not taking the devil we have him yes it starts with spiritual sickness and hang with it today if you and your wife don't rise up and become one the enemy may steal your daughter fight now before it is too late fight my MA we are fine there's so much it's in that house your pretense can't fool me and definitely it comes from God if one of you is asleep Debbie hope but when two of you are deep is it all we wake you won't mind if I go to D son wake up now I'll wake up your wife because the fire I saw in that room was are not controllable mama I'm very sorry to say this but I think you are taking this dream too far you are taking it too far this is America things are not as drastic as they are but oh it is obvious now that the church you attend in Nigeria is having great influence on your perception of T's 20 what an you see it is obvious in your church that you attend backbone is fire pointees fire consume that if I have borne everything what we remain right from the day you came to our house new status a fire qualifier in our room fire kitchen fire everywhere in the house fire see I'm very sure it will bring this law when everyone is caught you will see fire thank you so much sir for giving me this privilege to see you in such a very short time also called me that you called in for counseling what is not available so it helped me to take off the mantle you a new member by George yes sir but not to the Lord what's up so I've been going through a very serious marital challenge and crisis a few years ago my wife thought I hanging out with some women they corrupted her the influence that she's taught to go into church she stopped praying with me and all of a sudden she suddenly saw me as a devil the situation was becoming very embarrassing when I left my other church I've tried to win her many times but she seems to be getting worse all the time trust me James I think I can relate with what you have passing through but let me tell you this there's light at the head of the Tony a belief I see your family if only I loved your family sir really yeah thank you so much it's some pretty to go server times to make my home like you are you okay I'm looking I'm looking a few weeks ago I saw your wife's face in the front cover of a magazine you challenged me hmm I picked up the magazine and I knelt down and prayed to God to make my wife like your skin okay as flattering as that is it is always best to use the Word of God as a standard yes I know but it doesn't hurt to use someone as a point of contact I can't argue with that I hope us a positive James it's getting worse my brother even if you don't see any result keep on praying sorry to entrust you to know that I heard she's sleeping around that's terrible people tell me that they see how it's different man so what do you want me to do have come for your advice sir do you know it is not a sin if you move on he has broken the marriage vows but pastor turned a devout and made to God in a marriage altar was in sickness and in health she spiritually sick I think this is a test of our marriage vows you are still holding on to a woman who is 20 your life into immense sum holding on to a woman who would turn my life into a message tell me one man was done what you had Mina hoe see wizzy it's a very good friend of money Howell activity unfortunately his death so sorry for that but you can read about him in the Bible oh you mean prophet oh yeah yes God taught Prophet Hosea to get married to a prostitute because he wanted to pass a message to the world a message to people like me remove the prostitute from buzias life and his purpose is gone James you want my advice move on yes sir I do but I want to fight for it the Bible says in Ephesians chapter 5 is 25 husbands love your wife just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her Christ did not come for a perfect bride he came for a messed-up bride God hates divorce are you here for canceling on you came here to answer me don't kill yourself before your time my friend now tell me what wiII happen if you see one of those guys that she messes around [Music] why are you shaking this is how I'm gonna shake the hands of the man and meat and I were telling thank you for making me stronger have a good day sir [Music] yes my mother keep me posted [Music] she's not America's bunny your TV's on fire we're setting you on fire my TV your TV setting you are [ __ ] that's crazy today what's going on with you something has been going on with you lately what do you want well you gotta get here right now because the club too is on fire now I can see that the club is really on fire and this is how you always with your life now and then I'm a player I'm a player and the kind of life that I mean sometimes it's frustrating to me myself sometimes I can't help it I can't help it but this lifestyle will take you to hell I tell them see I tell them I even begged them but they would not listen the ladies did that is taken common and sometimes I'd wonder why God Himself made me so irresistible Rowland sometimes I wonder if you have those sets of questions like what is your purpose in life if it is purpose to spread love though spread love you guys they can testify that I spread love I distributed every day by the way so why am I here today Oh today have you forgotten you forgot that I told you that tonight I'm gonna hook you up with a lady hit me please this time around we'll go to the careful please please I beg you don't tell I am need ministerial story of yours those thoughts I tell you can can't put away ladies and please I beg you don't win this opportunity this time okay please thank you yeah my friend today see meet my friend stability the guy you have been dying to stop I tell you okay mr. villas this is Clara and I'm going to clear out of your wigs right now you guys can enjoy yourself while I clear you don't mind Clara thank you I think about Hey hi I'm a straightforward kind of girl so I'm just gonna come out with it straight I like older men and so I think they're hot I think you're hot and I'm married you're married but you're not happy well I am no you're not once such conclusion look I've been checking you out on Facebook and yeah your status as you're married but your pictures say something totally different I know all there is to know about you you are frustrated me I'm not okay baby calm down I think I'm over here to fight with you don't call me baby okay oh I get it you want me to call you daddy you obviously do that but Master look from the first time that I saw you I just knew that there was something between us and you're the kind of guy that I'd like to spend my time with you so uptight you need to loosen up look we don't even have to define this relationship let's just take it easy hang out and say red mixes I don't even know you let's take baby steps baby baby steps this really looks strange to me because I don't know you oh we can fix that pass me your napkin come on give it to me all right so what I'm gonna do is give you my number call me anytime and get to know me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can I commit so what are you doing trying to finish up something I brought back from the office Sarah you are always too busy for me for the past six months now you have carved this room out for yourself alone now you have a problem with that yes Sarah even when you are in our room you made your body in no good area for me please I do not have the energy not the time for your noggin tonight we have gone over this issue several times and I do not want to talk about it again tonight ah besides you make it look as if I've never allowed you to touch me no no I never said that I never said that but this is not fear this is not fear okay when was the last time you are allowed to meet love you I don't keep a diary of such things what I do it was the day you came back from your uncle's birthday that night I told you you had a new perfume on you remember it was July 18 then there is definitely a serious problem you see with you since you have started learning how to keep record of the last time you slept with your wife only I never made to upset you by the way you look so beautiful tonight you smell nice you bought a new perfume please I need some sleep tonight I had a very busy day at the office please just excuse me just excuse me you have no idea what I'm going through my dear you're a pastor go read your Bible and learn how to control yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome mom mom what are you doing up so late you ought to be sleeping I was sleeping the son of your car Walkley hope you are welcome thank you mom lady yes ma'am is this how you people live here yeah I only see you three or four times B P Anna food for your hospital he has always been eating moody or hopeless I'll bring food from the office I came earlier to deal with food from the restaurant and now see is it in conference for today and here you are it was calling at this time without even asking him if he has eaten a lot you are going up day to go asleep mummy did he complain no that's it because he understands we are all so busy here mummy this is not a point of concern in our family besides if he's hungry he knows where to get the food mom I don't like the way you're making it seem like I'm neglecting my family night both this issue that I raised is of paramount importance to your family mama Levi there is nothing to understand I am busy you are busy and you know it goodnight mom [Music] you [Music] hello good morning who's this Oh daddy you don't know my voice Oh Clara there we go and how did you get my number police I can't believe you're asking me that question in this day and age the slides I already told you I'm a girl who was shot to get what she wants I'm glad you picked my call I didn't know it was you whatever so I was thinking we need to hang out I am a very busy man come on daddy Sidra what will you do you didn't tell me for God's sake mommy's not why you're blocking my path I've told you one of the counselors didn't show and I had to take a shift sailor shift away this [ __ ] before it shifts you to L what how important is this job to you Henning is this so important than your husband is it more important than your children hey will this work grant to hustle to ever mom I am tired of you trying to run my life I am a grown woman here that is a point Sarah you have no life this is not life open your eyes and see for yourself if you have one you are overstepping your boundaries and I don't like it oh don't know what let's stop it that I will call you back you promise yes I promise I'll call you back [Music] your daughter is sick your husband is miserable and here you are walking home hunter Kari will use this briefcase as if III guarantee you as a clip mommy that is it I'm paying you you're together you're going back to Nigeria this night you are casting me out of your house Sarah you have custody out of your house not only my house but also from my life we were okay before you came set up to meet her Sara Sara whoops I think that was a foolish way to talk to your mom one more one more word I swear I'll divorce you unless you want because of your miserable life tell me hello hello is everything okay yes everything's okay I will call you back okay thank you straight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] today please - please it is well my doctor said I should man is not the behavior of my wife ignore it is well it's too late already attack Zenon wasabi here mama mama it is way to do [Music] [Music] [Music] doctor good afternoon Hawaii what [Applause] [Music] [Music] when you give up babies hold on - hello daddy need you [Music] [Music] missiny she's still very easy she asks that you leave a message with me thank you [Music] excuse me sir you can't go eat [Music] Roland what is the right why you think your wife is no this one is your wife no this woman she's your wife Timmy [Music] as you thank you thank you very much [Music] sir what happened are you okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] judy judy I'm sorry about sister very painful I was at the heavens when I received a serious cover she was crying so hard to talk back to me soon what is happening excuse me mama 20 what is going on out of my way mama talk to me soon please I am living to me no no no no no no no no Kingdom a today you can't do that your daughter will tell you that [Music] sorry-sorry cannot bring back another your sorry cannot bring back my [Music] whoo-hoo not the devastated yes that any fire oh that's because of this roof ah my coat my coat radicals will be fire you are you had a consuming fire the fire that consumed hard all the fire do you agree the mighty oh you are big oh my god sit and travel had a mention of your name God you have given my Lord Jesus that name about ha ha journey under the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue was confess yes that's my Lord Jesus my Lord Jesus is the Lord yes God oh yeah God thank you Jesus [Music] hello hello hello [Music] hello hi I knew you would call I know you would peek so what's up I want I want us to hang out okay so this evening no this afternoon this afternoon are you so desperate to see me but let's go I'll text you wait to meet me okay I will call you back I will call you back okay all right I'm sorry text back and you get this [ __ ] good afternoon can we enter No so let this is nature well meet the new me not a single word from the mouth tella mama tella not a single word if you still want my door open then tell her to keep her mouth shut - rose in meteorites let's leave this matter aunty masters fits it's already at my feet and you Sarah thank you thank you that is what is left of my miserable life don't skip to take my chance she gave the devil a chance when she made the first move in this game and I'm going to prove to her that two can play this dead again [Music] she has changed today she has repented and I have an appointment mama your time is up penny please together no Tootsie [Music] [Music] pastor Sunday it's me I know James Holley I heard what happened to your daughter yeah oh I'm sorry about that I have moved on I wish I could see you pastor I'm slightly busy now I have an appointment so what's up i I just felt you need some company when I heard about the news of your daughter I broke my heart forget about it I'm fine are you sure is anything I can do for you okay it is well with you I'm praying for you and praying for your family Thanks hi Joey well she's worse in fact she's actually avoiding me but I got a plan really oh yes I intend to get her a golden ring and a beautiful flower I plan to surprise her today hey good evening how can you afford that well I want to finance one but if I can't I would dive into my savings and get her one do you know where she's why I don't know where she is but I will look for her and I will find her all the sacrifices for my like that I respect you about you a strongman thank you thank you thank you thank you are you sure you don't want me to come over trust me just take it easy darkness in control yeah sure [Music] there you go [Music] don't worry I order this room service [Music] James are you doing here to 2 million [Music] we did not to you yes but I did [Music] [Music] positive how is it you this muffin the friend yes what about his wife she's lucky I brought him [Music] [Music] whole note my god your ward says if my people who are called by my name we hold themselves I'll seek my face I'll bring you said you were healed yet heavily father [Music] we have seed against world hmm we have ignored your bonus and forsaken your instructions you are rich in missing you are rich in messing and grits in wonders the devil's hell is to set fire in every home all over the world what father in the mighty name of Jesus we set the fire with sister fire in Jesus name you Jesus you will cease you will cease let there be light and those things just won't just looked a tearful degree an idea that's that this is hook because because in the name of Jesus just not foolish tits fire hold push this final note and stop and stop this wretched pain in the Jesus [Music] [Music] can I call me yes you can [Music] I don't know I don't know wait wait was that our pastor Sunday [Music] thank you James please no no thank you for making me stronger [Music] pastor Sunday I forgive you [Music] I forgive you from the bottom of my heart it's okay it's okay [Music] [Music] come mr. Tolliver I would love that hello hi nice to meet you I am today Bulow's and I am Sara billows can I come in please take the lead I rather you walk beside me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus we need the fire to consume all the hosts of darkness and all its works to bring us before yokes and chains of evil to purify and cleanse us from within I said we meet the fire funny I said we need the fire [Music] Jesus we meet the fire to transform every darkness into light to illuminate the road as we are walking to guide us on a path to eternal life I said we need the fire I said we [Applause] the fire release the fire from the heavens with ease the fire from on high [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Damilola Mike-Bamiloye
Views: 530,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bamiloye, entertainment, Nigerian Music, Gospel FIlms, flamming sword, Mount Zion, Nigerian Movies, Nigeria, LIFE OF THE BILLOWS, NACEDRAM, Damilola Mike Bamiloye, movies, Mount Zion films, Nigerian entertainment, Wale Adeyi, Nigerian films, films, ANCEDRAM, Damilola Mike-Bamiloye, Damilola, Christian films, Joshua Mike-Bamiloye
Id: _p0vuXeSnnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 54sec (4674 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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