Divorce Lawyers Share MOST Screwed People They Ever Seen (r/AskReddit)

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ah slashes credit divorce lawyers of Reddit what's the most screwed you've seen someone does it count if I divorced a divorce lawyer we were very young 26 I think when we separated were together little over three years she was still just an associate of course that she worked for the largest lawyer firm in the country with a phone a book long worth of names in the company name and evil-looking giant glass building we bought an apartment I never wanted and we bought it before we got married by we I mean she put 30 K she got from her father as a gift into the furniture and a tour and appliances and I bought the [ __ ] to be the apartment in the very worst time about one year before the recession where prices were inflated like hell even where she started making almost as much money as I did she did not contribute to the mortgage payment she always used to bug me about paying cash she never had one coin on her and regularly asked me for some cash because ten years ago paying with card was not as common for example in taxi buses newsstands etc so to shut her up I started paying most of the expenses with debit card and it saved me a lot of money because in the divorce she expected we will sell the apartment and she would somehow be entitled to half of it in my country if I would buy it after our marriage that would be the case long story short even with the lawyer from her firm who made my lawyer look like a toddler in a suit she went out of the marriage with one car that she insisted we buy a VW Golf mk6 with entry-level basic trim that cost 16 K year we had it about four months before we filed for divorce it was in her name but again those 40% down were paid from my account the market value of the apartment after the recession hit also EU market fell down about 25% so if we would want to sell it after the bank would get what they are owed we would be probably owing the bank a five figure amount long story short she got the keep the car and I got the keep the apartment I never wanted but to keep in order to lose even more money on it for several years I could not even afford a car to drive to work but I managed to pay off the apartment after seven years and sell it with nice profit but even the fact she got to keep the car was my good will the judge studied our account history where it was clear I paid for dinners groceries car maintenance and for every euro I spent on our household she spent less than 20 cents and that was with the 30 K from her father even our wedding was out of my pocket including her dress so my friend's parents had a particularly nasty divorce married for 20 years not because of wife but the husband husband was completely blindsided everything was fine he got to come home from work and sit in a recliner and eat the dinner that was made take his son to paintball and ignore his daughter and wife perfect wife wanted to go counseling and and asked several times over about five years and husband refused nothing was wrong well finally wife wanted out and filed for divorce and moved out while husband went on a four-day paintball trip well it goes from there he wants to have a family meeting so she and kids go over and are ambushed by his redneck trash of family he has a gun his friend tried to physically restrain his daughter my friend 19 at the time but her brother 15 got him off her horror [ __ ] well after three nasty years of divorce it's finally over he doesn't have alimony but he has child support for both kids and he has to pay cellphone and health insurance until each kid graduates from college well here is the justice Bonaparte the husband is Amorim he was horrible to his daughter my friend so she stopped talking to him well the idiot said if she's not gonna talk to me I'm not paying [ __ ] and when he mailed the child support check it was one-half what it was supposed to be and included a handwritten signed and dated note saying something to the effect of wife not naming names on here this check is for the child who speaks to me I'm not paying for the one who doesn't and if you say anything to me about or give me any shirt I'll stop paying for him to that school you idiot hand right sign and eight concrete evidence of your contempt of court and extortion needless to say did not work out for him one of my father's friends tried to solve the earth before getting divorced a rental house in the cabin would eat it to relatives the cars they drove everyday were sold to other relatives for tiny sums stocks handed over to a trust for the children et Cie he even vanished a chunk of cash from the company he co-owned with his wife using phony invoices and stopped paying himself a salary electing to burn through their personal savings for over a year instead he learned that judges really really hate when you try to hide or intentionally diminish assets and they will absolutely refer you to prosecutors for fraud I don't think he did any jail time in the end but his ex-wife got everything plus the satisfaction of firing him from his own company the couple had previously owned my house I now own did that not sure which went scorched-earth though I was renting through a property management company then one day I got a letter from the management company saying that I could not renew my lease as the house was entering foreclosure I freaked as I liked this house and wanted at least a couple more years before buying well I went online to search and found that not only was it being foreclosed upon it was bought at County auction a couple months prior it was a done deal I called the property management company to set up some viewing of new homes and the representative gave me some more details basically the couple had about ten homes as investment properties but they are going through a divorce whoever handled the finances stopped paying all the bank loans and property tax the property management company had ten families going through the same [ __ ] I did I actually really liked the home which I knew it was going to auction as I would have been there to bid what ended up happening was I met the new owner who sure up at my doorstep telling me he owned the house we spoke I got his details and ID and verified he was the new owner he wanted to flip it assuming it was a trashed rental house since he bought from auction site unseen we made an agreement that I would buy it as long as prices worked out in each of our favor I paid rent to him during that time and six months later we closed but holy crap whoever was the finance handling person of that couple in the divorce threw away ten houses and probably hid the rent money income during the time they did not pay bank / taxes just to screw over the other person I regularly get mail for them lots of court notices which I have to return to sender always with mr. or mrs. last name from a law firm or the county friend of mine as a divorce lawyer his favorite is the time the husband in a bitter divorce got some slimy lawyer and said he would out lawyer her and break the bank before giving her anything she wanted this was in front of my friend a lawyer he looks at her and says I'm working for you pro bono free from this moment forward he looks back at them and says I got all day my wife's ex-husband tried this regarding child support they agreed to work on the payment outside the court system because it would save both parties money he told her he could afford $200 a month maybe 250 dollars a month but that would be the absolute most he could do she felt that was a little low but told him to let her think it over and she would get back to him he then spent the next several days after King her if the $200 figure would work because he knew someone who would type it up and then they could both sign ended up finding the state guidelines for calculating child support payments and plugging in all the numbers said his payment should be dollar sign 800 - 850 she countered with asking for $400 because we didn't need the full amount to take care of the kiddo buy him things he needs on top of doing fun things dude outright refused and said there was no way he could afford that much because it would impact his lifestyle too much she pointed out he was offering less than a quarter of what testate said was the minimum amount he should be paying dude still refused so then we had to get the legal system involved lawyers were hired numbers were discussed in mediation and still he refused to budge he was told by the mediator if this goes to court the judge isn't going to care if it impacts your lifestyle mediation failed a court date was scheduled the date arrives and he walks in with a brand new lawyer the hearing got pushed because a new lawyer didn't have time to prepare for the case properly having been hired like two days prior next court date they tried to bypass the custody authoring by pushing for a change in custody that fell through because it was based on him having a picture of my wife standing by a mutual friend of ours next court date he walked in with a third lawyer and the date got pushed again rinse and repeat [ __ ] like that for eight months before finally a hearing was held they'd last long enough for the judge to look at the numbers involved she said his child support at the 800 plus figure and that was the end of things it was the most ridiculous petty thing ever he ended up paying over twice what my wife was asking for and manged to rack of thousands of legal fees divorce lawyer and mediator here I once mediated the case of neck but vtiger more it must have started out as the perfect dream for neck bird he landed a hot asian wife brought her to this country but once that green card came through things changed they had a daughter together and the case was mostly about her tiger mom had zero respect for this guy and try as I might to maintain my empathy I've never felt a greater urge to stuff another human into a locker two of his demands really stand out he asked for the following injunction tiger mom shall be enjoined from discussing neck butts weight in a derogatory manner specifically tiger mom may not refer to neck that as fatty tubby pudgy or baymax normally I wouldn't take an offer like that to the other side I'd normally help a guy come up with something more sensible but everyone including his lawyer just could not take this guy seriously so I wrote that out verbatim and trotted over to Tiger mom's room of course she thought it was hilarious she had a super thick accent and said my daughter call him baymax cuz he looked like baymax I can't fix that he have to fix that there comes a point at the end of the day when everything is pretty much settled and people are dividing up the [ __ ] in the house of course neck that has a meltdown at this point and it's over a damn Nintendo switch for the daughter tiger mom made the very sensible proposal that the daughter take the switch with her to each parents house as she goes back and forth neck that freaks out and demands a switch stay with him at all times because there's no way Tiger mom can take proper care of it mind you the attorneys are billing enough to pay for three switches an hour at this point I don't know what happened to the guy but I do know calling him baymax could land one lady in contempt of court after the most hilarious enforcement trial of all time and he owns what's probably the most expensive Nintendo switch in the world edit while thanks for the gold a little extra info based on some of the comments yes I'm a jerk and I was a bit of a bully here I could have presented his offer more diplomatically but life is short and I knew it was gonna be a good story and I had to hear the baymax story from Tiger Moth injunctions against disparaging our common and important and the one they got was broader than this as for who is the victim here both neither neck that had sex at least once and it was way out of his League he also has a well-adjusted daughter and plenty of time with her if he wants to take it he even has gaming in common with her Tiger mom had to put up with this guy for a few years but now has a prosperous life and a lovely daughter I say Tiger mom because she was impressively focused and dedicated and hard-working they both had good jobs and she was very serious about parenting there was never much doubt she'd get the kid primarily I can answer for a friend his wife was divorcing him because he's an unreliable idiot he figured that he was smarter than everyone so he dragged out the process as long as he possibly could making it as difficult as possible on her scheduling and resettling meetings not showing up promising to do a thing and then backtracking later refusing to negotiate at all I think his plan was to make the divorce so difficult on her that she would just stay married he was also doing all this pro se so her lawyer had to deal directly with him after a year of this his wife had had enough she told her lawyer to make it happen so the lawyer set a date and the court served him notice of the divorce proceeding she showed up to court and he wasn't there so as the only party that she got a very one-sided deal she got their business custody of the kids the house and all contents her car and the bank account he got his car his clothes and half the proceeds of the sale of the house when she decides to sell it that's it he found out about this when he called the court a week after it happened what had happened is her lawyer served the divorce notice to an address in a different town with a similar name normally this would have been caught by his attorney who would have received notice directly from the court but since he had no attorney there was no one other than him that the court could send it to he finally hired a lawyer and tried to get the settlement tossed as he claimed he was never served but the judge said there was nothing he could do edit I have relayed this as best I can and as it was told to me most of the details come from my friend the protagonist in this narrative so why nmv I did look up the public court records and they appear to corroborate the events in as much as can be determined I know only a relative of one plus I know both of the parties but the sheer WTF factor of the whole case more than compensates a teacher starts a job at the high school I attended at the time and immediatelly starts hitting on a student student is now 16 y/o teacher is female Worthington literally drying on her diploma so 24 to 26 things progressed to the point where school administration takes notice and while the teacher isn't doing anything throw your ass in jail illegal local ALC is 15 it is one of the things that can get her fired on the spot this is Europe firing a public employee without a bulletproof case against them is extraordinarily difficult school administration is lenient and she ends with a stern warning and is prevented from teaching in that particular class ever again student graduates sometime later they marry build a house and have two kids fast forward 10 years teacher now in her early 40s repeats the performance on another student again m16 yo school administration tells her she either resigns or they will go all the way on her tanking her whole career in the process so she does her husband kicks her out of the house and files for divorce and here comes the kicker neither party wants the kids and the teacher continues her relationship with the new student despite everything that happened I represented a woman whose husband had attacked her with what was essentially a broomstick but instead of a broom at the end there was a metal scrub brush when the time came full trial I figured the other returnee an old professor of mine was going to ask for and get a continuance why because there were pending criminal charges for the assault and the guy can't just remained silent in civil court as he can in Criminal Court if you refuse to answer a question in civil court the court can take a negative inference against you when the husband's lawyer and I were talking prior to the hearing he told me he was going to have the hearing today unless I was willing to drop the alimony claim I think he took my questioning him if he wanted a continuance as an indication that I was unprepared since I wasn't I told him I was going to have the hearing and that his client was going to be my first witness husband's attorney said his client would please the fifth and I told him the Chancellor would take a negative inference a feeded husband's attorney said the Chancellor will do what the Chancellor will do clearly trying to intimidate me into backing down on alimony so when the hearing starts husbands attorney is looking a little miffed that I'm still pushing for alimony and at this point I have an assistant bringing the broken weapon used to attack my client the wooden handle stood propped next to my desk in the scrub brush lay on it I called husband as my first witness husband's attorney jumps up and objects that this is improper and that I have to call my client first I tell the chance of a Rio respond when he cites a rule there is no such rule in this court the Chancellor smiled turned to husband's attorney and asks him which rule he's referring to he withdraws his objection and then says his client is pleading the fifth I respond that this is fine but that his client still needs to take the stand so he can invoke that on each individual question he doesn't want to answer so the court knows where to take a negative inference against him the Chancellor sides with me and husband takes the stand so after my warmup questions I ask husband what happened on X date the night of the assault he contends wife had driven Donuts in the yard he had been working on and that she then got out of the car and started swearing at him me that made you angry didn't it then it was disrespectful me that made you angry didn't it then it would have made anyone angry me slow enough that it sounds like I'm talking to a foreign toddler that ma D you and cry didn't it then it sure as hell did Chancellor if you swear again in this courtroom I'll have you arrested me you said she was disrespectful and her actions would have made anyone angry right Tim yes me you didn't just take that lying down did you here's where I'm figuring he'll plead the fifth and I'll get my negative inference and move on but before his lawyer can jump up to do so husband answers ten of course not I hit her me you didn't hit her with your hands to view Tim no I hit her with that stick you got over there he actually pointed at it me you hit her more than once didn't you Tim I hit her until she got the point probably three or four times his lawyer is literally faster coming at this point me you hit her hard enough that the end broke off didn't you I'm holding up the metal scrubber Tim turning to his lawyer is this where I'm supposed to say I don't want to answer cause my criminal case needless to say my client got her alimony I represented husband and wife was extremely extremely bitter against him her first affidavits in the custody action were like 50 pages of angry ranting about his various failures as a husband and father including soirée too much information about his masturbation habits the first thing the judge did was strike all that from the record husband was not the greatest husband or father but he certainly wasn't the type of violent deadbeat who deserved to never see his kids again which is exactly what wife was going for the property division and custody fight dragged on for about four years before I got on the file and husband hadn't seen his kids for about three of them wife made application after application for parental evaluations and supervised visitation and restrictions on husband's new girlfriend's from being around the kids and on and on and on simultaneously the property division was extremely contentious as well these were solidly middle-class folks the only reason wife could afford to drag it out so long was because she had a ton of her own exempt money that she was perfectly willing to burn on making sure husband was as screwed as he could possibly be the lawyer my god what a piece of work I hated wife's lawyer so goddamn much absolute dragon of a woman she drove me all the way around from batshit to Stockholm Syndrome by how hard she refused to ever compromise she's the number one lawyer I would recommend to anyone who wants to skull-fuck their eggs and B has a spare 100 thousand dollars to pay her eventually we got the property divided the divorce finalized and the first visit husband had had with his kid in a couple years surely everyone was tired of fighting by this point haha no wife immediately filed to move with the kids to another jurisdiction where she had more family support husband was plain out of money to fight at this point he was pretty defeated we were off the file so I don't know if wife succeeded in moving the kids but she probably did in wife's deference one of the kids had some pretty severe emotional issues that husband probably exacerbated I don't necessarily think she was wrong to want some degree of supervision or restrictions on husband's parenting of the kids and wife absolutely did need family support to care for that kid and hold down a job and husband was the type who talks more about wanting to be a good parent than he was actually willing to put in the effort either before or after the split but my god couldn't they have reached a compromise on the parenting and property and then spent all that money on therapists and visitation supervisors and parenting classes instead of on god damn lawyers Jesus edit for all y'all saying that wife should have lost custody what if I told you that best interests of the child is not in fact code for punish the [ __ ] ex-wife kids were definitely better off with wife as a whole I think the thousand spent on the legal battle could have been better spent but husband wasn't contesting wife statuses the better parent to have primary custody now but here's a couple they have a kid she gets pregnant again but the prenatal testing comes back with really bad news the kid is going to be severely disabled with a raft of health problems he wants her to get an abortion she says no the baby is born and her condition is just as bad as predicted so he's got my sympathy up until this however he gets a girlfriend files for divorce he's thinking they'll just split everything and here's his idea of the split she can have one the one that had four surgeries before she was a month old and requires 24-hour care who might eventually learn to speak a few words but will never understand why she is always in pain and he'll take the healthy kid she can have the car he'll take the house he just wanted the wife and child to vanish and he admitted this to the judge the judge was not impressed wife got custody of both kids the house the nicer car and he was ordered to cover all the medical expenses for the rest of the disabled child's life I was told he started to argue and his lawyer told him to stop talking nope dad wanted visitation only with the healthy kid so the judge ordered him to pay for the disabled kids care during every minute of visitation time so mom could have a break guy starts to argue again and his lawyer told him to STFU if he wanted to have any assets left at all now this happened in my family my uncle and his wife divorced and the wife was awarded their matrimonial home which was fully paid by my uncle they agreed upon the terms who will have what upon separation signed on papers and was recognized by courts basically what they agreed on is the wife will get the house but no alimony the reason for the terms they both agreed on is upon consideration that the separation happened as his wife had cheated she found the terms favorable as she will be able to get to keep the mid seven-figure house though she will not get any alimony fingers before they sign the papers my uncle paid a down payment 50% for the house to undergo a huge renovation well into the mid six figures range the house is valued at at mid seven figures so it is a relatively luxurious house when the divorce was finalized the renovation was only in the beginning state walls were torn down a lot of sands piles of construction material here and there toilets dismantled kitchen dismantled etcetera etc basically still in the tearing down phase at that time they were both staying in another smaller house my uncle owned my uncle refused to pay the room finding amount for the completion of the renovation and informed the renovation company he basically straight up told the company the house is not as anymore and he will not pay the remainder since he already paid a huge down deposit the renovation company did not take back the materials left in the house and just left everything in the house and stopped at whatever stage of the renovation they were on and just stopped going his ex-wife was basically f--k ed since it was agreed that she will get their house but no alimony they have no child so there is no child support either so being a stay-at-home wife she has no money to complete the renovation having no savings and no alimony to depend on and on top of that once her family found she had cheated they basically ignored her so she has no money her house is basically unlivable and my uncle has absolutely no interest in spending another dime on her or her house thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Id: iIfe4GSRZC4
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Length: 27min 40sec (1660 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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