Divorce Court: Diamond vs. Raheem - Unknown Secrets

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today on divorce courts diamond and our high school sweethearts and everything started off great but recently she's been very controlling and verbally abusive and she just can't stop talking to her exes before me and Raheem were intimate we were real close friends when we got together we unleashed some unknown Secrets some unknown feelings we have two kids and we've been together seven years and he's still playing games we recently been talking about getting married and I do love her but if things don't change I don't see a wedding happening [Music] ladies and gentlemen I'm here with diamond Adams and Raheem McRae the two of you have been together for seven years you have two children together and you still can't decide whether or not you should marry so you've come to me you filled out my compatibility test and given me your license with permission to tear it up should I think your union is ill-advised Ms Adams I'm going to start with you why do you love him but are concerned that marriage may not be the thing to do I love Raheem but I feel like he controls everything try to controls every situation he has a problem with mixing business with pleasure um so I just feel like um there's trust issues give me an example of the control what what things does he try to control that you think are inappropriate controlling like um we have a son and if um he wants to discipline Iceland and I feel like it's too harsh you feel he feels that I need to stay in my place that's not a woman's place to even try to overcome but we're parents so I feel like we should compromise you should listen to what I have to say and I'll go with what you have to say too but we we both parents but he feel like no you're overstepping your boundary you need to stay in your lane I'm the father I'm the man I have the last say so Mr McRae is that your general philosophy with respect to no ma'am the home no ma'am I actually I feel like I should run my house on my family household as a kingdom would a king a queen a prince of Princess so it's not as if I'm putting myself before you as if I want you to be beside me you know like we're working as a team on me basically but do but if there is contention about something she says Hey and you say B is it your contention that b should oval rule a simply because that's what you said I'm not saying this right or wrong I'm just asking you what where you're coming from no ma'am not at all she's actually she's actually overdoing it right now that's not even what it is when I say something I actually ask her if she agrees with it most of the time she just doesn't agree with it so that's where the issue comes into play she wants to run run things her way and I want things to kind of go my way there's no compromise there's no compromise you say that and we're going to talk about all of that but you also said you you don't trust him that there are trust issues what why don't you trust him I don't trust Raheem because Raheem is a jack of all trades he's an engineer he's the artist he do tattoos and piercings um one day um he was in a hotel and he do sessions with like Studio sessions and when I had woke up at 5am I had to go to work I was at a gas station and I seen his car at the gas station so I stopped and I waited but a woman came out instead of Raheem so I followed the woman to the hotel and it was raheem's room and when she got out the car I asked her who car is this she says Tony that's raheem's little artist name Tony snow so and I said okay well can I see the keys because this is my car too she says no this is Tony's car so I take the keys out her hand and I open up the door he storms out he pushes me out hurry up and pushing me out which I feel like he should have put her out but he's steady pushing me out and he said he was doing a studio session but I see no Mike no no no uh big records no nothing it's just her in the bed in the in a room so I feel like you're messing with her or something's going on Mr McRae what's your response to that first off I do I'm a mobile type of person when I do my business so I go from city city state to state doing tattoos piercings or Studio sessions this particular time it was an early morning tattoo session not a studio session so that's why the equipment wasn't set up the reason why she was driving our vehicle is because I was going to get ready to get in the shower and I don't want another woman in the shower exactly no you're digging yourself a hole here Mr McCrary instead of having the lady uh my customer in the room with me while I'm taking a shower I sent her off to the store to get her some beverages or anything to make herself comfortable while she was there why did you need to take a shower before you were gonna like this I just got back in from town I hadn't had a shower I've been on the road all night she knows this I travel and I do my business the way I do my business when I got there I told her to run to the store by the time she got back I'd have been fully dressed and ready and had all my stuff out so we can get started on the session she just so had a session where you have it a tattoo session a tattoo session not a tattoo session going to the shower and when you come at you glistening in water it's not like she was in the shower with me or something I thought she's making it seem like she was in the I want to believe you're an industrious dude doing the right thing but oh that's a little rough to swallow but I I want to move on to a couple of areas and I there's Adams you believe he's pimping out women contention is that he does his tattooing and his piercings in private parts of people's private areas of people and so he has to do it in hotel rooms so I want to know who's doing what to who and why okay I went through his phone this is one occasion and it was about a piercing but the girl was asking can he she period can he Pierce her private part right so I was like okay this I mean I know that's your profession but it's a little flirtation going on here because she's saying oh you don't want to do it you don't want to see it oh you don't want to pierce it well why you got to say all of that like you want to fondle with it no that's the most stuff so I don't I don't I don't condone in it I don't I feel like you try to put your your profession in and then try to mix it with pleasure no I don't I don't condulge you still haven't gotten me to pimping so we're gonna work on that when I asked him about the altar Cajun in the room his explanation was that she was going up to a room she'll do what she has to do and bring me back the money for our families so that's pimping isn't it Mr McRae I'm going to give you an uninterrupted opportunity to explain to me the nature of your business because I'm still a little stuck on the woman in the hotel room so do you in fact specialize in piercing and tattooing people's private parts I don't get caught every day to do somebody's private part right right but I do do piercings every day right so when somebody does call I'm not just going to turn you down or turn your money down your money's still green I'm not going to turn you down just because you want a private area and me and her have spoke over this plenty of times actually since we've been in high school because that's how long I've been doing it and well she says the woman was flirting with you on the phone and it was the same woman that was at the hotel is this is there a problem surrounding this particular woman no because we never had an issue with the person at all it was actually just a customer I can't even recall her name fully so it wasn't any type of personal relation and her speaking to me in a flirtatious way doesn't mean that I engaged in that type of conversation if you ask her I actually turned her down and told her no I keep business and personal separate period And I said that in the text message what but he let her drive the car so that's a little bit something else but how do you get to he's pimping women that that's the part I don't understand when I when I asked him about the altercation in the room his explanation was I'm trying to do this for our family so I was doing some things with her that I said that I was doing no I said that I was doing a session but I was doing some things with her so I can get some extra money for the family I don't condulge in it so I didn't know so he didn't tell me I'll write off from the jump so he told me yes that she was going up to a room she'll do what she had to do and bring me back the money for our families so that's pimping isn't it that's a lot it sounds that way I don't know if it's or not I mean did any anything like that ever occur she's she's basically going off of my past when I was younger I did a lot of things that I'm not proud of so I would just say when you were young you know when I was around like 16 17 years old I was kind of doing some wild things and me and her just started messing around so when she figured out that I was doing those things she thought that they would continue on but like I've been telling her stay amen you out there right hey it was what it was it's not what caught my eye did not know that I did not know you knew something you say that he's verbally abusive when you argue explain that to me Raheem is very irritable in the morning and we have a four-year-old five-year-old son so he has to get up for school and I had a baby in December so and I had a C-section for the first time so I'm kind of hurting I need help to get him up for school it's seven o'clock in the morning I go to shove him to wake him up for school he's D you know I can't say the word you know he get mad oh I ain't just really talking so I'm like what's the problem if I say something back dang you you trying to you trying to check me you you're trying to trying to charge up at me are you stupid uh that's verbally abusive to me because I don't like to get talked to like that or here cuz God I gotta do this again you don't do nothing I just had a nine month old baby no I just had it she was born in December so she's nine months now but I just had a baby so I can't do anything right now Mr McRae that you care to respond to that yes I do um I would say that after working numerous amount of hours and stand up you know you got to understand when you're doing Studio sessions Studio season when you're engineering yeah that goes on for a while so there's times I come home at four o'clock in the morning if if our child has to get up at six let's be reasonable now if I just got home at four o'clock in the morning and you've been here why is it so hard for you to just get them up wake him up you know I I still iron his clothes every night before we go before he goes to sleep good I've been with them I believe he does do you believe that if he didn't I have witnessed it but I have witnessed me just popping up and I'll go see him I'll come I'll just pop up but there's no engineering it's smoking drinking females no it's a party that's what this is that my that's my customers themselves ready for music I got you that has nothing to do with me okay all right he's the type of person that'll spend 300 on a hairstyle we have rent during two weeks that's cutting into our budget and she doesn't understand that I have to look like this I gotta she's more concerned on what's popping than us getting our family situated your response to that would be everything one of your complaints Mr McRae is that she is rude and inconsiderate why don't you tell me what you mean by that when I say she's rude and inconsiderate I mean she'll yell at me and get upset and it doesn't matter who's around if I was to make her mad right now she'll go off and I'll be all types of everything I can also recall probably a month ago we were at her family member's house in East Texas and we were arguing about well first we were speaking on financial problems and things that we were going to do to budget she instantly disagrees with one thing that I said and just takes it overboard we're in a living room full of her family members so while we're in a room full of family members who already don't look at me in favor she's just letting me have it I mean for this you don't run me I don't need a man things of that nature so it's hard for me to even compromise with her on speaking on that level of respect when you're just letting me have it now Ms Adams you've been in here for a little while and I have noticed that you do come on when in communicating I mean and and I know you're containing yourself in here so I can imagine what happens when you're at home do you come at him really rough and hard yes ma'am I do [Laughter] Raheem comes off really hard he does he does he's very he's a Taurus he's bull-headed he's stubborn so he come I give off what you give me I don't just come off and go off like that Raheem has a way of saying stuff and doing things probably a week ago at the tailgate party he feeling good I too weak he's feeling good having drinks and stuff when we get home I asked him to help me clean up just help me back clean up or just watch the kids while I clean up because I'm at my mama's house right now so I just help me oh you don't tell me what to do you don't you don't tell me you don't tell me what to do you're not gonna tell me what to do I do it on my own I'm grown you and these are your kids and this is your mother's house so you need to clean it up and he storms out and he walks out the house no man you didn't walk out yeah yeah you did yeah [Laughter] looking at your compatibility test there seems to be some concern about how you spend your money do both do you believe that she spends her money inappropriately like on luxuries as opposed to keeping down the house because I think you both claim that about each other okay you go ahead tell me first yeah I would say that she she's the type of person that'll spend 300 on a hairstyle we have rent during two weeks you know she does things like that or she doesn't really cook often so we eat out every day so imagine twenty dollars every day on just food and we have two kids so that's four of us in all right doing that every day that's cutting into our budget and she doesn't understand that I have to look like this I gotta she's more concerned on what's popping than us getting our family situated your response to that would be judge I do hair in Dallas Texas so it's an image that I have to portray I don't spend 300 180 probably but it's not 300. I have to I do hair so it's the image that you have to portray when I can't just be looking crazy but I work for my money Rahim on the other hands he work in the oil field make 2 thousand every other week and he only gives us 150 or a hundred dollars you working the oil fields yes I do so he's stingy he spent 500 on a firearm other than just did giving it to us so we can what it's protecting our family no no not when bills and stuff is due in uh PS4 this due for your son or you can take your son somewhere and take him to a football game or something you better spend 500 on the gun interesting people you're really fascinated by it this is a before your vows session I usually ask each person to say something loving and about the other person and express how they feel and I never had the time to get there we were in hotel rooms we were we were we were at the gas station we you know in the backyard we were at the Giants game yeah and I never had time to get there I want to I want to say this rarely do I get employment in divorce court brother over here got three four jobs we're loving you one of them's a little suspect but you're working Ms Adams he loves you you're a little strident do you know what I mean you're the express train and I think that you two are a good couple you're working you got two kids you're young but you seem to have good heads on your shoulders you need to relax a little bit calm it down take it down a notch and when you don't agree on something have a conversation don't have a screaming match those kids are counting on you to come out something other than crazy if you continue to be crazy your children will be crazy and they'll be crazy living with you because crazy people can't get out you're with me keep your jobs be very careful about where you go who you go with what you do when you get there you know you have um you are right on the line calm it down cool it out but marry one another and enjoy yourselves [Music] think that we just need to compromise and make the pride go down a little bit and we just compromise with each other come to a mutual agreement and I also agree I think that if we come together and kind of compromise and work together as a team I feel like we can we can do this and we can make it through together
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 42,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, court, court drama, star jones, court show, judge star, court tv, relationships, couples, divorce court reality tv, divorce court full epiosdes, funny divorce, divorce court judge lynn toler, judge lynn toler
Id: uK1vDjPPPcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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