Diving Into The World Of Maximalism

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so ann rand once said if it's worth doing it's worth overdoing and i stand by that [Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel and if you're new here hi my name is aria smith and i typically make commentary videos just like this one so if you guys happen to like that or you just love my gorgeous face make sure to subscribe down below and hit the notification bell to get notified every single time i post which happens to be on mondays and on fridays i know what you guys are going to say it's probably the first thing that you guys notice but i got a new hoodie um it's hunter hunter um no i'm joking it's my it's my wig i got a new wig and i kind of feel like beyonce i'm not gonna lie but either way the candle of today is friends country vanilla because we're calm we're talking about a cute little interior design-esque video um and i haven't done like a true like commentary topic video i say in a while but really it's just like three videos um but yeah so i wanted to talk about something that i found pretty interesting which is maximalism you might be wondering zarya what is that and i'm gonna tell you guys why this popped up in my head and like why i'm making this video but essentially as we know i literally say this every single time i'm a frequenter of the app tick tock um i enjoy being on there it makes me happy um well ninety percent of the time right now if you on my harry david tiktok i'm sorry but took a break from that and i somehow winded up on maximalistic talk which is very interesting because a lot of these videos were posted in like october but like i'm just now seeing them but i was really intrigued i was like maximalism that looks pretty interesting um and now we're here and now we're making a youtube video about it because well i want to and it's my channel so i can do what i want either way you might be asking azaria what is maximalism and maximalism is essentially a reaction to the craze that is minimalism um it basically is the aesthetic of excess like it's about basically they say that the the um like philosophy the motto of maximalism is more is more which contrasts with minimalism being like less is more maximalism is not about like clutter or like too much excess it's not about like hoarding like this isn't just like bougie hoarding like another word for like being a hoarder like it's like a genuine like style that extends to more than just interior design but it's characterized by bold colors patterns um layering it has a lot of florals abstract and animal prints um rich and bold colors mixing and matching up textures i'm going to show you guys some pictures obviously multiple items like books statues art pieces artwork blending of styles like classic modern boho modern farmhouse like it's it's a mix of a lot of things kind of like if you were to go into disney channel in 2007 and see them mixing patterns it's kind of like that but it's like chic i suppose i'm also not an interior design person so you know i think that's what it is but it's very interesting to me because i always see people talk about minimalism and how important minimalism is but i really ever see people talk about the opposite i really see people talk about like how much stuff they buy i mean unless we're talking about youtubers and flex culture which i'll get into a little bit but yeah so you might be asking zarya where did a maximalism come from because it seems like it popped about nowhere this is probably the first time you've heard of it like a period if you're watching this and the term maximalism is mostly associated with postmodern novels like the books by david foster wallace and um other people it basically implies like word discretion reference and elaboration of detail occupy a lot of text so basically it shows like the whole like quality quantity over quality type of thing and it's all about like excess typically that's what maximalism started with that's what basically if you're really writing a book about literature i don't know i'm not in i'm not in high school anymore but if you're writing something maximalism would probably be noted in more sense to like that than like interior design but you know but i do want to reiterate that a really really big misconception of maximalism is the fact that people are hoarding items or overstuffing rooms and it's not that it does that it's more so that it embraces the idea of having a lot of stuff and not letting that stuff look like you're a hoarder if that makes sense like having a lot of stuff but having them put in the right place if that makes sense i hope it does because i thought that's really interesting but either way you might be like zarya you're talking about maximalism and you talk about how people shouldn't be consuming so much and overconsumption and yes i will get into that so basically you'll be like like what is necessarily wrong with maximalism because minimalism is to get basically your non-essentials but the least amount of stuff that you need to like survive essentially like minimalism is not about like a lot of design like personally for me i love to have like a decorated room i hate having just like three colors in like this this wall behind me um is like is more so based upon the maximalist likes pattern ideas than like minimalist um or essentialism which i'm going to get into later maximalism extends to a lot of things and in this essence like the lifestyle of maximalism is what we see with celebrities having like gigantic closets celebrities having car collections even though they're probably not going to be driving those cars or um having gigantic birkin collections and bag collections and even jacqueline hill having how many sunglasses does that woman have a lot like it's definitely it can be taken to an extreme like the fact that i don't even remember whose closet is i'm gonna try to find it and put it in the video but there's this one person this is this guy and his closet was literally like bigger than my first apartment and i lived in like student housing so i had three roommates and his closet was bigger than like my entire apartment gigantic and he was like oh i only like used this one section of the closet even though he has a gigantic closet you know i think that there's like a certain like limit like no person can use that many clothes no person can wear if like you can wear a birkin like jeffree star has like more birkens he could wear a birkin every single day of the year and still have more left over like i think that there comes like a point to where it's like now i just feel like you're just being rich and like rude um granted if i was rich would i flex my wealth probably not but i would get a really nice house but even like that like maximalism can mean like oh you're buying something that is so large when it is just you like having like a 100 million dollar house in the hills when you're living by yourself you know it's like you are getting a lot more than what you need that's like the whole lifestyle but then when it comes to like style and decorating um it's very much just like mixing patterns making things like look like it works kind of like 2007 disney fashion and i know i'm saying 2007 but i couldn't even out i'll put in a picture and you'll see what i'm talking about you might be asking me zarya where do you fall on the scale are you a minimalist or a maximalist and actually i'm a little bit in the middle which is a term that i'm pretty sure is called essentialism that's what i think it is but basically it's like i get everything that's essential to me that makes me happy um so obviously my room was decorated um we might do a room tour one day who knows probably not but i have everything that i need um i have a walk-in closet i have you know i have bags displayed i have wigs displayed but it's everything that i feel like i need and that makes me happy i don't typically have a lot of things that i have like excess of and the things that i do that are excess are all anime themed um like i'll show you actually so this is my i don't know what y'all are expecting me to bring out oh it turned off oh my gosh so this is my hawks light um it makes me very happy did i need this no but look at his face how could you deny him a purchase um but yeah like i have a lot of things in my room that you know necessarily you don't need like i have those led lights i have like seven i have like seven plus pillows on i think i probably have like nine pillows on my bed like i obviously can like have a lot but i wouldn't necessarily classify myself as a maximalist i just have things that make me happy um and that's by choice yeah i don't know why i questioned myself like before i was a minimalist because i was forced to do it now i'm like in the middle and i'm happy with that i don't think i could ever see myself granted i'm 19 so who knows if my opinion changes but i couldn't see myself you know having having so much stuff i wouldn't know what to do with it um but yeah so make sure to comment down below your opinions on maximalism and if you think it's a good thing bad thing ethical thing non-ethical thing i would love to hear your opinions down below also make sure to like the video if you liked it and then also make sure to subscribe down below i just hit 2 000 subscribers this morning or i guess last night technically i'm so so thankful i literally just hit 1k and now i'm at 2k which was my goal and i'm very happy about it make sure to subscribe if you like my videos though genuinely i make a lot and um dm me if you ever have any questions comments concerns about things you want me to talk about because i love listening to you guys's opinions like genuinely it makes me very happy that i have such an opinionated like subscriber base but yeah so make sure to stay happy and stay healthy and i'll catch you guys in the next video bye guys
Channel: Zhariya Smith
Views: 3,353
Rating: 4.8490567 out of 5
Keywords: maximalist interior design, maximalist design
Id: tCB--eS0KDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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