Divine Revelations Church Worship in the Word

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] uh uh [Music] it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] uh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's lord everybody this is oversteel williams and i want to take this time to welcome you to our tuesday night worship in the word on tonight we're going to continue our discussion and we're going to continue our study on overcoming the spirit of rejection rejection is something that everybody deals with but it's only when we deal with our rejection unchecked that the enemy moves in and start creating all kind of chaos in our lives so my prayer is that this word touches your life and that your life is changed from this word today god bless you and enjoy tuesday night worshiping the word god bless you divine revelations church this is overseer williams and i am so glad that you are here with us for worshiping the word on tonight which is wednesday is not tuesday but we got some good good stuff oh the holy spirit has truly blessed us with a relevant word on tonight as we get ready to begin this series of um learning on overcoming the spirit of oppression all right so before we get started tonight let's have a word of prayer father god we just bless you and we honor you we give your name praise we give your name thanks and we glorify in you forgive us as of all of our sins o god that you may hear us god give us a word on tonight open up our hearts and our minds to receive from you god make this word relevant make it practical god and we want to apply this word to our lives that we can be better god bless us and keep us now in jesus name amen now on tonight i want you all to engage with me if you want facebook or you on youtube get in the chat make sure you like hit that like share um tell everybody you need to get on here for this worship in the word with oversea williams those of you on youtube subscribe make sure you are a subscriber give us a thumbs up hit that bell so that you can get notifications when we have new videos coming up i thank god for what he's getting ready to do in divine revelations church we're getting ready to have a complete digital platform for ministry and i'm so excited about what he's doing but on tonight we're gonna deal with this oppression okay so we're gonna talk about um the spirit of oppression all right we dealt with rejection and we know that oppression is also tied in with the spirit of rejection all right um oppression is a satanic power which opposes and puts us in slavery okay oppression puts the human race in slavery and understand that the spirit of oppression does not care about your religion your skin color your age your nationality your background your sex your belief your financial conditions your position in life your degrees whether you believe in oppression or whether you do not believe in oppression oppression is an equal employer and it will employ anybody in anything okay i want y'all to hear me oppression it's an equal employer and it will employ anybody and anything the spirit of oppression and oppression affects so many in the church as well as secular people the spirit of oppression is grossly underestimated by the church okay its effects are far-reaching and very so the question is what is oppression okay oppression is to put you in bondage somebody just come and say oppression puts me in bondage and we're going to talk about this oppression puts you in bondage because when a person is oppressed they just can't seem to get up or to get ahead no matter what they do they can't get ahead come on somebody testify that's me thank you knocking on my door overseeing we gonna deal with it just like we dealt with rejection some of you didn't know you was dealing with the spirit of rejection until we started exposing it just like some of you will not understand that what oppression is in your life until we start dealing with it but that oppression they seem they can't get ahead no matter what they do they can apply to certain things in a person's life or their lives as a whole there are multitudes of christians as well as those in the world that are being oppressed in some way or another the lack of resorts and ministry when praying consistent lack lack of opportunity etc is often due to a spirit to the spirit of oppression did y'all hear what i said the lack of results in ministry the lack of praying the lack of opportunity the lack of resources could all be tied to a spirit of oppression that has attached itself to your life just when you seem like you are coming out of debt you lose your job just when you feel like you come out of that a bill pops up come on just when you was preparing to do ministry then those who who you're going to do ministry with they can't come through come on we must not ignore this spirit for it has long held down the people of god and if you get this truth tonight in your if you get this truth and your spirit on tonight it will change your life because there are many times um in the life of a christian uh where they are a prayer where you get oppressed yes the people of god can be oppressed not only can one's individual life be oppressed but ministries can be oppressed churches can be oppressed families cities nations ethnic groups can be oppressed understand this beloved the enemy tries to overwhelm christians with things issues troubles burdens lack those are the things that cause oppression um after uh long-term or extended times of oppression a christian can then become depressed it's oppression that it leads to rejection that cause you to be oppressed and oppressed is what leads into depressed rejection oppression depression hmm and oppression is caused by external circumstances while depression is rooted in the thoughts of the individual who constantly considers the external things that's causing them to be internalized that y'all hear what i said i'm helping somebody today somebody say stop rewind i'm gonna stop and rewind oppression is caused by external circumstances while depression is rooted in the thought of the individual who constantly considers the external things thus causing it to become internalized oppression is caused by not trusting in god when stuff in your life go crazy and because you don't trust in god for things outside of your control depression has now come in because you're constantly thinking about what you cannot control and it is our responsibility to come against the spirit of oppression often hear christians petitioning god for his power lord send your power i need you to understand that with god's power comes responsibility god extends to us his power for his purpose and when we look at the life of jesus we must seek to do those things that he did as he said we would and john 14 14 chapter 12 through 14 and acts 10 38 we see some of the things that jesus did it reads like this how god anoint jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost and with the power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for god was with him it is our responsibility as believers to deliver those who are oppressed of the devil it is my responsibility as a man of god as a pastor as an overseer to get you you are this teaching on rejection this teaching on oppression so that you can start being healed from that it's our responsibility yet because we are oppressed because we have become an oppressed people we cannot focus on the work that we the church are called to do we are called to free the captive we are called to those who are oppressed but because you're so depressed because you don't trust in god the church is failing to do what the church is supposed to do because we're not getting it to this word to get the healing and deliverance that we need no we are trying to fit in to the world and that has to have you captive you're oppressed and those who are or those who are oppressed are captive in some way they are captive in some uh uh some way they are held in captivity and we must be the ones to set them free it's my job i can't afford to be oppressed that's why i tell people you know people look especially people within my family or my inner circle um they look and they say always say well you strong and we see you we everybody's not like you everybody can do and i tell people but you can do because the same god that's available to me and the same anointing that's available to me is available to you and the bible tells me to cast all my cares upon him that's why i'm not oppressed because i cast it on him i don't worry about it i have to give it to god i can't fix it i can't work it out everything i tried is not working so i'm going to try god and as a matter of fact lord let me repent first because i should have came to you first because you literally has never failed me lord you have never failed me you have never failed me you have never denied me you've always been right there you've always kept your word so for me i must throw the spirit off of me when i feel that oppression when i fee i got to throw that off of me you got the board off of you so that you can be free and go on and help deliver others in jesus name you are to help others get free from rejection and oppression in jesus name because you have experienced this freedom and you have experienced this liberation you should want everybody to receive this all right are y'all hear me so let me let me tell you this um what is oppression because i want to help i've been exposed to some of you that are repressed oppressed uh that didn't even know you were oppressed so i'm i'm gonna help you i feel like a pastor finna spiritually analyze your life and there's 45 minutes 30 minutes or whatever so what is oppression what does it mean to be oppressed understand that number one oppression is an evil spirit a negative spirit that opposes one's will um and life oppression number two is an evil power that makes you captive to your enemies oppression will have you captive to anxiety have you captive to depression oppression will have you saying stuff like i got to take this pill in order for me to be balanced now i want to make this perfectly clear this is me i mind body and soul i am not if you need to go talk to your therapist go talk to you one psychiatrist recycle whatever but don't forsake nothing should uh exalt itself above the knowledge of god it's good to talk to people just like i go to the doctor because that medical doctor her mind my doctor dr nakai her mind medically is not like how my my mind is medically that's her gift so i'm going to talk to this medical doctor about my high blood pressure and all these things going on with this human body but i ordered this mortal body but i also got an immortal soul on the inside of me that's gonna trump this mortal body because it's gonna forever live so i gotta make sure my that i have a balance so for me for having the balance is i don't need appeal to help stabilize me because i have the word i just need you to i need to talk to i need somebody to talk to from this humanistic point so i just want to throw that in and and throw that out there for free oppression is designed to make you captive and captivity is a state of life which makes everything negative i'm gonna say that again oppression is designed to make you captive and captivity is a state of life which makes everything negative if everything in your life is negative then it's a great possibility you are living in the state of oppression oppression is when you are captive and denied freedom to move at will when you are oppressed your movements and life and choices are restricted when a person is under oppression peace is non-existent and his potential is denied oppression is when one's captivity started since the womb oppression is the foundation for difficulties hardship suffering frustration stubbornness and bondage oppression is a dark force of evil power cruelly exercising dominion over a person oppression is to be under a hard yoke and a heavy burden oppression is a wicked demonic force setting on someone and constantly hara sitting on someone and constantly harassing them oppression is a satanic spirit who forces his way on its victims without mercy oppression is a uh uh a reckoning of satanic forces or army leading the way to other evil spirits to follow oppression is a demon assigned by lucifer to trap and cage a victim oppression is stubborn captivity that seems not to let go oppression is an evil force that presses you down when you are struggling to succeed oppression is when you are going from one disappointment to another oppression is the devil's tool to destroy the mind with no respect of person religion age gender race and status in life i'm gonna stop right there no i'm not gonna keep going oppression is when a person is tired of life every and refuses to move forward or wants to end it all oppression is when you uh when you refuse to forgive yourself oppression is when you feel worthless to god and your peers oppression is the dominance of all forms of addiction over a person's life such as sex food drugs all kinds of drinking smoking power and prestige oppression is when satan is your boss oppression is when you are moving away from your divine destiny and moving towards self destiny oppression is progressive insanity oppression is when you are spiritually stagnant oppression is when you are under constant financial embarrassment oppression is when your helpers are running away from you oppression is when you notice that evil family patterns are happening in you oppression is when everybody around you is doing well except you a person is under oppression when he is always let me let me let me say this real slow a person is under oppression when he or she is always explaining fits of anger rage or constantly yelling to prove a point oppression and the purpose the purpose of oppression is to hold you down whenever you try to move forward in god it's oppression that's holding you down the enemy uses oppression as a weapon against you to try to get you to go back to turn away from god it is the purpose of oppression to not only overburden someone with issues but also to cause them to be too full to be too busy or to be depressed to employ the god ordained strategies necessary to bring you out of oppression because oppression would discourage you from praying oppression uh uh uh is like a cloak that is put upon a person yet unless we do a wardrobe change we will not come out of oppression isaiah 61 3 speaks of the wardrobe change when it says uh uh so you gotta take off you gotta do awards somebody say wardrobe change i'm gonna help you isaiah 61 3 speaks of the wardrobe change that you have to have it says to appoint unto them that mourn and zion to give them beauty for ashes ashes the oil of joy for mourning the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness that they might be called trees of righteousness the planting of the lord that he might be glorified i can remember i had been crying out to the lord because i felt oppressed i feel like the the visions that that god had given me and what god was showing me was not coming to fruition i felt that i was losing but in that moment when i felt that spirit of rejection coming in because i began to ask myself well lord don't nobody call me don't nobody reach out to me i'm not connected as some of my fellow uh fellow brothering in the body of christ so i felt that heaviness come on but i couldn't allow myself to succumb to that heaviness so i had to then apply what i know i had to apply that psalms 121 i would lift up my eyes into the heels from with cometh my health i had to do a wardrobe change i had to take off the heaviness and i had to put on my garment of praise i had to let everything that had breath praise the lord i had to tell god thank you even when i didn't realize what i was thanking them for i had to do a wardrobe change i had to change some stuff and i had to start praising god in the midst of it i it was only watch this it was only when i stopped whining complaining and wondering and picked up the biblical strategies that i had all alone that i began to see my breakthrough you hear what overseer it wasn't until i start i stopped whining and i stopped complaining and started applying these biblical principles and the first principle i had to apply was trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding meaning that i'm not going to understand everything that you do in my life lord because you you have ownership of my life my life is not my own you have complete ownership you are lord over my life so i don't have to understand what you're doing i just have to trust you in it how y'all hearing me i didn't get my breakthrough until i started trusting i had to quit whining i had to quit complaining i had to quit comparing myself to others i had to stop wanting to fit in with others in other words i had to deal with the spirit of rejection and then change my wardrobe in order to come out of oppression because it was the oppression that was causing the depression it was the oppression that was causing the anxiety attacks instead of me just god i gotta trust you if you got me sitting in the box i gotta trust that i'm in this box for a reason if i didn't lost everything that i have and everybody laughing at me everybody talking about me everybody then i have to trust that you know what you're doing okay so so let's get an understand and tonight i'm doing my introduction y'all know how we how i do i'm doing my introduction tonight so so let's get an understanding of oppression oppression is both a spirit and a weapon okay all right so so uh when trying to get an understanding of oppression you must know that it is both a spirit and a weapon yes oppression is a spirit that is used as a weapon against you it is formed against you it is designed specifically to be uh uh as harsh and adventurous against you based on your particular weaknesses hmm or bins oppression comes in based on your weakness weaknesses or areas where you've been the observer the spirit of oppression will see how we can find a doorway to get you oppressed and when that spirit finds that doorway that doorway of sin that doorway of disobedience then they form an oppression oppression an oppressive weapon to use in the area against you that's how oppression works and that's how people use oppression but you always got to remember psalms 54 17 which says no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against the unjudgment thou shalt condemn it this is the heritage of the servant of the lord and their righteousness is of me says the lord see the spirit of oppression will use people to oppress you but that oppression should not be able to prosper against you but if it stops you and if you don't want it to stop you you must shut the door that it would operate through i worked a job and i had worked as a gm contractor employee for 12 years and the last four years were the hardest four years of my life everybody at the workplace knew i was a preacher but certain members of management those who did the schedule they just did not like me i was the union rep they management and they did not like me i stood for right they just did not like me so they put me in a schedule where i had literally no sundays off every sunday i was working i would be sitting at work church should be going on and i would be sick to my stomach and one day i said you know what i'm just gonna quit i'm tired of this they think it's a joke i had kept i asked them if i could get a weekend and they'd all the schedules get i quit and i was so determined i was going to quit but i prayed and i prayed and i prayed and i prayed and i prayed and i prayed and god then began to open doors and i ended up with every sunday off and they still tried to mess with me with that but i took no weapon that's formed against me will be it ain't say that it was formed but it said it was not going to prosper and see when the devil forms these weapons i need you to understand the enemy has designed weapons against you not because of what you're doing now but it's rather for the potential are y'all hearing me he formed the weapon not for what your now is for the potential you have when you fully embrace is god purpose in your life huh when you fully embrace god's purpose for your life you're going to say wow everything the devil tried to do from birth up until now was to prevent me from getting to this point every time i wanted to give up and i wanted to throw in the tide i wanted to walk away the enemy knew that i was going to get to this point and the enemy didn't want me to get in this to this point and see many of us confuse the operation of the spirit of oppression with being cursed and although curses can operate can oppress curses can use oppression uh uh uh um um it's oppression can also work outside of a curse as a weapon to uh um to put stumbling blocks or have you resist what you have been called to do the enemy uses the spirit of oppression as a weapon against you to do many things okay so the spirit of oppression uh um hinders you from doing many things many of which hinder your finances living from hand to mouth paycheck to paycheck barely getting by each time that it seems you are getting ahead then something else comes up to hinder you from having enough over and over and over again this keep happening somebody say oppression the spirit of oppression that's operating to you can also stop people from getting saved or coming to the lord they can oppress individuals families communities cities nation ethics group causing people not to get saved or come to christ for salvation they will oppress people the spirit of oppression will oppress people from getting saved to cause you to be discouraged as a pastor as a preacher as the servant of the lord people not getting saved will cause you to be discouraged and cause you to stop trying to evangelize let me tell you about the spirit of oppression and i just got to be transparent even though we're on social media let's be let's be let's be transparent when the church building is first closed man we had a hundred hundred and fifty hundred and sixty people that was on the live some weeks it might be ten some weeks it might be eleven that'll make any man of god oppressed that'll make anybody evaluate lord am i doing what you called me to do oppression would have you frustrated with the growth of the church or the community oppression will have you frustrated because when you know that god has called you to do a certain ministry service for him and you don't see breakthroughs or your ministry may be shut down or have limited resources it might be the enemy oppressing people from responding and other things oppression stops opportunity for advancement and promotions oppression blocks healing and deliverance to oppress the anointing from flowing when a person is ministering oppression will oppress your health meaning that sometimes you can feel exhausted weak and you saying i'm feeling this way but i know i got some sleep i know i rested many people wake up tired that shouldn't be it's a great possibility oppression oppress your time with issues and problems from other people you could have planned to spend time in prayer when the enemy had someone call you with the supposed emergency all with the purpose of oppressing your time oppress your faith to believe in god this this spirit tries to hold down and stop your faith to believe in god let me tell you the the spirit of oppression operates with that python spirit trying to tighten its grip on you to suck the life to squeeze the life out of you oppression just wants to tighten itself around you to squeeze the life out of you because if i could squeeze the life if i could squeeze the living word out of them then i can literally destroy them and that's what oppression does oppression will have you so stressed and so depressed that you won't even pick up your bible because you'll be saying well i'm praying and it ain't happening god ain't moving oppression will have you sitting at home not getting the word oppression will have you jumping to places and jumping from one thing to the next trying to fill a void that only god can feel wants to oppress the breakthroughs in your life that whenever you want that breakthrough the enemy push down hmm oppression the spirit of oppression will have you uh um not hearing from god oppression will make it difficult for you to understand the word of god oppression here we go will block the gifts of the spirit from operating in your life that's why some of you cannot uh um get the full manifestation of god because you're oppressed your religion has oppressed you oh man you know this virtual teaching can get you in trouble your religion can have you oppressed that's why it's important people of god and this is just our introduction on tonight that's why it's important for you now it's important for you to pray against that spirit of rejection so now that i have exposed these things to you now that i have shown you where oppression is in your life you have to make the commitment to overcome this because the spirit of oppression has oppressed you from getting into prayer the spirit of oppression of these spirits that operate within oppression try to oppress the christian from getting into the presence of god that python spirit that the spirit of oppression will cause so many distractions to push you down spirit of oppression will have you thinking that there's not enough time remember that there was no time until god created time because he existed before he existed before there wasn't existence he created not because he had to but because he wanted to so when he gave us 24 hours in one day he knew that that would be enough y'all ain't hearing me he didn't need to add nothing more he knew that all we needed was 24 hours to complete our god-given assignment because remember the bible tells us that there's time for everything he knew that all we needed was 24 hours to complete everything that he has for us to complete and ultimately he wants us to start our day and end our day with him but oppression will have you so bogged down that you'll realize you have not spent no time with god some of you have not spent no time with god since march of 2020 that last sunday that we had service i believe it was march 15th that was the last time you can remember truly being into the presence of god because you don't know how to get into his presence without everyone else in the assembly because you're oppressed that's why you got to do this wardrobe change and put on that garment of praise because it's that garment of praise that increases our faith for in praising god we put in view his divine attributes that's giving us greater faith and confidence in him when we praise god but that's not our only two praise can bring in uh can bring in god's presence and send the enemy fleeing but when we stop praising they'll begin to come back and the proper tool to use is binding and casting out the spirit of oppression james 4 7 says submit yourself therefore to god resist the devil and he will flee from you you have to submit yourself to god and then submit myself to god i got to submit myself to god's way everything that i have been teaching everything that i've been preaching is it has to be done god's way and the reason god has had me in this vein with rejection and oppression is because god says in this season many are turning to their own fleshly viewpoints many are turning to their own way of thinking their own way of doing but god says in this season you have to do it my way and in order to do it my way you gotta have a relationship with me not none of this phony stuff you see 2020 have exposed phony relationships 2020 has exposed a lot of people's spiritual deficiencies you are spiritually malnourished we look at you on the outside and think you got it together but it wasn't until the quarantine that everything started hanging out you was putting on the front but if you submit yourself therefore to god resist the devil he gonna flee but if you don't want to submit yourself then you're choosing to run hand in hand with the enemy whether you have asked god for something in faith or praise god for manifestation sometimes it might yet require you to bind the spirit of oppression off of those things that you have asked and praise god for that spirit of oppression is attached to your schooling that spirit of oppression have attached to your family that spirit of oppression have attached to your finances and have attached to your health and have attached to your prayer life you need to pivot your prayers now you need to pivot from saying lord why me you need to pivot from whining and complaining and you need to walk into your authority and say i bind up and i lose this spirit of oppression off of my life off of my mind off of my finances it's time for you to start praying this word start believing this word start standing on this word because it is only this word that's going to sustain you during this time beloved we are getting ready to go into spiritual warfare like none other here in the world and here in these united states of america we are getting ready to go into full-fledged spiritual warfare god is looking for the church to repent for america's sins and now it's going to be the church prayers that's going to hold back the judgment come on talk to me but we cannot pray because we have become weak the enemy have weakened the church he have weakened us in areas of rejection oppression but god said in this season we have to hold up the blood-stained banner of jesus christ and walk in our authority whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven we have to walk in our authority and realize that the power of god the anointing of god rests in us and it's in what we say it's in what we say it's time out for whining it's time out for complaining and it's time for us to pivot it's time for us to shift it's time for us to start casting down oppression and our generational oppression it's time for us to say god i want the fullness of you in this season government has failed us and if i was to be honest government have failed us and um the um religious organizational structure has failed us hi jesus help it has failed us and god is saying as my people who are called by my name will humble themselves pray and seek my face turn from their wicked ways then were they healed from hell here from heaven i will heal the land but we can't turn from our wicked ways because we got rejection oppression we got to get that stuff right first and you can only get that right by walking in your authority so right now this is the introduction because i need somebody to know that oppression is intended to steal or kill your faith in god the enemy wants to oppress you until you begin to doubt what you know god has told you the enemy wants to oppress you so much so you begin to doubt what you know god can do so right now we got to get out of here right now i right now if you know for a fact that it's the spirit of reject or of oppression that have been operating in your life begin to pray this prayer father in the name of jesus i loose myself from this spirit of rejection i bind up any and all spirits that are attached to this oppression i bind it and i loose myself from the spirit of oppression i bind up depression i bind up anxiety and i free myself liberate me oh god you did on calvary in the name of jesus thank you lord devil you can't steal my praying you can't i know god is real because i feel him down in my soul i've seen him work before i've seen him move i've seen him move mountains he has caused wars to fall in my life so right up and through here i bind up that spirit of oppression and i loose myself i shake myself loose in the name of jesus you can be free today you can be free and there's somebody on here right now the tears are rolling down your face you can't stop yourself from crying that is a release god is releasing you from everything that have oppressed you those kids he's releasing you your you got to declare today after today i'm no longer living paycheck to paycheck you got to declare after today i choose to not be angry i choose to be happy because i have loosed myself from i have up i have un attached myself do you understand what it mean to be loose i have freed myself from oppression i have bound oppression i now tied it up with the blood of jesus and released myself loosed myself from the bondage of oppression and everything that comes with it now watch this now i'm going to loose the abundance of god over my life i'm gonna untie everything in the heavens that oppression tied up that means my house my finances my health i'm getting ready to get it all back somebody's saying i'm getting it back i'm getting it back on tonight i'm getting it back right now i'm getting it all back devin you've been ran around in my life for too long keeping me oppressed keeping me stressed keeping me not looking that thing lord you let me live to see today you woke me up this morning how dare i not give you praise for just that one thing because somebody didn't even get that but you gave me that so i got to praise you i got to lose myself and submit myself to you because you told me you're worried that if i submit to you that you'll give me life life more but as a matter of fact lord you told me that submitting to you is easy because the lord is my shepherd i'm submitting to you so that the enemy can flee cast that spirit of oppression out and keep it out cast that oppression out and keep it out and watch the manifestation of god in your life i'm getting ready to let you go but i want to leave you with this one thing if you apply these spiritual principles that i'm giving you for rejection and oppression i guarantee you that you will begin to see the manifestation of god promises breaking forth in every area of your life but you have to apply these principles all of them trust god he paid for your life he knows what he is doing and loose yourself from that spirit of oppression man god bless you all today i got to i got god bless you we're going to pick this up next week join me on tuesday we'll be on tuesday next week i'm so excited about this lesson and about what god is getting what god is doing what god is doing not what he's getting ready to do what god is doing are y'all hearing me what god is doing with this teaching all right and i'm looking forward to it so my prayer tonight is that you be liberated and free from the spirit of rejection right now in the name of jesus god each and every person that's on this broadcast touch them in a mighty way i come against the spirit of rejection i come against the spirit of oppression i come against stress depression anxiety god we are liberated through you jesus paid it all you paid the price for me so i have to do this your way touch now as only you can move as only you can in jesus name amen god bless you sermon to the ministry that's a principle in the word of god sow into the ministry so that god can pour back into your life god bless you and i hope to see you on next tuesday praise the lord praise the lord this is overseer williams again wow what a dynamic and what a life-changing word we received on tonight i want to give you all an opportunity to sow into ministry on tonight i think it's so important that we do everything we can to make sure that ministry continues in times like these there's a great fall in the way people are turning away from the things of god and turn into a more worldly viewpoint of things but one of god's principles in his word is about sowing you have to sow there's seed time and there's harvest time listen god is doing great things in the ministries of divine revelations church and in my ministry personally so just know whatever you give on today you are truly sowing into good ground you are not throwing your money away but you are sowing and i pray on tonight for every person that sold a 20 seed on tonight i ask that god do something supernatural in your life on this week no no hopes no gimmicks that's my prayer because you're sowing into good ground so i want god to bless you beyond measure a number unknown to man i'm asking that god pour into your life so on tonight those of you who can sow a 20 seed you can go over to cash out lee quinn williams sr right there at the bottom of your screen you can cash at it right there if you don't have cash app you can mail your gift to the church 6815 verdun street flint michigan and make sure on the bottom of your envelope you put broadcast ministry god bless each of you that are giving and those of you who want to give and maybe you don't have anything financial to give like i say all the time i can always use your prayers october is national pastor appreciation month and i've been telling people all month it's not just money we as pastors we truly need your prayers so for those of you who say hey i don't have it i really don't have it but i truly want to pray for this man of god please ma'am please sir keep me uplifted in prayer and for those of you who can sow a financial seed of twenty dollars fifteen dollars ten dollars five dollars whatever you can sow i'm asking that god bless you for the seed you sow on tonight may heaven smile upon you thank you for joining us and my prayer is that you'll join us again on next tuesday for tuesday night worship in the word [Music] [Music] the lord said he would be right there [Applause] [Music] the lord said he would be right there [Music] together [Applause] [Music] i believe [Music] is but i believe [Applause] is [Music] and i believe i believe together [Music] god [Music] oh he is i need everybody in here they got a promise from god to open up your mouth and give them glory like you already i got
Channel: Divine Revelations
Views: 182
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: AXu06qkl8qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 25sec (3925 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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