DIVIDE & RULE - The Plan of The 1% to Make You DISPOSABLE - Vandana Shiva

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/QualityVote 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is why I don't like the idea that we are all going to go out and buy lambos. If we live the same lives of excess as the HF assholes then we are no different. I want a fast car. But it will be electric. I don't need an 8 bedroom mansion. Just want to pay off my GFs and my sister's mortgages and get myself an eco house with enough space for growing food, a workshop, a gym and a games room and lots of land left to nature. The rest of my money can go to projects that make the world a liveable and happy place for all humans and animals. Ending the destruction of the planet as much as possible. There will never be a better chance to change the world for the better. We mustn't waste it. Peace to all. 🙏

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/PoolAndDarts 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

If the oligarchy isn't so powerful they can stop this then maybe.

Honestly though. Given how deep the corruption, I don't think Americans win this without a guillotine or two

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/faddishw0rm 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Cool beans, still hate influencers and youtubers imo a part of the cancer on society.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/ptsdstillinmymind 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

Even GME vs Popcorn. Divide and conquer.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pigbaboy 📅︎︎ Oct 21 2021 🗫︎ replies
the way you design the world in your mind  is the way you relate to it in the real   world and when you design it as dead matter  just to be exploited you will exploit it   when you design it without any understanding  of limits you will violate the planetary limits   when you design it with deep  recognition of interconnectedness   you will nurture those relationships and  this basic recognition is what i drew from my   learnings in quantum theory that non-locality  non-separation interconnectedness that is the   nature of reality but we have a design in the  paradigm of mechanistic thought which didn't   evolve it was imposed that mechanistic  thought is based first on the assumption   that we are separate from nature and nature  is constituted of discrete particles separate   from each other who can only relate through  violence through force through action by contact   in the quantum world there is no separability  my thesis was on non-locality in quantum theory   everything is interconnected there  are no fixed essentialized qualities   that have been built into the way people are  looked at nature is looked at potential is the   defining quality in the quantum world and because  it's about potential it's also about uncertainty   the mechanical world is based on a false  illusion of determinateness eternity in the quantum world we know we cannot get rid of  uncertainty the uncertainty principle of eisenberg to this is linked to the fourth principle no  excluded middle no duality no either or in   the quantum world it's and in the mechanistic  world you can either be a wave or a particle   in the quantum world you have potential to be  both and they're complementary when you realize   that the world is one interconnected whole  you also realize that what appears different   is actually different expressions  of an interconnected reality for the first time in human history technology  in the hands of the billionaires becomes the new   civilizing mission for humanity the illusions  about the big technology firms is they create   they extract they don't create anything you  know software programmers create the platforms   that they use even bill gates didn't  really write his basic program it was some   professor two math professors in dartmouth  college who did the basic program um they have   posited themselves as inventors when basically uh  we've done a new report it's um because bill gates   announced a new project called aguan you know all  agriculture will be one agriculture controlled by   him where does he set up the office of ag one in  missouri women's santos headquarters but we watch   what's going on in india and we pieced it together  so basically he's financing a lot of data mining   from farmers which will then be packaged back  as big data and sold back to farmers but this is   exactly what happened in your 2016 elections  facebook sold data to cambridge analytica   so when you think of why are the kind of leaders  that we have getting created it's very important   to remember that in these 25 years of corporate  deregulation of commerce you basically have a lot   of money in the hands of very few people and they  then are the ones investing in all the companies   the companies are not independent companies  anymore they're basically billionaire money   managed by the investment funds like blackrock  and vanguard etc they also know that everywhere   people are on the streets just look at this here  show me a country where there weren't protests chile berut hong kong everywhere so how do  you deal with the rising demand for a change   we throughout the east india company in 1857   the crown took over they established  a policy called divide and rule   and then they started to divide hindus and  muslims because hindus and muslims had stood   together to defend their land their livelihoods  their freedom it took from 1857 to about 1920   for all kinds of means census uh fake identity  because you know people in india would say i'm   a hindu and a because they they'd go to mosque  and they'd go to temples and when they'd be   asked who are you they'd say i'm a gardener i'm  a blacksmith for them the religious part was very   very secondary their occupation was their  main identity the place where they came off   the community they came from and this took  so long this is what led to our partition and that partition is still being  played out it's an incomplete project   so divide and rule becomes a necessity for the  one percent to continue to hold on to power   what are the economic policies being  pushed while people are divided because that's really the agenda in 1906 when this divide and rule and apartheid  was being put in place apartheid hadn't been named   apathy then it was only named as a system in 1948  but in 1906 the british wanted to turn indians in   south africa into second-class citizens so they  wrote an indian act and indians had to carry had   to register on race and they had to carry their  identities all the time and a lot of what's   happening right now in india around this identity  issue is related to that history of the satyagraha   but most importantly any police officer  could enter your house at any time and   demand your papers you couldn't trade locally you  couldn't practice professions and so the people   said we would rather die   this refusal to cooperate with unjust law is  what gandhi calls as a duty as a duty of truth   he was inspired by thorough who refused to  pay the poll tax here against the slave system   he inspired martin luther king and the civil  rights movement is very much inspired by gandhi   but it is when king started to take up the  economic justice and economic equality issues   that's when he was assassinated  because the parties you can talk   in very sweet ways about civil liberties but you  don't touch economic justice and the economy is   for me it's a double violence because the origin  of the word the meaning of the word economy   comes from oikos our home the aristotelian to  tillian name is economia the art of living and   when you turn the art of living into the art of  money-making which aristotle called chromatistics   then you have to practice violence against the  earth and violence against others destroy their   livelihoods destroy their freedoms take away  their resources so the violence is multiple and   i look into the future i say why are we building  detention centers everywhere in india along the   border of mexico because i feel that if we don't  activate our sense of interconnectedness with all   life with all people if we don't start sowing the  seeds of what i have called earth democracy we are   going to see 99 people as disposable especially  with the tech working on artificial intelligence   to make sure all the mechanical work is made  redundant whether it be in radiography or law   or whatever mechanical work will be substituted  and if that's the case 99 people are disposable   so you can either share this beautiful planet  with love and abundance and sustainability or say   it's all mine every bit of land every seed every  mind because what's being mined is our mind now   and if we don't defend the freedoms of all species  and the freedoms of all human beings we could   see we're down 20 within 20 30 years a level of  disposability built into the structures that human   humanity will not be able to respond to so this  is the time to make oneness and interconnectedness   as one humanity on one planet the political  project of hard times we have to remember we are   one humanity we are part of one earth and whatever  we do we will not let this basic recognition divide us either from the earth or  from each other and together we are strong inspired consider this a quick reminder   god playing hide and seek my  mission is to find everything   step by step as i walk through the valley in the  shadow with death i fear no threat the earth is   the block out breath no fear when i step god  steady clearing the dead i earned the respect they only bring war but they try to call  it peace then conquer the mark of the beast   oppression and control in the name of democracy
Channel: After Skool
Views: 879,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vandan shiva, bill gates, divide and rule, 99%, great reset, india, gandhi, oneness, after skool
Id: f9lq-uBdxg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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