Distribuir y animar vegetación en Blender | Tutorial

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Hello everyone, how are you today, we are going to make the animation that you just saw, I am going to teach you how to distribute all the grasses with a Geometry notes system, we are going to learn to animate them as well, to start with, we are going to bring all the models that we need, I download them from quixel megascans I download several models I'm going to import one so you can see how I do it and then I import all the others once they are downloaded they put it in a folder I have already downloaded several models here I'm going to go to file import FX I already explained this in the first video that I uploaded But well, let's review it, I'm going to go to this one, for example, Quixel, when you download plants, you have different variations, I'm going to open this one, for example, and now I'm going to open a new window here, I open the shader editor, I'm going to touch here control shift and I'm going to look for Atlas textures and we put opacity rófones translucent of the complicated one with normal English and albedo I'm not going to put the display because it's not necessary for a little plant we give it there and our material is already assigned if they see this black I don't know be scared when they go to when they go to the render view everything black becomes transparent well once all the models matter I have a few here you don't need to put so much I think it happens a little bit but hey The more I will actually do the more variety is going to have Well now what you have to do is separate the things by collections that would be up here are like folders I am going to select for example these two that are of the same type we touch we select it by dragging like this or touching one and shift to select another I'm going to touch the m new collection I'm going to put leaves one for example we give it Ok and here I'll pass those two objects to a new leaf folder I'm going to select these new collection with the m flowers very good there we should have them all separated For collections I am going to hide them because they do not need to be visible and now in the main collection we are going to add a plane I am going to enlarge it a bit I am going to touch control to apply the rotation and the scale and now we are going to go to the tab Of geometrinos, they can reduce this, it doesn't matter, well, they will give New here, well, the first thing that we are going to put, first of all, always to add something new, we touch shift and I will search here, we are going to write Instant with points, we touch enter and drag it. Above the line, this is how it is added and automatically connected. Well, you will see that the plane disappears. Now we are going to put the new thing called join Geometry and we are going to put it here at the end. Now we connect the geometry here, so our plane appears again. ok Now we are going to add a distributorms on faces forgive me for using everything in english but just like you and me it is convenient for you to use everything in english because most of the information in the program is in english just like the videos So you should get used to using it in english now we are going to add a Collection info This is going to be to select one of our collections that we have here we are going to connect this to the instance and we are going to activate this check well and now if we want we can choose here for example little leaves are going to start Let's see geometry, they'll see that it's a bit out of date maybe or a half, that anywhere they have to activate these two options below, it happens to them like it did to me that this thing of little leaves that were supposedly little leaves exploded and gigantic leaves appeared, it's because I'm going to hide this for a second and I'm going to go to my collection of leaves , it's probably because the scale and rotation of these from the original ones, let's say, is not applied. my plane and now they should look good Now what we can do to add a bit of variation is we are going to put a random value and we are going to connect it to the scale and now we are going to see that some are smaller and others are larger we can choose let's say the minimum size here and the maximum size I'm going to leave it more or less small and from here from this node we can manage the density we are going to add millions or lower it and well Now we are going to animate them and for that we are going to modify the rotation with a let's put first of all it is not text There it is, we are going to add one more vector, we are going to put it here and another one here with shift so that you can duplicate it, we are going to also add a position and we are going to grab another one of this that I have forgotten. We have a lot of nodes here that now we are going to go connecting first of all position to the vector vector to the vector color to the vector to the vector again and this one Sorry this one we are going to change it to subtract and this one we are going to change it to scale and this one is connected to the rotation it is a bit messy but once we do it They are armed. They don't have to worry anymore, they're going to see how we simplify this a bit and then it's easier to edit well . we are going to put 24, which is the frame rate of your scene if you are working I don't know at 60 fps Well, put it at 60 and we press enter and now if you give it space this number will be constantly changing and it makes our little plants move Now what we are going to do is here, for example, put everything at point 5 so that the direction can be adjusted and there they will see that our little plants are already dancing and how we adjust the animation. We are going to see the little plants there to change a little. see this we can play with this the less less movement it will have and the more we summarize the more they will move you can also play with the scale of the noise that they add a lot they will move more abruptly well there we practically already have set up our animation our our system of grasses and everything now what we are going to do is if we want to add more objects what we want to do I am going to change Sorry I am going to grab all this that is the whole system that we put together and I am going to touch control G and they will see that there was a change, what we did was group all this and we went inside the group if now a little arrow will appear here if we touch it we go back let's say and this is our group now we can put this group for example here I had put little leaves and now the only thing to do to add more models is to duplicate this with shift we touch the number to duplicate it and we put flowers for example I am going to add flowers here and we have to connect this here and this here Come let's go Let's see that I don't change anything now You have to click here to enter the group and well here we have everything from before and I am going to change here the collection of leaves for the one of flowers you will see that we have flowers now they are a little big Like this What I'm going to change here if you remember this I was driving is connected to the scale So I'm going to lower the minimum and the maximum It seems to me that it's fine and I'm going to lower it to the density so that there aren't so many flowers well And practically we're going to do the same with all the models that we want to put there, I already added all my models, the tutorial would be fine, but I want you to know something that this is totally persedural, that is, we can put it on the plane or on the object that we want and look around For example, I am going to edit the plane where I put the grass. If I move this, it will adapt. Well, I hope it has helped you. Thank you very much, to all of you, for watching. We are 700, and it seems to me that we are a lot. of basic Blender So I plan to make a capable video a little longer but doing a simple scene and explaining everything I do step by step but hey Thank you very much again and see you in the next one Bye
Channel: MinerDesign
Views: 17,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, modelo, 3d, 3D, render, tutorial, textura, material, texture, como hacer, scene, escena, gratis, free, model, lighting, luz, iluminacion, tutorialblender, tutorial3d, modelado3d, animacion3d, renderizado3d, efectosvisuales, vegetacion, animacion, vegetation, grass, pasto, planta, plantas, flowers, geometry, geometry nodes, nodes, nodos, geometria
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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