Display examples - which one to use?

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these are basically all the displays that I use in my projects so I thought it would be nice to talk a bit about each of these displays and also give you a small example of how to use it in that way you could add one of these to your projects and give it a better look we have this place for text for numbers dot matrices and eye papers some of these also have a touchscreen so you could also control stuff as well I will use the Arduino for each example and now we'll provide the libraries and an example sketch for each so make sure to check the links below in the description before we start make sure you hit the subscribe button and the notification bell for future videos also thanks to all my patrons for the support so let's get started this video is sponsored by GLC PCB which upgraded our factory so now they can offer five pieces of common two layer PCBs with the production time of only 24 hours and that without any additional fees so for that prototyping become faster than before but for the same low price upload the Gerber file select the PCB settings and order high quality PCBs for a few dollars what's up my friends welcome back we have a lot of this place to see so I think I will start with the most common and this is a 16 byte 2 liquid crystal display or LCD you can display up to 32 characters including letters numbers special characters or unique made icons to communicate with this display we have 16 pins 8 of these pins are apparel data input then we have the supply the read or write enable pin and to set the contrast so use this command for this first example with an Arduino connected directly to the LCD pins now go and download the first example code for this video called example 16 by 2 LCD it will be a very long video if I explain each display step by step that's why for each example you have a full schematic the code and the libraries that you need below the description so go and open the code and for each code you'll have comments line by line and links for the libraries download the library that you need in a zip file then go to sketch include library and select edit zip library and then select the downloaded zip file and that's it the new library should be installed then in the code you have comments for all the steps and in the void loop you have a few examples this LCD is very simple so I will show you how to print text and numbers put the example and there you have it I can print text numbers and some special characters on the LCD the problem is that this setup uses a lot of pins so most of the Arduino pins are used and we don't want that the solution is to use this kind of serial module this is a nice crazy module that only needs two connections the data and clock and need to automatically create the Perl output for the LCD so solder this module to the display and make these connections with only two wires now download and open the second code for this video named example 16 by 2i square see LCD make sure that you install the new library upload the code and there you go in this case I also show you how to create the special unique characters such as musical note arrow and so on so using just two wires we can control the LCD you can set the contrast of this play using this potentiometer on the back also if you use different ice-crazy addresses you could use 12 CDs or more at the same time and print different text on each we have multiple colors for this type of LCDs and the only thing that is different is the price and the slave address read the comments in the code for more I've used this type of LCD in a bunch of projects such as the sliding camera support the temperature PID control the door lock projects and much more in the same way we also have this pony by for LCD it uses the same libraries but is bigger with the same as christy module sorted on the back of the LCD and using the same schematic upload the next code and now we could use a bigger LCD I've used this type of display in my manual CNC project since I needed more space for all the printed data so depending on your project use a small one or the bigger one okay now let's see the next type of display I also use a lot these OLED displays they have a better resolution we have the 128 by 32 pixel 128 by 64 pixel 1 this older display usually use ice-crazy communication but also spi I wasn't able to make the sp1 to work since I had some problems with the libraries that's why I always use the I square C type once again it has 4 pins power ground data and clock connected to the Arduino as in this schematic and open the third code for this video called example as crazy OLED 64 or 32 depending on the use size of the OLED screen I've used this kind of displays for a lot of projects such as the rpm meter the power meter and much more this display is one of my favorites since it is very cheap and easy to use so upload this code that will show you how to print text numbers and create your own logos with the sides of 128 by 64 or 32 pixels on my web page electronic comm you will also find this image - LCD program that will pass a BMP format picture to exa decimal data for the LCD so you could create your own unique logos like this one I did here the code is the same for both sizes of the OLED screen and as for DSP screen you also have the schematic and codes below but I don't know for sure if my OLED display is not functioning or is the code okay another very common LCD is this Nokia 5110 LCD module that cost a few dollars these ones have a different design and a blue backlight so make these connections from there do we know to the screen this display also uses an SBA communication now go below and download the code and libraries for this display the code is named example Nokia 5110 upload a code and now as before we have an example of how to print text numbers and your own logo made us before using the image to LCD program the library also has a demo where you can see how to draw lines circles squares and much more including sliding your created logos as you can see here so that's it for this display for the next example we have only numerical display well it could also print letters such as AC EF and so on but not the entire alphabet this is a 7 segment module and uses a shift driver to control 8 seven segment displays so make these connections to the arduino for clock data load and supply and download the next code from below called seven segments max 72 nineteen driver upload the code and see how you could print numbers and a few letters as well I've used this kind of display for my subscriber counter project since it looks pretty nice with a vintage look okay now here is another 7 segment display but without a driver it has 40 pins so in order to use it without the driver we should use at least an Arduino mega also control this kind of LCD is not that easy it is very sensible I could activate it even with my fingers now if I connect ground to these pins I could turn the segments off but we need an analog signal with both positive and negative polarity otherwise the LCD would damage over time as you can see if I connect ground to the first common pin and positive to the others I could control each of the segments but we need too many pins and also a circuit to apply the dual polarity signal so for that I bought this other module that already has a driver this LCD also uses a serial communication connected like this to the Arduino and download the code called example 7 segment LCD 6x1 I'll pull the code and see how you could print numbers from 0 to 9 and also of you lat you could also control the decimal dot and a total of six seven seven displays using just three wires this kind of display is very useful when you have a project that works with numbers okay so another interesting kind of this play is this dot matrix you could connect them in series so then the data from the first module will go to the next one I only have two but you could use up to eight modules using this library it uses the same driver the Mac 7219 has the other seven segment display I've used this chip to make my own huge matrix in a previous project connect the matrices like this to an Arduino and download the next code example dot matrix display a pull the code and as you can see you could screw text or numbers and also some unique icons that you could edit you could control the speed set it to screw or static text and merge multiple matrices together so that's it for this dot matrix display now we jump to some more complicated displays first we have this ePaper display since it has a look of an electronic paper this one is great for low power use since the picture will still be on the screen after you disconnect the power as you can see I disconnect the cable but the image is still there so once you refresh the new image you could disconnect the power supply in order to save some power make these connections to the Arduino it also uses an SPI serial communication so connect the data pins now load the next code and the libraries from below called a paper example upload the code and once again see how to print text numbers draw figures such as circles squares or print your own icons as before use the image to a CD to create your logo in Exodus small format so there you have it that's how to use this ePaper display and give your project a nice paper look finally I had these two TFT displays one is a color display and the other one has a touch screen as well this one here is based on the ili 9341 chip that could display different car it uses an SP communication as you can see here on these pins so connected like this to the Arduino and go and download the next example code it is called ili 9341 TFT example upload it and see how you could change the color of the screen print text and numbers and other shapes this is a very nice display to use and give our project more colors now in the same way I have this next TFT display that also has a touchscreen it needs a shield in order to be used since as you can see it has a lot of pins but I don't have that shield so I've tried to make one myself I couldn't make this display to work and I don't know if it is damaged or if the library is wrong you have the schematic below for the shield or for direct connection and also the used library upload a code and test if it works in my case the screen stayed always white so sorry for that ok guys that's it this were all the displays that I have there are more types of screens that you could use with different sizes colors functions and so on if you would like a more detailed tutorial on any of the present at this place leave a comment in the comment section below I hope this video will help you to make an idea of the options that you have for your projects and how to use each of these displays also that you have learned something new if you enjoyed this video make sure you subscribe and activate a notification bell for future videos also click the like button like crazy and share this video with your friends and remember that your help on patreon means a lot for me and will keep these kind of videos going so thanks again and see you later guys [Music]
Channel: Electronoobs
Views: 155,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arduino, example, LCD, i2c, 16x2, 20x4, OLED, NOKIA5110, SPI, 7segments, MAX7219, matrix, led, TFT, ILI9341, SSD1289, e-paper, nextion, image2LCD, logo
Id: H4OuxIwLgHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 02 2018
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