Displacement rendering with Arnold

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[Music] in this video I'm gonna show you how to set up a scene where we're going to use a high output for displacement using the Arnold renderer alright so let's just get started and I'm going to first create a plane and we'll scale this guy up let's jump over here to our channel box and our inputs and for the subdivision width and height I'm gonna set this to 100 and let's see I'll go ahead and turn off the ground plane now again we have this object selected let's come over here to the shape node and we'll come over to Arnold and I'm gonna scroll down to the subdivisions section and for the type we'll set this to capital Clark and the iterations I'm going to set this to 4 to start and then for the displacement attributes I'm gonna turn on auto bump and we're going to come back in a bit and change this height value here so for now this is kind of get us into a starting position now let's come over here to Arnold and we're gonna create a skylight so we'll come over here to sky dome light and for the color what I'm gonna do is just browse here for a map and what I'm going to use these are just a bookmark to the maps that ship with substance designer so these are just say CH D our Maps and I am going to use the one here called Corsica Beach this is what it looks like so we'll click open and I can see that here in my viewport and so let's just select the sky dome and just kind of rotate it I have my sunlight here kind of want to have it positioned so I have kind of a nice angle of light here now next let's come over here to create and let's create a camera that we can work with so we have our camera and let's just look through selected on this and here let's turn on our gate so our film gates resolution gates let's get this guys set up so let's see here we'll do something like this and against go back here to that environment map I'm just gonna rotate it so my light is kind of off at this angle alright so this is going to kind of set up this seeing that I have so far and let's come over here to my hypershade tab and let's see well grab these nodes and I'm just gonna remove them out of here and let's now create an instance of the substance well as could an instance of the substance node and for the texture set settings I'm gonna browse for my file here and let's see where I have this guy placed and let's see come in here to my tool box where I keep all my substances and let's see here SP s and I'm gonna use this rock dirt ground so open this guy up now here you can see in the attribute editor everything's blank I've mentioned this in a previous video where this is just kind of a refresh bug so if we just click off and then click back on we can see everything is set correctly so now what I'm going to do here is let's see here from my automatic baking you can see here that this is already enabled and my output cache I'm just using my Maya project folder in this case what I'm going to do here is I'm just going to keep it as is for now just using the Maya project folder alright so the next thing I need to do is I'm going to hit the tab key here and I am going to create a standard surface so I'm using Arnold I'm going to use an AI standard surface material and then let's middle mouse click and drag this here onto my ground plane alright now let's start connecting here my substance outputs so I'm going to first create a base color I'm also going to create a normal and a roughness and finally here a height okay so we have all that together let's select these nodes and just reorganize them here let's grab our Arnold surface and bring that up alright now I can just start connecting my textures so here I have the base color texture for the out color I'm gonna plug this here into the base color I'm gonna use the out alpha of my roughness and plug this into the specular roughness and here for my normal I'm gonna create a bump 2d node let's take my out alpha to the bump value and we're gonna switch this to tangent space normal and then finally the normal is going to go right here into the normal camera okay so we have a basic setup here let's come over to our viewport and I'm just going to click this button which is gonna let me view this as textured let's go back here to the substance and let's set my resolution all the way up here to 2048 so now the substance engine is recomputing these maps to this new higher resolution they'll take just a moment here and then everything will get propagated over here to the Arnold material alright so that process has been completed and I think the next thing I'd like to do is maybe come over here to the the place 2d texture node and maybe set my repeat UV let's let's just do this a 2x2 here so we're just going to tile the textures and so here we'll set the first one here this is the U coordinate and again just takes a moment just to update all the textures and we'll set this guy here to two as well this is our V alright so this is our basic scene as we have it set up so far so now what we're gonna do is just let me open up an IPR render here we grab my render view looks like it's off looks like it's off monitor so it's got a drag and drop this guy into here alright so here's what we're getting so far and one little thing one other thing I forgot to do let me go back here to my bump 2d and let me go to the Arnold tab and I need to turn off the flip are in flip red-and-green so make sure that this is rendering correctly here alright so here's what we're getting so far so we'll just pause this for now and let me just drag this guy over alright so let me just close up my hypershade and I think I'm just going to just zoom out a little bit just bring up this shot here a little better something like this let me go back here to my environment so I'm just selecting my background to or just clicking here in the background to select the environment map and just rotate this guy a little bit and now we'll come back let me just send pause by IPR so get something like this is going to work all right so we're getting like a base render here but the problem is that well we don't have any displacements is all like really flat and so we need to start to work with some displacement here all right so to do that we're gonna go back here to the hypershade now if I select here my ground plane we've already set up the Arnold attributes here for the subdivision go back to subdivision the type I set to camel Clark iterations we set this to four by default we may up this value a bit higher and then my displacement attributes here I'm using this auto bump now this height value is going to be pretty high by default so I'm going to take this down to a point zero two and then what I'm going to do is come over here where I have the shading group here for the AI standard surface and this here is where I have my height now in the previous video in our course where we talked about just kind of basic usage of the substance plug-in I talked about you know your automatic baking and your formats and things but when you're working with a format something that's that needs to have a really high bit depth something like say height you'll notice here that this is going to generate out as an EXR just you know by default so you're gonna have that high fidelity data that you need to do a proper displacement so let's select the shade the shading group node here and we'll come over to our shooting group tab and all I need to do is just take the height I'm gonna middle mouse click and drag that right here into the displacement material so now we have this guy set up correctly all right and we'll just select our nodes here we'll just kind of reframe everything regroup everything so this is my new shading Network and now let's come over here to our render and I'll just unpause this guy and let's see what this is gonna do as it starts to render the scene and so now we're starting to get some depth here and you can see that that height value I set around point zero two was was pretty close by default so this is what I'm starting to get here so now let's see I'm just gonna pause this again and let me go back here to my material and let me set my iterations up to let's say eight so let's set this a bit higher and let's see if this makes any bit of difference at all okay so eight was pretty high so I just pause the video and I dropped that back down to four just to speed up that I mean sorry I dropped that to five just to speed up the time okay so now let me just take a look again it just kind of framing up a shot here seeing what I can get all right so we'll just go with something like this so the next thing we're gonna do is add some depth of field and to help us with this I'm going to create a measure tool so we're gonna go over here to create measure tools and we're going to create a distance tool and I'll just put down these points here and let's come over here to our outliner and let's scrap here we'll just say locator 2 and I'm gonna parent that underneath my camera and then here I'm gonna go to this locator twos transform tab and just zero everything out like this here and you can see that that places that locator right here at the camera location all right so now what we can do is just grab our locator one here and let's go back into our camera view so let's look through selected on this here is that camera node and now I can just kind of move this guy to place you know to determine where I want this focal point to be so I'm just gonna try maybe something around here so that's close to 19 so we'll use that now let's select our camera and here underneath the Arnold tab for the are the Arnold attributes for the camera I'm going to enable depth of field and for that focal distance I'm going to type in 19 type in a aperture depth of field here let's try like 0.15 something like this and my aperture blades will set to like 8 and now let's bring this guy back into here and I'll just unpause my IPR render you can see here that we're getting our focus point is here and then we're starting to get some nice kind of depth of field kind of blur here in the background in foreground alright so let's pause this guy and one other thing that I'm gonna do let's see well we don't need to go out of the perspective view just keep looking through our camera let's come over to our Arnold render settings and underneath the Arnold renderer tab an environment for atmosphere I'm going to create just some fog here and for the color let's see and we'll probably just darken this just a little bit let's see what this does so we'll come into here and we'll just unpause that now here you're seeing we're starting to get some of this kind of fog the idea here is you know just creating some atmospheric perspective here and so that's looking pretty nice kind of just giving us you know like I said just a little bit more atmosphere here now what we need to do is just go into our render settings and you set this up and do just a full render and that's gonna close out this lesson in this video we just you know quickly set up an entire scene to do some displacement rendering using the height output from our substance we set some subdivision properties here on our ground plane mesh and then fed the height into the displacement material of the shading group of the Arnold standard surface material so thanks a lot for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Adobe Substance 3D
Views: 71,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Substance, Substance Painter, Substance Live, Substance Designer, Sustance Source, texturing, texture, textures, ndo, ddo, quixel suite, megascans, painting, unreal engine, unity, pbr, physically based rendering, mapping, 3d art, materials, procedural, blender, generation, mari, the foundry, autodesk, maya, Allegorithmic
Id: fW7QvSYNH_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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