Disney Marvel PANICS Over M-She-U Fatigue

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[Music] everything they're working on is terrible and is not very good some of the people call it the X-Men there's a lot of female um of female superheroes in that X-men group so I think it's outdated super into superhero comics when I was kid I read a lot of like Indie depressed stuff so what I love about being a part of this universe is the diversity and the inclusion when you do black panther you have a black director Black producer you have a black choreographer you have a black and I'm like that's more racing than anything else nerdurotic.com Disney Marvel's Kevin feige doesn't think audiences will ever get tired of superhero movies from variety but quite frankly I like the directs headline a lot better Marvel boss Kevin feige responds to superhero fatigue concerns superhero fatigue is something that's been talked about for a couple of decades but we're here to talk about MCU fatigue Disney Marvel boss Kevin feige was recently on a podcast getting softball questions where he vaguely addressed the concerns with the diminishing returns from Disney Marvel as a whole and the MCU and then he immediately dismisses them or does he we'll get to that in just a moment to say superhero media is popular would be an understatement for those looking to get their fill of Heroes there's plenty of opportunity to do so after all 2022 alone saw over a dozen live-action superhero stories hit both the big screens and televisions worldwide and it doesn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon and they aren't kidding the following was released last year from Amazon the boys the Samaritan from DC the Batman Black Adam Superman and Lois Naomi Legends of Tomorrow Batwoman Peacemaker The Flash Star Girl Titans Doom Patrol the Sandman penny work from Sony Marvel morbius from Disney Marvel to specials where we'll finite and the Guardians of the Galaxy holiday special black panther wakanda forever crap 411 Thunder crap Doctor Strange mom Mega crap Moon Knight She-Hulk and Miss Marvel I'll give you 200 bucks for all of them can't imagine why this subject is coming up at all after all that but as I said this isn't necessarily superhero fatigue as much as it's bad movie and MCU fatigue again this is an interview with his old USC film instructor who hosts the movie Biz podcast secrets of Marvel Studios with Kevin feige no I'm not anticipating any hard-hitting questions but let's hear from the man himself after a year of MCU failures and the CEO of his parent company getting fired in the middle of the night on a Sunday at an Elton John concert never gets old when asked what are the secrets of Marvel Studios Kevin phage has this to say there are no secrets the secret is their secrets in terms of the story lines and spoilers and things like that but to see if there was a formula because people have been asking us for a very long time what's the formula and the truth is there isn't any [ __ ] [Music] [Music] that was awesome foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this isn't about you I think a better question is do you have a plan and the answer is clearly no but they most definitely have a formula a number of years ago you know when we became part of the Walt Disney Company one of the many many positive things that happened then is that we got access to all of the brilliant people at the other Studios within uh Walt Disney live action and Pixar and soon after lucasfilm so we could have these inside conversations with people and I found it very therapeutic when the folks at Pixar again this is probably a decade ago we're sharing with us how hard they have to work on each project and how at a certain point everything they're working on is terrible and is not very good and needs to be needs to be shaped and worked and reworked and I felt such a such a weight lifted off my shoulders because that is what it was like for us and still is like for us at Marvel Studios well I couldn't agree more with Kevin feige there to be fair Kevin feige says this is all part of the process and things work themselves out in the end I wouldn't agree with that but I can't help but think this is a reference to the VFX problems they've had it's one thing to do some pickups and reshoots here and there and it's another thing to reshoot a beginning an ending or an entire film considering they've reshot every single film and almost every single D plus Series in phase four Marvel reportedly changed black widow's ending fight during reshoots Shang Chi reshoots reportedly beginning in La next week eternal's director says reshoots are a blessing Disney Marvel reportedly re-filmed most of Doctor Strange 2. Thor love and thunder undergoing reshoots with Christian Bale oh good for you black panther wakanda forever reportedly undergoing more reshoots they're gonna have to start putting Nets outside the windows of these VFX facilities and to all the shills who say all of these reshoot rumors are from alt-right iths and phobes and for some reason I just thought well all these other successful places and people it must just come out of their brains perfectly formed and it's only us at Marvel Studios that has to grind and work and rework and rewrite and re-cut and reshoot over and over again to make something something work that may cooperate this in a new report from vulture Disney Marvel is singled out for the Studio's lack of organization in collaborating with VFX houses for slates of cinematic releases and d-plus shows according to an anonymous animator who worked on the past Marvel Cinematic Universe projects one frequent issue that aggravates contractors is Marvel's request to alter endings rather than stick to what they initially agreed upon in pre-production the animator explained it's kind of like putting that last coat of paint on a car and while you're putting that last coat on you're trying to decide what color you want they don't figure stuff out early enough listen I don't want to make it sound like these third-party VFX organizations that work for Disney are grabbing their lunch pail putting on their hard hat and going to the coal mine they're dealing with pixels still credit where credit is due these guys are trying to polish an identity politics and intersectional feminism turd under unrealistic deadlines that Disney Marvel has all the power over Are there specific Lessons Learned I think I think on every project we work on we learn lessons have you though really you know we we yeah it's incredible to say that but Ant-Man the WASP Quantum Mania which is our next feature that comes out uh in February will be our 31st film we've now completed over 10 series for Disney plus which were all varying degrees of pretty bad to awful and the fun thing about starting to do ongoing narrative long form uh theories was it was a whole new learning curve would you mean for example learning how to make something like a television show and one that's coherent that doesn't assassinate your legacy characters but I do think you know and I'm sure an example will come to me I have an entire playlist of examples right here but I do think that on every project one works on you need to take your lessons and we do a postmortem on every project or at least we try to if we're not too busy with the next project maybe they've just been too busy lately to sit and discuss what went right and what went wrong and I remember we started doing that we were asked to do it for the first time after Iron Man won and we call them post-mortems now at the time it was a what went wrong meeting but it actually is great to sit and go here's what was done here's how we could have done it better and we do that on we do that on every on every project I have a suggestion maybe you need to do a what went wrong meeting with your what went wrong meetings of what what lessons is learned is entertain the audience at every turn hold up wait a minute something ain't right what about the message entertain first you can have as many beautiful messages and Beautiful Life theories and beautiful thematics uh uh that you want to put into the world that all of us do and all of our filmmakers do but if you're not entertaining first it will fall on deaf ears is it your time of the month I don't get my period dip I don't have a uterus or over it now this is one of the quotes that a lot of people are keying in on for good reason and hey it sounds great except there are two ways you could look at it that Disney Marvel is indeed gonna focus on entertainment over identity politics and intersectional feminism or they think they're doing that already we've heard this kind of crap from Disney Executives in the past and words are wind change is indeed coming but as I've said before when it does come Disney and its subsidiaries will be the very last of the party if they show up at all now how do you decide on the next phase each of our sagas are broken into phases and we now find ourselves on the precipice of phase two of the Multiverse Saga okay I hope you got that straight Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania which is going to start phase five which was supposed to be in phase four is also going to be phase two of the Multiverse Saga I'm so confused people were asking well how long is this going to last what is this sad of comic book movies going to end this is the other quote people are keying in on and this is where Kevin phage addresses the superhero fatigue and the [ __ ] starts and I didn't even not really understand the question because to me it was akin to saying to saying after Gone With the Wind well how many more movies can can be made off of novels there was a time prior to Captain Marvel I would agree with that very poor analogy allow me to make one of my own using Gone With the Wind Disney Marvel's current process of making films based on their comic books is akin to making gone with the win for a modern audience Pedro Pascal would play Rhett Butler Elliot page would play Scarlett O'Hara and their roles would be reversed and RuPaul would play Mammy do you think the audience will sour on movies being adapted from books they're 80 years of the most interesting emotional groundbreaking stories 80 years of stories that have sold millions of comics that you have mostly skipped to get to stories that have sold in the thousands had been told in the Marvel comic uh and it is our great privilege to be able to to take what we want and adapt them take what we want and adapt them basically Marvel and name only although I need to stop dead name gaming Marvel because it no longer exists it died in 2009 it's only Disney Marvel now and they were doing so well but it all started with Nick Fury losing his eye to a kitty cat and turning Marvel into a net bending which means you can adapt one of the greatest stories in the history of Marvel Comics The Death of Captain Marvel but another way to do that is adapting them into different genres again something that sounds good in theory and quite frankly they were on their way to doing it in the beginning but that's not what's really happening now is it thanks to the MCU stage four everything's been homogenized down into formulaic generic superhero person Australia [Music] that looks like something out of Sky High but not nearly as good we can tell any types of movies that are are merely share one thing two things the Marvel Studios logo above the title and a seed of an idea from our publishing uh uh history as I said they're not adapting anything it's just simply a seed of an idea and that's how we get things like unrecognizable nemour a gender swap Taskmaster who was actually played by a dude an insufferable Captain Marvel played by an insufferable actress Brie Larson who got demoted in her own sequel by the way a joke of a Moon Knight a beige color palette gobbledygook eternals film that should have been a love letter to Jack Kirby an underperforming generic Shane Chi film starring a stock photo model that should have been rated R and an homage to Bruce Lee introducing Miss Marvel America Chavez ironheart Echo and Kate Bishop before Dr Doom the Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four by the way where is the casting for that film and I think they're on their fantastic fourth director after doing the impossible and making Captain America and Iron Man household names you kill them off bringing back Daredevil only to have him take the walk of shame but I'm sure those CW Riders are going to turn things around Kevin feige achieving his goal of having more female characters than male creating the MCU destroying all the Legacy characters to make way for all of the diversity and inclusivity making the exact same mistakes as the comics and getting the same results I don't make the rules Bruce Banner is Hulk Tony Stark is Iron Man Steve Rogers is Captain America Thor is Thor Peter Parker is Spider-Man and Miles Morales Miles Morales speaking of the publishing wing and your Source material how are those comic books doing since Kevin feige took over it appears that the entire industry has fallen apart the comic shops that are left can no longer rely on Comic Book Sales to stay in business the sales have created so much they've stopped reporting them looks like comixology is dead and manga is laughing maybe the video games are doing better oh it looks like the Avengers got canceled the end along with the Guardians of the Galaxy it ended up costing Square Enix 200 million dollars not to be outdone D plus lost a billion and a half dollars in streaming in a single quarter on Kevin feige's watch and Bob champix but he got fired in the middle of the night on a Sunday day that's okay because Here Comes China to the rescue Disney Marvel's gonna get those adult Pretenders in line and hell maybe they'll have another opportunity for their parent company to thank a concentration camp Oh don't get me wrong it's totally fine for the adult Pretenders to continue attacking the fans slash paying customers but don't say anything bad about the CCP just a reminder Disney covered Chadwick boseman's face on a poster for Chyna that had Kevin feige's name on it if Kevin feige would have moved on or retired after end game he would have gone down as a legend they would have renamed streets after him across America and they would have renamed Hollywood fighting wood but it looks like we have to break out that Dark Knight clip again you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain superhero films could have gone on for decades as long as they focused on the one thing that made them popular their characters instead they decided to lean into identity politics which will put an expiration date on everything but don't worry Kevin feige will be just fine as he continues to spam Disney Marvel content that doesn't adapt or even honor the source material it comes at the expense of it what did it cost [Music] s
Channel: Nerdrotic
Views: 811,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nerdrotic, Gary Buechler, Pop-culture, TV, Movies, Comic Books, Nerd, Culture, Commentary, Opinion, Discussion, Podcast
Id: 6-iDk3Fuv6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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