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T-shirts, jumpers and hats. Bye! Darn, my hands hurt. We can do it. Look how small it has become. After the success of the first challenge, that really drained me to the core. I decided not to spare myself and torture myself with this other challenge to draw until the eraser runs out. For the challenge, I'll use this sheet and I've already, like a true professional, taken a completely intact eraser. There's no trick, no deceit. It's a completely normal eraser, but without any brands, because unfortunately, no one sponsors me here. I'm talking to you companies from all over the world. Stabilo, Stadler, Giotto. What a wasted opportunity. You could have been the stars of my video. Let's get another sheet to measure the current size of the eraser. It's six centimeters... and a half. I don't know why. The challenge is to always draw on the same sheet. At the end of one drawing, I'll erase it and do the second one, then erase that, and I'll do the third, then the fourth, then the fifth, then the sixth, until you see me like this to breathe my last breath. It's 3.24 P.M. Let's set a timer for an hour and let's start. First drawing. Oh my gosh, the blank sheet. The terror. A little woman, because I always like drawing little women. Darn it. The first drawings are really... they always come out. Let's erase. Yeah, I don't like this. Now, erasing has a different effect. Unfortunately, I always start with the classic first manga drawing. Then I say, no, it's too manga. And then slowly I manage to unlock my abilities. But I don't want to always draw the same girl. I mean, I want to add something special. Maybe we could give her a piercing. Also here, and nice lips. And a piercing right in the middle. OK, this first drawing isn't all that great. Let's erase it with a vigorous elbow strike. I didn't consider the fact that I'd be full of these darn things. Let's try to draw something else. It really bothers me that you can see underneath the drawing I did before. Male hairstyles always give me trouble because they're all the same. I mean, women have billions of hairstyles. That's just how it is. At some point, all male turn into bald guys. Maybe I could make a more graceful, somewhat feminine hairstyle. And now I have to move on to the next drawing, but I almost regret erasing it. I didn't think about it when I planned this video that I could get attached to the drawings. Oh well. Actually, I was thinking that the moment I use the most the eraser is when I finish a drawing and erase to move on to the next. So my goal isn't to make mistakes because otherwise I will move on to the next drawing. It's to quickly make a drawing that convinces me so that I can finally erase it all. Unexpected event. What unexpected event? Don't you think you can get away that easily? I'll never be able to finish this eraser. Just imagine if there are unexpected events. Customize eraser, the eraser you're using is too white. Customize it to make it more appealing. Look at me having to waste time drawing on the eraser. Come on, give me the pen. I want to personalize it with just one small thing, which is by adding a little heart. Here's our eraser with a little sad face. Do you like it? The goal is to destroy this eraser and get to erase its heart. Think about how much I hate this eraser. I don't know why, but lately I've been obsessed with fishes. Often I draw characters, but they are in the water. So creating fishes in a normal scene creates this surreal environment where... How do the fishes swim in the air? Cute this girl looking upwards, but I don't really like the face much. Overall, I do like it though. Who knows how many people at home right now are squirming because I keep erasing my drawings. And think you have the great honor of seeing them, witnessing the short life of these drawings. It's like witnessing the birth and death of a beautiful butterfly. I mean, I can't accept the fact that eventually this eraser will disappear. And all these remnants here will be what used to be my eraser. What the heck am I doing? Come on, Richard. Just to encourage myself a bit. I like the elongated face. The star instead of the eye. And she's standing like cheerleaders typically stand. I don't know if the anatomy is accurate. But who cares? Actually, let's say it's not. So let's erase everything. This is the first time I particularly like the face. Well, it doesn't matter. The face is gone. This is a great exercise, guys. Not just to fight the abandonment syndrome. Fighting that morbid attachment artists have towards their own works. It's also a great workout for the arms look. Ten sets with the right one. The timer interrupted my joke. It's not fair. It's time to see our eraser. Oh my god. I didn't consider that it's not like erasing straight ahead holding it like this vertically. Let's see how long the more used side is. It's six centimeters. So we've used up one centimeter. Half a centimeter. Half a centimeter? This will never end because then the other side is the same. It's the same length as before. I have to be more sure so I can erase faster after finishing a drawing. So to our rescue, the random word generator will come. The first word is airport. The second word is kiwi. Then eyebrows. I had drawn a hostess with really long eyebrows. Who is holding a kiwi. But it actually looks more like a sea urchin or those companion algae. One no longer knows what to come up with to keep people from feeling lonely. What are they called? The maribo? The maribo. Go outside, take a walk, call a friend, not the companion algae. I know myself. If I had one and it died, I'd feel terrible. Goodbye. Let's find out if the drawing dogs for 30 days video I recorded was useful for something. Or if I've already forgotten everything. What were the hind legs like? Why are dogs born with such crooked legs? Besides, the nicest thing is that when someone has gone through a process where they, I don't know, drawn in a sketchbook for so long, drawing dogs for so long, often just looking back at the drawings that have been done helps a lot. Darn, this is a little sausage. It's the dog nobody would want. Let's pretend it never existed. The paper is starting to become strangely sticky. More random words brave. Concert. Igloo. Riiic? Unexpected event. When do we decide that you would be part of this video? A little unexpected event? What do you think? Negative drawing. You know, Ric, that eraser erases really well. But will it be just as good for drawing? Make a large space. You choose completely filled with pencil and draw by erasing them. Wait. No, the important thing is that a little drawing comes out of it. Here's my space. I wanted to draw a dot in the center of this space. It doesn't count. A slightly bigger one, come on. Now I see how the heck I can fit it in here. Darn, I hadn't taken into account the fact that now I'm full of little eraser things that have slipped over and under the paper. So now I have all these dots that make drawing on this paper a hell by now. with the unexpected event, I made this igloo and a brave guy who is giving a concert with a violin in Alaska. And he's brave because it's cold. In fact, he's trembling. No, stop. It's starting. The third... Stop! If I continue, I don't think it'll start. So come on, the goal is to erase. Yes, you'll erase, and a lot. The next unexpected event is... We like it dirt. Are you enjoying erasing that much, Ric, right? To the extent that you're getting attached to the eraser remnants? That's why you'd leave them on the paper for the next drawing. Nooo! But it's impossible to draw with eraser remnants. I've tried to make very few, but it's impossible because I filled everything with black. It's an unexpected event. Yes, but when it happens three, four, five times, I start to foresee it. It becomes expected. If I do this now, I'll drag all the eraser remnants. I can move it, though, from the paper spread it. The important thing is not to remove it. Look, it seems like the guy is screaming eraser remnants. Now go away, please. No! I was erasing from the wrong side. I have to make sure to always erase from this side, otherwise it's useless work. Since everything is dirty, I imagine this boy riding a bike in the woods. There's this dirty monster that looks like a Pokemon. In the end, however, the boy's face came out nice and even the monster. Anyway, with all these eraser things and the fact that it's as big as the trees that give a bit of depth. Next drawing. Next drawing? Next unexpected event. Come on, there's an unexpected event every two seconds? One, two, one, two. The affectionate. The drawing you just made is so beautiful that you can't really separate yourself from it. No! I said it's nice, but I didn't say that. In the next drawing, you'll have to make it on top of that one. So the next drawing is a bird. I'm done. Not integrated. On top? Right on top? I remove the remnants. That was another unexpected event. Incredibly, I thought this drawing would turn out horrible, etc. And instead, it's nice. Actually, I had to make everything black to detach it from the previous drawing. A mysterious entity, almost surreal, slightly transparent. But now let's make it completely transparent by erasing it. Let's start from what I liked least about the drawing. And then lastly, let's erase the face. As if leaving it for loss served any purpose. It's time to erase even the part I'm attached to. The paper is getting dirtier and dirtier. Next drawing. Kama, can I? Can I? It's no need to say anything. Don't put the microphone back on. Mind your own business. Next words. Magnet driver. Van. A Van driver, how I imagine it. Always a tough guy. A big guy you'd never want to meet. This is exactly the stereotype of a truck driver with a square face. I don't know why I gave him a wheat ear in his mouth. It doesn't look like a truck driver. I don't like reasoning by stereotypes. But well, in this case, it seems, I don't know, like a normal American college guy who plays football. He needs a beard. And this little beard makes him a bit more like a trucker. And then the truck driver usually has a stormy past he wants to forget. So let's do it with tattoos. On his right arm, he tattooed a cobra because he was part of a gang before. The three-headed cobra gang. Dog, be quiet! Now that I've added a number on the t -shirt, I've confirmed that he's a football player. Let's erase and forget even though the face came out nice. The sheet now appears to be covered by a thin oily layer, but it doesn't come off with the eraser. What a shock that I will have now because we have to measure our failure. 5.3 centimeters. We managed to... to nothing. Not even a centimeter. We were at six centimeters before. 0.7 millimeters. This challenge will be never-ending. There is David who is filming me. I told him it was a day's job, but not a lifetime. David, if you want, you can go home. Bye. Oh, you're really going... Come here, David. We will all suffer together. All together. No one here will go home until I'm finished. Do you want to do other unexpected events? Do them even at midnight, Kama! This face would have turned out quite nice if it weren't for the fact that the sheet is... Don't know why, but today I like drawing all these Princess-like girls. I really like this drawing. Even the flowers at this time are particularly interesting to me, also the fishes. I don't know, maybe because I find them easy to represent. If you want to give the idea of a flower a rose here, I'll do it like this. Like this. This here... is a flower. Can I take a picture? Can I? Leave me alone for a moment. Try erasing all your drawings. And then I want to see how you react. Next drawing. Tell me a random word, David. Rhinoceros. And so let's go with the rhinoceros. So I'll draw a beautiful prince fused with a rhinoceros. I'm noticing that drawing always on the same sheet is conditioning my way of drawing. Normally, to modulate the line, I'd trace it differently to make some parts more defined, others less. Instead, in this case, I'm trying to avoid tracing because otherwise I can't erase them. And the drawing underneath keeps showing. And then the drawing after that and this sheet becomes a mess. But no, I have to trace. I have to speed up. Let's focus on quantity. Quality will come later, otherwise I won't be able to win this challenge. I like this hairstyle done like this. At least, in the video "Drawing until the pencil ends" It was the sharpener that did all the work. Richard? Hello. Hello. Alternative artist. Drawing with a pencil. It's too mainstream. You don't limit yourself to that for the next three minutes. You have to draw with... Then you draw with the pencil and smudge with the finger dipped in saliva. No, dipped in saliva? No, because otherwise we'll throw away the sheet. What drawing can I do to smudge? Do you know the famous drawing of the two hands drawing each other? Do you know the challenge is mine? The video is mine, the channel is mine, and you don't even have to be in this video? Darn, I have to smudge too. No darn, this drawing was so beautiful. Also with the finger. You never smudge with the finger. Plus, there are also eraser remnants on the sheet, so I'm smudging and erasing at the same time. This is beautiful too. I can't bring myself to erase this. David, come here. Which part do you like the most? We'll keep that for last. It's the cheeks. I really like the cheeks. No, not the cheeks. No! Okay, erase a bit more. Yes, for an hour or two. Good luck. Thanks. Next words. Convent. Zipper. Mental hospital. I don't know why, but convent and mental hospital will go really well together. The concept is there, right? It's a crazy nun. And maybe she's holding? The crucifix. Don't look at the anatomy. This is all a stick. But it's okay, you understood anyway. You have to focus on this point here. Here is my daily workout. Yes, Maurizio Merluzzo would be proud of me. This is my workout and you want to know how I integrate all this physical effort with fibers. Yes, I eat all these rubber pieces. I recommend you don't believe anything I say. A show. I imagine a model participating like this in a fashion show. And then just to have another one. Accident. Maybe she had an accident in the past, but because of that she became a characteristic beauty. Riccardo, you forgot an unexpected event. The indecisive one. The face you created doesn't convince you? Erase it and do it again. No, why erasing and doing it all over again? Stop. All together! Wait a moment. Let's measure the eraser first. We erased 1 centimeter point 3. Look right at your fingers and make it 1 centimeter point 3. It might seems little, but in this challenge we're moving forward. Centimeter after centimeter. This is a life lesson, guys! The marathon isn't run by covering kilometers, but by covering centimeters after centimeters. I can't erase it myself. Antonio come here. You have to erase the face of this drawing. I'll let you decide which side of the eraser. This is the side. Why do you erase my drawings so easily? Go, go, erase! Since Antonio came here, I said he really has a sadistic look. Yes, that's enough. You're fired. Go. And now I'll make it creepy as if there's no tomorrow. How turned out? It's even slightly cross-eyed. Let's move on and erase this nightmare. Let's see what can inspire us. Batteries. Mustache. Document. So I imagined a robot that prints documents from its belly. This here is the little tray and it's recharging. I must say that drawing on the same sheet is facilitating this challenge, because I'm forced to erase a lot to try to remove every single detail that remains impressed on the sheet. Next words. Basketball. Swimming. Arm and arm with basketball. I just realized something while drawing Tarzan. He doesn't have any hair. The man of the jungle shaves every day, but I want to draw hair here on the legs. on the chest full of hair. There's Tarzan. There's the pool. There's basketball. There's the goal. Let's erase. Come on. Here I need assistance. Francesca, come here. I had come to say that I was leaving. Instead, no. So now, Franciccina, you have to draw a man from a certain nation. Don't overdo it, because then you have to erase it. That's what all these marks underneath are about. Exactly. Good, Franciccina. Now the fun part. You have to erase it. Please, no! No! No! How does this make you feel? Annoyed. Think that I must have erased I don't know how many drawings since I've been here? Satisfied? You didn't erase it well? Yeah. What did you do? What did you do? By doing. You moved the eraser immense by a millimeter. Francesca's drawings inspired me. Next drawing, the simplest drawing in the world. Trembling, profession, cold meat. The professor tries to eat the meat, but unfortunately can't. The professor's meat is too cold. The nice thing is that this little annoying drawing, drawn haphazardly, turned out quite cute. This app probably predicts my future. Snow. Feast. The zombie having a feast on the snowman. Done. Let's move on. What do I have to do? Ah, measure. I'm going crazy. We're at three centimeters point three. Let's play a prank on Antonio. Was it warm? A bit. A bit? I'll try harder next time. Next drawing. Tower. River. Car. Best illustration ever. Erase! Now I don't feel like doing this with words. Enough, I'm fed up. It appeared the word belt. But what do you want me to draw? Boar? How is a boar made? Do you know? Now I'll draw how, in my opinion, a wild boar looks. I believe this is the best representation of a boar you could ever see in your entire life. The best work. Erase immediately. Let's redeem ourselves. Let's redeem ourselves. Unexpected event? I thought they were over? It's been a while since one happened. I'm going crazy. Blindness has led you to madness. Close your eyes and use the eraser on the paper for three seconds. What will remain of the drawing? It turned out nice. It was going well. And now I don't even feel like fixing it, honestly. The thing that destroys me the most is not erasing the drawings. Because, okay, maybe I finish the drawing. It reaches its maximum splendor. And then I say, okay, let's erase it. But in the meantime, I had the chance, like a child, you know, to see it grow and go through its life journey, right? To see it grow up. But in this case, it was premature. Who cares? Now, I'll just erase it. Darn, my hands hurt. We can do it. Look how small it's become. Here's our eraser. We managed to erase its entire face. But the heart, the heart remains here. Let's draw a special person. Let's also send him a little message. Can you give it to Antonio? Do you know what the worst part is? What? That it will be erased. It's true. Now you care about that drawing because it's you. Let's erase Antonio. And there's actually a certain satisfaction in erasing Antonio. Maybe we should also erase him from our studio. Let's speed it up, guys. Know that behind these recordings, there's this man wearing a Marvel t-shirt. There you go. Then how would Kama be if he were a woman? Let's find out. At this point, I'm forced to put so much force because otherwise it won't erase anymore. It removed that protective layer of paper that allows easy erasing. I have to erase with inhuman force. What's the point of having billions of sheets? To make your drawing save trees. Use only one for the rest of your miserable life. Let's do a self-portrait. This, guys, is me. Here's the heart thief. Well, I don't feel like drawing it. If you want to have this t-shirt, too, go check out our shop. I'll draw the most beautiful woman you've ever seen. Do you like it? You don't like it. Don't worry, you're not her type. And if you didn't like it, it's just because you don't promote all types of beauty, even the ugliest ones. It's 8 and 35 P.M. Ah... Let's see how much progress we've made. We've made a whopping 1.8 centimeters, but unfortunately, I think this will be the last drawing I'll erase. We've precisely reached the heart in our eraser, but it's not enough. Its heart still exists. And this eraser has defeated me. With this drawing, I even erase my honor. Were you hoping for a different ending? I'm sorry.
Channel: RichardHTT
Views: 2,202,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: richardhtt, richard htt, fraffrog, fraffrog e richardhtt, sfida, gomma, matita, sfida di disegno, cancellare, cancellare disegno, disegnare a matita, richardhtt disegni
Id: JkCnNjw3ing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2022
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